Let’s fucking go: the first Deadpool & Wolverine trailer is here

Hugh Jackman joins Ryan Reynolds in Marvel's first ever R-rated film

Film News Deadpool
Let’s fucking go: the first Deadpool & Wolverine trailer is here
Deadpool & Wolverine Screenshot: Marvel Entertainment/YouTube

When 21st Century Fox (and with it Deadpool) officially came under Disney’s jurisdiction in 2017, there was some rightfully placed concern that the Mouse would bar the merc with a mouth from saying whatever the hell he motherfucking wanted. Fans can rest easy, however, because Marvel just released the first trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine—their first-ever R-rated film—and there are no less than five F-bombs in its mere two-minute and 38-second runtime.

And by “F-bomb” we do mean “fuck” instead of “Feige,” although the Marvel CEO does get name-dropped at the end of this clip for barring any on-screen mention of cocaine, “the one thing that’s off limits” in the movie. (But even that rule seems to be pretty relaxed, as Wade and his roomie go on to sound off about all the euphemisms they’re not allowed to use for “disco dust.” It’s pretty funny.)

Deadpool & Wolverine | Official Trailer | In Theaters July 26

After teasing the team-up in Deadpool 2's post-credit scene (and a lot of social media videos), Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are finally joining forces to either save or further fuck up the multiverse, marking the first time either Deadpool or Wolverine has appeared in the larger franchise. For real this time—no fake Predator or swindler Mickey set photos here. The two previously starred together in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, one of the critically panned efforts that Wade “fixes” at the end of the previous film.

Deadpool & Wolverine also marks Jackman’s first time wearing the claws since he initially went into “retirement” at the end of 2017's Logan, a process that causes him a little bit of trouble at the beginning of the new trailer. (“Oh… whiskey dick of the claws. It’s quite common in Wolverines over 40,” Deadpool evocatively ribs.)

Reynolds and Jackman will be joined by some faces both old and new to the multiverse, including Emma Corrin, Morena Baccarin, Rob Delaney, Karan Soni, Leslie Uggams, and Succession’s Matthew Macfadyen. Deadpool & Wolverine arrives in theaters July 26.


  • peon21-av says:

    Note also the splendid “Liefeld’s Just Feet” store behind the duo.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    Lemurs Fling Grenades: the first Deadpool & Wolverine trailer is here

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    Praise the Heavens…

  • iwasoncemumbles-av says:

    Having just watched Frozen with my three year old yesterday, “do you want to build a snowman” got me.

  • bortgarfunkel-av says:

    Can’t believe people watch this crap

  • nilus-av says:

    I remember really enjoying the first one and being kinda disappointed in the second. Should give them a rewatch. This looks fun.   It amazes me just how great the casting of Wolverine was all those years ago.   Sure Jackman is a foot taller then the comic character is suppose to be but in all other ways it works.  

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I think the second one has a lot more excellent parts but they just don’t stitch together into a cohesive movie enough to be definitively better than the first.

      • watertowin-av says:

        I totally agree and the many moving parts of the third have the potential to exacerbate those issues 10x

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      His wife was killed (of course). Characters without backstory, a serious lack of direction… There was so little impact that I don’t remember much whereas I recall nearly all of the first one. Seems typical for the #2 movies.

  • hcd4-av says:

    I enjoyed the first two and will undoubtedly see this next one, but wow, I have no idea other than Wolverine being in it what the trailer what the movie’s about. It’s not the highest priority for these things, but I’d like a little more of an idea of plot and not just quip exchanges…

    • weedlord420-av says:

      As far as I can tell the tl;dr version is to get Deadpool into the “proper” MCU so he can cameo for team-ups (and/or get MCU versions of characters to appear in his movies), the long version is it’s basically gonna be a grand humorous send-off to all the old Fox/non-Disney versions of various characters who have appeared in movies over the (pre-merger) years.

