DaBaby cancels his apology to LGBT community

The rapper removed his apology on Instagram a week after issuing it

Music News DaBaby
DaBaby cancels his apology to LGBT community
DaBaby during his Rolling Loud Miami performance Photo: Rich Fury

Maybe DaBaby changed his mind about his apology to the queer community, or he decided that he actually didn’t want people to teach him about HIV/AIDS when Miley Cyrus offered to help him, or maybe it simply clashed with his feed? Whatever the reason, Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, or rapper DaBaby, deleted his apology to the LGBT+ community on Instagram one week after posting it.

DaBaby issued his apology on August 2, after a week of hemorrhaging festival gigs, including Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits Music Festival, Governors Ball, Day N Vegas, Music Midtown, and iHeartRadio Music Festival. In it, he (or his PR team) wrote, “I want to apologize to the LGBTQ+ community for the hurtful and triggering comments I made,” and reflected on his need to further educate himself on the subject at hand.

During his Rolling Loud Miami set, instead of a simple “Thank you for coming and supporting me and my music,” the rapper launched into a little diatribe about sexual transmitted diseases. “If you didn’t show up today with HIV, AIDS, or any of them deadly sexually transmitted diseases that’ll make you die in two to three weeks, then put your cellphone lighter up,” he told his fans. Followed by, “Fellas, if you ain’t sucking dick in the parking lot, put your cellphone lighter up!” Later on Instagram, he made sure to clarify that his LGBT+ fans aren’t “nasty gay n——as” or “junkies,” in response to widespread outrage.

In addition to his loss of billed performances, radio airplay of Dua Lipa’s remix of “Levitating” featuring the rapper is down significantly. DaBaby’s been silent on Twitter since July 30, but on Instagram it’s business as usual with videos from his latest release, “Giving What It’s Supposed To Give,” which was released just days after his remarks at Rolling Loud and makes reference to AIDS in the music video.


  • laserface1242-av says:

    It’s almost like he wasn’t sorry and is a huge asshole…

    • t714-av says:

      Well he isn’t sorry if sorry isn’t going to get him back on the tours that cancelled his performances.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      In fairness, his chosen name warned us.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      You’d think an immature homophobe wouldn’t wanna be a huge asshole…

    • toddisok-av says:
    • sensesomethingevil-av says:

      His name isn’t DaGrownAssManWhoTakesResponsibilityForHisActionsThat wouldn’t fit on a shirt.

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Apologizing isn’t supposed to be a transaction. You’re supposed to do it because it shows you’re an empathetic person that cares about other people and are willing to correct the behavior. You don’t do it because you automatically expect to be forgiven just for apologizing.Way to demonstrate that you’re a complete sociopath.

    • huja-av says:


    • laserface1242-av says:

      Says the dipshit who tries to justify someone being a bigot because they were bullied in school…

      • adroa-av says:

        u mad bro?

      • josephomar1-av says:

        So you took a screenshot (a form of shaming around here I assume) instead of replying so not to star someone who clearly has a better point then you had. Cool?. No wonder this site is failing.

      • nekojin-av says:

        Hey man, you do you. Live that coward life. I preach empathy, you unironically say ‘but they’re hurting the wrong people’. I just think it’s a sad, hilarious, conceited gesture from someone who’s not actually interested in having a conversation, only being right. Sounds a lot like Trump, actually. You and the orange man, two peas in a pod.And your reaction to having people correct you? Not an apology to the guy you attacked for literally no reason. Not a deletion of your comment. Just more posturing. Also like Trump, doubling down on pointless shit.

    • sh90706-av says:

      He’s probably got enough fans already.  Dont need any more. 

    • fgdfffdddddddd-av says:

      closeted gay rage, how many hip hop shows have u been too where the mc starts talkin about guys suckin dick? me thinks da baby doth protest too much

    • pie-oh-pah-av says:

      So you’ve got that in common at least, Jman.

    • canasta59-av says:

      As a gay man can I say this is the only huge asshole I couldn’t  give a fuck about.

    • canasta59-av says:

      As a gay man can I say this is the only huge asshole I couldn’t  give a fuck about.

    • tangorum-av says:

      Not you thinkin that celebrities are really sorry… People don’t change that fast

    • hisroyalbadness-av says:

      He’s sorry he was called out, nothing more. I got dizzy from the spin.

