Diana goes to the mall in the first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984

Aux Features Coming Distractions

It has been a long time since we heard anything about Wonder Woman 1984, the not-sequel to Patty Jenkins’ smash-hit superhero movie starring Gal Gadot, with Jenkins herself spoiling a surprise twist last summer with a photo of Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor looking mysteriously alive despite having died in the last movie. Shortly after that, the movie—which will also feature Kristen Wiig as the Cheetah—got bumped back to 2020, giving us all some more time to forget about Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and Justice League (unless you’re one of those vocal DC fans that really liked them, in which case you can feel free to keep remembering them).

Now, finally, Warner Bros. has released the long-awaited trailer for Wonder Woman 1984, and it features the classic ‘80s hallmark that we all know and love from Stranger Things (or maybe the actual ‘80s): The big, multi-story shopping mall. There’s also Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord, Kristen Wiig as a very human-looking Cheetah, and the mysterious return of Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor, but that mall is the real star here. Actually, the real star is probably Gal Gadot’s fabulous Wonder Woman gadgets, which seem to have gotten an upgrade in the decades since the last movie. No, wait, the real star is Wonder Woman’s amazing gold armor from the end, which screams “this is the action figure you have to pay extra for.” It’s rad.

Wonder Woman 1984 will be released on June 5, 2020.


  • frasier-crane-av says:

    Everything else aside – the use and integration of “Blue Monday” into this trailer was phenomenal. Sound effects for breakbeats, symphonic adaptation – all spot on.  Slays the tired ‘ominous, brooding version of a pop hit’ music, hopefully.

  • urambotauro-av says:


  • ryanlohner-av says:

    It would actually be kind of hilarious if they just never explain why Steve’s back. Just saying “Do any of you really care as long as you get more of him?”

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      At least he’s not an identical descendant (something used in both comics and TV), judging by the future-shock trashcan bit.

    • lightice-av says:

      Based on the trailer, I assume that he’s a some sort of construct/clone made to fulfill Diana’s dreams.

    • alexpkavclub-av says:

      I can’t conceive of an explanation for his return that won’t annoy the shit out of me. God forbid Wonder Woman meets a new guy she likes.

      • DeeAy-av says:

        No, no – once you’re in love, you stay in love FOREVER. Otherwise, you’re just a common whore like the rest of us.

  • clearlt-av says:

    That looks like a really really fun time. Excellent use of Blue Monday too.

  • jcn-txct-av says:

    I’m going to have see if I can fit into my old parachute pants because I am so there when this movie comes out.

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      “FRY, if you EVER pull a stunt like that again…….this crew is gonna have a new pair of parachute pants!!”

  • rfmayo-av says:

    I haven’t actually watched the trailer yet because I’m reading this on my phone while I’m on the can, but I think I can confidently say that no, Wiig is definitely the star here.

  • mysteriousracerx-av says:

    Am I not seeing it correctly, or is she using her magic lasso to _swing_ from bolts of lightning … ? I guess, that’s a what the f … but also, OK, yeah wow!Fun trailer, awesome music choice, movie looks like it’s got the right tone, hahaha, looks like it may be going bonkers towards the end – very interested to see more Wiig (you know, in actual Cheetah mode).

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Is it weird that Gal Gadot is easily the best big screen female superhero but there are several TV actresses that are in her class (Caity Lotz, Melissa Benoist, Krysten Ritter, Hayley Atwell though I know she is in the movies too)

    • newgatorade-av says:

      Halle Berry’s Catwoman would like a word with you.

    • ghoastie-av says:

      To be honest, you’re never going to know if the TV actresses have what it takes for the big screen until they’re on there – and, allowing that Benoist was fine for her five minutes in Whiplash, I mean as a major lead in a stupid comic book movie. The skillsets aren’t a total overlap. They overlap just enough, I’d say, that they can push a lot of actors who are fine on TV into an uncanny valley of sorts when they’re in a major movie.

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    I don’t know who Cheetah is, but I said “Holy Hell” when Wiig in that outfit was walking up the stairs in slo-mo. She’s a very beautiful woman.

    • presidentzod-av says:

      Hot. As. Fuck.

    • firedragon400-av says:

      Cheetah is WW’s most famous villain, mostly due to being in the Legion of Doom in Superfriends. She used to just wear a bodysuit that gave her cat-like strength and agility, but in recent years they turned her into a genetic scientist and had her splice her genes to become a cheetah beast woman. 

      • ghoastie-av says:

        Isn’t it also a magical curse sometimes? I thought I heard that tossed off in… shit… was it Injustice 2 maybe? Like, she got all this cool acrobatic power and stuff, but she also has an insatiable thirst for blood. Monkey Paw situation.

      • on-2-av says:

        Don’t forget the ancient amulet versions.

    • gretchenm47-av says:

      We already knew she could rock a gown…

  • ohnoray-av says:

    no idea what the plot was about, but hey, I always enjoy some 80s moments.

  • dirtside-av says:

    This might just be a fun coincidence, but the YouTube video ID for this video is “sfM7_JLk-84”

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Hey Warner Bros., I challenge you not to reveal Wiig’s Cheetah in any promo material.
    Less can be more.

