Chris Pratt is mortified he challenged Dave Bautista to a fight while he was loopy on Ambien

Careful with sleeping pills, kids. It could make you ask a former WWE champ to fight you

Film News Bautista
Chris Pratt is mortified he challenged Dave Bautista to a fight while he was loopy on Ambien
Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, and Chris Pratt Photo: Charley Gallay

Sleeping pills can make people do weird shit, as Chris Pratt learned after taking Ambien and almost setting himself up to get his ass beaten by Dave Bautista.

While promoting his new non-MCU movie, The Tomorrow War, on The Late Late Show, the actor tells James Corden about being on the wrestling team in high school and being very into the sport while growing up. When Corden tells him he’d like to wrestle him, Pratt shares the Bautista story, saying, “There was a moment in my life where I would take sleep aids to help me sleep and I don’t anymore because of things like this … I would text people and I’m blackout—I have no idea what I’m texting people. [I’m] on like an Ambien. The next morning, [Bautista] comes and he says, ‘Hey man, that text you sent last night.’ He goes, ‘You don’t remember? Bahahahaha’ and I was like what and he walks out.”

Asking Bautista to fight you and not remembering is bad enough, but the details of the actual text are even more cringe-worthy. The text, according to Pratt, was mortifyingly long, and he kept repeating how much he wanted to wrestle his Guardians Of The Galaxy costar. To make matters worse, Pratt even wrote in the text that he thought he could beat Bautista, writing, “I think I could take you. I think I can wrestle you, bro, like collegiate rules. No elbows, no knees. I just want—I want to feel the power.” Thankfully, the actor is well-aware that Bautista could absolutely kill him, no matter how much he’s been working out for all his starring action roles. But now we’re wondering what would’ve happened if Pratt had seriously asked the former WWE champ to fight him. We’d pay good money for that fight if Pratt is brave enough to follow through with it.


  • robert-denby-av says:

    Bautista would win by standing so still that he became invisible.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Until Pom Klementieff walked past and yelled, “Hi Dave!”, ruining the illusion.

  • hasselt-av says:

    If you see someone on a flight acting really weird (not violent, but just saying odd things that don’t make sense) they almost certainly took ambien. Often, they took too much or mixed it with alcohol, but sometimes even the normal dose can do it. Don’t worry, it will wear off with no ill effects, but you might be in for a few hours of intersting behavior. 

    • bradley2-av says:

      Haha my college roommate liked to get “high” by staying awake through Ambien. People like to say being drunk is a heightened version of who you really are (not sure I buy that) but Ambien is totally the opposite. You become an agent of demented chaos. Luckily you can only move like 5 feet so its just interesting. I was playing Tony Hawk and he was guessing credible Wheel of Fortune answers that didn’t exist. Don’t give them food.

      • kate-monday-av says:

        Yeah, that’s what would happen when my husband took it – if he went to sleep right away, then he might go downstairs and eat a jar of macadamia nuts, but nothing else.  If he stayed awake, he’d be this weird sleepwalking version of himself and wouldn’t remember a thing the next day.  My mom was visiting once and got to see him in action, and I told her “it’s ok, he’s not really awake right now.  just let him do his thing”

        • barkmywords-av says:

          Yeah, I was on Ambien for a while. I put on 30 lbs. from sleep eating. I sometimes remember flashes of what happened. One time, while sleep eating, I burned corn tortillas on an open flame gas stove. I’ve had phone conversations I don’t remember. I’ve found an open vodka bottle on the counter the next morning. I once ordered an iPad online. I don’t know how the drug is still on the market. I’ve mentioned it to 4 different doctors, and they all just would look puzzled and move on without investigation. Doctors lose their ethics faster than politicians.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          See, this is why I stick to weed and opioids.  They don’t make me do weird shit.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        The Sloth variant of Loki.

    • america-the-snyder-cut-av says:

      Or they are mentally ill. Not “certainly” on Ambien.