    • keyholderk-av says:

      He isn’t sorry, no one is. At least hopefully he is up front about it 

    • haha80-av says:


  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

    Maybe someone can clear up a yearslong source of confusion for me…How does he maintain an aura of being cool while having the stage name “DaBaby”? Is that not just one of the least cool names you’ve ever heard? It’s like one of those SNL “rappers with goofy names” skits (cf. Lil Baby Aidy.)

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      well, 2 Chainz went by the name Tity Boi for years because he drank his mother’s breastmilk into his teens, so i mean, rap names are a wild ride.

      • thenonymous-av says:

        Yeaaaaah…no lol.“The name Tity Boi actually came from my big mama, from me being spoiled and an only child—breastfed. My mama called me Tity Boi, my dad called me Tity Man, my hood called me Tit so when we was trying to rap I had been going by Tit my whole life, Tit, Tity, Tity Man —it’s just like a country nickname —term for being an only child.”

      • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

        I did not know this. Seems like that could have been focus grouped.

        • toddisok-av says:

          I really hope that isn’t true.

          • adohatos-av says:

            That was definitely his rap name when he was signed to Ludacris’ label but I hope that’s not why.

          • thenonymous-av says:

            It wasn’t.That was basically the intent behind the nickname, but it wasn’t an actual scenario.Besides, breastfeeding into your teens is 100% a weird white person thing, and absolutely not something that leads to a well socially adjusted person lol.

          • vp83-av says:

            Im pretty sure he just liked Titys

          • grizzlehizzle-av says:

            I kinda hope it is. 

        • feather-throttle-not-hair-av says:

          Isn’t that how all nicknames are born though? A group of friends focuses on making fun of you?

        • thenonymous-av says:

          It’s understandable you didn’t know it, especially because it’s not true and pretty obviously so lol.If 2 Chainz had breastfed into his teens he would have basically just turned out like that kid from Game of Thrones lol.

          • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

            I could care less about the breastfeeding part and more about the name “Tity Boi,” which is probably even less cool than “DaBaby.”

          • thenonymous-av says:

            My original comment is a quote from him explaining the name. It’s literally what his nickname was growing up, and everyone already knew him as, so he just ran with it lol.

          • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

            Yeah, I read your comment. “Tity Boi” is still a bad name, which is why he changed it to “2 Chainz”, a good name.I don’t profess to be the objective arbiter of name-goodness, but I think there’s a very compelling case to be made that “2 Chainz” both sounds cooler and avoids potentially uncool identifications with being a titty boy.

      • soveryboreddd-av says:

        Gross not to mention very creepy.

      • recognitions-av says:

        Somebody read Song of Solomon one too many times.

      • stephdeferie-av says:

        shouldn’t it have been spelled “titty boi?”

      • reinhardtleeds-av says:

        Wikipedia does not rule this out… wild, man. Not what I expected to suspect today.

      • liffie420-av says:

        Wait what the actual fuck?!? Into his TEENS

      • 123456abcefg-av says:

        Yeah but Tity Boi sounds like you get lots of tities, until you get the included story. Or that he is fat and has man boobs, but at least one of the three explanations sounds cool.

      • youcantwin-av says:

        He most definitely was not breast fed into his teens. Not sure where you’re getting that from, but it’s never been a part of the origin. 

      • popculturesurvivor-av says:

        Huh. I always thought that he was trying to pay homage to porno fan favorite TT Boy.

      • jonmakesbeers-av says:

        during my short lived rap career i tried going by “2 stainz” as a tribute to my underwear

      • yoshilu-av says:


    • storklor-av says:

      There was also the illustrious Pooh-Man, who also went by MC Pooh. Rap stage names shouldn’t put one in mind of gentle orange teddy bears. 

    • bscott-av says:

      Lil Dicky has entered the chat

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Apparently one of the downsides of modern day rap is that its a race to the bottom as to who can have the dumbest fucking name . I’m assuming someone will everntually just roll their face over a keyboard , and use the result as a name .Oh hey “skdjgfv kjwspldbvj” is playing Coachella! 

