Clint Eastwood's drama about the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing gets its first trailer

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Clint Eastwood's drama about the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing gets its first trailer
Screenshot: Richard Jewell

Clint Eastwood’s Richard Jewell, a drama about the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing, explores how the titular character, who discovered the bomb before it detonated and helped clear out the park, was vilified in the aftermath after being labeled a suspect by the FBI and the media. It’s a timely story in an era that’s becoming defined by the words “fake” and “news.”

Paul Walter Hauser, who made a splash in 2017's I, Tonya, stars as Richard, who turns to an anti-establishment lawyer played by Sam Rockwell as the walls begin closing in on him. Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde co-star in the film, which opens on December 13.

Watch the trailer below.


  • phillamos-av says:

    Call me when Pete Davidson and John Mulaney review this movie.

    • taylorhandsome-av says:

      There better be double the orgy scenes in this one!

    • synthwavesamurai-av says:

      I had no idea they did Clint Eastwood reviews.The main thing I took from this is that Clint Eastwood’s 90 year old character in The Mule has TWO 3-ways. I haven’t seen the movie, but I’m guessing Cialis was to The Mule as IHOP was to Man Of Steel.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Boy, Eastwood only knows how to make one kind of movie these days…don’t he.

  • skpjmspm-av says:

    It would be interesting if the movie goes into the sympathy law enforcement and too much of the general population had for Rudolph. The inability to conceive that a Christian activist could possibly be a terrorist helped Rudolph get away for years. And it’s why he’s not demonized as an American Carlos. But even the other side, the insistence that only a loser, such as a mere security guard nobody, could possibly be so perverse as to fight the God-given order. 

    • lynxswmud-av says:

      But even the other side, the insistence that only a loser, such as a mere security guard nobody, could possibly be so perverse as to fight the God-given order.But he had so much porn in his house! I was young(ish) and at the time, with the way it was framed, it made it seem like he was a huge pervert so of course he did it. God I hope he got millions and billions for what he went through.

      • corgitoy-av says:

        The only media organization that Jewell and his lawyer sued that didn’t settle out of court was the Atlanta Journal Constitution, which won a Georgia Supreme court decision that while Jewell may have been entitled to a settlement, and the AJC did not have to pay a judgement to a dead person.

        • lynxswmud-av says:

          Damn. I was thinking more along the lines of suing the FBI. But it looks like they didn’t actually accuse him of anything, just leaked that he was a suspect. I guess you can’t go after them for leaking it?

          • corgitoy-av says:

            Attorney Janet Reno made a public apology after the FBI investigation into Jewell went nowhere.  But by that time, the media genie was out of the bottle.  And as it is almost impossible to sue the federal government, the only way to seek redress was for his lawyer to go after the media outlets that went with the narrative the FBI supplied them.

    • sirwarrenoates-av says:

      Like THAT is going to happen…

    • jimisawesome-av says:

      The movie is called Richard Jewell so I would imagine most of the movie would revolve around him and there is more than enough story to tell about Jewell that Rudolph does not need to be mentioned much at all.
      Rudolph basically got away (publicity-wise) with the Olympic bombing because the press spent a yearly loudly repeating every piece of bullshit from the FBI about Jewell to the point I am sure there is still a sizable number of people that believe Jewell did it.
      I do hope there is a movie or show eventually about Rudolph that can go more indepth but I am not sure Eastwood is the person to tell that story. I do think the Jewell story is still a very important story that needs to be heard and a conversation needs to be had. The press might be even more willing today to act as a stenographer for law enforcement. The press/social media/us are still fast to jump at the first possible suspect that makes sense. We are still too trusting of criminal profiles and other pseudoscience hell given the rise of shows like manhunter and criminal minds probably even more so. And we still stick with the narrative even when facts change see this site today still repeating the Aurora shooter was dressed as Joker myth.

    • bcfred-av says:

      He was found in a small town in North Carolina near where my parents had a cabin.  Consensus was there was no way he could have hidden out in the area for so long (it was YEARS) without some people helping.  For some of the staunch anti-government hermits up there he was probably a hero.

  • franknstein-av says:

    An Eastwood movie abo0ut a terror attack? What could go wrong?

  • recognitions-av says:

    What a surprise, Clint Eastwood is making a movie about a beleaguered white guy.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Fuck Trumptard Clint Eastwood.

