David Ayer asks Suicide Squad fans to chill, please

Ayer knows fans want DC to #ReleaseTheAyerCut, but he'd like them to cool off just a little

Aux News Suicide Squad
David Ayer asks Suicide Squad fans to chill, please
David Ayer Photo: John Phillips

After years of evangelizing about merits of his own, unreleased cut of 2016's Suicide Squad, director David Ayer really wants fans to calm down with their requests to actually see the thing.

“I absolutely can’t wait to see Gunn’s Superman,” Ayer began a post on X today in reference to the DC Studios co-CEO’s upcoming Superman: Legacy project. “I have to say this. Gunn is the bravest man in Hollywood these days. He’s taking charge of the hardest ship to Captain in this industry. We make movies. We are entertainers. Not elected officials leading a nation. Everyone please chill.”

While Ayer may think Gunn is brave, the courage it takes to make a statement like this and take on a stan army—even your own—in 2023 cannot be ignored. Case in point, this whole thing started with a fan attacking Ayer’s judgment, ostensibly out of frustration with not being able to see Ayer’s movie in the first place. “[Ayer] is never going to see his cut released while Gunn is there. He really fell for Gunn’s lie. should’ve stood by those that defended him and had asked for his cut to be part of the conversation to begin with,” the fan wrote, prompting Ayer’s response.

While 2016's much-maligned Suicide Squad did have Ayer’s name attached, the director has long maintained that the studio cut is unrecognizable from his original, superior version of the film. Then, in 2021, Gunn’s stab at the franchise that fared far better with critics and naturally invited even more unfavorable attention for Ayer’s version. Still, at least to hear Ayer tell it, there’s never been any real animosity between the two men. As the above fan was referencing, Ayer posted earlier this summer that Gunn promised Ayer’s cut “would have it’s [sic] time to be shared.” “He absolutely deserves to launch to launch [sic] his DC universe without more drama about old projects,” Ayer continued.

Ayer’s respect goes back even further than that. In 2021, Ayer responded to Gunn’s film, writing: “I’m so proud of James and excited for the success that’s coming. I support WB and am thrilled the franchise is getting the legs it needs… Every movie is a miracle. And Jame’s [sic] brilliant work will be the miracle of miracles.” At this point it’s unclear if fans will ever see the #AyerCut, but it seems like Ayer himself has at least taken his own advice and begun to make peace with that fact.


  • murrychang-av says:

    Do people actually care about it or is this just weird internet irony bullshit?

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      I suspect it is more along the lines of the “weird internet Zach Snyder bullshit.”

      • murrychang-av says:

        To be fair the Snyder cut was actually better than the theatrical cut, imo.  They’re both trash, but the Snyder cut doesn’t smell as bad.

        • Ruhemaru-av says:

          I mean, they put enough money in it to polish that turd into a… polished turd. Sadly, that let the Snyder fans believe that was what they would’ve gotten from the start when the reality is that it would’ve looked a lot worse and been edited into incoherence to fit standard theatrical run times.

        • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

          It wasn’t even a “cut” though. They gave Snyder a bunch more money to film an entirely different movie.

    • killa-k-av says:

      I mean, I’d like to see it, but I haven’t tweeted at anyone (or emailed, or called, etc.).

    • nilus-av says:

      Well they released the Snyder cut and it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Justice League is a good movie!Note: this is sarcasm 

    • simplepoopshoe-av says:

      He’s trying to get his cut made. What better way than to fabricate that people need to chill out and stop asking him about it. He’s also deliberately sucking up to James Gunn, possibly the one man who could green light it.

      This is extremely obvious behaviour people.

  • coldsavage-av says:

    I can’t believe this is still a thing. *Of course* [shitty movie] was the Greatest Movie of All Time Ever until the nebulous *they* ruined it. I’ve seen Ayer’s stuff and I am not convinced that it would have been good if Ayer got free reign. At *best* I can imagine it would be slightly less shitty (like ZSJL was slightly better than the theatrical version), but at the cost involved why would anyone bother? And to that point, who is the fan, or dozens of fans, holding on to the fantasy that there is an awesome version of Ayer’s Suicide Squad out there that has been buried by WB, despite the fact that they need hits bad and even did this shit with JL already? And that fan has been holding on for 8 years? Just stunning.

    • srgntpep-av says:

      I mean, it was a turd that might have been slightly better with less editing, somehow. Those music cues were fucking terrible, so if he had any hand in that then there is zero chance more of his input would have made this better. As bad as it was, it just got…boring in the last half. Also, he must have been involved in the terrible Leto-Joker decisions, and anyone involved in that should not be allowed near movies ever again. I mean, take away their TV sets so they can sit and stare at the wall and think about what they did.

      • pocketsander-av says:

        Also, he must have been involved in the terrible Leto-Joker decisions
        yeah I’m going to guess that, if anything, his cut has more Leto Joker, which would easily erase whatever good the rest of the film does.