    • nilus-av says:

      Yeah its bad, its not peak “dad joke” rapper names though. M. Night scored that this year with Old and his rapper character “Mid-sized Sedan”

    • roadshell-av says:

      It is usually accepted for rappers to have AKAs that appear to have been given to them when they were really young.  Note all the grown men calling themselves “lil” or one of the most famous rappers of all time being named after a canine from a child’s comic strip.  It gives them an aura of authenticity to have had these nicknames from a young age rather than coming up with something “cool” sounding when they were adults.

    • hankdolworth-av says:

      He should change it to DaHomophobe, for clarity’s sake.

    • sensesomethingevil-av says:

      It turns out the show Dinosaurs is huge in the hip-hop community.

    • vp83-av says:

      I guess for the same reason we’re still churning out names like Lil Pump and Lil Peep like 25 years after Lil Wayne. And here I thought young people were supposed to rebel against the conventions of the previous generation, not double down on them

    • captainpresident-av says:

      It’s like the name Kid Rock. Really dumb.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    this has absolutely been the funniest implosion i’ve seen from an artist in a long time.

    • toddisok-av says:

      You think Kanye’s sitting there going “Man, ‘dat n— crazy!”

      • strossusmenor-av says:

        Nah, Kanye sits in front of a wall-length mirror playing ‘mirror-mirror on the wall’ all day long

      • reinhardtleeds-av says:

        Kanye’s in the bowels of Mercedes Benz Stadium thinking “what can I do with snow pants. I’m taking snow pants to the next level!” 

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        Kayne’s currently having assistants set up cardboard cutouts of Kayne all over Benz Stadium in preparation for his “night training” where they shut off all of the lights and he sneaks around the stadium in a ski mask and a black jock strap eliminating the cardboard Kaynes with a KA-bar.

    • oldmanschultz-av says:

      Not so sure about funny myself, but it might very well be the stupidest implosion we’ve seen from an artist in a long time.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I’m so here for this downfall because I hate his music and I’m fucking stoked I’ll never have to hear that garbage again. Makes sense, seeing how he’s a garbage person too.

    • peterjj4-av says:

      Most likely this will be a boost to his career, especially if he gets in on the cancel culture grift. I’ll just keep avoiding his music anyway. 

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        Regardless, he’s not going to get radio play anymore, which doesn’t really matter but if he digs himself a deep enough hole, there’s a chance streaming services will stop featuring him in their curated playlists which is a much bigger deal than it sounds.

      • colonelhotdog-av says:

        He’ll likely see a small bounce in popularity, but unfortunately for him, the suckers that fall for the “THEY TRYNA CENSOR ME!” grift tend to, uhhh… not like people of THE BABY’s… skin tone. Or musical profession.They will find themselves at an odd juncture, and I doubt they will part from their funds for some Not-Specifically-Trumper.

        • strossusmenor-av says:

          God damnit I don’t know how to put this in a decent way, but there’s a significant contingent among those of people of his ‘skin tone’ that are absolutely willing to blind-eye this kind of shit with equal abandon they way they did with Bill Cosby and Chris Brown. For those two I’ve seen long scrolls of people on Twitter saying shit that condenses down to ‘you aren’t as talented as him, you’re jealous’ and ‘just white people trying to take down a black man’ dismissals that completely rival Trump dumb fucks defending him or the rest of his traitorous ilk.

      • america-the-snyder-cut-av says:

        This is only a boost to his career if he becomes a Fox News correspondent.

    • LoganExplosion-av says:

      Are you somewhere that forces bad music on you? We can send help. You may not like it..

  • ghostiet-av says:

    Considering that he initially went with the “omg I am being censored” line and then quickly switched into “oh shit I’m actually sorry” mode after he got removed from 3 separate festivals within a week, I can’t wait for the retraction of the retraction.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      it’s worth noting even the second apology was mostly about how people shouldn’t be mean to him. 

      • strossusmenor-av says:

        and perhaps the most obviously ‘written by someone else’ apology in history.  Even Trump’s PR people would post shit closer to his own voice than that apology

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Seriously if Chris Brown still has a career after all the shit he’s done DaBaby will be just fine no matter what he does. When your rich and famous, real consequences for your actions slide off like water on a duck’s back.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I’m not defending Chris Brown, but he was considerably more popular than this guy and that’s the only reason why I believe he’s still around.

