David Lynch addresses Vladimir Putin in his latest weather report

The director aimed some choice words about "death and destruction" towards the Russian leader

Aux News Vladimir Putin
David Lynch addresses Vladimir Putin in his latest weather report
David Lynch Photo: Ernesto S. Ruscio

In today’s weather report from esteemed director David Lynch, the auteur took a moment to share some words about Vladimir Putin and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Lynch uses some choice phrases including “death and destruction” and “What you sow, you shall reap.”

As his daily weather report suggests, Lynch starts off the video very excited about Friday before describing the pleasant conditions in Los Angeles today. He then shares that he was thinking about the Ukrainians and the 1994 Portishead song “Roads” before he forgets what the high of the day was.

After moving on from the weather completely, Lynch goes on to address Putin.

“Mr. Putin, we are as human beings charged as to how we treat our fellow man,” Lynch says. “And there is a law of nature, a hard and fast law [for which] there are no loopholes and no escaping it, and this law is what you sow you shall reap. And right now Mr. Putin, you are sowing death and destruction. It’s all on you. The Ukrainians didn’t attack your country. You went in and attacked their country. All this death and destruction is going to come back and visit you, and in this big picture, this show, that we are involved in, there is an infinite amount of time, so there’s plenty of time—life after life after life—for you to reap what you are sowing.”

“My advice to you is save yourself, save the Ukrainians, save this world,” Lynch continues. “Start getting along with your neighbors. Start building friendships. We are a world family. There is no room for this kind of absurdity anymore. Get with it. Stop this attack. Let’s work together so all the countries of this world can come up in peace and get along with each other. Let’s solve the problems we’ve got together. Let’s get real! Everyone.”

In other news from David Lynch’s YouTube channel, the number of the day is 2. Do with that what you will.


  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    there is a law of nature, a hard and fast law [for which] there are no loopholes and no escaping it, and this law is what you sow you shall reap.I wish it were true, but…

    • trevceratops-av says:

      Trump is going to be on his deathbed still not remotely understanding why he isn’t ever really happy. In spite of everything–and don’t get me wrong, I loathe the man–I still pity him for that.

    • txtphile-av says:

      He’s not locked up, but he’s clearly a miserable bastard that no one loves, so hey.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        He’s going to die realising that the last blowjob Ivanka gave him was only in return for letting her borrow his credit card to buy a coat. 

    • mwfuller-av says:

      Well, maybe he’ll come back in his next life as a lowly centipede.  Unless he already is one?

    • unfromcool-av says:

      Maybe when Lynch says “fast” law, he means relative to the speed of nature overall. I mean, the Earth’s been here for like 4+billion years, so if it takes 70-something yearsfor nature to catch up to the fucking bastard, I guess by its own standards that’s pretty fast.

      • mythagoras-av says:

        Maybe when Lynch says “fast” law, he means relative to the speed of nature overall.I assume you’re joking, but it occurs to me that lots of people probably don’t realize that in the expression “hard and fast,” the word “fast” doesn’t mean “quick,” but “firm, secure, tight” (as in “to fasten” something).

        • unfromcool-av says:

          I was, thank you for catching on to that. Mainly just trying to find an excuse as to why Shitbag Trump is still getting away with it all.

      • geralyn-av says:

        “Hard and fast” is an expression that David Lynch did not come up with. It means “fixed and definitive.”

    • motherduhad-av says:

      To be fair, in this case he seems to be looking at it from a ‘wheel of reincarnation’ way where even if Putin, the man, lives out the rest of his life in peace and luxury, he’ll spend the next thousand, thousand lives suffering horrifically as all of his misdeeds are paid back on him via cosmic karma.

      Basically the old Buddhist morality tale about the priest who is about to sacrifice a goat, only for the goat to reveal that in a past life he was a priest who sacrificed animals and then had to spend 500 reincarnations as sacrificial animals to atone for his crimes.

      I mean personally, not being a Buddhist believing in karmic reincarnation nor a a Christian believing in post life rewards and punishments, it comes off as a bit of a hollow threat to me, but I can at least respect the spirit in which it was intended and… Well hey, would be nice if that turned out to be true and both of these SOBs end up paying a hefty, HEFTY karmic toll for their evil deeds.

