David Hyde Pierce just didn’t feel like doing more Frasier, alright?

Pierce has no issue with the reboot, he just didn't feel like committing to another sitcom

Aux News Frasier
David Hyde Pierce just didn’t feel like doing more Frasier, alright?
David Hyde Pierce Photo: Jamie McCarthy

Against all odds, Paramount+’s Frasier reboot is apparently pretty good (we’ll get around to it someday), but even with Kelsey Grammer’s salad-tossing and egg-scrambling Dr. Crane living in a new town with some young new friends, there’s still a little sting from the lack of David Hyde Pierce’s Niles Crane—a presence so crucial to the original series that Pierce made a meta cameo on The Simpsons as the brother of Grammer’s Sideshow Bob. And now, while promoting his role in the Stephen Sondheim/David Ives musical Here We Are, Pierce has opened up a bit about not appearing in the new Frasier.

Speaking with the LA Times, Pierce revealed that there’s no shocking secret behind his decision not to join the show (which could’ve featured him and his brother running a theater together, but that storyline was scrapped), it’s just that he had already done Frasier and didn’t really feel like doing any more. Plus, he’s been working on Max’s Julia show and is doing a bunch of musicals, which he wouldn’t have had time for if he were committing to another sitcom, so he just decided to let them make the new Frasier without him.

Luckily, it seems to have worked out well, since the show is apparently pretty good (we’re putting it on our Paramount+ queue right now), with Pierce noting that “they don’t actually need me,” since Frasier has “moved on to a new world” and they have “new characters” who “are great.” That makes it sound like he’s both seen the new show and enjoys it, or at least that he’s aware of it and has no beef with it. But it also doesn’t sound like he has much interest in someday stopping by for a cameo or a guest appearance so he can trade new snide little barbs with his brother and his brother’s new friends. Oh well.


  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    How is it a reboot when it follows on from the original show?

  • mahfouz-av says:

    Admittedly knowing very little about him, he strikes me as the kind of person who would prefer to do work that interests him over money he doesn’t need. Given that he was making about $1M per episode, I’m gonna guess he doesn’t need anymore money. Venturing even further into guesses about a dude I know next to nothing about… is it possible he didn’t want to deal with Grammer spouting MAGA nonsense? I’ve read they were friends, or at least were friendly at some point… but that was all pre-Trump, when it was a lot easier to look past political differences.

    • ginnyweasley-av says:

      Here’s someone with probably a $40-$50m net worth who has lived a life of endless luxury since the 90s. Its 30 years later, he’s aged, and not the “hotter younger” brother of Frasier, but an old man too. He can only either get a “hey this isn’t terrible but wow that guy looks old” or very badly embarrass himself for being on a “terrible cash out show.” Not everyone is one of these multi-decade obsessives like Kelsey Grammer who always cashing paychecks and fighting to keep himself relevant.Not to mention, the premise of the show is pretty much taking gay comedy and turning into “no, no these are just snobby cishet guys, not gays, trust me homophobic America!” I imagine a gay man like Pierce knows this, and on some level dislikes it or finds it offensive, but probably don’t want to go against it as it’ll hurt the show’s and, his own, legacy.The show has always ventured a bit too deep into ripping off queer culture, queer stereotypes, etc. The trailer I saw with Frasier telling his son “Oh you’re not sitting on my Lemoir 1975 felt couch with those jeans mr sassy pants,” is pure queer ripoffs. Hyde Pierece obviously sees this, and its probably a factor in his lack of interest. Lastly Grammer is a republican and I imagine there’s probably a lot going on there with his personal relationship with liberal and queer cast. There’s just a lot of ugly red flags here and I’m not surprise he wants nothing to do with it, especially as a queer man.

      • schmapdi-av says:

        “not the hotter younger” brother of Frasier”

        Was that ever really supposed to be a part of Niles’ appeal?

      • tscarp2-av says:

        Not just a Repug but a card-carrying longtime Trump supporter. I’m surprised anyone wants to work with him. Or why any of us keep watching him. 

      • charliedesertly-av says:

        Or you just obsessively read queer politics into everything

      • danposluns-av says:

        Anyone who has the clout to choose between TV and off-Broadway shows and chooses the latter has made it abundantly clear what nourishes them artistically, and it ain’t getting back together to verbally spar on set with an elderly Kelsey Grammer.