  • tarijeno83-av says:

    It’s crazy that the guy who played the chubby juggalo kid on Always Sunny is headlining an Oscar bait Clint Eastwood movie.

  • therealchrisward-av says:

    Paul Walter Hauser’s performance looks incredible. But jesus christ…this is going to be a movie about the mainstream media getting it wrong and ruining a white dude’s life, isn’t it.

    • huh1-av says:

      Weird, it’s like it’s based on a true story or something. 

    • lmh325-av says:

      I was onboard until it became super clear that was the direction this was going. The tension in the trailer was even good. If this was being made by any other director, I’d be rolling my eyes less.

    • jtemperance-av says:

      That’s basically what happened so what do you expect the movie to be about?

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I mean…that happened to Jewell, though…?

      • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

        “Hey kindergarten class. Welcome to your first day of school, yay! Did you know you’re all going to die?”I mean… Sometimes factoring in when to share truth is important. And I’m not sure a movie that attacks the media (as shitty as it can be) is what this country needs right now.

        • veteran-of-a-thoudand-psychic-wars-av says:

          The media’s probably a good chunk of the reason why Trump was able to get within a country mile of 1600 Pennsylvania in the first place. Fuck ‘em.

          • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

            I agree.But that’s not the argument this movie is likely to make. This movie is most likely to make Trump’s FAKE NEWS version of ‘the media is bad’ argument. We don’t need a popular movie giving credibility to Trump’s whining.

        • ithinkthereforeiburn-av says:

          Um…have you been actually watching how the media and “journalists” have been behaving over the past 3 years?This movie is exactly what we need right now, because this shit has been going on long before Donald Trump was sitting in the Oval Office, it’s just gotten completely out of hand since 2016.

          • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

            If you think Clint Eastwood is going to make a movie that dislikes the media for the reasons you think the media is bad and not for the reasons Trump thinks they’re bad… I’m not sure what to tell you.

        • bathsaltsbecky-av says:

          They understand that, but pretending not to understand lets them seem “rational” and truth-y.

    • galdarnit-av says:

      “this is going to be a movie about the mainstream media getting it wrong and ruining a white dude’s life, isn’t it.”

      AKA the absolute truth? 

    • MagicalFairyEeyore-av says:

      But that’s what happened….  Is this some weird reverse-trolling tactic being employed?

    • bcfred-av says:

      It could be an interesting look at how Orwellian the law enforcement and media communities can be once they’ve latched onto a narrative. 

  • richarddawsonsghost-av says:

    Yeah, I’m good, thanks. I’m sure Clint Eastwood will find a great way to tell us about how bad random white dudes have it.

    • daymanaaaa-av says:

      God it’s just been so hard to only be 44 out of 45 of the US presidents. And most of the CEOs. And most of the other rich dudes in the west.

      • tarps-av says:

        I’m sure those facts made Richard Jewell feel a lot better as he was getting railroaded for absolutely no reason. “Hey, at least people with my same skin color are doing well in other areas!”

    • yummsh-av says:

      Yeah, ever since he pulled that ‘Get over it’ bullshit in regard to Trump’s racist blathering in 2016, I’ve pledged never to give him another dime. He’s got plenty of dimes. He’ll be fine.That’s what he gets for fucking with the ‘pussy generation’, I guess.

    • jimisawesome-av says:

      You got to be kidding me. Jewel was a fucking hero that was treated like shit by the FBI and the Media. Where the real bad guy was a white terrorist too.
      And the woke wonder why Trump won.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Not getting into the “woke” strawman, but this? You got to be kidding me. Jewel was a fucking hero that was treated like shit by the FBI and the Media. Where the real bad guy was a white terrorist too. Yep. People who think this is an “aggrieved white man” narrative don’t know what they fuck they’re talking about, or they DO know Jewell’s story and don’t care.And, hey, the latter is fine, I guess, if you’re into that sort of thing.

        • jimisawesome-av says:

          I will defend my woke dig as not being a strawman. It is in reference to people saying “…will find a great way to tell us about how bad random white dudes have it.” and “God it’s just been so hard to only be 44 out of 45 of the US presidents. And most of the CEOs. And most of the other rich dudes in the west.”When this is a movie about a specific white guy that was a hero that saved lives and then had the power of the state and media ruin his life. But, sure white guy president as if that has shit to do with this story. This is shitting on working class white guys and acting like they have any real power and it is costing democrats votes by union members staying home.