    • secretagentman-av says:

      One can only hope because that would be too great.

    • peon21-av says:

      What? It’s like you /want/ Cheetah to turn out to be a discombobulating CG failure that they know will be rejected Sonic-style, but that they don’t have time to fix before release.

      • TheExplainer-av says:

        Nah, we known that Hollywood currently has the know-how to render natural and convincing  CGI anthropomorphic Cats – there shouldn’t be a problem.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Honestly, I’d prefer they just have a good story.
        I don’t really care if Cheetah (or Sonic) looks a bit dumb, as long as they’re entertaining.
        Of course, if the CGI is distractingly bad, I’d rather the studio can recognise that before causing the internet to become more unpleasant than it already is.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      I kind of hope they go the old-school route for Cheetah where, instead of being a literal cheetah-person, she basically just wears a cheetah-themed onesie that gives her superpowers.Just to see how people would react. 

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Fun fact, outside of that time prior to Infinite Crisis, Maxwell Lord has no direct connection to Wonder Woman.He was largely known as the founder of JLI who had psychic abilities brought about by New Gods tech.In fact, Martian Manhunter read his mind and found he had no evil intent. That was until Geoff Johns does what Geoff Johns always does and retconned it that he was evil the whole time and wanted to kill all metahumans. And Wonder Woman stopped him by giving his neck the old DC Twist.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Kristin Wiig is so, so, so very hot. She is on my hall pass list from Ursa. The 80’s were my teenage years and holy hannah is my inner 14 year old turned on by this trailer. New Order is SO awesomely 80’s. DC’s course correction proceeds apace. Patty Jenkins FTW!

  • andrewbare29-av says:

    Wasn’t the point of Wonder Woman’s arc that she was disillusioned by the events in her own movie and withdrew from heroics to live a life of glamour, only to be drawn to action in Dawn of Justice and inspired to continue by Superman’s sacrifice?

    • presidentzod-av says:

      ….which occured well after 1984.

    • ryanlohner-av says:

      And then they decided that was crap so they’re ignoring it, just like pretty much everything else in BvS (remember that floating dirt that was apparently just meaningless?).

    • mchapman-av says:

      I sure hope they didn’t show her taking out the security cameras in the mall just to keep continuity.

    • ghoastie-av says:

      I honestly think DC could get away with a 100% real-world PR round to resolve that issue, but they’re not bothering… and doing it inside of the movies is probably going to end up feeling super gross. “Hey it was a magic rock… and the 80’s” sounds like something Rick and Morty would’ve made fun of if it had been invented 10 years earlier than it was.
      If it were anything besides comic book movies, and the divide in quality between DC’s explicit attempts at a cinematic universe (BvS, JL) and the WW solo film were any smaller, it might not work.But this is an extreme case. They could just trot out Patty and some higher-up suit guy (or hell, just an intern pretending to be one) and say “look, we made some mistakes. We made some bad choices. We think we can tell better stories and make better movies if Diana isn’t a weird fuckin’ hermit for 100 years.”

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Wonder Things.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    I’ll gladly pay extra for the Kingdom Come armor figure.

    • g22-av says:

      First we get Kingdom Come Superman and Batman in the CW Crisis, now we get Kingdom Come Wonder Woman gold eagle armor. What a time…

  • spiregrain-av says:

    I look forward to referring to this flick as Wonder Woman 1984 (2020).

  • jonesj5-av says:

    All of these locations are right near where I live. I really should have been paying better attention.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      There’s a scene in Kimmy Schmidt shot right outside my apt building and I have no idea when it happened. Stuff gets filmed around sometimes, but it happens and you get used to it, but watching it in my apt thinking WAIT what?

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    Some DC (as in District of Columbia) trivia in the trailer:It looks like she is living at The Watergate Hotel, which is fine because people live there. However, a penthouse there would be expensive as fuck.Steve and Diana are walking under the Hirschhorn Museum near the end of the trailer, and I can guarantee that no one has ever breakdanced there because it is strangely isolated despite being in the middle of the city. Also, Roy Lichtenstein’s Brushstroke was made in 1996 and it wasn’t installed there until 2003. I hope this doesn’t ruin the movie for anyone.Of course, the convoy scene was filmed in the cultural wasteland of Northern Virginia. If you look closely you can see the McMansions.

    • pontiacssv-av says:

      The mall scenes were filmed at the old Landmark Mall in Alexandria, VA. It was shut down except for the major anchor stores. https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8163241,-77.1328617,539m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=enUsed to live down the street from it and would go there to the food court for lunch during work sometimes. They had an arcade next to it that we would hit for a little bit before heading back to work. Used to jump on “San Francisco 2049″ racing game they had. They are redeveloping the site into condo’s shopping, etc….. Back when I was a kid, it was an open air mall.http://thenewlandmark.com/

      • ksmithksmith-av says:

        I grew up in north PG County, and we were always jealous that Virginia had the really cool malls. Tyson’s Corner might as well have been Disneyland to us.