    • happywinks-av says:

      I’m sure it had nothing to do with politics. /s

    • craigo81-av says:

      It’s all right there. He was busy and doesn’t care all that much about Frasier. It’s really that easy.

    • frenchton-av says:

      He’s excellent in the show Julia, playing Julia’s diplomat/spy husband. It’s an interesting character that is completely different from Niles, aside from fondness for fine food and wine. And Pierce convincingly plays straight, though though the romance is between a long married couple. So Pierce is still working in television, just in projects that are more interesting to him. Plus, he took Niles on a pretty complete journey and got him a HEA. I wouldn’t mind seeing Niles and Daphne show up one episode of the new show, but I respect Pierce’s creative choice not to commit. 

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Luckily, it seems to have worked out well, since the show is apparently pretty good (we’re putting it on our Paramount+ queue right now), with Pierce noting that “they don’t actually need me,” since Frasier has “moved on to a new world” and they have “new characters” who “are great.”Pierce is just being (fairly tepidly) nice. The show is mediocre, as practically everyone expected.

  • universalamander-av says:

    Jesus fucking christ, did he drink from the wrong grail!?

  • centristbootlicker-av says:

    That’s all well and good, and I respect his condor and creative decisions. What I take issue with is AV Club posting a picture of a baby hatchling with glasses on and trying to pass that off as a picture of David Hyde Pierce.

    • donaldcostabile-av says:

      Personally, I would like to see a photo of his condor – I hear it’s enthralling.Also – that’s Fisher Stevens’ stunt double.

    • like-hyacinth-piccadilly-onyx-av says:

      That is a weirdly bad picture of him. I saw him recently in the Sondheim show the article mentioned, and he looked much more like what you’d expect him to look like. 

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Is David Hyde Pierce slowly morphing into Fisher Stevens?

  • darthpumpkin-av says:

    Speaking with the LA Times, Pierce revealed that there’s no shocking secret behind his decision not to join the show (which could’ve featured him and his brother running a theater together, but that storyline was scrapped)While I’d love more Niles, that premise sounds like someone took a tightly-written, OG Frasier episode like The Innkeepers and stretched it into a series-long arc, and that doesn’t seem like a good idea. The premise they ended up using is probably better for it, even without Pierce.I do wish they’d give David (the teenage son of Niles and Daphne, and one of the main characters of the new show) more of his mother’s wit and self-confidence. So far he’s written almost exclusively like Niles—Daphne’s influence is nowhere to be found.

    • graymangames-av says:

      I remember Daphne’s big thing was her premonitions and weird spiritual beliefs, which was a nice contrast to the more practical Niles. I’d imagine their kid would say the most ridiculous things, but with a straight face.

      • frenchton-av says:

        I keep waiting for David to show signs of being psychic but being embarrassed about it with his intellectual peers. That seems like a missed opportunity but as people have pointed out, the writers don’t even want to make David Niles 2.0, they want Sheldon and that’s terrible. I did like the reindeer game David played with Alan, though.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      David’s not even Niles–Niles was clever and snarky even when he was being led around on a leash by Maris. David is just a generic spineless dweeb. 

      • libsexdogg-av says:

        I’ve only seen the first two episodes as of yet (saving the rest for a rainy day), and I both liked it and was disappointed by it in equal measure, but I immediately hated David. He’s like Niles through a 100-person game of telephone started by someone who’s only seen promos of Frasier and never a full episode.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        lol I haven’t watched the new show and grazed over the first post and genuinely thought you meant David Hyde Pierce by “David.”

    • laurenceq-av says:

      David seems like a complete afterthought. He’s not integral to any of the episode’s A stories and just kind of floats on the periphery doing warmed-over Niles schtick.  They could literally edit him out of every episode and you’d never notice. 

      • drpumernickelesq-av says:

        Yeah, David has been BY FAR the weakest part but I feel like they started to course correct a little by pairing him off with Alan. He was much more tolerable in the Christmas episode/finale, so if they get another season, I hope they keep sending him down that path.

        • laurenceq-av says:

          I agree that pairing him with Alan is mildly amusing (but that D-story they were saddled with in the Christmas episode was so, so dopey.)But he still basically has no function in the overall show and, honestly, how often can he organically spend time with Alan, anyway? 