        • thekingorderedit2000-av says:

          People who think this is an “aggrieved white man” narrative don’t know what they fuck they’re talking about, or they DO know Jewell’s story and don’t care.It can be two things.

      • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

        Dumbshits like you are why Trump won.You did what FELT good, and then rationalized it as everyone else’s fault rather than be accountable for your own vote.

        • jimisawesome-av says:

          I did not feel good about voting for Hilary in a swing state genius but I did my duty. Though I tried to warn you and I did my best to prevent this in the primary.

      • yummsh-av says:

        And here I thought the only reason Jewel was treated badly was because she’s a terrible singer.

      • MagicalFairyEeyore-av says:

        Trump won by soliciting foreign interference and appealing to people who think Obama was a Gay Racist from the Planet Muslim.This movie sounds interesting.  It’s tragic what happened to that guy, and it would do well to remember that this was perpetrated by guys who jerked off to the Turner Diaries, who would go on to sire today’s right wing incel trolls.

    • reynard1-av says:

      The irony being that it *was* actually a “white dude”, Eric Robert Rudolph, who made and planted the bomb. (I’m gonna guess and say that Rudolph is never mentioned in the film — or if he is, it’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it thing.)

  • synthwavesamurai-av says:

    Everybody seems to be dismissing this as just another example of, “Oh, look at the poor white guy. Boo hoo.” But this particular white guy really did get screwed over in a truly heinous way by the system. It is an interesting story and I can’t wait to see it.

    • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

      He’s gonna thread the needle of focusing on Jewell so that folks like you can say “It’s true! So it can’t be a standard Eastwood rah-rah white guy movie”, but never look at how whiteness and more so richness and Christianity protected the actual bomber for years. Nope. It’s gonna be look at this white victim (which he was) and how the lamestream media fucked him all by themselves (which is only a portion of the story).That’s why I’m rolling my eyes. Not for the reasons you’ve assigned to me.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    The role that would’ve won Chris Farley an Oscar.

  • rock-lionheart44-av says:

    Booksmart proved that Olivia Wilde is an extremely gifted director. This trailer reminded me that her acting leaves a lot to be desired.

  • keponeintheriver-av says:

    I can’t help but wonder if Mr. Eastwood’s movie about this incident would be an in depth character study and examination of our law enforcement/media culture if the perpetrator of this bombing had been a terrorist inspired by the extremist views of some **other** religion.

  • cartagia-av says:

    Paul Walter Hauser, who made a splash in 2017’s I, Tonya,as Charlie Kelly’s Juggalo friend

  • miked1954-av says:

    I’ll bet money in this film he conveniently overlooks the Olympic park bombing being a Christian right domestic terrorist incident perpetrated by people who 20 years later would be Trump supporters. In ‘American Sniper’ Eastwood overlooked the fact that we had invaded someone else’s country on false pretenses and were killing people defending their homeland from foreign invasion.  

    • onychomys2-av says:

      The FBI didn’t identify Rudolph as the bomber for nearly a year later (once he’d blown up three more bombs), so if the movie is just about the immediate aftermath of the Olympic bombing, then he’ll have no choice but to overlook it. 

    • jimisawesome-av says:

      Well the movie is called Richard Jewell so I am sure its going to center around well you know what happened to Richard Jewell.

      • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:


        • jimisawesome-av says:

          I know what miked point was, to shit on a movie he has not seen because he does not fit his politics 100 percent.

          • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

            Thanks for proving me right!Life must be easy for you. Anyone who disagrees is just too biased to have an intelligent point. “THE WHOLE WORLD IS BIASED AGAINST ME!!!!”

    • galdarnit-av says:

      “In ‘American Sniper’ Eastwood overlooked the fact that we had invaded someone else’s country on false pretenses and were killing people defending their homeland from foreign invasion.”

      “Overlooking” something isn’t the same as “not being about” something.

    • zzzzsleep-av says:

      He also overlooked the fact that humans can tell the difference between a doll and a real baby.

  • doctorwhotb-av says:

    I remember all this. The press did a 180 from Jewell being a hero to an attention seeking bomber so fast that it almost seemed like a different news story altogether. Yes, it’s horrible that Trump is painting the media as the enemy of the people; but he didn’t get that from nowhere. People were already distrustful of the media, and this is one of the big reasons why.