    • mshep-av says:

      Ryan Reynolds. Deadpool movie. What do you need, a road map?

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      This isn’t directed at you specifically, but it’s weird that so many people complain about trailers giving away too much these days, and then a trailer like this comes out and some folks are like “Sure, but what’s the movie about?”

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      from the two trailers it seems like some big bad is probably destroying universes or has the power to destroy universes, deadpool is recruited by the tva to fix that (presumably because of his 4th wall breaking ability), needs wolverine to help (or suggests it himself). they will obviously bicker and fight a lot for the first 20 or so minutes. sounds like this wolverine’s universe is destroyed, so we’ll spend some time in that universe, which will have a bunch of jokes and cameos from fox’s x-men movies.and i mean, that probably gets us to 90 minutes, last 45 or so is gonna be a race against time to save as many universes as possible, maybe the tva’s matthew mcfadden is gonna end up being the ultimate villain at the end, and then there will be a serious post credits sequence and a non-serious one. according to shawn levy the ending is reminiscent of return of the jedi, so take from that as you will.

    • sethsez-av says:

      Deadpool and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine are in a violent and vulgar buddy action-comedy with a lot of non-canon shenanigans and references. The plot isn’t going to be the deciding factor for anyone choosing whether or not to see this, so why give it away or spend time on it in the trailer?

      • hcd4-av says:

        I’m not super hung up on the plot, but I guess I wanted the trailer to reveal something a little more substantial this close to release.And I guess I may be in the minority for saying this, while I’m not going for the plot, I don’t care for unconnected skits and this trailer was pretty disjointed. In another way, like a bunch of splash pages. That’d feel more like watching clips on youtube or a Zack Znyder movie than a movie experience I want.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      A bunch of universes are collapsing and the TVA is trying to do something about it. Maybe something good, maybe something bad. Cassandra Nova appears to also be a villain in it, and I’m guessing she’ll be just an alternate universe Xavier instead of his womb-fight tulpa villain or whatever. A few shots show what are survivors of various other collapsed Marvel universes (the wide shot with the giant dead Ant-Man includes Lady Deathstrike from X-2, Toad from the original X-Men, Azazel from First Class, Callisto from Third Strike, and the Russian from the Thomas Jane Punisher movie) banding together and doing some Mad Max shit (in cars from other universes, including part of an old Fantasticar from the original Fox F4 movies, Red Skull’s car from Captain America, and others).

      • pinkkittie27-av says:

        yeah looks like a “what if Xavier and Magneto where the same person” given the obvious ability to control Wolverine’s body in the clip, which Magneto could do but Xavier couldn’t, but the obvious Xavier look and accent.

        • systemmastert-av says:

          That’s actually sorta normal for Cassandra Nova, she’s a cool villain from a cool arc, but she has a bullshit amount of powers.  Her gimmick is that she has all the psychic abilities it would have been possible for Charles to develop, so she’s powerfully telekinetic in addition to telepathic.  Basically like a souped-up Jean Gray, but also with… I think it’s some Shi’Ar alien nonsense in there too?

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          Nah, it’s just her normal garden-variety telekinesis.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I’m the opposite – I know I’m going to watch the movie due to the past two movies and from the banter between Deadpool and Wolverine alone. Don’t need any aspect of the plot to be spoiled.

    • toecheese4life-av says:

      Based on the trailer Deadpool’s world is falling apart so he went to another dimension to ask an alternate reality Wolverine to help him.

    • tscarp2-av says:

      “I’m going to need to know what farm the eggs came from before I can eat the birthday cake you made with them.”

  • presidentzod-av says:

    This will make a billion dollars.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      very curious about that one. deadpools don’t come out in china and it’s still r rated at the end of the day. i do think it’ll comfortably make the same 700-800 million as the last two.