        • kinggojira-av says:

          Chris Brown’s manager really must be tired of his shit though.

        • soveryboreddd-av says:

          I never heard of this douche before this. I knew Chris Brown as a Usher knock off.

        • recognitions-av says:

          Depends on how you look at it. Brown has been around longer and had more consistent success but I’d say DaBaby’s getting more airplay these days and his current records are outselling Brown’s. DaBaby’s last album was No. 1 last year, whereas Brown hasn’t had a No. 1 hit since 2009 or so.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            completely different musical and social media landscape now, as well. dababy may have better current sales but he has fewer actual fans.

        • zffff-av says:

          Chris Brown has been shamed to the point where he is somewhat sidelined.  You won’t see him promoting anything, or being the face of any festival.  He completely lost that Michael Jackson shine.

        • jrhynes57-av says:

          No, Chris Brown is still around because when he did all his crap we weren’t neck deep in all the woke stuff we are now. Not that I think either of them don’t deserve anything, I’m just saying.

      • toddisok-av says:

        Is DaBaby rich or famous?

      • pclambo-av says:

        Idk if it you saw Chris Brown’s response to this but it shows you just how much shittier the baby is to the already not so great Chris Brown

      • fyodoren-av says:

        Maybe people care about his music and not his wokeness?Possible right? Hell, I’m watching LA Confidential again tonight and can’t fucking wait! Spacey doesn’t get to cancel that one for me.

      • sidewaysisfaster-av says:

        Hiphop culture has deeprooted homophobia baked in for decades. It’s really only recently that things are starting to change, and even then one by one. I can think of Frank Ocean and Lil Nas X as the only openly gay big time rappers (I guess Lil Nas X is more of a singer, but I feel like he’s part of hiphop more than anything else) around these days.

      • chuckrich81-av says:
      • dinguscon-av says:

        I think rappersR&B artists are more immune to being “cancelled” than most celebrities because of tHe CuLtUrE. That’s their persona and what their fanbase absolutely supports. Murder, drug dealing, rape, misogyny, racism, abuse, it’s a brand and a selling point. Not saying other industries don’t get away with it either, but rap sells saying the quiet part loud and their fans love and support it. For every Mos Def there are two dozen Da Babys.

  • adroa-av says:

    Good.  Can we cancel the rest of the mumble rappers now?

  • phizzled-av says:

    I can’t believe I wondered as recently as last year of Lil Nas X or Da Baby was a better example of current rap. 

    • mifrochi-av says:

      I really hope nothing too crazy comes out regarding Lil Nas X. He’s so cuddly! 

      • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

        You mean like him admitting he fantasized about molesting a very young family member? Nah, thatll never happen.Wait…

        • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

          So not only was that a supposed alt-account (with no evidence offered to prove that claim), but it seemed like a pretty obvious example of dark humor. And the only source I could find was literally under the “rumors” section of a hip hop website.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        He probably won’t have any homophobic comments I’m guessing. 

    • remytronprime-av says:

      They’re both garbage rappers. If they could both disappear the Hip Hop world would be better for it. For Lil Nas X, before anyone assumes, it has nothing to do with him being gay, he’s just not hip hop. He’s a pop star, sure. 

  • loveinthetimeofdysentery-av says:

    He didn’t immediately get his gigs back, therefore the apology is worthless

    • screwfacecapone-av says:

      It’s been worthless from the jump off. He only did it in the first place because he was losing money.

  • hawkboy2018-av says:

    I guess DaBaby’s apology has been *Strong Bad Voice* DA-LETED!

    *klaxon sound*

  • defuandefwink-av says:

    Dumb fucker acting like such a dababy.  Grow up….literally!

