Christian Bale will play Gorr The God Butcher in Thor: Love And Thunder

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Christian Bale will play Gorr The God Butcher in Thor: Love And Thunder
Christian Bale Photo: Frazer Harrison

Following the robust Star Wars section of the Disney Investor Conference was Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, who arrived with his own deluge of film and streaming updates. As expected, there were a ton of the them, including trailers for Disney+ series WandaVision, What If…?, Loki, and The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. He also dropped some updates on the pending films, including casting news for Thor: Love And Thunder. That said, meet Christian Bale, who will be facing off with the God Of Thunder as Gorr The God Butcher.

Bale has been in talks to join the cast since January, though his specific role was never confirmed. An occupant of an unnamed planet, Gorr is particularly skilled in combat and torture—so skilled, in fact, that he once bragged of torturing the god of torture.

Feige also confirmed that production for the fourth Thor installment will begin in January with Tessa Thomspon, Taika Waititi, and Natalie Portman returning. As announced in July of last year—back when major Marvel news was delivered live during packed events like Comic-Con, remember that?—Portman’s Jane Foster will be wielding the hammer as a “female Thor.” As of right now, Thor: Love And Thunder is scheduled to release in theaters February 11, 2022.

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