Count the passing Bearimy on The Good Place’s DIY Chidi thirst calendar

Aux Features the good place
Count the passing Bearimy on The Good Place’s DIY Chidi thirst calendar
William Jackson Harper Photo: Colleen Hayes

This post contains plot details from “Whenever You’re Ready,” the series finale of The Good Place.

In the months and years to come, we’ll look back at the last chapter of The Good Place as one of the great series finales. The final gift Chidi (William Jackson Harper) gives Eleanor (Kristen Bell) before walking through the door that leads onward will certainly be among the reasons we cherish it, but will it compete with Jason stumbling toward true enlightenment, or Tahani finding a new purpose, or that tiny fleck of light tapping a stranger on the shoulder and pushing him toward a good deed?

Maybe, maybe not—but now that you can hang it on your own wall, it’ll certainly have an edge.

In advance of Valentine’s Day, the official Twitter account for The Good Place shared all the images you need to print your own version of the calendar Chidi leaves for Eleanor to remember him by—though it must be advised that the calendar tracks Bearimy, not months, so turning to it for earthly organization is not advisable.

That said, the calendar is (as the cover image declares) for one full Bearimy, and apparently a Bearimy is made up of 12 somethings (Jeremies, maybe? Is a Bearimy comprised of 12 Jeremies?), so as long as you’re willing to not know what day it is, you could at least use it to track the months.

Bless The Good Place’s art department for going to town on this thing. Chidi put together a variety of looks, including Sexy Professor, Sexy Mailman, and Sexy Professional Wrestler, though there’s a special place in our hearts for this one, where he’s offering up a certain someone’s favorite beverage while wearing a tux.

That last one—it’s just too much.

Looks like a man who would treat you right, then offer you a nice hot bowl of Chili Con Peeps.

And there’s even the traditional calendar back cover, showing all of these glorious images in one place.

You could be forgiven for printing one of these for yourself, to remember Chidi by, but perhaps an even better use of this late-arriving gift from The Good Place is to make like Chidi and give it to someone you love. And maybe then show them this video, just so they’re aware of how William Jackson Harper feels about thirst tweets.

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  • corvus6-av says:

    Confession: I was dreading having to watch this show end, so I haven’t seen the finale. But I read the review. And I basically start crying every time I think about it anyway. I think actually watching it would destroy me emotionally.

    Chidi and Eleanor spending lifetimes together until they (him first) go through a door into nothing is breathtakingly beautiful. But everything ending like that still gets me.

    • lord-andre-av says:

      Chidi’s talking about the Buddhist concept of “The Wave” was some incredible writing. Uggghhh tearing up thinking about it

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        It actually made me feel a little better, which was why he said it to Eleanor.

      • hrhduchessofnaps1-av says:

        Yeah, it’s been almost a week and I still have a Chidi-like “WHHHYY” reaction when I think about the Wave dialogue, because then I start crying.  Again.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      The Good Place finale is one of the all-time greatest TV finales, to me. And I am probably never going to want to watch it again 

      • TeoFabulous-av says:

        I thought the same, and then I went back and rewatched it six hours later and cried at all the same spots at the same intensity and then watched it a third time yesterday and absolutely can’t get it out of my head.Compare this to the end of How I Met Your Mother, which I have tried everything short of therapy to forget completely and which also retroactively stripped every desire I ever had to watch that show again.

    • inertiagirl-av says:

      Yes, it’ll destroy you, but in a good way. I recommend watching it when you need a good cry. Stock up on tissues. 

  • igotsuped-av says:

    I’m going to need William Jackson Harper to not be so jacked. It’s really putting me to shame as I stuff a pastry into my face.

  • alliterator85-av says:

    I’m going to make one of these, I swear.

  • comradequestions--disqus-av says:

    “The Perfect Gift for When Your Partner Has Committed Suicide”

  • hughjass1102-av says:

    Stay cool my chili babies.

  • precognitions-av says:

    why not have the door just reincarnate you? i thought it was a bit odd that he was quoting buddhism at the end if they didn’t consider this.

    • khalleron-av says:

      I think the point is that no one knows what happens. 

      • precognitions-av says:

        well…we do, though, don’t we? they go through a soul blender and turn into moral pollen.(which also begs the question: was this happening at all in humanity prior to their rewriting of the afterlife?)

        • steinjodie-av says:

          I think not.  The show made it pretty clear that it was strictly a Good Place/Bad Place dichotomy (with the singular exception of Mindy in the Medium Place.) Everybody went to one or the other, with nobody rejoining the universe in any other form.  This was all the work of Michael, Janet, and the four human protagonists.

        • fierycelt-av says:

          Do we, though? Just because that’s what we saw, that doesn’t mean that’s all there is. Maybe that’s just what Eleanor chose to do. There are, after all, more worlds than these. Maybe one day, they’ll meet again in one of the other places in the multiverse.

    • davidbowieslefteye-av says:

      What is “reincarnation?” You’d have different DNA and no memories, right? You could retain the little spark of “conscience” that Eleanor explains to Timothy Olyphant, but then your journey wouldn’t be over. Even in Buddhism they stop reincarnating after nirvana. That’s what nirvana is, as far as I understand; the rest is the final reward.If you’re a materialist like me, rest easy! your atoms will certainly be put to future use.

      • precognitions-av says:

        i’m an egotist. i’d rather just set up some kind of failsafe if/then in the afterlife that perpetually wipes my memory so i can keep experiencing the same joys infinitely. i mean hell you could put the entire story of the good place inside one of those doors and then make me forget what happened right when i leave.

  • LadyCommentariat-av says:

    This was such a perfect laughing-through-the-tears moment, and honestly, isn’t that sort of the best you can hope for in life? I’m very curious to see how it holds up in a year or so when it’s not still so fresh, but wow, that finale was one of the most intensely satisfying tv experiences I’ve ever had.
    (Also interesting to see how strongly opposing some of the reactions from other viewers were! Like, some people very highly offended and distressed by it. I’m not judging them—we all have our own belief and value systems—but I guess I was surprised to see such bifurcation in the fan base of this show, which I feel like has been pretty morally and ethically consistent.)

    • anguavonuberwald-av says:

      Yes! I found the finale to be intensely moving and beautiful, and to see so many react so angrily to it was strange. I found that “wave” metaphor and the idea of the final door to be really comforting. I didn’t find it bleak at all.

    • timmay1234-av says:

      Was it religion based offence? I’m surprised they made it that far if that was the case. 

  • weboslives-av says:

    For a quick second I thought that top pic was Raj from What’s Happenin’. Damn I’m old.

  • murso-av says:

    Show was really losing me towards the end, kind of felt like it ended 4 different times, but they stuck the landing

  • hulk6785-av says:

    I like that one of the “months” is for the dot over the i.

  • gerky-av says:

    Seriously considering printing these off at work and making my own calendar (we do digital photo prints where I work).

  • gravitaswetbanks-av says:

    Hot DAMN! While nothing can truly console me for the fact that this show is over, this calendar is a worthy attempt.

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