      • geralyn-av says:

        “Hard and fast” is an expression that’s been around forever. It means “fix and definitive.” But you’re right about Lynch referring to the karmic reincarnation. He’s not a Buddhist, but is heavy into the Transcendental Meditation movement. The meditation practice itself is fine (it’s just one form of Hindu meditation), I’ve done it for decades, but I have nothing to do with the organization because it’s a cult. It’s not a much of an abusive or destructive cult (although there are issues) and they don’t harass you if you leave, but it’s still a cult.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      “Karma” is just another variant of “if you’re poor it’s because you didn’t work hard enough” and “if you have leprosy it’s because you’re a sinner”.It’s the Just World fallacy formalised into belief.

    • nimavikhodabandeh-av says:

      By “life after life after life” I take it Lynch is talking spiritually. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in this life, but someday Putin will get his reckoning.
      Not much comfort to the people suffering now, nor any words that Putin would take seriously.

  • dudebra-av says:

    David Lynch is my favorite barroom philosopher.

  • txtphile-av says:

    We got a war to fight/We’ve never found our way/Regardless of what they say.Top 10 easy, maybe 5 or 6.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    It’s always Friday Night at Lynch’s house, and sunglasses 24/7.

  • cosmiagramma-av says:

    If I had to pick ten people currently living to live forever, David Lynch would be one of them.

    • scortius-av says:

      John Waters too

      • milligna000-av says:

        Man, why hasn’t someone given him a streaming deal? He literally spent 15 years pitching a series of scripts to people who just wanted to take the meeting. SO many unmade Waters projects out there. I saw a literal stack of scripts in someone’s office once. UGH.

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        I recently watched Matt Baume’s video on Waters and wow. I had a general idea of his background/history and have seen a few of his films, but while I certainly held a great deal of respect for him and his accomplishments before, he went up even more in my estimation after watching that.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I was going to say Keith Richards, but that’s probably a foregone conclusion already.

  • eeyorepukey-av says:

    How amazing would it be if it turned out Putin is a huge Wild at Heart fan and this actually works? 

  • milligna000-av says:

    Gawd bless DL. (Give us UNRECORDED NIGHT, please. Don’t care what it is, but 13 episodes by you sound amazing.)

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    whew, you tell ‘em, Dave.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    i’m sure this will fix everything.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    This guy has been onto Putin for decades. The evil guy in Dune (1984) was named Vladimir! Okay, I guess technically that was taken from the book. But still!

    • savagewoofer-av says:

      He’s been onto him. “You will see me one more time if you do good. You will see me two more times if you do bad.”

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    sad how naive people are.People don’t want to get along, dude.  Let’s get real.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Only the US is allowed to bomb countries, silly.

  • kim-porter-av says:

    I’m not quite sure why this has escaped the opprobrium that similar celebrity “statements” on the war have gotten. Granted, this isn’t a poem or a plug for how his superhero character could have prevented this, but…isn’t there a similar lack of self-awareness present in David Lynch thinking that he needs to weigh in?

    • puddingangerslotion-av says:

      He’s been getting away with telling us the weather for years now, while other celebrity weather reports are scorned and made fun of. I assume this falls under the same category.

    • sshear1898-av says:

      I think with other celebrities you get the feeling that it’s more about them having the right opinion and showing that they stand on the right side of history, etc etc. Lynch has consistently proven himself to be one of the most genuine people in entertainment so when he says something, people are inclined to believe it’s out of a genuine interest and care for the subject he’s speaking on

    • oopec-av says:

      Maybe it’s because David Lynch seems to be genuine in his statement and not simply trying to win points.

    • jacquestati-av says:

      Because he does weather reports every day, and just talks about whatever. Makes sense he would talk about this. He’s just speaking to his audience of weirdos, I doubt he thought it would make the news.

  • thelivingtribunal2-av says:

    His comments about samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth in Indian religions) made me think about Inland Empire.  Samsara really is what IE is all about, isn’t it?

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I like his Dune better.More colors

    • knukulele-av says:

      It is only now, almost four decades later that Lynch’s film can take it’s rightful place as the greatest over the top spot on perfect parody of Villeneuve’s iconic classic Dune. And miniseries Dune is the rich kid high school production.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      And a cat that needs milking. Seriously, Lynch added that. It’s not in the book.

  • jimbis-av says:

    Yep, that should do it.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
  • muheca90-av says:

    “My log has a message for you.”(Bashes Putin’s skull in with it)

  • erikveland-av says:

    This could replace the Dictator’s Speech in psy-trance music going forward.

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