    • ahoymattey-av says:

      I once took Ambien on a flight from O’hare to Heathrow. I woke up over Ireland and was happy to arrive in the UK rested… until I looked down and my shirt/pants were COVERED in food. I guess I ordered all the meals provided and then ate them with the motor skills of a toddler. From border patrol to getting my luggage, it was the most mortified I’d ever been in an airport. No more Ambien on flights for me!

    • kinjabitch69-av says:


      • hasselt-av says:

        Ambien is perfect for trans-Atlantic flights because you sleep for most of it, then you wake up with enough time to organize yourself before the flight lands. And you usually don’t feel drowsy afterwards. During a period of my life when I flew back and forth frequently, it worked very well… until the time it didn’t.On a direct flight from Munich to Philadelphia, I followed my usual routine and fell asleep. Then the next thing I knew, I was in my mom’s car, then promptly threw up when we arrived at her home. To this day, I have no idea how I gathered my carry-on, made it through customs and immigration, found my bags on the luggage carousel, walked to the pick-up area and met up with my mom. When you hear the request during a flight “Are there any medical personnel on the flight?”, I’ve answered that call (I’m a doc). More than a few times, it ended up being an ambien zombie, which is mostly just people talking nonsense, but odd enough to scare those sitting around them.  So given that, I’m really surprised my words were coherent and didn’t set off any alarms when I went through passport control and customs.

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          I once answered the call as to whether there were any doctors were on the flight and they asked me “Are you sure?” to make sure I understood the question. Much to my relief, they went with the next person who arrived who looked the part (but come on, I was coincidentally wearing my medical school jersey which had the word “Medicine” on it in big letters!).

    • destron-combatman-av says:

      One of my favorite non-sexual or non-violent (read: tame) ex party house madman life memories is taking a shit load of ambien and playing grand theft auto… san andreas I think? I remember reaching a peak where I was completely unaware of my surroundings, of my body, and I was so focused on the game that I was pretty much hallucinating that I was in the game.  I probably played it for a few hours before my roomates came home and I snapped out of it/woke up. 

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      “Don’t worry, it will wear off with no ill effects, but you might be in for a few hours of intersting behavior.” What if they’re the pilot?

    • adohatos-av says:

      The only time I tried Ambien I had an unusual side effect, mild hallucinations. I only took half of a pill and within twenty minutes colors seemed brighter, light was more…interesting, I could see faint tracers when moving my hands and the start of geometrical shapes when I closed my eyes. Thankfully I’ve had some experience with hallucinogens so I wasn’t too worried but someone who didn’t realize what was happening could get pretty freaked out. It was kind of like the beginning of a very weak acid trip but no body high, just mild visuals. I’ve wondered what more would do but I’m too old to experiment these days.

      • BarryLand-av says:

        I had an amazingly horrible cough twice back in 1979 and again in 1980. To the point of wretching, the whites of my eyes were cherry red, and I would grab my head and moan from the pain every time I coughed. I went to the doctor and he gave me a script for “Hycomine HC” cough syrup, with a warning, “Don’t take it until you get inside your house!”. $7 for a big bottle of it. Oh, this stuff is banned and not made in the US anymore. I got home and took 2 teaspoons of it and INSTANTLY, the coughing stopped. I hadn’t slept for a couple of days and barely drank anything, so I pigged out and ate a ton of food, and chugged a couple of Pepsis down and went to bed. I woke up and took my next dose, and started watching the ‘79 World Series, and one of my dogs came in and I saw my first “Whoa!!” thing. He got up on my bed and to me, his muzzle appeared to be about 6 feet long, with two tiny brown eyes at the end of it, blinking at me. So I had to pee, and when I looked at my feet, they were, instead of their usual size 12 or so, they appeared to be about 3″ long, at the end of my very long legs. After I got done in the bathroom, I came out and saw about a 2 foot long pink fly on the wall, and a giant blue caterpillar, and they were moving. I was highly amused by the whole thing, and I cut down on the dosage needed to keep my cough gone, so the stuff lasted longer, and also keep the hallucinations, they were a lot of fun. One of the highlights was looking at bright lights and closing your eyes made you feel like you were falling. Even though I have always been scared of heights, I loved that feeling. When I got the cough from hell the third time, they had taken something out of it, it still worked on the cough, but no hallucinations. So sad.

