Deadwood lives again: A catch-up guide to its cast and characters

TV Features For Our Consideration
Deadwood lives again: A catch-up guide to its cast and characters
Photo: Warrick Page

Deadwood famously ended with more of a whimper than a bang, canceled by HBO in 2006 after three seasons—at least one fewer than creator David Milch needed to tell his highly fictionalized history of the South Dakota camp. Rumors have swirled off and on since the show’s end that Milch would reassemble his incredible cast and film a more worthy conclusion to one of the finest shows of the century—it holds its own against The Sopranos, Mad Men, and Breaking Bad. For a while it was going to be two movies, but those rumors fizzled to the point where all hope seemed lost. Star Timothy Olyphant opined as recently as last year that “there’s no fucking way it’s ever going to happen.” Then, just like that, HBO announced that Deadwood would get to end with a feature-length movie, debuting this Friday.

For fans who don’t have time for a 36-hour memory jog, or for newbies who’d rather dive right into the movie, here’s where every major (and many minor) character was left at the close of business in 1877. The film will pick up the action a decade later. Major spoilers ahead for the TV show only, none for the film.

Seth Bullock (Timothy Olyphant)

The angriest sheriff in the West, who was thrust into the job by virtue of his being the only candidate with any virtue, loses quite a lot at the end of Deadwood’s third season. The votes have started to come in, and it looks like the election—rigged by George Hearst—is not going his way. His true love, Alma Garret Ellsworth, is on a coach headed out of town for good, a longing look exchanged as she goes. On the other hand, perhaps Bullock could put together a slightly more normal life as a hardware salesman, keeping his nose out of town politics. (As if he’d be able to do that.) He remains married—semi-happily, at the very least—to his brother’s widow, Martha.

Al Swearengen (Ian McShane)

Al Swearengen, owner of the Gem Saloon and crime kingpin of the territory, went through the most complicated emotional journey of the series—both for the character and the audience. An absolutely heartless killer one minute and a softie (relatively speaking) the next, it was hard to know whether to root for him or against. Lest the series err too much toward Swearengen being one of the good guys, the finale left him mopping up a pool of blood in his office—evidence of the innocent prostitute, Jen, whose throat he slit in order to satisfy George Hearst’s desire for revenge, and allow Hearst to leave town. Sure, he was trading Jen’s life for his old friend Trixie’s, but it was still an awful thing.

George Hearst (Gerald McRaney)

George Hearst, unlike Al Swearengen, never had a moment of doubt when it came to evil deeds. An unrepentant murderer, rapacious capitalist, and king of the condescending sneer, he made no friends in Deadwood—though he did command a paid army to do his bidding. His bidding was to get the gold—all of the gold—and at the end of the series, he had finally convinced Alma Ellsworth to sell him her bountiful claim. (It only took murdering her husband, among other things.) Still, when Hearst rode out of Deadwood on his wagon—leaving psychotic Cy Tolliver behind to see to his non-mining interests—it was in partial defeat. The town elders, in putting up a fight, left him short of his goal, which was to “take this place down like Gomorrah.” Bullock even gets in the last word—a rarity in Hearst’s world. Hearst will appear in the movie, so more sparks will surely fly.

Alma Garret Ellsworth (Molly Parker)

Fancy big-city lady Alma Garret never quite fit in with Deadwood, but that didn’t stop her from trying to stay. Her first husband, Brom, was murdered by Dan Dority at Al Swearengen’s direction, but that didn’t force her out. Her second husband, the honorable Whitney Ellsworth, was also murdered—this time by agents of the other big bad, George Hearst. Alma herself was even shot at in the thoroughfare as a warning, but her heart belonged to Seth Bullock, and that kept her around—even as they couldn’t continue their relationship. Whitney’s murder ended up being too much to bear, though, and the now-twice-widowed Alma left town at the end of the series with her ward—the orphan Sofia, whose family was murdered by road agents—and a wistful look in her eye. Presumably the bank she opened would continue without her there to run it. She’ll return for the movie, of course.

