Bodega closed: Desus and Mero break up to pursue “separate creative endeavors”

After much speculation, Showtime confirmed that Desus & Mero will not be returning for another season

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Bodega closed: Desus and Mero break up to pursue “separate creative endeavors”
Desus and Mero Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer (Getty Images for Critics Choice Association)

The self-proclaimed “greatest show in late night history” Desus And Mero is ending its run. As confirmed on Twitter today, the Bodega Boys, better known as Desus Nice and the Kid Mero (Daniel Baker and Joel Martinez), will not be back for season five. Per their statement, the pair will pursue reviewing chopped cheeses and conducting legendary interviews with Denzel Washington separately.

Following much speculation on the future of Desus and Mero’s Bodega Boys podcast on the /r/bodegaboys subreddit, the show’s verified Twitter account posted a statement about the breakup. “Bodega Hive: The illustrious @desusnice and @THEKIDMERO will be pursuing separate creative endeavors moving forward. #DESUSandMERO will not be returning to SHOWTIME. It’s been a good run, fam.”

The separation has been the subject of fan concerns since the beginning of the year. In June, Desus tweeted, “Bodegahive you think I abandoned y’all but the art is coming back. Plz believe in me, I love y’all.” However, last week, responding to a post on the subreddit, Mero posted:


Desus responded to the post with another tweet: “the hive deserved better than this ending. Reddit can slander my name but when the truth comes out…..actually just wait.”

The long, winding road of Desus & Mero begins and ends online. The pair were early Twitter standouts before launching a podcast on Complex called Desus Vs. Mero and, later, launching a show of their own, Bodega Boys, in 2015. In 2016, they made the jump to TV, with Vice’s Desus & Mero, before jumping, yet again, to premium TV, with a new Desus & Mero on Showtime. The now-final episode of Desus & Mero aired on June 23.

The Brand is dead. Long live The Brand.


  • briliantmisstake-av says:

    Well, shit.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      Yeah, this blows. I kinda just started watching them, too. The Anna Kendrick and AOC segments are two of my favorites, and the Beastie Boys extended chat is hilarious. I’ll miss these guys.

    • sui_generis-av says:

      Gotta say I’m shocked. I guess I fell for the shtick, because I actually believed they were buds off-camera.

      • thesillyman-av says:

        They have been for like 15 years+, but money and tv life can test the greatest friendships. Plus since it seems like they in two different places life wise, with Mero having 4 kids and Desus living the single life, that can cause different priorities career wise. A possibility is Desus wanting them to do tons of other things to branch out and make the brand bigger, while Mero could be like nah i got kids im trying to do Desus & Mero for 25 years.

      • gargsy-av says:

        Yeah, I guess it’s impossible that they were friends but recently had a falling out. It ALL has to be fake if it doesn’t last forever, right?

        And I feel this way because I am a child who doesn’t understand adult relationships.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:


  • nextchamp-av says:

    If they wanna go their separate way, more power to them.But do they honestly expect to do better separately? I don’t see it.This, at best, will be a Kay & Peele situation where one guy does significantly better than the other.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      OK, but that “at best” is pretty awesome.  Yes, Jordan Peele is the more successful of the two, but Keegan Michael Key is, by basically any measure, very successful.   It’s hard to imagine Desus and Mero would see that as a cautionary tale.  

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Like how the one Jerky Boy did 90% of the voices?

      • bogira-av says:

        Yeah, i’m not sure why Key or Peele would be considered an apt comparison, Peele basically had a HUGE movie hit once, his follow up with the twilight zone was deemed marginal and his next film is riding off his one huge hit thus far.

        Key is out there doing tons of ensemble character work as a lower-A/High-B list comedian. Neither of them has been so killer that they dusted the other one. I mean, in 20 years when we look back at their retrospective careers if ‘Nope’ isn’t a huge hit, Key is going to be viewed as the mainstay.

        • planehugger1-av says:

          I think the hit movie you’re talking about that Peele had “once” is Get Out, which made $255 million. But you seem to be forgetting Us, which also made $255 million. That’s two hits. And given that modestly-budgeted horror movies don’t have to break the bank to succeed, I think he has reason to feel pretty confident about Nope.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “I mean, in 20 years when we look back at their retrospective careers if ‘Nope’ isn’t a huge hit, Key is going to be viewed as the mainstay.”

          Because ‘Nope’ is Peele’s last and only chance to succeed?