    • orbgirl-av says:

      Never done ambien, but I once took a couple of Valium on a flight. Combined with my usual chronic pain meds and an inflight gin and tonic, and I basically ended up telling the entire story of how I figured out I was trans to the poor woman sitting next to me until I passed out mid sentence. She was surprisingly nice about it lmao, but it’s definitely an intensely embarrassing memory. Still, definitely the most enjoyable 15 hour flight I’ve ever been on at least.

  • harrydeanlearner-av says:

    I know he’s on the outs with the AV Club, but I still like Pratt. He comes off as a decent if not that bright guy. And as a schlubby guy myself who has been exercising his ass off for the last six months, I do appreciate his effort to get in shape. IT SUCKS.

    • nilus-av says:

      From all accounts he is not a bad guy, it just seems like he maybe runs with some shitty people(especially his church). He has at least not been one of the vocal Christians celebrities’ claiming he is persecuted in Hollywood for his beliefs but to be fair, that usually only happens when stars fade and I think Pratt has a long time before he ends up at the level of someone like Kevin Sorbo.  

      • america-the-snyder-cut-av says:

        From all accounts he is not a bad guy, it just seems like he maybe runs with some shitty people Yeah, his brother…

      • cattarsussinus-av says:

        He admits to shooting animals for fun and has abandoned pets, including a senior cat. Those both rate pretty high on my ‘bad guy’ meter, even discounting the church situation.

        • nilus-av says:

          I did not know that. 

          • willoughbystain-av says:

            He said he has “great respect” for the animals he kills. The Monty Python sketch “Hunting Mosquitoes” begins with Graham Chapman saying “I love animals. That’s why I kill ‘em”.
            I think these statements could have been swapped and the effect of both would have remained much the same.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Kevin Sorbo: the non-thinking man’s Lucy Lawless.

    • scaught1978-av says:

      I like both Chris Pratt AND James Corden.  So I probably am not in the AV Club target audience anymore

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      I like him fine as an actor. I don’t think he’s necessarily that great, but he has an undeniable charm/charisma that lends itself to certain comedic/comedic-action roles. His personal politics and religious views raise a lot of flags. He belonged to an anti-LGBTQ church. He supports gun control, but he also owns, like a crazy amount of guns, like an unsettling amount. His brother seems to have some kind of ties to conservative extremist groups. It adds up.  But as long as he stays in the acting arena and doesn’t go down the Reagan route, he lands on the right side of OK with me. If I learn he’s donating money to some wack job fascist, or he gets up in front of the RNC to yell at an empty chair or whatever, I’m done. 

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        The notion of an unsettling or crazy amount of guns to be owned is minorly baffling to me.Like, how many guns do people think it takes to be able to murder anyone with them? Because as a gun nut, my answer has always been ‘one’. Going from ‘zero guns’ to ‘a gun’ is the threshold that has to be crossed for someone to be able to kill someone else with a gun. Anything after that is kind of irrelevant. It’s like thinking that Jay Leno is more likely to kill someone in a car accident because he owns an entire museuem’s worth.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          It kind of reminds me of people who snarkily say that the chances of you winning the lottery are only insubstantially increased by buying a ticket. Except that your chances of winning the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket are a flat zero, whereas if you buy a ticket, even if your chances of winning are extremely low, they’re still in a whole different category of possible than zero.Your chances of shooting someone to death if you don’t have access to a gun are zero. Now, just owning one gun doesn’t suddenly mean you have a high chance of shooting someone to death, but the odds have just increased a whole lot.

          • revjab-av says:

            And we certainly hope so, since that’s the whole point of defending yourself with a gun.