“Calamity” Jane Canary (Robin Weigert) and Joanie Stubbs (Kim Dickens)

There wasn’t all that much for former madame Joanie Stubbs and current/former drunk/friend of Will Bill Hickok Calamity Jane to do in the third season than… fall in love? The duo’s relationship developed so sweetly over the season that it could be forgiven for getting a little soapy, though. Joanie and Jane found themselves drawn to the town’s school, with Joanie turning over her former brothel to Mrs. Bullock and Jane finding rare joy in telling her story to kids. Their relationship felt true and earned, each having been close to suicide—Jane with booze and Joanie with a pistol to her head—and having found comfort in each other. Jane’s confusion over Joanie’s tenderness brought one of the series’ most incredible acting moments, which is saying something considering the skill of the entire cast.

Doc Cochran (Brad Dourif)

Though an important character in the series—and played by one of its finest actors—Doc Cochran didn’t have a ton to do in the final days. He walked around coughing a lot—a “lunger,” meaning he had tuberculosis—and stitched up Hearst after he was shot by Trixie. But at the end, he was more a bystander than an active participant.

Dan Dority (W. Earl Brown)

A cold-blooded killer with an occasional soft spot and an unbending loyal to his boss, Al Swearengen, Dan Dority was one of Deadwood’s funniest and scariest characters. After his massive, bloody fight with Hearst’s right-hand man, the Captain, Dority briefly showed his softer side, retreating both in physical pain and perhaps in the sadness of killing a man in a “fair fight.” (This “fair fight” involved the Captain’s eye being plucked from his head.) But it’s Dority’s speech to Whitney Ellsworth—convincing him not to play into George Hearst’s hands and attack—that fully summed up his character. He’s loyal and violent and smart in his own way. He remains so at the end of the series, still by Swearengen’s side, and fully on board with Swearengen’s murder of the innocent prostitute.

Trixie (Paula Malcomson)

Trixie—of no last name other than “the whore”—is the rare example of someone whose good deeds are rewarded in Deadwood, though not without consequence. In spite of her seemingly total subjugation to Al Swearengen—who beat her badly in the very first episode—Trixie is able to accomplish what she thinks is right, even in defiance of Al. And it’s her hot-headed response to the murder of her friend Whitney Ellsworth—she shoots Hearst in the shoulder—that’s at least partly responsible for Hearst packing up and leaving town. She’s rewarded with what looks to be a happy ending with Sol Star, who finally proves his love to her beyond her doubt. Still, she ends the series crying over Jen, who died so she could live.

Sol Star (John Hawkes)

Sol Star always served as the voice of reason for his business partner Seth Bullock, and as one of the only Jewish people in Deadwood, also served as the target for plenty of insults. His steady hand and demeanor meant that he wasn’t necessarily too important in the final season, though he spirited Trixie to safety after she shot Hearst. Presumably they’ll be running the hardware store together for years to come.

Cy Tolliver (Powers Boothe)

Cy Tolliver was smooth cruelty incarnate throughout the series, even as he seemed ever closer to going completely crazy. After supplicating himself completely to Hearst, he is given the task of looking after Hearst’s non-mining interests once Hearst leaves. This menial task seems to push Tolliver completely over the edge, and he murders Leon the junkie in one of his last scenes. Powers Boothe died in 2017, so Tolliver won’t likely figure greatly into the movie’s narrative, though the character won’t have disappeared without explanation. (Boothe himself was buried in Deadwood—the one in Texas, not South Dakota.)

E.B. Farnum (William Sanderson)

Weaselly hotel owner/manager Eustace Bailey Farnum had his loyalty tested in season three, as his hotel was purchased by Hearst, the enemy of his true boss, Swearengen. After Hearst gobbed in his face, though, Farnum seemed to have a revelation. And as Hearst rode out of town, Farnum poked his head onto the “veranda”—a porch created by Hearst’s sledgehammer. The hotel appeared to be his once again.

