Clint Eastwood sues people who thought "Try Clint Eastwood's CBD!" was somehow good marketing

Aux Features Film
Clint Eastwood sues people who thought "Try Clint Eastwood's CBD!" was somehow good marketing
Photo: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

Lesson to all the pot sellers—and also, now that we think about it, members of The Gorillaz—out there on the internet tonight: Never try to make Clint Eastwood seem cool. This is per The Hollywood Reporter, which notes that Eastwood has just launched a set of lawsuits against multiple companies accused of using his name to help peddle CBD, including placing fake interviews on the internet in which he supposedly endorsed the ever-trendy psychoactive compound.

And while we’re having a bit of fun with the actor-director who put the “I can shoot you, because my gun still has a bullet in it” in can-tankerous, he’s not the only famous person who’s been targeted by these schemes. Sandra Bullock and Ellen DeGeneres have both also been used for these fake interviews, apparently although Eastwood has managed go a step further by acquiring the names of some of the companies in question—including firms like Sera Labs, Greendios and, most frustratingly, “For Our Vets.” (Meanwhile, we find ourselves fascinated by whatever illicit marketing meeting produced those three famous people as the best choices for shilling CBD to people; does every American, in some way, exist on the Clint-Sandy-Ellen axis?)

According to one of the complaints filed today, Eastwood’s name was used in fictitious pro-CBD interviews with headlines like “Big Pharma In Outrage Over Clint Eastwood’s CBD: [Name of CBD Product] – He Fires Back With This!’”—even though the only thing Clint Eastwood would actually fire back with was a formally composed, too-rigid film about American heroism (or possibly one of his classic “empty chair rants”). Eastwood is also suing a number of companies that appear to have really tried to make it look like Clint Eastwood wanted to sell you his CBD, including using hidden metatags in their sites so that Google would bring them up when people searched for “Clint Eastwood,” as one does. (And no, we weren’t expecting to use “Google metatags” and “Clint Eastwood” in the same sentence today, either.) Eastwood is seeking damages on multiple charges with the suits, including trademark infringement and false endorsement.


  • nilus-av says:

    Is that header picture above Clint Eastwood or the Nazi in Last Crusade after he drank from the wrong Grail?

  • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

    I’ve always liked a fistful of edibles. 

  • ducktopus-av says:

    I think everybody here would prefer that Eastwood was made to answer for being himself instead of somebody else.

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    So what are the chances any of these peddlers actually tried to contact him and get permission to use his name/ image for their product? Do people still do that, or is that “too square?”

    • breb-av says:

      They probably just assumed Clint Eastwood has never even touched a computer or smart phone so what Clint doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

    • lordtouchcloth-av says:

      “Legalise pot, ban stoners” has always been my mantra. This shit is why.

    • roadshell-av says:

      He never would have said yes.  Even if he was okay with being associated with CBD he’s almost certainly out of their price range.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Not everyone can handle this situation with the finesse of Gorillaz.(Oh hell, missed the mention in the article. Well, I’ve already done it now.)

  • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

    I get that name recognition wouldn’t be as high, but I’m pretty sure Clint’s son, Scott Eastwood, would probably be more willing to sell something with CBD in it. When he’s not busy playing with his meat on Instagram, that is.
    (He’s cooks for a hobby. He cooks and smokes meat and trades insults with Geoff Stults. It’s a niche insta but if you enjoy grilling and making fun of Geoff Stults, it’s the insta for you.)

    • bagman818-av says:

      Maybe, but it sounds like they’re looking for greater name recognition, and not actually paying people for the endorsements, so your plan won’t work for them.

      • paraduck-av says:

        They didn’t want to pay a million dollars, baby.

        • doctorwhotb-av says:

          I’m sure that once this is all settled, no matter what these companies try to do to make it up to Clint, in his mind they will all remain unforgiven.

          • paraduck-av says:

            They should’ve just paid him his original asking price – he was even willing to address their annual shareholders’ meeting for a few dollars more.

        • opusthepenguin-av says:

          How dare you sully us with a pun like that. You should truly be unforgiven. And um… something something… space cowboys!

