Dave Bautista to get his knives out too for Knives Out 2

Film Features Knives Out
Dave Bautista to get his knives out too for Knives Out 2
Dave Bautista Photo: Rich Polk/Getty Images for IMDb)

In the Marvel movies, Dave Bautista plays an alien named Drax whose primary special ability is that he likes stabbing monsters with knives, an experience that will presumably be beneficial now that he’s reportedly been cast in director Rian Johnson’s sequel to Knives Out (though the first movie wasn’t really about knives, beyond the title line and that knife chair with all the knives). That comes from Deadline, which says Bautista is “set to join” Daniel Craig in the next Knives Out movie, which will hopefully have some clever title that is not Knives Out 2. Whatever it’s called, it’ll be on Netflix, as the streaming service paid $450 million to land two Knives Out sequels earlier this year.

We don’t know who Bautista might be playing, since nobody has released an official statement on this, but we hope with all of our hearts that he adopts some kind of absurd accent like Craig’s Benoit Blanc. Maybe he could be Blanc’s long-lost brother and have the same smooth-as-molasses accent? That would be a lot of fun. Anyway, this will be Bautista and Craig’s second movie together, though you’d be forgiven for forgetting the first (they fought each other in the crummy Bond movie Spectre).

This comes just a few days after Bautista explained that one of the reasons he chose to be in Zack Snyder’s Army Of The Dead and not James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad was so he could “build a relationship with Netflix.” Clearly that’s working out for him, since Army Of The Dead isn’t even out yet and he’s already getting more high-profile Netflix projects. He could probably even get into the next seasons of Bridgerton and Stranger Things if he emails the right person. They could bring back House Of Cards and Hemlock Grove as Dave Bautista vehicles!


  • mark-t-man-av says:


    (though the first movie wasn’t really about knives, beyond the title line and that knife chair with all the knives)Which definitely came into play during Benoit Blanc’s investigation.

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      … Does Barsanti not understand metaphors? The film was literally all about knives. The chair; metaphorically, how everybody was looking for their cut of the estate; the climax, with the prop knife; Harlan’s death. The film is pretty obvious with how knives connect to Harlan, his estate, and how an object (like a ridiculously valuable estate) can be wielded differently in different hands.

      • TRT-X-av says:

        Not to mention “Knives Out” describes how everyone started turning on everybody else.

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          As Craig literally stated within the film.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Wait did this movie title drop? I usually remember stuff like that. Unless it was done smoothly.

          • sarcastro7-av says:

            It did, although I can’t find it with a quick scan of the script right now.  I watched it semi-recently, and Blanc has a line at some point talking about how people come in, knives out, when money is on the line or family involved, or something like that.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Okay so yeah it’s a pretty well integrated title drop.

          • sarcastro7-av says:

            Yes, it was smooth in a way that only the gentleman detective Benoit Blanc could manage.

          • TRT-X-av says:

            One thing the sequel won’t be able to do is make Benoit look like a bit of a bumbler as he is seemingly stumped by Marta until revealing he was playing her all along.

          • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

            Oh, and spoiler.  

          • TRT-X-av says:

            The movie is years old at this point.

          • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

            The movie is years old at this point.Released November 2019.   

          • TRT-X-av says:
  • nilus-av says:

    I love Dave Bautista. Good for him for getting this role. People were freaking out last week when he said he was not gonna be Drax any more after Guardians 3 and he had the most honest and heart warming answer about it.  He was like I am 52 years old, its time for me to take parts where I don’t have to have my shirt off.    

    • skipskatte-av says:

      It’s Marvel, they can convincingly make Kurt Russell and Michael Douglas look like they’re in their 30s, they can CGI Dave Bautista into Drax shape. 

    • moggett-av says:

      He was also really upfront about how acting was a struggle at first. He apparently hired an acting teacher/coach after his first movie, so he could improve and it really shows.

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        Dude has *worked* at it. I’m happy for him.It’s funny. I couldn’t *stand* him for most of his wrestling career, outside of the initial face turn v HHH, and like, the last six months of delusional heeldom before he first fucked off. But then Drax happened; then Bluetista happened; then give no fucks in interviews Dave happened…

      • nilus-av says:

        He is amazing on his small part in Blade Runner 2049

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      I love that he built his acting career with the bare minimum of support from WWE, so he has no problem calling them out on anything. He was on Instagram yesterday yelling that they should be pushing Asuka. He’s like Kevin Nash if Nash actually cared about wrestling as much as he did making money.

      • nilus-av says:

        Yeah he didn’t seem to follow the typical wrestle path where he starred in a bunch of shitty action movies produced by the WWE

        • south-of-heaven-av says:

          Not sure he was even in any WWE Studios movies. Before Guardians he was in a ton of the direct-to-video sequels that Tom Breihan absolutely loves, but I don’t think any of them were produced by Vince.