Charlie Utter (Dayton Callie)

Charlie Utter, being one of the most honorable men in Deadwood, got a couple of fine moments in the final episodes: First, he stared down Hearst’s men at the polls, never backing down when they tried to stop Samuel “N––––– General” Fields from voting. Then he paid Hearst a visit at his hotel, and actually seemed to shake the scoundrel’s foundation a bit—contributing, one would think, to his decision to leave. Utter remains owner of a booming freight business at the end of the series, as well as one of Bullock’s deputies—though that job might be short-lived if Bullock loses the election.

Whitney Ellsworth (Jim Beaver)

An honorable former drunk, Whitney Ellsworth married Alma Garret out of a sense of duty. (Also, she was super rich.) In the first episodes, he was a lovable lush. In the last, he was a righteous husband. But he was murdered in cold blood by Hearst’s agents, shot in the head.

A.W. Merrick (Jeffrey Jones)

A.W. Merrick turned a corner toward the end of Deadwood when he was badly beaten by one of Hearst’s men. It made him loyal to Swearengen, to the point where doing the right thing conflicted with telling the whole truth in his newspaper, The Deadwood Pioneer. On his way out of town, Hearst promises Merrick that his people will start a competing newspaper, to tell lies from the other side.

Martha Bullock (Anna Gunn)

Martha Bullock didn’t have a lot to do once she got to Deadwood, other than fret about her husband and mourn her dead son. Still, Anna Gunn did a great job without a ton of material, and presumably her character will play a bigger role in what happened after all the excitement left town.

Sofia Metz (Bree Seanna Wall)

Little Sofia rides off with Alma Ellsworth at the end, mourning the loss of Whitney Ellsworth and her many Deadwood pals. The character will return in the movie, though portrayed by a different actress, Lily Keene.

Tom Nuttall (Leon Rippy)

Saloon owner Tom Nuttall got a little closer to the decision-making action in the final season, though never so close as to be crucial. He’s planning to start a fire brigade with Harry Manning, Bullock’s competition for sheriff.

Johnny Burns (Sean Bridgers)

One of Al Swearengen’s younger, dumber subservients, Johnny Burns wanted to move up in the organization, but may have stymied his chances by objecting in the final episode to Al’s murder of the innocent Jen. He seems to have come around by the end, and remains in Al’s employ.

Silas Adams (Titus Welliver)

Titus Welliver is one of the only living cast members whose character won’t be returning for the Deadwood movie; he apparently couldn’t make it work with his Bosch schedule. (Way more important, that.) It’s not the hugest loss, since his Silas Adams had evolved into another member of Al’s small army—more cunning perhaps than the others, but not super necessary.

Mr. Wu (Keone Young)

Mr. Wu really stepped up toward the end of Deadwood’s run, and in the final episode his smarts may have helped avert a war. By stationing his men—loyal to Al—outside of town, he didn’t reveal their numbers until a fight seemed imminent. He remains a ruthless businessman and friend to Al. Actually they’re closer than friends, they’re “hang dai”—brothers. Not that Al knows exactly what that means.

And more…

Jewel is still cleaning up at The Gem. Steve “The Drunk” Fields, having been kicked in the head by a horse, is in a vegetative state, being looked after by Samuel “N––––– General” Fields (no relation, presumably). Wyatt and Morgan Earp left town, having made no impression whatsoever. John Langrishe, the theater owner, was a side-player in the final days, and remained Al’s friend. Richardson and Aunt Lou struck up a fantastic friendship, but didn’t figure into the story in vital ways. (The actor who played Richardson, Ralph Richeson, died in 2015.) Commissioner Jarry (played by Stephen Tobolowsky) was last seen admitting his complicity in rigging the elections. Eddie Sawyer (Ricky Jay) disappeared after season one, having stolen money from Cy Tolliver—Jay himself died in 2018.

The dearly departed

In case you’d forgotten, these important characters are dead: Wild Bill Hickok (murdered in season one by Jack McCall, who was turned over to authorities and presumably executed). William Bullock, son to Martha and adopted son of Seth Bullock, was trampled to death by a runaway horse. Francis Wolcott (played, as was Jack McCall, by Garret Dillahunt), hanged himself. Reverend Smith (Ray McKinnon) was mercy-murdered by Al Swearengen in season one, before a debilitating brain disease could do the job.