  • themaskedfarter-av says:

    Now every one is mad at me for publicly endorsing his run for president:(

  • cscurrie-av says:

    curious. I don’t pay attention to his music so it’s not the biggest thing to me what his Instagram has or doesn’t have. Beyond that, so many of the younger, newer rappers exist in a zone that flies above my head, or beneath my radar, whatever metaphor applies.For the vocal part of the audience who consider themselves “hip-hop is for real men only…” from his teen followers to guys (mostly, men) in their 50s now, they see the hubbub over this as part of the “Gay mafia” that allegedly “runs the entertainment industries” alongside the same ethnic cohort that Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says bankroll space satellite lasers. The tendency (currently; it always conveniently evolves) is to believe that there is an active plan to “slowly” replace every (presumably) straight rapper with someone gay; thus the rise of Lil’ Nas X is looked at as nothing less than apocalyptic. Rap publications like The Source and others had “who is the gay rapper”  headlines on a recurring basis in the aftermath of Eazy E’s HIV-related death in 1995 (at the local level, this discussion occasionally made its way to hip-hop radio, where fan callers could carry on at length about the ‘perversities’, ‘tricknology’, etc. that’s all over the place). The ‘h_tep universe’ (pro-black centered conspiracy theories) has become quite the cottage industry since computer/Internet tech enabled people to convey haphazardly rationalized claptrap to a wider array of people. It’s not just the Alex Jones crowd.
    Outside of mainstream pop festivals, I’m sure that Mr. Baby (how do you address him, formally?) will find show bookers without ultra-problems, since his core audience is nonplussed with any sort of LGBTQI+ activism.We’ll see what happens.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      I feel like so much progress has been made for the queer community that people forget homophobia still completely exists. 

      • cathleenburner-av says:

        1000%. It’s tough to wrap your brain around how far the U.S. has come in less than a single generation, and for plenty of folks it’s still a daily life-or-death battle.

    • wesleycrowbar-av says:

      You’re the only other person in the kinja-verse to make the connection that far right horseshit and hotep horseshit differ only in race. The ideologies are largely identical. We’re seeing it play out in real time with the most adamant anti-vax black people too. It’s frustrating to see some of my closest friends succumb to it in order to keep some sort of “woke™” quota.

      The reality across the spectrum is that these people are scared of what they can’t control, and make up stories about how someone else must be in control, rather than accepting that they are, plainly, not the masters of all that they survey. It’s about power and masculinity. As soon as anything even remotely threatens either of those things, you end up with the hotep shit or MTG/Trump characters soaking up LOTS of attention.

      • oldscrumby-av says:

        Really? I feel like hotep= the black man’s alternative to the deeply white supremacist MRA movement was always a pretty commonly known fact. Maybe that’s just because I learned about them from black feminist spaces who would naturally be pretty tuned into that aspect. 

      • princesssookeh-av says:

        “You’re the only other person in the kinja-verse to make the connection that far right horseshit and hotep horseshit differ only in race.”You must not frequent verysmartbrothas. They regularly make the connection.

    • dantanama-av says:

      Yeah, I came up in the underground hip hop scene back in the 90s and there was a ton of illuminati type theorizing. I oftentimes wonder how that’s all evolved, like I wouldn’t doubt it if some of those people are Q now. Also, tons of casual homophobia :/

      • diabolik7-av says:

        Isn’t there a minor rapper trying to raise millions to fund a rocket project to prove the Earth is flat? I mean, if in this day and age you’re still pushing the Flat-Earth theory, more than two millennia after Pythagoras and Aristotle proved them wrong, then what the living fuck is going on in your head?

        • sidewaysisfaster-av says:

          Yeah I think it was B.O.B. – I think he was famous for that song “airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars” and Paranoid by Ty $ (which is actually a great club banger)

        • thenonymous-av says:

          what the living fuck is going on in your head?Batshit insane conspiracy theory youtube videos on continuous repeat.

        • princesssookeh-av says:

          You are refering to Ser BOB The Batshit. And idek. He and others like them will always remain a mystery to me.

        • obtuseangle-av says:

          I believe that you’re thinking of B.O.B. who is a rapper who is a flat earther.

    • tippetytop-av says:

      “Gay mafia” that allegedly “runs the entertainment industries” I thought it was the Jews that ran the entertainment industry.Damn I must really catch up on my conspiracy theories.

    • urquhartnoma-av says:

      This is a generally on point comment, but why do you blank out hotep?

    • roark545-av says:

      So you think his floor will stay the same, but perhaps his ceiling was lowered?

  • kinesiologist-av says:

    Deleting it from the feed is not a retraction by any standard. It has already been seen, downloaded, and reported on. An unplanned press release in the middle of his feed is unnecessary. What a strange pov in the internet era.

  • oldmanschultz-av says:

    Fair enough. After all it was a pretty lousy apology. Can’t wait for the new one!

