Danny Strong to write Hunger Games: Mockingjay in yet another attempt to get us to stop calling him "Jonathan from Buffy"

Aux Features Film

The lucrative yet unenviable task of adapting the final installments of The Hunger Games franchise has fallen to one Danny Strong, who Variety notes is currently enjoying fame for his dual Emmy wins in an effort, as always, to distract from the fact that, no, he is famous for playing Jonathan on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Jonathan has employed these tactics with increasing frequency of late, scripting the HBO films Recount and Game Change and recently transforming their success into a gig adapting Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol and a CBS pilot, much like he once transformed into a demon to fight Buffy before she kicked him square in the stomach, revealing his strength to be an illusion.

Jonathan will now use his acumen for politically charged stories and familiarity with girls who can kick his ass to handle The Hunger Games' concluding political uprising, likely adding "screenwriting for one of the most successful modern film franchises" to a list of reasons why we're supposed to stop calling him Jonathan, which is such a Jonathan scheme. Of course, some others may point out yet again that he was also on Gilmore Girls and Mad Men, but these people are just being reductive, and it's not fair to Jonathan.

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