Colin Jost is heading to Wrestlemania, but not before getting his ass choked

Aux Features Colin Jost
Colin Jost is heading to Wrestlemania, but not before getting his ass choked

Last night, during Monday night Raw, viewers got a glimpse of what we can only assume is the beginning of the WWE/SNL shared universe. During a pre-taped backstage moment, “Weekend Update” hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che inexplicably took part in a sketch that ended with Jost being lifted off the ground and choked by the lumbering heavyweight Braun Strowman.

All in all, it’s a pretty good bit, in which Jost plays the intimidated wrestling skeptic to Strowman’s grunting enforcer. It should also appeal to any SNL fans who grow weary of Jost’s smarmy, know-it-all humor, and have often fantasized about wrapping his smug mug in a headlock. The staged altercation ends with Strowman saying, “I’ll see you guys at Wrestlemania,” as the pair have apparently been recruited as “guest correspondents” at the April event. They’d be wise to bring along a friend, like, say, Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy, as backup.

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  • starvenger88-av says:

    If only there were a member of the Five-Timer club that could protect them from Strowman. Candice Bergen *is* available, yes?

  • plaidcladjester2-av says:

    As a wrestling fan and also someone who doesn’t mind Jost’s weird, pasty smarm, i gotta say this was good until they cut to a commercial. On one hand, i don’t think you were supposed to think Strowman was strangling Jost for the full 3 and a half minute break. On the other hand, WWE usually cuts it so that the show is happening in “real time”, with things usually having progressed while the commercial break is there giving the vague idea that it doesn’t matter there were commercials, things were still happening (so come to our live shows god damnit) so…kind of weird. That said, WWE seems to just be admitting kayfabe is basically dead on Raw and Smackdown (IMHO, kayfabe was never actually a thing- wrestling presents a fiction where the jo bnof the wrestler is to believe in the narrative and commit so hard to the action that you forget it’s all staged while it’s happening, just like singers, actors, musical theatre actors (especially musical theatre because it asks an equal amount of my imagination and a hell of a lot more of my patience to pretend people breaking out into the same five types of song and dance is either believable enough to want to pay attention to or impressive enough to make me care about the personalities involved)) which would nit for a minute be a loss to the business. If we could all just say, “they are human beings playing roles to bring us the craft of wrestling on the plate of narrative and we should hold them to that standard,” there would be less assholes in the fanbase.

  • theclassic-av says:

    WWE and SNL are already in a shared universe. Previously Jon Stewart appeared at Summerslam, John Oliver was on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Rachel Dratch is occasional guest star of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Rachael Dratch was a featured player on SNL.See, the clues are there if you follow the canon.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Kevin Owens pop-up powerbomb to Jost or GTFO.

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    John Stossel and David Schultz did it first. I thought Jost and Strowman were going to get a room

  • gone--av says:

    But what of the AV Club/American Darters Association shared universe?

  • noisetanknick-av says:

    The guy claims to be a comedian, but he hasn’t changed his name to “Colin Jokes” already?

  • wadddriver-av says:

    How do you “choke” an “ass”?  Asking for a friend.

  • mr-ducksauce-av says:

    Yeah, they didn’t use the comedy writers at all in terms of script writing, they defaulted to wrestling skit writers.What a wasted opportunity.

  • beerguyrob-av says:

    It’s okay – Black Widow will save him.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    So Colin Jost is invited to a showing of WWE RAW. He then goes on to tell a wrestler, to his face, that wrestling is fake. And you STILL allow this man to be invited to work at Wrestlemania? Add in that he has NO IDEA who anyone was (claimed he hasn’t watched wrestling since the early 90s) and this is already looking to be a trainwreck.

    • espurious-av says:

      Colin Jost is a comedian. The things he said were deliberate. They were jokes, whether you got them or not.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    So does this explain why Colin Jost has started bulking up?Not really complaining…if he sorts out his hair he’d look pretty alright.

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