  • socratessaovicente-av says:

    Not surprising in the least, since he didn’t actually mean it in the first place and issuing it didn’t have any positive impact in crisis mitigation for his flailing career.

  • MrMiyamoto-av says:

    Can we just trade DaBaby and get Trevor Moore back instead?

  • erakfishfishfish-av says:

    I literally never heard of this guy until he said all this stuff to get him in trouble, so the only thing I know him for is being a homophobic prick. I find that funny.

  • trenchard-av says:

    What those toes do?!?

  • therealhobovertiser-av says:

    He’s so much like his brother DaBigHead, a.k.a Charlie Kirk.

  • blindlemonchitlin-av says:


  • ant1accurate-av says:

    Lol culture that promotes violent no talent morons surprised by moronic behavior from no talent violent idiot.

  • soupfarts-av says:

    “but on Instagram it’s business as usual with videos from his latest release, “Giving What It’s Supposed To Give,” which was released just days after his remarks at Rolling Loud and makes reference to AIDS in the music video.”#1. What the fuck does “Giving What It’s Supposed To Give” mean. That sounds amazingly stupid#2 I am curious as to how AIDS is being referenced in this music video. Are we talking about the still shots I saw of people holding up a piece of copy paper with the words HIV and AIDS written on it? Sounds like we’re breaking some serious ground here and changing the world. 

  • roadshell-av says:

    You would think that simple enlightened self-interest would have gotten this guy to move on from this shit instead of dragging it out and out and out for seemingly no reason, and yet…

    • imadifferentbird-av says:

      The problem with the idea of enlightened self-interest is that the vast majority of people are not enlightened.

  • elhigh-av says:

    Now I know someone out there is going to decry this as “cancel culture” but I just want to say, is it cancelling or is it just wanting nothing more from the individual in question?It isn’t something we set out to do as a group. We have come to a point where we can, in real time, make a decision to eliminate exposure to an individual we find intolerable. Don’t want to hear him on Spotify anymore? No sweat. Delete from your Prime stream? Done.I guess you could call that cancelling but it isn’t “cancel culture,” it’s culture cancelling them. We as a society want celebrities we can respect, who we feel will respect us. And when we discover somebody isn’t meeting that modest threshold, boom: we’re done listening.

  • mikehorace8-av says:

    Hey, he was speaking his truth.

  • lonewolf2cubs-av says:

    Well it’s obvious – it’s that country guy from a few months back all over again. Business team thinks there will be blowback because they were not politically correct, furiously issue attempted apologies and “contrition”, realize it actually gooses your numbers instead and all the racists / morons come out to support you in your “cancellation” – screw it. He never issued shit.  His PR team did.  It’s a good tactic to buy time and see how the reaction goes…

  • skurdnee-av says:

    Not to excuse his actions at all, but it’s odd that the media is just now picking up on him being a trash human. If people actually cared, he would’ve never been famous in the first place. Like, did anyone who follows him expect him not to be homophobic? This’ll blow over in a few weeks and no one will care again and his career will be fine.

  • thejewosh-av says:
  • boringrick-av says:

    Good. Public apologies are garbage and they don’t apply to most of us and no one accepts them anyway.

  • joshyua-av says:

    The BLM movement is working very well I see…

  • badseed313-av says:

    He likely realized that no matter what he said/did/donated, he’d still be crucified (to an extent, rightly so) and might as well try to reclaim his “street cred”. Perhaps it was also a calculated decision to double down and try to solidify a fan base, get more free publicity (know he’d get press for recinding), and maybe get some fans for defying the mob. Let’s be real here, most genres of rap/hip-hop/reggae/whatever are rife with homophobia.

  • batteredsuitcase-av says:

    I, for one, am going to spend just as much time listening to his music as I did before this. In fact, I’ll probably spend 3 or 4 times as much.

  • phetamine-av says:

    This is the most “lives up to his name” thing that he’s done since last year when he was (literally) arrested for throwing apple juice at someone.

  • vp83-av says:

    Whaaat! A celebrity apology — the cheapest, easiest form of damage control — can be less than genuine!?I read so many articles about these apologies, I assumed they had some actual meaning to someone, and weren’t just a reflex by the PR groups that talent agencies keep on retainer. Joke’s on me.

