Comedian Conner O’Malley infiltrates a Donald Trump rally in Arizona

Aux Features Comedy

Conner O’Malley, a writer for Late Night With Seth Meyers, believes in bringing his comedy to the people, whether they’ve asked for it or not. In February, O’Malley donned the guise of “Tony Camarabi, New York City’s #1 Masturbator,” in order to attend a New Jersey sex expo. Now, as “Mark Seevers,” supposedly an emissary of (the nonexistent), O’Malley has plunged head-first into the maddening abyss of a Donald Trump rally in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he talks to supporters and detractors alike. Apparently taking the real estate mogul’s words too much to heart, O’Malley says that he’s “ready to crack the heads of the protesters.” Luckily, no head-cracking goes on here, but the carnival-like atmosphere and the merciless Arizona sun have an undeniable combined effect on the comedian, who seems to experience some kind of a hyper-patriotic epiphany.

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The Trump supporters O’Malley interviews during the six-minute video are mostly older white people who think of the GOP front runner as “a winner” who will “clean up Washington.” As for the protesters, O’Malley has this pertinent question: “If Trump was a racist, how come he’s an American, huh?” An appearance by the candidate himself, who preaches an anti-immigration sermon, pushes O’Malley to unprecedented and unhealthy heights of Trump-mania. Like Charlie Sheen in Platoon, the comedian falls to his knees and begins screaming. He’s so demonstrative that no one, from either side of the debate, seems to want to be near him at that moment. And this is just a prelude to O’Malley’s Forrest Gump-like decision to run toward the Mexican border, fueled only by Monster energy drink and unsweetened applesauce, in order to start building that infamous proposed wall one rock at a time by himself.

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