Dave Bautista's My Spy never actually came out, so it'll now hit Amazon Prime at the end of June

Aux Features Film
Dave Bautista's My Spy never actually came out, so it'll now hit Amazon Prime at the end of June
Photo: Rich Polk

If there’s any example of pre-coronavirus excess that seems completely bizarre now, it’s the fact that last summer was supposed to see the theatrical release of two movies about Dave Bautista playing a tough action guy in a mismatched buddy comedy: Stuber (featuring Bautista and funny person Kumail Nanjiani) and My Spy (featuring Bautista and little girl Chloe Coleman). Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and only one of those movies was released, with the other—My Spybeing bumped back to April of 2020. Unfortunately for Dave Bautista, the coronavirus pandemic happened and My Spy lost its theatrical release alongside countless other movies, and then… we kind of forgot about it.

Now, though, My Spy is finally coming out, just in a slightly different way than originally intended. According to Deadline, distributor STX has sold it to Amazon Prime, and the streaming platform will now be releasing it on June 26, which is almost a year after the release of Stuber. However, in a weird twist, Deadline notes that My Spy did actually get a theatrical in some regions already, having grossed about $200,000 in a small Canadian rollout and “close to $5 million” in other international markets. Amazon also may offer it up for drive-ins and other theaters that have managed to open, but it’s unclear if that’ll happen by the June 26 release date.

The movie stars Bautista as a CIA operative, tasked with monitoring some family, whose hidden cameras and microphones get discovered by a “precocious 9-year-old girl.” In exchange for not blowing his operation, the girl makes Bautista agree to teach her spy skills. Then they probably bond and become friends, maybe with a point near the end where they stop being friends and then one of them has to reaffirm their commitment to being friends. That’s what usually happens in movies.


  • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

    Weirdly, this actually did come out in my country and got a cinema release. No I didn’t see it. Also, is there anything more irritating in film than a precicious pre-teen who hangs around and generally impedes the far more interesting main characters in any given film/television series for hijinks-related reasons? Scott Tracker/T-Bob and MASK, I’m looking at you.

    • ruefulcountenance-av says:

      I’ve actually seen it. Dream on, losers!It’s also already on Prime in the UK.

      • wrightstuff76-av says:

        Yeah I was slightly confused reading this. As I was pretty sure the film had opened over here and I noticed last week it was Amazon Prime.Yay for us Brits. We rule!
        Sorry that’s a delusion still being pushed out by our government.

      • super-jim-av says:

        I came here to say this. I watched it and really enjoyed. Totally not my standard fare but I love Big Dave and it turned out the child actress was naturalistic and funny. Recommended to the nephews and nieces!

        • cliffy73-disqus-av says:

          I saw a couple previews for this and thought it looked better than I would have expected. We’ll probably watch it if it’s free on Prime anyway.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Yes, but this movie solves it by having the main character played by Bautista, so you don’t have to worry about his character being more interesting or less annoying than the child.

    • perfectengine-av says:

      Deep cut on that MASK reference. Well done.Torch, on!

      • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

        It used to piss me off so much. You’d be all geared up to watch MASK go and fuck shit up hard but no, Scotty boy gets himself into some idiotic jam and has to be rescued….again. All I wanted was to see Matt Tracker and the rest of the gang fight the bad guys instead of the wacky adventures of Scott.

        • perfectengine-av says:

          Man, I haven’t thought about that show in way too long, but you’re totally right. Uh-oh, Scott fell into some butterscotch again! Here comes T-Bob with some wacky puns to save the day!T-Bob… Undersea Bob!

    • wrightstuff76-av says:

      Masked crusaders, working overtime
      Fighting crime, fighting crime

      Did they get paid overtime or were they doing it for free?

    • skc1701a-av says:

      “Also, is there anything more irritating in film than a precicious pre-teen who hangs around and generally impedes the far more interesting main characters in any given film/television series for hijinks-related reasons”Yes, an actual Teen. The only thing that kept me from punching ST:TNG’s Wesley Crusher in the face when I finally met him in person was that Wil Wheaton had just finished his gig as Colin “Chaos” Mason on Leverage.As the great filk poet Voltaire once sang:
      “…I know he’s just a child, and most think him a twit
      But Wesley is the master when it comes to making up some shit
      He’s the guy you want with you when you go out in space
      Just tell him: “shut up, Wesley,” if he gets in your face…

  • elforman-av says:

    To be fair, Dave Bautista and virtually anyone else in a movie would be considered “mismatched.”