  • ralphm-av says:

    Jeffery Jones?Pass!

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      It was so odd seeing him after a rewatch. This was probably his last role. I recommend if you have it to stream the show on Prime. The IMBD stuff was useful. I would pause it every time I spotted someone familar.

      • ralphm-av says:

        I watched the show when it was originally broadcast.I just don’t think people like Jones should be given a second chance by Hollywood. He should be in jail as far as i’m concerned but he keeps getting given free passes because he’s a star.

        • yourmomandmymom-av says:

          And he’s not even that  much of a star. Before this was he known for anything besides Bueller’s principal? Even scarier what real stars get away with.

          • richardalinnii-av says:

            He had a few memorable/major roles. The principal in Ferris Bueller, The dad in Beetlejuice (he was in a lot of Tim Burton movies). And who could forget his role in Howard the Duck.

          • esrevernisti-av says:

            He played a very similar role to Merrick in Ravenous. He doesn’t seem to have much range.

          • richardalinnii-av says:

            I was going to bring that up but I didn’t think that’s a very famous role, except to me and the 10 other people who saw that movie.

          • cranchy-av says:

            There’s dozens of us!  Dozens!

          • zzwanderer-av says:

            He’s a sick fucker in real life but I love him in Ravenous

          • ralphm-av says:

            The film i always remember is Stay Tuned.

        • semicurious-av says:

          Jeffery Jones?Pass! I watched the show when it was originally broadcast.So you watched the series with him in it but won’t watch the movie?

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      If there’s a throwaway line that suggests Merrick got too big for his britches and Al had him fed to Wu’s pigs, I wouldn’t complain.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    i can’t wait. need to rewatch the end of s2 again, for sure.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    I quite like me that Molly Parker, I reckon.

    • milyorkee-av says:

      If you’re a Molly Parker fan I hope you’ve seen Center of the World (with the equally sexy Carla Gugino). Besides the babes it’s a great movie. 

  • koopatroopastupidkinja-av says:

    I’m not sure I agree with your interpretation that Alma was leaving town in the last episode. She had just taken the little one to see Ellsworth’s body and was returning from that (she wouldn’t go back to NY or even the nearest train depot in an open cart). She sold her holdings to Hearst precisely so she could stay in Deadwood, and pointedly told Sophia that they were *not* leaving.

    • wsg-av says:

      I appreciate the good and detailed write up, but you are absolutely right that the assertion that Alma left town was an error. As you articulated, the whole reason for the “will she sell her claim?” story line was because she wanted to stay in Deadwood.Bullock’s final confrontation with Hearst (you are through tipping your bleeping hat) was because he was furious when Hearst tipped his hat to Alma when she and Sophia were returning to town form Ellsworth’s grave.

      • gterry-av says:

        That is what I thought I remembered. She had a whole debate how if she kept her mining operation she would have to hire her own army to fight Hearst’s army. And that would make it unsafe for her and she wpuld have to leave town.


    i was late to deadwood, binged it a few years ago on prime and loved it. but watching a bunch of cable network shows before deadwood, it’s amazing how many fine actors were featured in the series and moved onto to so many other great shows.

    • yourmomandmymom-av says:

      And how many went on to good shows that became terrible, like Sons of Anarchy. Lot of Deadwood actors there, for better or worse. Dayton Callie,Keone Young, Kim Dickens, Titus Welliver, Robin Weigert. Maybe some others.

      • HALLOWEDPOINTS-av says:

        yes, not all of the shows they went onto were great. i was just thinking more of a deadwood family TV tree. there is definitely good (breaking bad, justified, bosch) and the bad (SoA, fear the walking dead, ray donovan).

      • lordpooppants3-av says:

        Wasn’t Reverend Smith that creepy ATF guy in the shiny new biker leathers?

      • friendsofclyde-av says:

        Don’t forget Paula Malcolmson who played the Irish mistress in that half-season set in Ireland. I recently binged both SoA and Deadwood and was amazed at how many characters they had in common (and hadn’t really seen anywhere else). I thought for sure there had to be a creator in common or something but nope. 

