Clint Eastwood dispenses crotchety wisdom, dick jokes in Cry Macho trailer

Clint Eastwood, Eduardo Minett, and a cock go on a road trip in the Cry Macho trailer

Film News Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood dispenses crotchety wisdom, dick jokes in Cry Macho trailer
Cry Macho Photo: WarnerMedia

We’ll be honest: The trailer for Clint Eastwood’s new film, Cry Macho, had us guessing for a while. The initial setup—former rodeo star gets sent to Mexico to recover wayward kid—has some of the energy of a late-era Rambo movie, specifically the “Don’t ever go to Mexico, kids!” vibe of 2019's Last Blood. (That is, if Rambo was a former rodeo guy, doing, like, garrote-based rope tricks and stuff.) But then the kid in question, played by Eduardo Minett, actually turns up—complete with a pet rooster—and suddenly we’re in heartfelt wisdom and geriatric dick jokes territory, instead.

It’s worth noting that Eastwood—absent any chair-based political comedy routines he might at times choose to deploy—is still in pretty good command of his talents for deadpan comedy, and so none of this ends up looking as embarrassing as it otherwise might. Minett’s pleasantly earnest take on teenage rebellion and the meaning of being “macho” doesn’t hurt, either; similarly, we’re always going to be happy to see Dwight Yoakum poking at a tough guy from beneath a cowboy hat.

As per usual, Cry Macho sees Eastwood wearing both the director and the producer’s hats, in addition to Miko Milo’s former-horse-guy headgear. The script, meanwhile, is from Nick Schenk and N. Richard Nash, working from Nash’s 1975 novel of the same name. (Somewhat hilariously, the book’s version of its main character was 38, meaning Eastwood was 10 years older than the written character even when the book was first published.) The trailer definitely plays up some of the story’s more heartwarming elements—advice, definitions of masculinity, cockfighting—while focusing on the relationship between Eastwood and the kid he’s maybe, kind of, sort of kidnapped.

Cry Macho is aiming at a September 17 release date; it’ll arrive that day both in theaters, and on WarnerMedia’s HBO Max streaming service, where it’ll enjoy a 31-day viewing period.


  • Harold_Ballz-av says:

    I’ll wait for the porn parody My Crotch, Oh!

  • bloocow-av says:

    I can’t recall hating a movie as much as I hated, hated, hated Gran Torino. So yeah, I think I’ll pass on another “crotchety racist teaches immigrant kid about manliness” fable from Eastwood.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Cry Macho cry
    Former rodeo guy
    He’s old enough to wear diapers
    So cry Macho cry

    • toddisok-av says:

      Eastwood flies, and so does my heart
      In his kite made of sticks and strings and Depends
      I hope doesn’t’ get the bends
      I go along for the ride
      I’m not stupid like the rest of them, Eastwood, Eastwood, my sweet friend

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    Oh my God

  • bloocow-av says:

    I can’t recall hating a movie as much as I hated, hated, hated Gran Torino. So yeah, I think I’ll pass on another “crotchety racist teaches immigrant kid about manliness” fable from Eastwood. (I am posting this again because the original one is stuck in the greys)

  • anthonystrand-av says:

    Eastwood is 91 years old. Is he the first person in their 90s ever to direct a feature film?

    • bloocow-av says:

      Nah, there’s at least a couple of Japanese directors I can think of that continued into their 90s.Mind you, Eastwood’s style of direction seems to be pretty… Laissez-faire, which probably requires less active engagement than other kinds of direction. Just plonking the camera there and letting actors (and non-actors) do what they want. I don’t think he ever met a take that he didn’t think was good enough.

    • oh-thepossibilities-av says:

      Portuguese director Manoel de Oliveira made a movie at 103. 

    • snaxchain-av says:

      That has to be some kind of record. 

    • ericmontreal22-av says:

      James Ivory at 87 or 88 was unable to get insurance to direct Call Me By Your Name so… I’m guessing yes?

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      No. Alain Resnais was in his 90s. And yes, Oliveira was in his 100s. I’m sure there are others.

