Comedian Sabrina Jalees tells us how to make a baby without "the shortcut"

Aux Features Sabrina Jalees

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If you’ve seen Sabrina Jalees’ stand-up or listened to her on a podcast in the past two years, then there’s a chance you’ve heard her tell the amazing story of how she and her wife had their son, Wolfie. It’s a tale of surf instructors, back tattoos, and Moana, and it’s one that the comedian is happy to tell time and again. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Jalees, and she explained why it’s important that she keeps telling the story and how she hopes to help normalize the process of “independent insemination.” She even went the extra mile and walked us through the four steps to making a baby without “the shortcut.” For more on Sabrina Jalees and her wife’s journey, check out her episode of The Comedy Lineup on Netflix.


  • hlawyer-av says:

    It just goes to show that, regardless of sexual orientation or gender, parents always believe that people give a shit about them being parents. how it happened, and what their kids are doing.

  • lurklen-av says:

    Cute story, and props to her and her wife for not getting bogged down in how fertilization is supposed to be done. One of the stupid things about the modern baby making industry is how many hoops people feel they need to jump through to avoid messiness or for things to be official or proper. Making babies is a stupidly simple process much of the time, and really only gets hinky when fertility issues arise (and that is a big struggle that makes people feel crazy, and sucks real hard) so people shouldn’t feel locked into doing it one mandated way.That said, Wolfie? C’mon man, kid better at least have a middle name he can switch to if he wants.

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