      • g22-av says:

        And don’t forget Titus Welliver’s crucial role in the latter seasons of Lost… Unless you want to forget the later seasons of Lost completely…

      • punkrockoldlady-av says:

        I watched Deadwood after I’d seen a couple of seasons of Sons of Anarchy and completely amazed by the crossover.  

      • mattyoshea-av says:

        Paula Malcolmson was one of the only few highlights of their Ireland trip

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      Have you watched Justified? It never managed to get Ian McShane on there, but it makes an absolutely killer spiritual successor to Deadwood. I watched Deadwood and jumped right into Justified, and even though it only shares some actors, I’ll be damned if I don’t believe it takes place in the same timeline.

      • HALLOWEDPOINTS-av says:

        yes, it is one of my favorite shows!

      • realgenericposter-av says:

        Olyphant really gets to show his range – he goes from playing an angry marshal in Deadwood to a slightly less angry marshal in Justified.

        • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

          It’s funny: my first exposure to Olyphant was actually as the sleazy porn director in The Girl Next Door.

          • rogar131-av says:

            I loved Deadwood from the start, but Olyphant in it always felt to me like he glowered too much. I thought it was an acting limitation until I saw him in The Girl Next Door, where he is a riot, and the absolute best part of that movie. Justified was kind of the compromise between the two, where he glowered, but also got to be funny.

          • punkrockoldlady-av says:

            He’s pretty funny in The Santa Clarita Diet, too.

          • rogar131-av says:

            Haven’t watched that one. Maybe I’ll check it out, but I’m kinda over zombies for the moment.

          • punkrockoldlady-av says:

            I actually bailed in the middle of the third season.  I’ll probably go back and finish it but I didn’t love it the way I did in the first two seasons.

          • c8h18-av says:

            What about the drug dealer in Go? That was such a seminal high school movie for me, dripping with the late-90s don’t-give-a-fuck attitude!

        • bruxist-av says:

          True that. But that is why he was so great in Santa Clarita Diet, playing against type.

      • moflicky-av says:

        I loved that show a ton. rewatched it last summer and it still holds up. n

    • rayhiggenbottom-av says:

      My wife and I play a game where you try to be the first one to say “He/She was in Deadwood!”, when watching something else. Really just I play it and she humors me. 

    • stotm-av says:

      The best show with Deadwood DNA, though, has to be Rectify. Sean Bridgers, Leon Rippy, W. Earl Brown, and created by Rev. Smith himself, Ray McKinnon. Possibly the best drama of the last ten years. 

    • ExpatKenyan-av says:

      I was super-late to Deadwood, and bought the box-set once everything was (supposedly) over. I’d read about it, so I kinda knew what to expect, but MrExpat went into it blind.I now have carte blanche for all future viewing options.

  • yourmomandmymom-av says:

    “In the first episodes, he (Ellsworth) was a lovable lush”He also (Charlie) uttered in his first scene what is essentially Deadwood’s mission statement:
    “I may have fucked up my life flatter’n hammered shit, but I stand here before you today beholden to no human cocksucker”

    • wsg-av says:

      Yes! It was also the first DW scene ever with Al, and it is a great one. And then, I don’t think Ian McShane and Jim Beaver share another scene until Catbird Seat at the very end of the series. I could be wrong about that…….

    • g22-av says:

      Totally forgot Ellsworth died in season 3. Really came to love that guy…

    • lugnuts-av says:

      Charlie didn’t say that, it was Ellsworth talking to Al.

      • yourmomandmymom-av says:

        I know. It was a play on words/names. Saying Ellsworth uttered the words, but playing on Charlie Utters name.

    • lugnuts-av says:

      Charlie didn’t say that, it was Ellsworth talking to Al.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      It’s a good introduction to the kind of profane poetry that was the show’s trademark.

    • dhartm2-av says:

      Deadwood also contains my basic life mission statement:
      “I am a sinner who does not expect forgiveness. But I am not a government official.”