    • prognosis-negative-av says:

      Godard is 90. “Feature film” might be a stretch for what he makes now, but he’s still working.

    • loremipsumd-av says:

      Good question, Jodorowsky comes to mind, but I believe he’s not crossed that threshold. And, knowing fully that she hasn’t, I must mention the world treasure Agnes Varda.

  • leonthet-av says:

    Gran Torino II: Road Trip to Mexico!

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I know I shouldn’t be shocked that a nonagenarian sounds old but goddamn Clint Eastwood sounds old.  He sounds somebody who’s not good at impressions doing an impression of Clint Eastwood.

    • msbrocius-av says:

      I had the same reaction to his appearance in The Mule. He looked so old and fragile. And of course he was 88 at the time, so I don’t even know why it shocked it me. But it did. Even then, I am still surprised how much his voice seems to have changed between now and then.

  • erikveland-av says:

    So two cocks and Eduardo Minett?

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    Clint Eastwood:  He has a certain set of skills.

  • baronvb-av says:

    I expect to see plenty…………OF ROOSTER

  • nextchamp-av says:

    So this is a sequel to ANY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE, but instead of a monkey it’s a kid?

    • toddisok-av says:

      It’s a cock!

    • puddingangerslotion-av says:

      I see you’ve pulled a confusion! The apeshow was in fact called EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE, and it got a sequel, ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN. Nobody could beat Clyde’s snappy repartee though, so I hope this isn’t meant to be a third entry in the series. That would be like making RETURN OF THE JEDI, but hiring someone else to play Chewie.

  • prognosis-negative-av says:

    Two thoughts: 1) They should have just used the actual Morricone “Falls” track, not whatever cover that was, and 2) Everyone who hasn’t should watch the trailer for The Mule. The movie was fine, but the trailer is incredible.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    Clint Eastwood dispenses crotchety wisdom

  • mackyart-av says:

    Could director Eastwood at least have sped up the frame rate when actor Eastwood threw that slow punch? It reminded me of the scene in The Irishman when a CGI’d Robert DeNiro tried to beat up and kick a guy, but it just looked like a Godzilla slo-mo scene with the kick receipient valiantly overacting to sell it.

  • Mr-John-av says:

    He really should have called it a day with Grand Torino

  • toddisok-av says:

    Geriatric dick jokes territory:
    Does that mean the jokes are old, or they’re about old dicks?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Glad to see he’s still plugging away at his age. I’m not going to watch this film, but I’m happy it exists.

  • mortyball-av says:

    My friend used to PA for Malpaso (Eastwood’s production company). He said his main job was making sure no one ever brought up the chair thing to Eastwood, because if someone did, Eastwood blew the fuck up on them.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    No matter what Eastwood does in his career, he will always be the old man yelling at an empty chair. Those Dirty Harry films haven’t aged particularly well. I’m going to go as far as saying Eastwood is the Ted Nugent of Hollywood.

  • halolds-av says:

    Eastwood’s decade-long string of fictional tales masquerading as true historical stories has left me thinking of him as a hack, rather than the guy who directed Million Dollar Baby, one of my all-time faves and richly deserved Best Picture.
    American Sniper was the last straw for me. I understand dramatic license is a thing, but I thought that “based on true events” movie was the work of a cynically lazy storyteller who at that point was barely bothering to hide his contempt for the audience (as well as the real people it was supposedly about). Hated that movie. Forget about Sully and Richard Jewell. Skipped them because Eastwood made them.This one doesn’t look too bad though, and since it’s a work of fiction upfront I can relax a little and maybe enjoy it without feeling gaslit. Even if I do already feel like I’ve seen it a few times. Also, Guitars, Cadillacs, Etc. was the first album I had that was actually mine, bought with my own money. Dwight Yoakam has been one of my favorite entertainers for nearly my whole life, despite otherwise moving on from country music long ago. I suppose I could go see this as a token of my regard.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    Any scene where Eastwood punches a dude and doesn’t immediately crumple in pain from a broken hand/wrist/forearm is pure fantasy. 

  • trbmr69-av says:

    50 years directing and most of them are watchable and some are outstanding. 

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