Clark Kent is going through some stuff in this new trailer for The CW's Superman & Lois

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Clark Kent is going through some stuff in this new trailer for The CW's Superman & Lois
Superman & Lois Photo: Nino Muñoz/The CW

We’ve already met the title characters from The CW’s upcoming Superman & Lois on Supergirl and various Arrowverse crossover shows (not to mention decades of superhero fiction, but that doesn’t count), but we still haven’t really gotten a sense of what kind of threats Superman and Lois will be facing on a weekly basis—this is a CW show, after all, so you can’t have Doomsday showing up constantly. It’s expensive to put all of those bony spikes on someone. Now, though, The CW has released a new teaser trailer featuring Arrowverse Superman flying through some crystalline representations of the members of his family while he voiceovers about being a good person and holding onto the bonds of family. You know, Superman stuff. There are little glimpses of the Clark and Lois’ teenage sons (born from some Crisis On Infinite Earths reality-shifting shenanigans), but not a whole lot beyond that.

Considering that some of the “beyond that” stuff sounds a bit troubled, that might be a good thing. The series premieres on February 23 on The CW.


  • stevil555-av says:

    Yeah, sure, but where’s the murder, Christ metaphors, and edgelord bullshit to let us know Superman is tormented?

    • laserface1242-av says:

      How can Clark commit suicide to win an argument with his kids that they shouldn’t save people out of spite?

    • arcanumv-av says:

      I believe they’re hidden behind the complex, exciting drama of getting the teens to take out the trash and do their homework.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      No people getting their guts ripped out? This Superman show is for babies!

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      They didn’t even have the balls to make Jimmy Olsen into a CIA  agent who immediately gets shot in the face.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      That’s why Superman’s one baby son became two sexy teens at the end of Crisis. The only thing more powerful than Superman is a CW executive tapping their foot going “yes, but how are we gonna work some angst in there?”

      • junwello-av says:

        “That’s why Superman’s one baby son became two sexy teens at the end of Crisis.”  That’s some daytime soap magic right there.

    • laylowmoe76-av says:

      He should teach his sons what his parents taught him, i.e. they owe nothing to no one and should feel no obligation towards using their superpowers for good.

    • sensesomethingevil-av says:

      Also Martha.

    • kemperboyd63-av says:

      don’t worry, this show is for a different type of baby brained moron

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      I’m tormented by the thought that thousands of people die every time that Superman stops for a personal moment.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Hopefully they flushed them down the toilet along with that talentless odious hack Zack Snyder.

  • dr-boots-list-av says:

    For once we have definitive proof: This Superman fucks.

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Also disproves Man of Steel, Woman of Tissue.

      • raven-wilder-av says:

        Not necessarily. At least Pre-Crisis, it looks as though their kid(s) may have been conceived while they were on Argo, where Kryptonians don’t have powers.

        • edkedfromavc-av says:

          Anything to shut down people bringing up a decades-old joke that was just barely funny in its heyday.

          • dr-boots-list-av says:

            That essay would be perfect for the reading list of a course on the history of nerd culture misogyny and its late-mid-20th-century “Women are freakish aliens, but I sure love boobies!” perspective.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          The pre-Crisis kid was conceived on earth, Lois went to Argo to minimize the difficulty of a human woman carrying a Kryptonian child

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Yes but where’s Diggle? 

  • laserface1242-av says:

    I find it impressive that the CW is actually making a Superman show after years of stuff  show about Clark when he was a gaslighting asshole prior to becoming Superman, a show about Superman’s dad, and show about Supergirl.

  • notochordate-av says:

    Is it wrong to hope this is the CW’s response to WandaVision?

  • argiebargie-av says:

    I have yet to find a watchable CW superhero show. 

    • murrychang-av says:

      Legends from season 2 through last season is good, though goddamn does the show suffer for not having Ray Palmer anymore:(Stargirl is surprisingly good also.  I thought it would be all teen high school drama bullshit but there’s actually very little of that.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        It’s not on the CW but Doom Patrol is also really good!

      • cajlo63-av says:

        Legends of Tomorrow is easily the most consistent show on the network. It’s relatively clever and self aware and the writers know what kind of show they want it to be. And in some ways its more progressive than Supergirl yet the writers don’t pat themselves on the back for it near as much.

        • murrychang-av says:

          Absolutely.  The writers are smart and know comedy, plus like you said it’s progressive without being heavy handed or self congratulatory about it.

        • bostonbeliever-av says:

          I’d say it’s definitely more progressive than Supergirl. They cast a Welshman!