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    My recollection was that Jack McCall was acquitted by a jury, but then killed in revenge afterward.

    • yourmomandmymom-av says:

      In the show? He was acquitted by a Deadwood jury. Then Bullock took him to actual U.S. territory to have a real trial.

    • cpz92-av says:

      I thought they then tracked him down and took him to Yankton where he was tried and executed before a real court

    • wsg-av says:

      They set out for revenge, but in the end Bullock and Utter turned him over for trial in Yankton where we can all presume he was executed for the murder of Hickcok (because that is what actually happened in 1877).

      • blagovestigial-av says:

        In one of the few instances where recognizing a kangaroo court would have saves the accused’s life.

    • radiofreeala-av says:

      A brother. In Abilene.  

  • arthurwisco-av says:

    But what about all the San Francisco Cocksuckers?

  • dr-bombay-av says:

    Isn’t it so strange that HBO is premiering this on a Friday night? Usually n ew movies are on Saturday or Sunday nights. I know people watch things now whenever but it seems like HBO is kind of dumping this.

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      Which is weird because the reviews seem like it’s a great and fitting farewell to the series. I guess Deadwood never had the cachet of some of its recent hits, but it’s a beloved classic of modern TV. 

    • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

      The only explanation I can think of is that they’re dumping it on the 31st so that it’s Emmy Eligible for next years Emmys but didn’t want to run it during GOT or burn it off on Memorial Day weekend.

  • milyorkee-av says:

    My wife and I will do sporadic rewatches every one in awhile- just drop into an episode in the middle of any season in no particular order and still be amazed how perfectly crafted this show was. I think I need a legit season 1 to season 3 rewatch before this. HBO is running all seasons back to back starting today at 11am (CST). 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I loved the conceit of having an episode be a day and a night in Deadwood. It gives a certain self-contained quality to each one, while also suggesting that it’s just one day after another of this shit in the camp.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    With Paul F. Tompkins as Seth Bullock!

  • realgenericposter-av says:

    So, is the movie just going to pull a Wet Hot American Summer and just ignore the fact that everyone is 13 years older?

  • newbombed-turk-av says:


  • jimmyjak-av says:

    From the reviews it’s a solid effort and I’m excited about it, but it’ll somehow be a lesser experience without Richardson (Ralph Richeson) who passed in 2015. Long may his antlers wave.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      That man spoke the truest line of dialogue in the whole show, to Alma Garrett: “You’re purdy.”

    • floyddangerbarber-av says:

      It is my sincere and fervent hope that, if Aunt Lou isn’t the movie, it is mentioned that she and Richardson ran off together.  I’d love to think of those two having a happy life together.

  • blagovestigial-av says:

    Does history count as spoilers for this show? They’ve certainly taken liberties (Deadwood was actually a peaceful place, Sol Starr was Bavarian), but it would be pretty radical if they killed off a noted Teddy Roosevelt associate

    • awalawal10-av says:

      Sol Starr is Austrian in the tv show. Not too different.

      • blagovestigial-av says:

        Honestly that’s why it kind of amuses me. Like… why make that change? I suppose to people familiar with Germanic stereotypes Vienna represents a kind of Hochkultur that contrasts with Deadwood. But Bavaria has its own reputation as a kind of proper button up place, so even that seems a little thin.

  • mitchkayakesq-av says:

    Welcome to fucking Deadwood, it can be combative.

  • ageofcage-av says:

    This is probably one of my most anticipated events in TV history, I just hope I can get over how much Ian McShane talking over his dentures bothers me. It’s so goddamn distractingly obvious to my ears.

  • hikingchick-av says:

    I cannot wait for this movie!!!!  

  • moflicky-av says:

    I hope they find a nice part for Garret Dillahunt to play.  he was fabulous in both parts he played in the original series. 

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      He’ll be playing Drunk #2, according to recent reports.

      • pizzapartymadness-av says:

        I knew that was him! I was watching it and did a double take, “Was that Jack McCall?”

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I want him to play a succession of minor characters throughout the movie, who all get killed in the same scene where they first appear.