        • 8193-av says:

          The quantity of guns can speak to the mindset and inclination of the person, which can impact their dangerousness. It’s not unreasonable to think that someone might be more likely to kill someone if it looks like they’re armed up enough to hold off an FBI siege. We’re still not talking a huge likelihood, but still.

        • merk-2-av says:

          Uh huh. Sure. If the Las Vegas shooter owned a single pistol, he would have killed dozens of people in a minute.

        • aray-han-av says:

          That explains why you’re a gun nut. 

      • ajvia1-av says:

        Hs church is weird and he likes guns is probably like 40% of America

      • borkborkbork123-av says:

        “He belonged to an anti-LGBTQ church.”Oh, he belonged to a church?

    • america-the-snyder-cut-av says:

      That is exactly the public personality he has crafted. He is in the job of being charming for pay. You dont actually know Chris Pratt.

      • castigere-av says:

        This is the same with absolutely every actor. But you can’t sell ‘em out just cuz they’re paid to be charming. Like every other walk of life, hasty generalizations either way are perilous.   Are you sure you’re not recognitions?

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I’ve been to paradise, but I’ve never been to Chris Pratt.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      As an actor cool and good usually. He sometimes comes out with very questionable “Jesus loves you, god is the way” type stuff. Not that exactly, but you know akin to and I think he’s said it at events for kids. Also knowing it’s associated with very cult like anti queer church makes those sentiments even worse. His choice in Christianity actively recruits people, young people, portraying itself as the “cool” church and requires donations. All of that is messy and not great. If he had kept it to himself fine do whatever, he doesn’t always choose to keep it to himself.

    • merk-2-av says:

      I like him as a comic actor, but I cannot take him seriously in dramas. His “serious” face just makes me crack up; I see a smirk in every promo picture for his action movies. I loved his character on Parks and Rec and see it in every role he performs.

      • harrydeanlearner-av says:

        Fully agree. That’s probably why he was perfect for GOTG and for James Gunn films by and large. 

      • thomheil-av says:

        100%. His emotional beats in Infinity War fall completely flat for me, which always takes me out of the big fight with Thanos on Titan. I know that’s a silly example, but it’s the first time I realized why I don’t connect with him as a dramatic actor. He just can’t muster anything more than a grimace and an “oh yeah?” tone, and I’m transported straight back to Parks & Rec.

    • willoughbystain-av says:

      I don’t have any strong feelings about him either way, but nothing quite sums up the inanity of the modern life like the number of news outlets that thought a relative handful of people on Twitter declaring him the “worst Chris” was worth covering.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        It was so bizarre that fellow celebrities felt the need to rush in and defend Pratt from what was just a silly extension of a joke that boils down to, “Hey, an extremely common Western given name for men has unsurprisingly gotten wide representation in a film franchise.” It would be like the President signing an executive order confirming under law whether or not a hotdog is a sandwich.

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      Chris Pratt has an undeniable charisma and he’s got a quick mind. But I think at some point in his Hollywood evolution he started running with some pretty whackadoodle elements. He’s not the first actor and he won’t be the last to get himself twisted into a pretzel by some weirdo fringe group.But I do miss the lovable loser that he was before he made it big. If you ever listened to any of his early interviews, he basically was a smarter version of Andy Dwyer before he got super-famous.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      I don’t necessarily dislike him, but I think it’s pretty obvious that his public persona doesn’t match his private persona. 

    • oh-thepossibilities-av says:

      It does suck. I went from 309 down to 173 over the course of 13 months or so. Some months were easy. Some months were hard. And some months I was in a bad place mentally from the diet I was following at the time. When I was 173 my wife showed me a picture of myself and I looked emaciated. My ribs were showing through my back… all in all, not good. I’ve been working on putting on muscle since and am up to 205 now, where I feel comfortable. I don’t know if there was a point to me sharing all this other than “I feel you,” but there it is. 

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Pratt was high on ego and a good career run. Money makes guys loopy like that.