        • srgntpep-av says:

          100%–the long version (which apparently is what I watched) had waaay too much of him, and some Batman too, and apparently that wasn’t the theatrical cut.  My only thinking, given that’s the only version I’ve seen, is less of this film has to be a good thing.

  • scortius-av says:

    Nobody wants  this but bots.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Throw your hands in the Ayer

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    #GONYSchoonmakerCutLet’s get some Russian bots to push this one.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    “He really fell for Gunn’s lie.”Jesus Fucking Christ, what planet are these people on?

  • systemmastert-av says:

    I don’t need to see a new cut of that movie, it was made out of horrible parts, there’s not really a way to assemble them to fix that. It’s like telling me a cake baked with a turd in it would be good if only the turd had been mixed in with the wet ingredients instead of the dry.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing an itemized list of bad lines and if they’re in the Ayer version or not. Lemme hear about “This is Katana, she’s got my back” or “BET” or “Maybe later we could… kick it” or “That’s a killer app” or “What are we, some kinda suicide squad?” or “This handsome hunka hunka” or “The sun sets and the magic rises” or “Love your perfume, what is that, the smell of death” or “For those who don’t speak good guy” or “That’s Slipknot, the man who can climb anything.” Like, at a certain point I have to think that either he thinks all this cringe-inducing, seat-sinking-into crap is good, or they refilmed 100% of the movie.  So which is it?

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I agree with you. Just allow Ayer to release his original script and speak to the changes. I’d honestly be more interested in a one-hour special where he walks through the studio interference and changes to his vision than I would in actually seeing his vision.

    • coldsavage-av says:

      I saw the movie once and then the Honest Trailer for it and… it’s amazing how many of these bad lines I remember. Like, I have seen plenty of remembers I remember virtually nothing about, but this one was so memorably bad that those lines are easily identifiable.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    So wait… there’s a cut in which he could make Cara Delevinge even vaguely watchable in that film? That would be some super-level magic. 

  • Ruhemaru-av says:

    This. This is what happens when a studio that can’t manage money decides to cater to the whims of the vocal internet troll cult that worships a director. It emboldens the vocal delusional folk to demand more.
    That said, someone needs to at least document all the stuff that was cut from Thor 4. The storyboards and early interviews implied a much darker villain and more God stuff that seemed more interesting than the typical Waititi humor.

    • killa-k-av says:

      This is what happens when a studio that can’t manage money decides to cater to the whims of the vocal internet troll cult that worships a director.I still think that had less to do with internet trolls whining and more with WarnerMedia launching HBO Max, which needed content, and the pandemic, which shut down productions.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      “cater to the whims of the vocal internet troll cult”Meh, they needed a shiny object for the launch of their streaming service, and this was a cheap and quick way to go about it. Not everything needs to be a conspiracy.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        You think $70m to reshoot and produce a movie that was already a critical failure is cheap? The animated movies DC puts out cost $3-4m to make on average. They could have made 20 animated movies for the same cost of Snyder’s cut of JL. You can tell me that won’t appeal to a lot of people but surely there is significant overlap between people who wanted a Synder cut and people who appreciate animated DC content.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          “They could have made 20 animated movies”Even for a studio exec, that’s pretty dumb.

        • killa-k-av says:

          They spent $70m to finish the VFX on a movie that already had movie stars in it, theatrical production values, and years’ worth of free publicity thanks to all of the blogs that covered it for years. DC’s animated films have none of those things (and I would also point out have taken a steep nosedive in quality since their heyday). It also sounds like at one point the plan was to release it episodically. If they had gone through with that, each episode would have cost less than HBO spent per episode of Game of Thrones by its last season.No, the Snyder Cut was never cheap, but it benefitted from HBO Max needing live-action content.

  • evanwaters-av says:

    See I’m absolutely for having movies be made available in the form their filmmaker intended.But DCU folks you had your turn, let’s at least get Ken Russell’s The Devils restored, then the 30 minutes missing from the 1998 version of The Avengers, THEN we’ll talk.

    • willoughbystain-av says:

      I think the Ayer Cut has to wait in line behind the 110 minute cut of Inspector Gadget that test audiences hated so much Disney ended up releasing it as a deeply confusing 78 minute epic.

    • milligna000-av says:

      Man, The Devils looks so fucking amazing these days on a big screen. I’d love an even better version.

  • srgntpep-av says:

    Ayer is all “CALM IT DOWN–THE BOTH OF YOU!!!”

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    There is no such thing as Suicide Squad fans, its just Snyderfanboys trying to exert the power they think they have because they think it was them that got the Snyder Cut released and not WB’s need to raise subscription numbers for HBO Max. 

  • milligna000-av says:

    “I have to say this. Gunn is the bravest man in Hollywood these days.”Wow, make sure you get that tongue all the way in.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    Oh so now Ayers is sucking up to James Gunn. I wonder why.

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