Denis Villeneuve, like all writers working on a deadline, promises that Dune 2 is “mostly” done

The sequel is supposed to start filming this year and will be released in 2023

Aux News Denis Villeneuve
Denis Villeneuve, like all writers working on a deadline, promises that Dune 2 is “mostly” done
Dune Photo: Chiabella James/Warner Bros

For a guy who made the bold decision to tell only half of the story in his Dune movie and not jinx it with a “part one” in the title or anything, Denis Villeneuve sure seems surprised that Warner Bros. is actually letting him make that Dune sequel. In his defense, the movie’s box office hopes seemed pretty grim when Warner Bros. announced its plan to put all of its 2021 movies on HBO Max, so it wouldn’t have been totally surprising if the sequel had been canned, but Dune actually broke through the somewhat low expectations and did fine at the box office, giving Warner Bros. and Legendary enough confidence to greenlight part two.

Since then, though, Villeneuve has seemed a little frazzled by the idea of making a whole other Dune movie—it’s like when you tell someone to stop by if they’re ever in town, and then they show up unannounced and suddenly you actually have to think of things for Javier Bardem and Zendaya to do. Shortly after the sequel was confirmed, the director and co-writer explained that, while it is “fantastic news,” it is also “kind of a burden.” He also noted that a lot of the work is already done, since they cast all of those famous people who were barely in the first movie, which means that filming should be able to start this fall.

Now, Villeneuve has offered an update on how Dune: Part Two is going to Collider, and the answer should be pretty familiar to anyone who has volunteered for a project they never really expected to do: “The screenplay is finished mostly, but it’s always a work in progress,” he told Collider, adding that “it’ll be a work in progress until final cut, but I will say it’s solidified.” On its face, this statement seems to reflect at least a little more movement than George R.R. Martin’s usual “I’ll get to it when I get to it” responses, but saying that something is “finished mostly” might as well mean “we haven’t started, please stop asking.”

Villeneuve also says that there’s “more pressure” on this second movie, since the first one was able to lean on introducing the world and the characters, but this one actually has to properly wrap up Frank Herbert’s first book. Villeneuve even says that it’s “like there’s some premises that are in the first movie” that he’ll have to “ignore,” which makes it sound like some concepts or characters that are brought up in Dune won’t get addressed in Part Two.

Luckily, Villeneuve has plenty of time to figure out what’s going to happen in Dune: Part Two, as it’s not scheduled to come out until… 2023? Ooh, that’s not really that far off.


  • teageegeepea-av says:

    GRRM has in the past said that he was close enough to finishing Winds of Winter that he thought he could submit the final manuscript within months. But then after that he seems to go backwards and be even further from completion.

    • krikokriko-av says:

      I’m kind of hoping he’s writing the last book simultaneously, and surprises everyone by announcing that both are finished! That’d be cool… (one can dream)

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        He has said that’s not the case, that he’s hasn’t written any of A Dream of Spring.

        • krikokriko-av says:

          He might be lying and then surprise us all? *sniff* OK, double wishful thinking… Well, I hope he has some new ideas about the ending of the series during all these years and delivers twists the likes of which have not been seen ever before!

    • docnemenn-av says:

      It’s perhaps something like Douglas Adams who, to paraphrase one of his collaborators, was once the only writer in the world who could start the day having ten completed pages and somehow end it only having five. 

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        Douglas Adams’ work-ethic seems more fit for a Douglas Adams story than GRRM’s is for his own.

  • frederik----av says:

    This feels a bit mean spirited, you know? :/

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    A beginning of a middle is a very delicate time.

  • 4321652-av says:

    On its face, this statement seems to reflect at least a little more movement than George R.R. Martin’s usual “I’ll get to it when I get to it” responses, but saying that something is “finished mostly” might as well mean “we haven’t started, please stop asking.”If only Villeneuve had some template or existing material to draw from.In lieu of that, back to huffing Spice for inspiration it is.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      The series (and hell, even the first book), just get weirder the longer you go, so I’d argue this would be harder to adapt than part 1.

  • newbermuda-av says:

    What exactly is your beef with Villeneuve’s attitudes here, Sam? I read his statements as an honest declaration of how seriously he takes his work. There is a weird and bullyish tone in your “article”. Inappropriate really, especially considering that Villeneuve’s Dune was an undeniable success on so many levels. What’s your problem?

    • recognitions-av says:

      Take it easy

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      There is no problem. Management wants clickbait articles, guy who’s living depends on doing exactly that writes clickbait article.Then you came here and loaded up some ads and gave up some tracking info, and the cycle is complete, just as Vint Cerf intended.

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      Because cynical snark is easy to write and risks nothing. If Dune 2 is good (it will be), nobody will remember his tone. If it’s bad, Sam was right about it from the beginning. It’s a purely craven move.But yeah, I don’t get it either: Villeneuve’s track record has been excellent. He’s been vocal about how Dune is a passion project he’s thought about since he was a teenager, and he’s been attached to the project since 2017. What’s unbelievable about saying the script is mostly done? Why compare him to GRRM; when has Villeneuve failed to deliver?

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      it’s just a not very good joke.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      I roll my eyes so hard at most of Sam Barsanti’s articles that I’ve had to get a second pair of eyes and rotate them on shifts just to handle all the strain (don’t ask). But nevertheless, “bullying” is kind of excessive. It’s just the usual brand of aimlessly snide cynicism desperately trying to be wit that it always is.

  • the4thkaramazov-av says:

    This article really feels like you want your premise to be true, so you are interpreting everything to fit your narrative. I wouldn’t interpret any of the things you discuss the way you are. 

  • interlinked-av says:

    Mostly?Who is this guys PR Manager? Newt?

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Why are you acting like this isn’t the process with literally EVERY movie? “Avengers” famously filmed a scene AFTER the premiere.

  • noturtles-av says:

    Part 2 of NUDE – the Dune porn parody – will be released this year. Maybe he can mine that for a few story ideas.

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