      • hadrianmosley-av says:

        Stargirl is proof that all these DCCW shows need to cut down their episode length to greatly improve them as it has the same trappings of those shows but cuts out the majority of the crap.Not sure if that will fix Batwomen though, that show is just shit regardless but I hope the new lead will cause it to improve LoT style.

    • guyroy01-av says:

      Stargirl has been considered a home run and best superhero show they have done in a while. It is also completely different from the CW-formula

  • tommelly-av says:

    That first shot of him looks kind of derpy.

  • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

    One of the things I liked about Man of Steel was that Lois figured out who he was in about 10 seconds flat and we mercifully were spared that incredibly tired bullshit of her not realising Superman and Clark are the same person.The day they abandoned that in the comics was a fantastic step forward and I was delighted to bypass it in the films too.

    • minimummaus-av says:

      Every CW superhero show that tried to have the main character maintain a secret identity from their loved ones eventually ditched that because it didn’t work. They tried to get drama out of it, but it made the audience dislike characters who were having normal, reasonable reactions to someone who was constantly lying to them.

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      Absolutely agreed on that point at least. Kudos for realizing that Amy Adams always comes across as too smart to be that dumb (I don’t mean this as an insult to Margot Kidder, but she definitely had the kind of chaotic energy that came across as “Brilliant investigator of everything except her own personal life”)

  • treerol2-av says:

    I like these versions of Clark/Superman and Lois. He’s got the cornball charm down, and I enjoy the hyper-competent, brassy teammate Lois.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      I really like Tyler Hoechlin’s humble take on Superman & Bitsie Tulloch as a feisty Lois

  • perlafas-av says:

    I’d like to watch the brainstorming sessions behind these shows’ titles. Must be quite exciting.

  • stevetellerite-av says:

    omg, NOnot the Super-SonsANYTHING but that

  • franknstein-av says:
  • miked1954-av says:

    A bit of a flashback. This Lois looks slightly like Margo Kidder, the original movie Lois.

  • guyroy01-av says:

    I will definitely watch this, but I have reservations about their choice for “teen sons”. Teens always ruin a show. They are almost always pointlessly rebellious on TV with dumb melodrama. (Teen shows for teens with this is fine I guess).But Hoechin earned this. His superman has been stellar and I liked the more “normal” guy approach he has brought, which is what Christopher Reeve brought. (Superman is basically invulnerable so I never got the ripped Cavill type). People do not appreciate what the odds were this would ever be made. Just a few years ago when the CW introduced him on Supergirl, he was supposed to be a three episode special guest to get eyeballs on Supergirl’s move to the CW (which DC only grudgingly allowed because of the new network move to give supergirl a some buzz on its new home). DC did not want any superman or their main characters on TV because of the movies. When Supergirl was on CBS for a year, they were not allowed to cast a superman.It was only because of the fans extremely positive reaction that he kept being brought back and became a yearly fixture on the “crossovers”. If Hoechin was not perfect in the part and did not nail it, this would have never happened. It deserves a watch only to see if his great portrayal in limited appearances can translate into a regular show.

    • luke512-av says:

      I read somewhere the sons are gonna be in a love triangle with Lana Lang’s daughter… so get ready for an awfully written CW romance.

    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      I mean, it’s the CW so… sometimes the teen characters are okay?And if it’s any comfort, they’re mostly played by actors in their mid to late 20s.

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    I want to write a sci-fi story about an America where it’s against the law to like superhero entertainment past a certain, young age. It’ll be a utopian tale. Humbug to superheroes!

  • wuthanytangclano-av says:

    This looks terrible. Dan Levy should play the lead in Superman and Lewis.

  • ghoastie-av says:

    So, a few things:1) That’s some really, really unbalanced writing. A fraying rope conceit whose payoff is “nah actually it’s fine” with a sharp pivot into “Family… family… family?” Jesus.2) The echoing fadeout implies the person speaking is dead, or at the very least in the Phantom Zone. Unless they’re looking to drop the mother of all twists on us, that was a terrible choice.
    3) I’m not sure there’s enough bass-tone gravitas in the world to smooth that shit over, but if there is, Hoechin certain didn’t deliver it. His humble, matter-of-fact version of Superman (or Clark, really,) is a terrible match for this snippet, even setting aside how bad the writing is on its own merits.

  • hadrianmosley-av says:

    While I do like this new Superman, after Crisis I just want to see Brandon Routh to come back, even if its just a limited series.

  • dr-darke-av says:

    One of the most significant differences between the Berlantiverse and the Snyderverse is that Berlanti’s shows always come back to how heroes need their families (whether by birth, by circumstance or by choice), while Snyder wants his heroes floating out in the æther like Milton’s Lucifer, Anguishing About Being Above It All.

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