    • apocalypseplease-av says:

      Why should it make a billion dollars when it could make a….. *million* dollars?!*Cue Dr. Evil music*

    • drkschtz-av says:

      I bet WW gross is 750 mill. Still really good.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i mean i’m gonna go see it but no amount of marketing is gonna make me forget this is a shawn levy movie at the end of the day.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Looks like it’s exactly what it needs to be.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Emma Corrin playing Cassandra Nova is the latest salvo in the war on crones.

    • tvcr-av says:

      Do you mean crones as in an old woman who may be characterized as disagreeable, malicious, or sinister in manner, often with magical or supernatural associations that can make her either helpful or obstructive, or are you referring to Crone’s disease? Does Emma Corrin have it? She kind of looks like she might, but I don’t know.

    • refinedbean-av says:

      Eh, I actually forget how old she was supposed to be when she debuted, and it was with that one artist that Morrison works with that a) is very good, don’t get me wrong but b) tends to make all human beings just look…old and wrinkly, a bit.

      Either way, she’s young in this one, and that’s fine. Honestly, Corrin is one of the most exciting parts of this sequel for me.

      • zirconblue-av says:

        Frank Quitely?

        • refinedbean-av says:

          Yes, which reminds me, We3 is now 20 years old and deserves another re-read/absolutely huge sob session.

      • sontohartono-av says:

        She’s supposed to be Xavier’s age, but also, this is a timeywimey movie, she can be plucked from any moment on the timeline(s), so she can be any age. Like how we had Kid Loki & (Old Man) Classic Loki in the Loki series.

      • mattthecatania-av says:

        If Grant Morrison wanted to make X-Men sexy to the mainstream public, Frank Quitely was exactly the wrong artist for the job.

    • fnh-av says:

      Tilda Swinton would’ve been better. Cassandra Nova was the first thing that popped up in head when I saw her in Dr Strange.

    • stevennorwood-av says:

      Do you mean Crohn’s?

    • sui-generis-actual-av says:

      Yes, after the initial salvos of Aunt May and Madame Web…; )

    • rezzyk-av says:

      She could me McAvoy’s Xavier’s twin instead of Stewart’s

  • nrichusc-av says:

    Shit. Am I going to have to watch the second season of Loki to get some of this thing?

  • coldsavage-av says:

    Loved Deadpool, was sort of cool on Deadpool 2 and I honestly did not have high hopes for Deadpool 3 given that Shawn Levy was going to be one of the driving forces behind it. With Shawn Levy, he seems like the kind of guy a studio brings in to competently and technically put someone else’s vision on the screen, rather than a guy with his own distinct style. That said… this trailer actually looks pretty good and my excitement level went from “I’ll end up seeing this on D+ at some point” to “yeah, I actually am pretty interested in this now”.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    I guess I finally need to fire up the first two on Disney+.My wife wanted to watch them a while ago, but we have been unable to get our younger kids out of the house or stay awake long enough after they fall asleep. Now they’re almost old enough to watch the damn movies, anyway, although I still don’t think I want to expose my 12-year-old daughter to pegging.Mrs. Soylent Green kinda has a thing for Reynolds, but I don’t think she knows he’s disfigured for most of the film — kind of like how she didn’t know Bradley Cooper’s role in Guardians of the Galaxy was voicing a homicidal raccoon.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Reynolds doesn’t do much for me, but there is something to be said about his figure in that suit.

    • tvcr-av says:

      It used to be that parents told kids about pegging. Now the schools teach it, or worse they hear about it in the schoolyard.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Yeah, it’s a bit much for someone that young. You seem like the kind of cool people who don’t care about being cool. That’s refreshing.

      • snooder87-av says:

        I’m gonna guess that your 12 year old already knows vaguely what pegging is. I did at that age.Granted, boys tend to be a bit more adventurous when it comes to looking up weird and raunchy sex things, but 12 years old is 7th grade territory, and weird sex shit is like 90% of what we talked about.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          I couldnt have kids so I don’t have the experience, but 12 year old me would have been horrified. I, myself, didn’t know what pegging was until I started reading Jezebel 10 years ago (I’m GenX, female and sort of sheltered that way). Not my thing but I don’t judge.

