Daisy Ridley says she's not in the next Star Wars trilogy

Aux Features Film
Daisy Ridley says she's not in the next Star Wars trilogy
Photo: Daniel Boczarski

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker will supposedly be the end of the mainline Star Wars saga that we’ve followed since the ‘70s, but there are still plenty of other Star Wars stories on the horizon—specifically The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson’s mysterious trilogy and whatever Game Of Thrones’ David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are doing, not to mention the TV shows. We don’t really know what to expect from the future of Star Wars, but one thing we do know now is that Daisy Ridley’s Rey won’t be there.

Speaking with BuzzFeed on Periscope (millennials are always on their phones, guys!), Ridley revealed that she’s “not in the next trilogy.” She goes on to say that she’s not sure what the next Star Wars movie will be, whether it’s—in her words—”the Rian one” or “the guys that did Game Of Thrones,” but she does know that “they always said it was going to be a separate story,” so she’s not in it. That being said, she also offered a well-worded non-answer when asked if she would ever return to the Star Wars universe, so it’s probably safe to assume that we haven’t seen the last of Rey, even if she doesn’t pop up in whatever the next movie is. At the very least, Disney will probably want to make a new sequel series in a few decades with older Rey training a new generation of Jedi, or maybe a “live-action” remake of The Force Awakens where everybody is a CG lion, so there’s no chance that Disney will be dropping Rey permanently.

As for what the next Star Wars movie will be, regardless of Ridley’s involvement, we heard in May that it would be made by the aforementioned guys that did Game Of Thrones—whether that means writing or directing or whatever is unclear, though. Interestingly, Disney boss Bob Iger implied that Benioff and Weiss are only making “the next movie,” so we don’t know if they’re actually making a trilogy, if the next movie will be part of a trilogy at all, or if it’ll be another standalone story like Rogue One. What we do know, once again, is that Daisy Ridley won’t be in it.

Unless she’s lying, which is very possible. We all saw the winking denials from the Marvel people when fans asked about T’Challa and Peter Parker coming back for more Black Panther and Spider-Man movies. The last thing you should ever do is trust someone who makes movies, especially if the movies they make are part of an enormous corporate machine.

[via Digital Spy]


  • rogueindy-av says:

    “maybe a “live-action” remake of The Force Awakens where everybody is a CG lion”In the time it took you to type that, io9 have already given it a glowing review.

    • martianlaw-av says:

      “The acting, directing, production and script are terrible… but it’s fun.”

      • ooklathemok45-av says:

        It already has 473 comments, all of them arguing whether The Last Jedi is the greatest movie ever made or the worst. 

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Neither am I.

  • breb-av says:

    *keeping fingers crossed* for fucking Krayt Dragons.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Also not involved in the next trilogy: George Lucas. 

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    I don’t think this was news to anyone. 

  • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

    Daisy Ridley got a lot of flack from obnoxious loud people on the internet, so I just want to put it out there that I thought she worked what she was given into gold, and I’m excited to see her character given a finale. I’m also excited to see if/what anything will be of the D&D trilogy, as well as the Rian Johnson trilogy, so I guess I’m a man-hater with bad opinions.

  • mfdixon-av says:

    I don’t mind Daisy Ridley, or any of the cast of the current trilogy, but it’s been such a huge disappointment that I don’t mind this news at all and whether they admit it or not, it’s probably a relief for them too. Now they can move on to other opportunities they’ll get anyway. 

    • durango237-av says:

      Not a fan of the new Star Wars, and always felt Daisy is a underserved by the source material. She has a natural charisma that’s missing from others (Alden Ehrenreich / Felicity Jones).

      • tarvolt-av says:

        I think Alden had a lot of charisma, hell he managed to pull off feeling like Han Solo even if he looks nothing like Harrison Ford. Too bad the movie wasn’t great. 

    • bammontaylor-av says:

      I think they do a fine job with what they’ve been given but that still isn’t saying much.

  • kagarirain-av says:

    She’s been great in 7 and 8 so I’d be surprised if I didn’t enjoy her in 9, I think it’ll be good to wrap up Rey in it too. I’m biased though I’ve really loved the new stuff and have good vibes about it wrapping up well given the way the actors are talking about it (which I know they gotta promote the movie, but stuff like the genuine emotion the last day of shooting and just the tone of their interviews has me feeling good about TROS).I assume what comes next will be Old Republic given the report of a script being worked on for that. Interesting she says “the Rian one” and the D&D one, I don’t think we’ll hear anything concrete until Celebration next year.

  • galdarnit-av says:

    “but she does know that “they always said it was going to be a separate story,””

    So do I. So does anyone who knows about the existence of further trilogies. So should you. 

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    Of course. Disney read my post in the thread about her latest movie and wisely replaced her with The Rock.This summer, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is….. Daisy Ridley in ‘Star Wars- episode 35: screw it, we added the toy story characters and the thing from the first fantastic 4 because you morons will watch anything and we have way too much cocaine’

  • curlybill-av says:

    surprised Weiss and Benioff havent been kicked off after they screwed the thrones pooch so hard. Though I suppose no one seems to care if Star Wars makes any sense these days. 

  • durango237-av says:

    Still wonder how Weiss and Benioff’s affinity for juvenile nihilism is going to fit in Star Wars. 

  • blackhawk60-av says:

    And just two days ago, I read an article saying Rey was absolutely going to be part of the next trilogy. New actress? Studios spreading confusion on purpose? 

  • oilburneraccountant-av says:

    “older Rey training a new generation of Jedi”Don’t you know the Jedi order is already dead after TROS and in it’s place there’s a Skywalker order now?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    She’ll be too busy on her Disney+ series as the new teacher at Jedi High.But seriously, after fans have behaved, I’m sure she’ll be eager to take a break from the lunatic asylum far, far away.

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