          • roger-dale-av says:

            The show has a bit of an overstuffed ensemble cast, something that made a lot of sense when you had a 25 or so episode network season, but it’s a lot for a 10 episode show when you don’t have a central place where all the characters can plausibly interact. It really makes some characters feel a bit superfluous. Maybe if he’d bought an old bar, something with an entrance just below street level…

          • laurenceq-av says:

            I still wish they had done Rob Long’s pitch, which was Frasier and Niles buy Cheers. Obviously DHP was a no show, but that could have worked.As it is, the new version definitely feels like it has superfluous characters. Frasier’s work boss…(don’t even remember her name) and the neighbor with the baby both lack defined comic personas. They’re just….nice people hanging around. So friggin’ what?
            Yeah, more episodes would allow room to showcase those characters, but right now, they’re just there aimlessly. 

        • alexv3d004-av says:

          For some reason I think Freddy and Jessica really don’t help the show. Freddy got better over the season but something about the acting sort of falls flat to me.

          But David definitely seems to have zero influence from Daphne. She would definitely make him street smart.

    • cinecraf-av says:

      You’re so right!  You don’t see any of Daphne’s influence.  I’d at least expect David to be an ace pool hustler like his mom.  And why not make him “a bit psychic” and have some fun with that.  

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      My wish was that he’d essentially rebel against both of them by being into black magic and the occult.
      Nobody listened to me, though.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Every time a pop culture writer brings up the Fraiser reboot, they always drop in that factoid about how it could have been about the brothers running a theater. Which always seemed less like an actual premise to me and more like the result of some Paramount exec who saw The Innkeepers and thought “what if this was EVERY episode?”

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    What a loser.

  • akhippo-av says:

    Or. He just doesn’t want to be around a creep who can’t wait to vote for a brain-dead bigoted wannabe dictator a third time?He’s got his f u money, his husband, and he’s not wanting for good gigs. He doesn’t need Grammer and his antics. 

    • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

      This Cancel Culture bandwagon may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Just because he’s gay doesn’t necessarily mean he hates his fellow American enough to boycott a production over one colleague’s political affiliation. Even if he did, Hollywood doesn’t have the power to enforce the kind of conformism you’re looking for.

      • milligna000-av says:

        Boycott a production?  Stop being so pwecious

      • timetravellingfartdetective-av says:

        Oh fuck off with the phony hysterics. Plenty of us would happily tell our bosses to fuck off if we were wealthy enough to commit  professional suicide, or self-cancellation in your deranged reality,

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Jessu fuck. So now choosing not to take a job that you don’t need counts as “cancel culture”?How do people like you not look in the mirror and realize you’re actually the easily offended, easily triggered one?

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Fine.  Just means more sherry for the rest of us!

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Fuck yes, let’s get classy up in this motherfucker:Just don’t be a gronk and wrap your whole lips around the mouth. Just take a swig and pass it on.

  • coolhandtim-av says:

    Okay, but hear me out:
    At the end of the final episode, Frasier wakes up in bed next to Niles and says “You won’t believe the dream I just had.”

  • captainbubb-av says:


  • cowabungaa-av says:

    Honestly, if you want more Niles just watch Julia. That show’s take on Julia’s husband is basically “Nice Niles” and it’s the cutest thing. They got matching pyjamas! 

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    On The Simpsons did he play Hyde-Pierce, brother of SS Bob, or just Brother of  SS Bob?

  • budsmom-av says:

    Maybe it could have something to do with Grammar’s political leanings, his support of Trump and the insane MAGA adjacent movies he’s made?

  • yoyomama7979-av says:

    I hope he will still make a cameo next season. I mean Roz’s participation in the finale was basically that, and it was just great to see her and Frasier together again.

  • grandmofftwerkin-av says:

    Leave this treasure alone. He’s earned his peace.

  • roger-dale-av says:

    I choose to take him at his word, and while I have no issue with the new Frasier (it’s better than it has any right to be, but basically better than average overall) if it was a choice between DHP doing more Julia or pivoting to this, I’m glad he kept to the path he’s on.

  • mshep-av says:

    Pierce made a meta cameo on The Simpsons I don’t know that I’d call two full episodes a cameo, but what do I know?

  • brianjwright-av says:

    I got a Tossed Salad notification for this?

  • badgerpopeye-av says:

    And by “apparently pretty good” you mean awful?

  • crithon-av says:

    wait, there’s a frasier reboot without niles….. well, there’s you’re problem. 

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