  • krinj-av says:

    The best entertainment is to watch entertainers self-destruct. It’s so very TMZ.

  • beardedluchador-av says:

    Rapper says something homophobic, news at 11.Seriously the only reason why this is a story is because DaBaby never went out on stage with Elton John first. Gave Eminem a free lifetime pass to use one of his favorite slurs.

  • xy0001-av says:

    his name is john l kirk?? lol 

  • grizzlehizzle-av says:

    Dab Abbey is lame. I prefer his cousin, Downton. 

  • fezmonkey-av says:


  • la-roc14610-av says:

    cancel this mofo

  • joshu2-av says:

    He let go of the rope.  Now he’s going to hit rock bottom.

  • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:


  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    DaFuck is wrong with this guy?

  • kalyx2x-av says:

    Obviously he’s a very emotionally stunted person with mental health problems

  • kitschblues-av says:

    Why is this an article? People delete their apologies all the time on social media.

  • varikalm-av says:

    So in other words, he wasn’t sorry for what he said, he was sorry there were consequences, and when a meaningless apology that was mostly whining that there were consequences didn’t make the consequences go away, he’s not sorry anymore.That certainly tracks with a big-ass baby…

  • fortenoir-av says:

    Uncle Ben’s gonna’ have to change up how he introduces his kangaroo, now.

  • natalieshark-av says:

    The only thing I’ve ever known this guy as is a huge homophobe. I had never even heard his ridiculous name before he was cancelled. 

  • yeebakah-av says:

    Does anyone really care whether or not some nobody douche “apologizes” for saying something we all know he meant? … I mean at the end of the day who is he? … he’s of ZERO importance and while everyone is absolutely entitled the right to be an ignorant a$$hole he’s clearly abusing that right and therefore renders his opinions on any topic as pointless as a sunroof on a convertible 

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    (cute Ike voice) “do kick dababy”

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    Randy says “da fuq?!”

  • jrhynes57-av says:

    The woke mob really is like a Mafia though. If you are in the public limelight you have to at least pretend to support gays, being vaxed, being liberal and such or you will be cancelled so fast. It is pretty crazy when you think about it. I remember my folks telling me stories about social movements in the 60’s. What’s interesting is people who didn’t believe the same things could still exist and have their own opinions on it, even if it wasn’t popular. Pesky freedoms and such. Before anybody gets their panties in a wad, not defending this guy. I’m just saying in general your opinions can’t differ anymore.

  • inkquest-av says:

    Hey he has the right to voice his opinion 

  • rogue-like-av says:

    I love the fact that I am so out of touch with pop culture anymore that I have no idea who this guy is. And apparently I’m a better person for it?

  • LoganExplosion-av says:

    DaBaby cancels his apology to LGBT communityThose are words! I think.. XD

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    Other than this, I don’t know who he is or care. What I do know is I’m sick of demanding or expecting apologies from people who don’t mean it. “Mrs. Fields! Make Tommy say he’s sorry!” I didn’t find it genuine when I was in kindergarten, and I certainly don’t find it genuine from adults I don’t know now. Let these cretins self destruct in a pit of their own anxiety and internalized hate. There are genuine artists who deserve a chance ahead of rehabilitating those who’ve already blown theirs.

  • modelguy-av says:

    The level of disinterest in this nonsense is immeasurable. Move along.

  • defuandefwink-av says:

    More like ‘DaLilBitch’

  • gotpma-av says:

    I really go back on forth on the whole thing “ well he must be gay, if he hates gay people so much” because, why care so much? I can say I used to have not have best thoughts on gay people when I was younger. But getting older, smarter, and being around an array of people who are not like me, you get to the point of , why does it matter? It does not affect my life and especially my love life. You can disagree with something and not be a dick about it, or be respectful or hateful. Just shut up and do you stupid rhymes.

  • hisroyalbadness-av says:

    When does he start his “Kevin Hart Apology Tour”? 

  • shart-garfunkel-av says:

    i kinda think he is gay. i dunno.

  • edrood-av says:

    naw. He just needed some shit wit some bop in it

  • dorapolanco-av says:

    BOM Black opinions matter too. He’s entitled to his opinion just as censors continued to promote their agenda and only allow opinions they agree on to be posted.

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