      • cjosephkent-av says:

        Also they’re still good friends who occasionally work together. It literally is the actual best outcome we could hope for.

    • bigjoec99-av says:


      • bruceytime-av says:

        You’re flat-out incorrect. And it’s not like Peele’s solo efforts are perfect. His Twilight Zone relaunch suuuuuucked.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “But do they honestly expect to do better separately?”

      Are you stupid? Do you think that’s why friendships fall apart?/

      Are you…honestly…how fucking stupid are you?

  • bowie-walnuts-av says:

    Hot take: Desus is a better personality and will do better by himself 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Russell Brand died?

  • milligna000-av says:

    Must’ve been exhausting playing such condescending characters

  • donthinkso-av says:

    It’s hard to justify spending 30 seconds saying I don’t care, but I don’t care. They just weren’t very good.

  • gundamrx-78-2-av says:

    Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Wowwww. Wow. Wowwwwwwww.

  • thesillyman-av says:

    I hope they are able to repair their friendship but I could see this coming. They seem to be in two different stages of life and I could see how that could cause tension. One is flying around the world partying with Maze Runner and the other is twitch high af playing video games with his kids. Nothing wrong with either situation, but I could see how they could lead to different priorities with Mero wanting to stay local and being less risk adverse with their career. Hopefully it is something like that and not some major snake shit. Those two dickheads were an inspiration to alot of people, and I spent many long car rides laughing thanks to them.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      They seem to be in two different stages of life and I could see how that could cause tension.Yeah, this is basically the reason why a lot of friends break up. My best friend and I went our separate ways this year. We met in second grade, and we’re 30 now. There was a lot of growing animosity throughout the last 5 years or so, and things just quickly fell apart. The catalyst was a trip to Seattle, and we basically came home pissed off at one another. Without getting into it, we both have valid frustrations, but the thing that’s keeping me from calling him up and apologizing is the fact that I feel like he’s trying to pin our problems on me, when it’s really a combination of how we both acted around one another. It also happens to be one of my problems with him, he’s never wrong in his eyes.But, it also feels a little orchestrated. He’s engaged, and it felt like he choose his finance and was planning on leaving his friends behind long before we stopped talking…

      • smcat-av says:

        You buried the lede…you’re made dude has a fiancé and doesn’t want to bro’ around all the time.

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          You don’t know this guy or how he acts. Even his fiance asked him why he doesn’t do more stuff with his friends. She even asked ME that. It’s not just about ‘bro-ing’ around all the time either. Ultimately though, my point was that friends go their separate ways because of where they are in life, and this is where he is which is far removed from where I am.

          • brobinso54-av says:

            As someone a bit further down the road (age-wise) I can tell you that oftentimes friends are in your life for a reason and sometimes that changes. (And I don’t mean a reason JUST for your needs.) It’s OK to move on, for both of you. And, you never know, sometimes its just a break. It gets harder for men to maintain friendships after 40, for some reason, but it is a thing.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            It gets harder for men to maintain friendships after 40, for some reason, but it is a thing.This is a big worry I have. My friends are my family, and I’m not just saying that because I like being around them, they basically were the shoulder I leaned on when my actual family fell apart during my teenage years. I don’t really know what I’d do without them these days. It’s OK to move on, for both of you. And, you never know, sometimes its just a breakI’ve accepted that we may have both moved on, but I suspect it might just be a long break, too. Only because our friends group is a close knit circle and despite our differences, our other friends are still friends with him.

          • brobinso54-av says:

            I can relate in that I have friends that I have known since elementary school! I was fortunate to have gained lifelong (so far) friends all the way through college. (The older I get the more I realize this is VERY unique and I don’t assume its the same for everyone.)It’s really only gotten easier to stay in touch with all the ways we have to communicate these days. But, it takes a real effort to do so, it doesn’t happen by osmosis! Concentrate on being active in your communications with your friends and I bet you’ll find them to be as close twenty years from now as you are today.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    incredibly disappointing, but it’s remarkable that two men were able to turn a twitter friendship into entire careers.

  • dma69nyc-av says:

    Oh man! I’m so bummed out. I was just getting into them and now this? Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!

  • bjackyll-av says:

    They’ll have to laugh at their own jokes separately now, what a tragedy.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    This downright breaks my heart. 

  • spillbobaggins-av says:

    Nothing good ever lasts 🙁 

  • docprof-av says:

    Allegedly. Allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly.

  • moswald74-av says:

    I am fucking devastated. 🙁  Much love my guys.

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