  • gterry-av says:

    Nice article, although i think in the introduction you meant close of bidness in 1877.

  • buko-av says:

    John Langrishe, the theater owner, was a side-player in the final days, and remained Al’s friend.
    Yep, that about sums him up… so why in the hell was he (and his troupe) given so much bleeding screen time? Where in the world was all that ever going?

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      I think the general idea with Langrishe and his troupe was that ‘stories’ (ie how we mythologize ourselves through art) are an important element of building communities.

    • preparationheche-av says:

      The story line involving the new gypsy (their word, not mine) dancer who joins the troupe is completely fucking pointless. Maybe season 4 would have clarified things somewhat, but Milch didn’t give us a good reason to really care about the drama taking place inside the troupe.Having said that, Brian Cox was still great, as per usual…

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      They were responsible for Richardson juggling, so you shut your mouth!

  • toolatenick-av says:

    Farnum, he’s always so put upon and almost always deserves it. My favorite moment with him was a brief one. The day after getting “elected” mayor he’s in his new frilly suit and walks into the Gem.EB: “Morning Al, anything the mayor should know?”Al: “The name of a new fucking tailor.” *Walks away*

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I have a fondness for one of EB’s few badass lines: “I am the kind of cunt who’ll fuck you up.”

  • madmax25-av says:

    We did a rewatch of all three seasons last month awaiting this movie. I still cannot believe how fantastic the acting is in this show.  I cannot wait until tomorrow night.I was also watching Santa Clarita Diet at the same time, and that was a very interesting juxtaposition. 

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    I’ll watch and likely enjoy the movie. But nothing is going to make up for what 2 more full seasons could have done. For shame, HBO!

  • letthewookienguyen-av says:

    The real question is this: what will Garret Dillahunt’s third character be?

  • elymia-av says:

    So disappointing that they didn’t Kristen Bell back in another role. 

  • rahduke2-av says:

    Who wrote this junk? Mr. Garrett wasn’t killed by Hearst or his men, Swearengen gets Dorrity to push him off a cliff. Alma Garrett sells her claim to stay in Deadwood not to leave it for good. You guys should really rewatch the show before deciding you’re experts on it. Jeez!

  • gloopers-av says:

    Just finished a full rewatch with Ben Fowlkes and Chad Dundas of the Co-Main Event Podcast and their ROAD AGENTS premium patreon retrospective in advance of the new movie.  CAN’T. MOTHERFUCKING. WAIT.  

  • g22-av says:

    I find it impossible to believe that Dan Dority would still be alive after all this time. At least, the show’s version of Dan. 

  • couldntpassagain-av says:

    If they kill Doc, I’m burning this place to the ground.Reading through this list, there are a lot of people that I hope make it through but I know won’t.We’re into the second season of a rewatch, it is so, so, so very good. And funny.But Doc is the best. The war broke him completely, but he pulled the pieces together and moved west to live on.Doc Cochran:I take it you’ve been out on a hoot?Calamity Jane:I’ve been drunk awhile; correct. What the f*** is that to you?Doc Cochran:The question was well meant. Like if you was a farmer, I’d ask ya how the farming was going.andReverend Smith:This is God’s purpose, but not knowing the purpose is my portion of suffering.Doc Cochran:If this is His will, He is a son of a bitch.And take three minutes to watch this (there is a spoiler, but damn):

    • LadyCommentariat-av says:

      In a show full of rich characters and amazing performances, Douriff really does stand out.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      The Doc was always my favourite character: one of the few decent people in Deadwood, who at times seemed furious at himself for being so. I know Dourif has a reputation for playing grotesque, twisted characters (which he does damn well), but this conflicted, righteous man has to be one of his greatest performances.

      • leppo-av says:

        And just think of how the ‘gruff but caring doctor’ trope could’ve devolved into parody, but he just elevates the role instead.I watched the season one finale last night; his angry prayer and also his stern warning to Jewel about reporting anything amiss with her new boot completely stole the show.