    • bcfred-av says:

      I actually knew the guy, a number of years before all this happened (and had just left the Olympic Park prior to the bomb going off). I was sitting in a restaurant when his face was flashed up on a TV over the bar as a suspect and about fell out of my chair because it was so absurd. He had always wanted to be a cop but was rejected from the Atlanta police academy and so worked security instead. Just a nice, mild-mannered guy. To see him painted as some sort of criminal mastermind who was single-handedly outsmarting the FBI was beyond ludicrous. The stress of this experience absolutely killed him.

  • ziggywiggy-av says:

    Why do I feel like the folks complaining about this movie being some sort of white man salvation movie don’t actually know the story.

    • bikebrh-av says:

      No kidding… A lot of weird white man hate in these comments. Just because he was a white guy he didn’t get horribly fucked by law enforcement and media to the point that the stress probably took years off of his life? He died at the age of 44. He was a hero, and innocent, and is still the butt of jokes.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      They don’t. Occam’s razor.

    • galdarnit-av says:

      Because the folks complaining about this movie being some sort of white man salvation movie don’t actually know the story. 

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      It might be some of that, but I think it’s also general resistance to this kind of story being told in this kind of contemporary climate, by this particular reactionary filmmaker.

      • burnlawyerburn-av says:

        What “kind” of story is this? I remember when all this happened, and I don’t know what kind of story it is. By remember, I mean, I was up late watching the Olympics when they broke in to announce a bomb had gone off in Atlanta. Let’s not forget that the guy who actually did it was a white supremacist.

      • veteran-of-a-thoudand-psychic-wars-av says:

        “Trump is bad so we must show nothing but unquestioning fealty to the media and security establishments you guys.”

    • dirtside-av says:

      I don’t know if this means anything, but I saw your comment complaining about the complaints before I ever saw anyone complaining.

      • jimisawesome-av says:

        This dudes comment came well after the first few comments that bashed it for being about white males because something about 45 presidents as if that has anything to do with the movie.

    • veteran-of-a-thoudand-psychic-wars-av says:

      I’m just here for the especially scorching hot takes like “Jewel was a working class white male from the south who chances are may have had problematic views so of course he deserved to have his life ruined.”

    • czarmkiii-av says:

      Because Clint Eastwood’s track record recently is basically that and I’m willing to wager the majority of the commenters either weren’t alive or too young to remember it.  

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Thassa well-done trailer.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    Eastwood doesn’t care about Richard Jewell, or much of anything beyond getting Republicans elected and telling the same story over and over while the critics pretend it’s worth watching. What happened to Jewell is awful but his memory being exploited for quick cash isn’t going to make that any better. Just save your money and read his Wikipedia profile.

  • charliepanayi-av says:

    Some of the comments here are using the existence of endemic racism in society as an excuse to be sneering and shitty about a guy who was falsely accused of a terrible crime and who died at the age of just 44. Take a look at yourselves guys, glad there’s been some more even-handed comments at least since I saw this article a few hours ago.
    As for Eastwood’s politics, I couldn’t care less, the guy is a living legend and we’re lucky to have him. Yes, his output over the last decade or so has been pretty erratic, but it’s impressive he’s still making films at 89 and I thought The Mule was pretty good.

  • fg50-av says:

    If he is still around in five or six years, Eastwood can make “Nicholas Sandemann”.

  • veteran-of-a-thoudand-psychic-wars-av says:

    Came here expecting to see a bunch of supposed progressives stanning for corporate media and the FBI and I was not disappointed. 

    • ithinkthereforeiburn-av says:

      It’s almost as though these idiots actually believe that having 90% of the media controlled by 6 corporations is a good thing.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Let me guess- it’s going to be 2 1/2 hours long and will be paced to make the audience feel like they’r dragging a set of barbells around with them.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    While watching this moving about the evil press and back stabbing FBI guys who ruined an innocent man’s life (and yes, they did, not to minimize that), please remember Eric Rudolph, the guy who really was responsible for the Olympic Bombing that killed two people an wounded more than 100 others, was an anti-abortion, anti-gay, white supremacist Christian extremist whom Trump would have described as “very fine people.”

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