  • saltier-av says:

    Bautista was one of the best parts of Spectre. I really hope they bring him back, he could be another character like Jaws.

  • hankdolworth-av says:

    That comes from which says Bautista is “set to join” Daniel Craig in the next Knives Out movie, which will hopefully have some clever title that is not Knives Out 2.Knives Out 2: The Knifening
    -or-Knives In!

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    ‘Knives Out’Unfortunately, skin is the same level of thickness from the inside as from the outside.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Drax’s arc feels pretty complete with Thanos dead, though I enjoyed his performances in the role 

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Hoping Lady Death has different ideas on that (Thanos’s infatuation with her from this point would make sense if she brought him back and especially if she had been influencing him all along without him knowing).I would also like her to bring Ultron back. I was promised an Age, to me that’s more than a week! (Also, if Ultron had been given life, makes sense if he gets an afterlife too especially given Vision.)… I wonder what Eva Green is doing these days for no particular reason.

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        Eva Green, you say?A set of raw chest hams on the screen might get me watching Marvel movies again.

    • prozacelf1-av says:

      I mean, the MCU harps on it a bit less than the comics, but killing Thanos was Drax’s singular purpose in life.  So it would make sense to wind down his arc.

    • harpo87-av says:

      I feel like that’s the midpoint of a genuine arc, though. That was his purpose in life, but now that it’s accomplished, he has to find a new one – which sounds like a great thing for him to do in Vol. 3, if not his own vehicle afterwards. (Not that I’m expecting to continue past 3, but I’m just saying there’s more to do with him post-Thanos.)

    • TRT-X-av says:

      I wonder if Vol 3 would deal with that. The emotional impact of having one goal in life and now it’s done.

  • amoralpanic-av says:

    Knives Out 2: Surf’s Up

  • mullah-omar-av says:

    Did anyone else read this news and think “maybe they are casting Bautista as Craig’s brother?” Because honestly I have always thought these guys look quite a bit alike:

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      I mean, Bautista is Filipino and Craig is very much not, but maybe half brothers? I can sort of see it.

  • listen2themotto-av says:

    I’d love to see Bautista in more serious-ish roles. He has dramatic chops he doesn’t get to flex often. Thought he was really good in both Blade Runner 2049 and Spectre, even considering how minor they were.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I’m calling it: Bautista as a rival private eye with a ridiculous Swedish accent. Can he and Blanc put aside their dislike of each other to solve the case?

    • TRT-X-av says:

      I said British accent just so you’d have the meta joke of him doing it right next to the famous British actor who’s doing a bad Southern one.

  • suckadick59595-av says:




  • killedmyhair-av says:

    put Bautista in Bridgerton, I am BEGGING you

  • hommesexual-av says:

    I don’t have much to say other than I really enjoyed the first movie and look forward to the next one.

  • voon-av says:

    Why IS it called Knives Out?  It’s a good title but doesn’t fit at all.  It suggests a wilder, multiple murder(er) black comedy romp like Clue.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      It’s called Knives Out because everybody had it out for Harlan and once he dies everyone has it out for each other. But especially Marta.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    I hope he plays Benoit Blanc’s partner but has an equally ludicrous British accent.And for the love of God don’t call it any variation of Knives Out, Knives In, or anything Knife related. There’s an opportunity to have Blanc being the common thread and looking at other famous fictional detectives…there wasn’t a “naming convention” with guys like Poirot, Columbo, Sherlock, etc.

    • jol1279-av says:

      The problem is getting casual movie-goers to recognize that it’s a sequel to Knives Out. I’m pretty sure Rian Johnson will successfully push for something like “_______: A Benoit Blanc mystery” as a compromise but that some studio exec will still find a way to slap Knives Out all over the publicity and posters, etc.

      • TRT-X-av says:

        I’m currently reading through Stephen King’s Hodges trilogy, and each of those books does this:So, hypothetically, you could present the movie as it’s “own thing” but still tie it together with Knives Out by using similar imagery and reference “from the Director of KNIVES OUT!”Plus, the Knives Out trailers pushed the film as an ensemble with Blanc in the mix. But his character was such a memorable part of the film that you could easily put him more at the forefront in trailers this time that people would immediately recognize it for what it is. And then surround him with another strong supporting cast to get people excited to see how these characters will play off each other.It won’t hurt that they’ll have Drax in there. Similar to how they had Captain America last time.

    • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

      Have the murder take place at a gala cotillion being thrown by Blanc, an annual tradition for which his is well-known through the South.The title?Benoit Balls!

    • zirconblue-av says:

      On the other hand, there were several “Pink Panther” movies, despite most of them not being connected to the eponymous jewel.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      Knives OutForks OutSpoons Out

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