    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      I’m picturing a very short movie where Dave Bautista takes on the world and it’s just him flicking the planet Earth away like a mosquito.

  • moviesmoviesmoviesallfree-av says:

    There’s open drive-ins in so-cal that have been showing Trolls 2 exclusively for about a month and some horror movie I’ve never heard of. I’d go see just about anything right now but that. I think drive-ins are relatively safe. I’m not a never masker. 

  • patrickz1-av says:

    I remember seeing the trailer several times. Kristen Schaal is in it, so maybe it’s worth a watch. 

    • joseiandthenekomata-av says:

      I’ll just wait a little longer and watch Kristen Schaal in the next Bill and Ted movie.

    • waylon-mercy-av says:

      She’s great as a tech nerd who wants to be Bautista’s action protege, lol. Ken Jeong is funny too as the CIA director.

  • thecapn3000-av says:

    This has been atop my Amazon Prime banner for at least 2 months

  • systemmastert-av says:

    They didn’t change the trailer for this when it was pushed back and they never stopped running it, so I’ll pass before I have to hear “He looks like he’s doing the wedding dance from the end of Shrek” again.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Cool, it looked like an aggressively annoying and mediocre mess but I’m sure somebody out there is looking for that.

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Hopefully that meager theatrical roll-out will leave it eligible for Oscars. I’d hate to see this one miss out on an Academy Award over some bullshit technicality.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I’m hoping there’s a late-breaking twist where the little girl turns out to be a Russian sleeper agent who brutally kills Bautista’s character once he lets his guard down completely.“Why … Cindy …?”“Ask the thirteen good men you terminated in Gdansk ‘why’, you imperialist American pig.”

  • admnaismith-av says:

    Here in LA, signs and posters are still up like it’s release in immanent.
    I look at them and go ‘So it is about a hitman and little girl. Who made this and why?’.

  • williams4404317-av says:

    Bautista is actually a better actor than I would have credited…certainly better than he wrestled. Plus he ad libbed the “What’s Gamorra?” line in Infinity War, I consider that a plus. Lol.

    • cartagia-av says:

      Yeah, I’m kind of shocked at all the hate for him here.  Dude has been very open about how he broke down and cried when he got the role of Drax, and was very vocally defensive of Gunn during that whole debacle, both of which raise him a couple of notches in my book.

      • browza-av says:

        Same here. Where is that coming from? I mean, I really only know him as Drax, who is fantastic, plus a nothing Bond villain but I don’t blame him for the script.

      • madwriter-av says:

        I agree. I saw Stuber and he deserves better than these second-tier Rock rejects. He was great in GOTG and Blade Runner. I’d love to see him in a movie like Payback (Not Paycheck).

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      Good in the new Blade Runner too. Briefly.

      • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

        I wish there was more of him in BR49, because he is terrific in that one lone scene. At least Denis believed in him enough to bring him into “Dune”

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      To his credit, when he got the role of Drax, he went to acting school to make sure he pulled his weight on the project. Considering the raves he’s had as a scene-stealer in the MCU, I’d say he did well.

  • waylon-mercy-av says:

    I’ve seen it. It’s as dumb and as cute as you’ll probably expect. Streaming rental is a good place for this.

  • wearethegrey-av says:

    Saw it its ok the girl is gonna be a future star

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Ooddly enough , this was on Amazon Prime in Ireland since last month. It wasn’t too bad.

  • katzkan-av says:

    It’s no better or worse than any “Action Star Tries a Kid’s Comedy Vehicle”, which I think speaks well for Bautista. It won’t change the world, but it didn’t make me change the channel (watched it with a 9-year-old niece who recently crapped all over Artemis Fowl for being ‘messy and pointless’).

  • dogme-av says:


  • antononymous-av says:

    I don’t begrudge the man his Pacifier/Tooth Fairy/whatever ‘action lunkhead family friendly movie with kids’ you want to reference. Honestly, I thought this looked more entertaining than Stuber.

  • nilus-av says:

    Is there a rule in Hollywood that action hero types all have to do a “family comedy” with kids at some point?

  • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

    If you can’t tell, I’m OK with Ba(u)tista.

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