David Harbour doesn't think a Hellboy sequel is likely, either

Aux Features David Harbour
David Harbour doesn't think a Hellboy sequel is likely, either
;s Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer

To be clear: David Harbour is fine with the final product of 2019's Hellboy, in which he played the titular character. But he’s also aware that the film was just not everyone’s cup of tea. When asked by Comicbook.com whether or not he felt a sequel to Neil Marshall’s effort would happen, the Stranger Things star wasn’t interested in offering false hope.

“I don’t think there’ll be much of a light,” Harbour said. “There’s a lot of people who reach out to me who really loved it and really enjoyed the new take, and were just happy to see him back on the screen, but I know in the culture at large, I don’t think it was very well received.” He went on to add that he wasn’t sure that the film made much money during its theater run, and that the plan is most likely to just move on. “… I don’t think the perception was that it was a hit, and so in that way, I don’t know that the risk is worth it.”

Though Harbour has previously cited the public’s sustained exposure to Marvel films as a potential reason for our general displeasure, he’s also very aware that the film had its issues. “We did our best, but there’s so many voices that go into these things and they’re not always going to work out. I did what I could do and I feel proud of what I did, but ultimately I’m not in control of a lot of those things,” he explained in a previous conversation with Digital Spy. On the bright side, he’s likely going to get another stab at comic book cinema with the still-somehow-unconfirmed-by-Marvel Black Widow film.


  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    I’m with David Harbour on this one. I also think that this poor-received, unprofitable movie won’t get a sequel.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    What if they greenlight two more movies just to spite Del Toro

    • sprockets2-av says:

      Maybe this was designed failure to enrage Del Toro to the point that he agrees to be on-board for the next go around. Hell, why can’t the next Hell Boy be Javier Bardem?

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    “I don’t think the perception was that it was a hit” is a funny way of saying it was critically savaged and lost the studio millions of dollars.

  • thyasianman-av says:

    This will show the people who thought Guillermo’s version weren’t profitable!

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    I never cared to see this movie, but whether because it was awful or what, it seems to me like the studio buried it. I remember hearing it announced as a project, hearing about a single trailer and never seeing it attached to any movie I saw in the theater, then next I knew, reviews were out and it’s like, oh, I guess that flopped. I own some Hellboy books and have some tendentious if objectively correct opinions about them, I have to assume I’m part of the target audience here. I was never going to watch this movie, but it seems like a good-faith effort to shill would assume I was considering it and try to do something to get the slice of the demographic pie I’m in to think about it more often.

  • johnnyhockeytm-av says:

    They’ve made three Hellboy movies, twice gotten Guillermo del Toro to make them, and I still have yet to meet a single person who gives a fuck about Hellboy. Stop. Ian McShane is in all of them and I still don’t care. 

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