  • bagman818-av says:

    Chris Pratt on the James Corden Show is on repeat in hell.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    That is so something Chris Pratt would do.

  • nilus-av says:

    I mean it could be worse,  he could have started tweeting racist shit on Twitter.  

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    “The next morning, [Bautista] comes and he says, ‘Hey man, that text you sent last night.’ He goes, ‘You don’t remember? Bahahahaha’ and I was like what and he walks out.””I LOVE YOU LARGE DAVID😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      That’s such a perfect Drax reaction.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I love that there seems to be not a trace of macho man ego in that response. No, “Well, even if you didn’t mean it, you challenged my masculinity and I have to shut you down now for honour” type posturing. Just a dude comfortable in his strength and abilities who can laugh the whole thing off.

      • jayrig5-av says:

        Back when Deadspin was real and they ran Virgilbags about meeting wrestlers there was a Bautista one where he came off incredibly well. This was pre acting but at or around his WWE peak. Summary: fan met him somewhere, they talked about MMA training/gyms, the guy invited him to work out at his gym if he was ever back in town, Bautista randomly calls him up months later to take him up on it, they do some training drills, then go out to lunch together with this random guy’s gym buddies, Bautista is totally down to earth and ends up picking up the entire tab discreetly. 

  • capnandy-av says:

    Ambien will absolutely make you do dumb shit. My personal highlight remains the morning I woke up to discover a confirmation email from Amazon, telling me the literal case of astronaut ice cream I’d ordered was on the way.I still have no memory of that night, but my best guess is that my thought process was “I like astronaut ice cream” and then I just clicked on the first thing for it I saw without noticing I was buying 36 of the damn things.

  • secretagentman-av says:

    ‘When Corden tells him he’d like to wrestle him…’. Mmmhhmm.

  • newsom303-av says:

    I’ll go out on a limb and guess that this wouldn’t have worked out well for Chris. Putting aside all the pro-wrestling and acting, Bautista is a legit badass. He’s an MMA trained former bodybuilder who grew up street fighting in EXTREMELY violent neighborhoods and spent years as a bouncer in bars and clubs where shootings and stabbings are more of a problem than drunks and fistfights. Now, he didn’t have the MMA career or amateur wrestling career and training of Brock Lesnar, and isn’t the athlete that Lesnar is. But he would absolutely eat Chris Pratt alive. That said, putting them in their GOTG costumes, having them legit fight, and adding it as an after credits scene would be pretty epic. 

    • itsamandemic-av says:


  • destron-combatman-av says:

    Wow, latent homosexuality while blacked out coming from a guy who attends a homophobic church.BIG FUCKING SURPRISE.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I have some sympathy for him. I have taken care of people on ambien who did some very weird shit while under the influence of that drug. Nothing as weird as challenging a giant to a wrestling match, but still, pretty weird.

  • djclawson-av says:

    Does being a WWE “champ” mean anything? Does it reflect anything about wrestling ability?

    • mark-t-man-av says:

      Does being a WWE “champ” mean anything?In most cases, it means he’s athletic and can take a lot of punishment.In this specific case, it means Pratt challenged a 6 foot 6 300 pound mixed martial artist to a fight.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Yeah, I think that Bautista could have been a professional sign twirler before becoming an actor, and the fact that he is roughly the size of a small township would be enough for him to take care of Pratt in a fight. (Of course he might not have gotten that build without being a wrestler first, but who knows? Some of those signs can be pretty heavy.)

  • brewcity35-av says:

    “We’d pay good money for that fight if Pratt is brave enough to follow through with it.”Considering Batista(Bautista) considered an MMA career, Drax might “literally” kill StarLord.

  • hulk6785-av says:

    Batistas, like basketballs, don’t hold grudges. 

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Could have been worse: Pratt could have challenged Bautista to an acting contest, and then he would have been absolutely destroyed.

  • mackyart-av says:

    That Dave Bautista story was funny, but that rubix cube demo was amazing.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    I’m mixed on Pratt. But I LOVE Burt Macklin, FBI!

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