  • filthyharry-av says:

    I’ve just watched the whole show and my take away was that every muscle around Molly Parker’s (Alma Garret Ellsworth) mouth deserves an Oscar for Best Actor. I mean, whole paragraphs of character development were communicated in their complex and mesmerizing twitches and poses. 

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    It’s weird that for how hyper-tuned people are to actors’ pasts that Jeffrey Jones returning was met with a relative shrug.

  • whereareweanyway-av says:

    Jeffrey Jones is done in hollywood. Though he wouldn’t be the first child pornographer to find redemption at a movie studio.

  • goatboy500-av says:

    Im of the opinion that Wolcott didn’t hang himself. He was hanged by Turner. Just after Hearst asks about the letter and Wolcott is dismissed, Hearst shares a look with Turner and says ‘there’ll be a letter’. Then later, just after we see Wolcott’s corpse drop, we see Turner exit the hotel and admire his handiwork.

  • stotm-av says:

    Interesting take – I always read Dan’s post-fight reaction to be primarily caused by knowing how very, very close he came to being killed by the Captain, but there may have been some of that sadness, as well. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I think I remember him having some kind of respect for the Captain as a military man, and regretted having to kill him, but I may be wrong.

    • leppo-av says:

      That’s my collection, that Dan was sure he himself was a goner and just barely made a comeback with a desperate last ditch effort.

    • mattyoshea-av says:

      The way Al explained what Dan was feeling to Johnny, it sounded an awful lot like PTSD. 

  • moswald74-av says:

    Thank you for this! I remember I loved Deadwood when it aired, but I can’t really remember much else. Except “cock sucker!” 

  • preparationheche-av says:

    Ian McShane is the only actor in Deadwood who doesn’t look to have aged very much in the past 13 years…

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    God damn, I’m still not over the death of Ellsworth. Jim Beaver created something beautiful and honest with that performance, so when Ellsworth died I really felt it. Hell, if they want to sacrifice some historical accuracy and kill Hearst for that, I’m all for it.

    • cartagia-av says:

      That entire sequence starting with his monologue to his dog and ending with Trixie begging Sol to kill her is one of the best, most masterful, most heartbreaking sequences in TV history.I’ll never fucking forgive Hearst.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    love love love this show, can’t wait for the finale. this is what shakespeare would’ve written if he wanted to write an american play.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    i watched the show a few years after it came out & then bought the dvd’s & watched it again before news about the movie came out – even knowing it didn’t have a proper ending didn’t dampen my enthusiasm.  this isn’t two seasons (or even one) but it’s something.  in conclusion:  cocksucker!

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    I don’t believe that A.W Merrick is returning for  the film either. And I’ve seen no mention of Mr Blazanov, which is a shame as in Season 3 he was developing to a point where he would likely have been a much larger player in Season 4.

  • murso-av says:

    This show holds up so well it’s scary. What’s also scary is that Timothy Olyphant might be the worst actor here, and I love the man

    • mattyoshea-av says:

      I think he was just so stiff and wooden because that’s what the character called for. He was able to let loose in other roles around the same time, and even by Season 3, he’s a much less rigid character than he was in the previous two seasons. The fondness he and Martha end up having for one another is downright touching. 

  • backwardass-av says:

    With how much crazy history happened in that town and with these people, …10 years later might be the most fitting way to actually finish the story (short of us having gotten a full 10 seasons of Deadwood over the last 13 years of course).

  • eyeballman-av says:

    Well done summary! Worth noting the series run is on Amazon Prime so every “****sucking” moment can be savored before this movie airs.

  • leppo-av says:

    This show is the reason I sometimes ask ‘to what purpose’ instead of ‘why’.Every line is gorgeous, even if the cinnamon is not always authorized.

  • mmmm-again-av says:

    Pain or damage don’t end the world. . . . or despair or effing beatings.The world ends when you’re dead. Until then, you’ve got more punishment in store.Stand it like a man, and give some back.

  • jpilla1980-av says:

    The last half of season three I can’t stop thinking about BLAZING SADDLES, protecting the town from a big bad and his army of hired guns. 

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