David Goyer apparently wrote a Star Wars movie for Guillermo del Toro a few years ago

Guillermo del Toro hints that the movie involved the letters "J" and "BB," but what could that possibly mean...

Aux News Guillermo del Toro
David Goyer apparently wrote a Star Wars movie for Guillermo del Toro a few years ago
Guillermo del Toro Photo: Ali Gradischer

Guillermo del Toro famously attaches his name to far more things than what he actually has time to make—which is one of the reasons that a proper del Toro-directed feature is always such a treat—so if people in Hollywood were smart, they would constantly be impressing everyone by saying “well, I wrote a screenplay for Guillermo del Toro that never went forward” whether it’s true or not. Then, if he wants to have some fun, del Toro can just have some fun.

We’re not saying that’s what’s happening here, certainly not, but David S. Goyer recently revealed on the Happy Sad Confused podcast that he wrote a Star Wars movie that Guillermo del Toro was going to direct “about four years ago,” but it never got made. He said it was a “cool script” and suggested that host Josh Horowitz ask del Toro about it, but that’s all we know.

Or it was, until del Toro himself confirmed the news, saying he “can’t say much” but that “maybe” the letters “J” and “BB” had something to do with it. So what could those letters mean? Maybe “Jedi BB-8”? Or “Jar Binks Binks”? But wait, what’s that deep, slimy laughter coming from behind a nearby curtain? Is it… Jabba The Hutt?

That seems like the obvious solution, both in terms of del Toro’s hint and the fact that a Jabba movie would have to feature some cool creature effects (which del Toro would love), but also because Disney was reportedly considering a Jabba movie way back in 2017. Now we have no choice but to mourn what they took from us… Just imagine, del Toro getting announced as the director of Jabba: A Star Wars Story, then we wait years and the movie never comes out, del Toro moves on to other things, and the project is reborn as Jabba, a Disney+ series featuring a fully CG main character and with Hayden Christensen returning as Anakin Skywalker again for some reason. Then, two months later, everyone forgets that it ever existed.

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