        • apocalypseplease-av says:

          No doubt, although reading slash fiction written by teenage girls shows that some take initiative for raunchy research.

      • rafterman00-av says:

        Only lame-o’s would say something like that.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      besides your point, i also find it super annoying how much mileage they force out of pegging jokes in this franchise. it’s almost gone back around to being offensive in the opposite way – why is a man and a woman having slightly different consensual sex such a hangup?**the answer is that it’s an easy way to make a ‘gay joke’ without making a gay joke.

    • cshumway-av says:

      My youngest son was 11 when the original Deadpool came out (he had already read a good chunk of the comics). He loved it, but the face-sitting joke caught him off guard and made him audibly gasp in the theater 🙂

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    The “Let’s fucking go” tagline just makes me picture Deadpool with Gen Z broccoli hair and I hate it so very, very much, but other than that, I’m looking forward to it.

  • jbbb3-av says:

    Cool that they finally got Wolverine in his blue and yellow costume, but I need him to wear the mask too at some point. My entire option of the movie rides on whether or not Wolverine wears his mask. 

    • vengevega1-av says:

      There is DP3 merch with him wearing the mask.  It would be wild if he never puts it on(or in the after credits just to mess with us).  It’s kind of a big moment so I think they’re just saving it for the movie.  I have no doubt in my mind that we will finally see Wolvie in all his glory!

  • amcr-av says:

    Are they finally making Morena Baccarin’s character more than just the hot, cool girlfriend? Because she’s been wasted until now. Also, I see they are going to reference mad max in setting and at least in one set piece. If they are going to be doing the same slideshow with referencial and gross out comedy, while filming mostly generic action pieces, fury road is not the best film piece to invoke. 

  • leogan-av says:

    The joke isn’t that they’re not allowed to mention it. It’s that they’re no longer allowed to do it on screen.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    If it’s going to be nothing but non-stop fighting I’ll just wait until the fourth one; hopefully everyone has calmed down, found a little place in a remote forest because civilization sucks and they can deal with a mutant chupacabra or something.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    Why is Cassandra Nova being wasted in a comedy film? She could have been a great foe for the “real” X-Men movie for the eventual MCU films.

    I will see the movie but I’m curious as to why they prioritized all the sequences where it’s using rated r language constantly. It’s like the studio always wants to telegraph that the Deadpool character is so edgy and constantly saying things that are body parts related and drugs related.  “IT’S SO COOL! IT’S RATED R! AND BY THE WAY: THEY SAY RATED R STUFF!!” so is Ben Affleck there as Daredevil?

    • snooder87-av says:

      Considering that “real” MCU movies these days includes some real stinkers (see for example, The Eternals), she’s probably better off in a Deadpool movie.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      The Deadpool movies already had far superior versions of Colossus and Juggernaut to the X-Men movies.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      We don’t know yet that Nova won’t stick around.  I do think the extreme profanity of the trailer is specifically meant to assuage the people (nerds) who for the past couple of years have been expressing concerns that Disney Deadpool would take it down to PG or PG-13.  

  • neanderthalbodyspray-av says:

    Jackman looks more like Wolverine to me now than when he was younger. 

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Watching XMen 97 was a cold splash of water – I hated hated hated the Wolverine voice and realized that Jackman’s been the Platonic Ideal Wolverine for almost that far back!

  • Rev2-av says:

    Is there going to be an actual villain or just They/Them Corin trying her hardest to ham it up?

  • jalapenogeorge-av says:

    Feige is pronounced FyGy? Oh, I’ve been making an idiot of myself.

  • bluto-blutowski-av says:

    I love chocolate more than anything, and I really, really like gummies. But chocolate coverd gummies are just not pleasant. Which I why I am worried that this movie will not live up to expectations.

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