          • paraduck-av says:

            Oh boy, I’m in the line of fire now! I was walking a tightrope with that pun, thinking I was flying like a bird because I was oblivious like a rookie, not counting on the enforcer of good taste. You came in and threw down the gauntlet. I’m now reeling from the sudden impact. In a perfect world, I would’ve said nothing.

    • theotocopulos-av says:

      I get that name recognition wouldn’t be as high…(abruptly bursts out laughing and coughing)

    • toddisok-av says:

      That is pretty specific

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Definitely with Clint on this one.  Don’t steal somebody’s name and fame for your snake oil.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Person Woman Man Camera TV. Pass it on.

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    On one hand ‘fuck Clint Eastwood’ on the other ‘fuck shady marketing scum’ – there are no winners here this day. 

    • nilus-av says:

      Also fuck CBD peddlers in general. Its fucking snake oil. It wasn’t even a thing until a few states legalized Marijuana and the growers in those states realized that being limited to selling in one state put a cap on their profits so they came up with shit they could sell to other states that they could produce along side actual cannabis. Personally I think early on it was very unregulated and a lot of times people getting CBD only product were actually getting THC as well but once they cracked down on that the shit they sell now is just a placebo. I could be wrong, most my evidence is anecdotal but pretty much all cannabis research is at this point. I have seen theories that CBD does matter but your body needs the THC as well to process it. I know that edibles with both THC and CBD do knock me out and help me sleep but CBD on its own never does that and THC only edibles don’t conk me out without the CBDI have a problem with a lot of the CBD peddling because I dislike how its marketed. I was at a pediatric pain conference last year(right before Cannabis was legal to buy in IL) and one of the speakers was this lady selling CBD and if you listened to her you would think the shit cured cancer and Alzheimer and was the key to world peace.    

  • cigar323-av says:

    According to, there’s only two degrees of separation between Clint Eastwood, Ellen Degeneres, and Sandra Bullock.

    • nilus-av says:

      Given the amount of people Clint fucked and had children with,  he is probably related to both of them

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Slightly sneery tone about Clint Eastwood aside, this seems like a pretty clear cut case. They’re fraudulently trying to associate him and his image with a product he doesn’t endorse without getting permission or paying royalties. I know Eastwood’s a super right-wing old white guy who makes boring movies these days but, well, he’s not wrong on this one.

  • vaporware4u-av says:

    “Did I order six ounces or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is Super Cannabidiol, the most powerful CBD brand in the world, with one puff blowing your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question:
    “Do I feel crunky?” Well, do ya, punk?”

  • franknstein-av says:
    • doctorwhotb-av says:

      I didn’t realize that Edward Norton was part of the Tannen Gang.
       And, yes, I know that’s not Ed Norton. 

  • precognitions-av says:

    Did he hire six lawyers or only five?Sorry I got nothing here. I hope he wins. Fuck scammers.

  • sybann-av says:

    The man missed a perfect opportunity to explain away that damned stupid chair rant.

  • unspeakableaxe-av says:

    I know I’m probably old and wrong, but Clint Eastwood is still kind of cool, isn’t he? As cool as a 90 year old staunch Republican man can be, anyway. Yeah, he has unpopular and sometimes problematic political opinions, but he’s a cinema legend, starred in a few of the best (and most subversive) westerns ever made, and directed a few legitimately interesting, not-very-Republican-at-all movies. He lionized a jazz legend and made an Oscar-winning movie that advocated in favor of euthanasia. And Unforgiven is a stealth attack on capitalism that was probably written by a legit commie. I don’t agree with a lot of what he probably thinks, but I find him more of a “complicated” figure than an outright risible one.Compared to John Wayne, who was in mostly stodgy movies and was a total piece of shit at least some of the time, Eastwood still feels like the intellectual, counter-cultural western guy. Just have to accept that the western guy spectrum runs from “staunch Republican” to “white supremacist,” so even the counter-cultural version is way to the right of me.

    • unspeakableaxe-av says:

      Yes, I do get that calling Eastwood “counter-cultural” after he starred as Dirty Harry is pretty hilarious. Still.

  • kasley42-av says:

    Did he start with “Cease and Desist” or go straight for the lawsuit. By this time, the use of his image is probably not doing much good anymore, so the seller can pay a fine and move along.  Maybe the seller can even declare bankruptcy and offer a non-apology apology.

  • jamesharden99-av says:

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