        • pontiacssv-av says:

          As a kid, I grew up in Prince William County and driving To Tyson’s was a big deal, same with Springfield Mall. But that was back when 66 stopped at the Beltway and no one was on the interstate after 10 PM. We went to Tyson’s when it was one level and the inside was pure 70’s, which was dark lacquered stone with carpet that was black, brown, orange, and yellow swirl/squiggles.  70’s trippy.   All malls were like that inside until the mid-80’s when they started redoing them, brightening them up and putting new levels in.  We my dad took my sister and I to the movie’s, that is usually where we went.   

      • cheboludo-av says:

        That mall looked like the one from Stranger Things season 3.

    • hulk6785-av says:

      This post reminds me of this video:

    • frasier-crane-av says:

      All true – it looks like Alexandria – except for:- The Watergate complex was particularly rundown in 1984 and losing out business to the newer high-rises in NoVa (which were preferred by incoming Reaganites). That’s what led to its sale to Cunard in 1986 and a huge refurbishment. (But, yes, a penthouse apartment *anywhere* could be presumed “expensive”);- Having taken art classes 1983-6 at the Hirshhorn, I can guarantee that there *was* breakdancing hosted there, at least during their many family-arts-celebration weekend events.

      • ksmithksmith-av says:

        Seriously with the breakdancing? I’m glad that happened. That’s a nice space, but every time I walked through there in 80s it was vacant and dead.

      • re-hs-av says:

        Thanks. Came to post in defense of the hirschorn.  I wasn’t there in the 80s, but I don’t know what he meant by “isolated”.  It’s pretty much on the blue line an a short walk off the green.  Every time I’ve been there it’s been well populated.  Not crammed like air and space, but I have to wait in line for the coffee.  Which is why anyone should go there, best coffee bar and seating atmosphere within a half mile of the mall.  The art is not for me but me and my kid would stop there for drinks on the reg before rolling over to the national gallery.

    • sui_generis-av says:

      >>> “…However, a penthouse there would be expensive as fuck….” <<.Sure, but money is a trivial matter for characters like WW or Aquaman, who can effortlessly come up with trinkets from ancient civilizations that would be priceless artifacts worth millions in our culture.(Heck, if the DCCU followed the crazy logic of silver age comics — and this trailer sure seems to — she could also just squeeze coal into diamonds with her bare hands...)

    • angelicafun-av says:

      The scene where Diana is running and lasso’ing is Penn Avenue, before the Old Post Office Pavilion and they did also shoot a bunch of scenes in Georgetown (that are not in the trailer). 

  • political-not-metaphysical-av says:

    Looking awesome so far. I loved the first film … until the last twenty minutes or so. Question for readers of the comics. Like Flash, I love Wonder Woman as a character, but I never know where to begin with the comics. On one hand, a good comic book movie presents a focused plot and coherent characterization. On the other hand, it’s only a couple hours, so I leave the theater wanting more. Yet the sheer volume of comics material seems like both gift and curse. You have decades of rich character relationships, inventive scenarios, detailed atmosphere and badass action. But you also have decades of contradictory character beats, retcons, illogical decisions and inconsistent use of powers. Any recommendations from experienced readers?

    • lattethunder-av says:

      Both of Greg Rucka’s runs (one from 2003-05 or so, the other more recent) are quite good.

      • political-not-metaphysical-av says:

        Thanks for the tip! I’ve found Rucka’s creator owned work at Image and Oni to be consistently very good to great. He seems to be a great fit for Wonder Woman. Even better, the more recent WW run you suggested is on sale on Comixology right now, and begins an exploration of WW’s origin, so I think it’s a promising starting point.

    • on-2-av says:

      Diana has always been hard (and I think a reason a movie was so long in coming) because they literally change her origin story – both her birth and how Wonder Woman becomes an identity. Flash is at least multiple different people.I do think the original New 52 run did something decent with this problem. I don’tentirely love all the changes with the Amazon’s, but the overall arc works and is meant to be a starting point.

      • political-not-metaphysical-av says:

        I have to admit that the vast majority of my exposure to the mainstream DC characters, outside of a few scattered comic issues and limited series, has been through the (mostly) excellent animated series DC has produced since the 90s. The two Justice League series in particular built a strong interest in the Flash, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter for me. After watching those series (more than once), plus Batman, Superman, and Teen Titans, I was on the verge of jumping into superhero comics for the first time in decades. But when I started reading synopses for various collections, a lot of my enthusiasm dissipated due to the sheer number of crossovers and reboots. Having experienced a lot of this already when I read Marvel titles during the early 90s, I ended up letting the whole project slide. But, catching up on long runs of comics is a lot easier than it used to be, so I think I’ll finally take the plunge.

        • a-square-av says:

          If it’s not too late, allow me to recommend Rucka’s “The Hiketeia” as your starting point.  It’s an original graphic novel so not published as part of his run on the main book, but I consider it the beginning of his run, as well as introducing perfectly the themes of “Hellenic virtue in a modern world” that make his WW run so amazing.  As well as marking how Diana as a character differs from a character with a much more well-known ethos – in this case, Batman.

          • political-not-metaphysical-av says:

            Well, it’s too late in the sense of starting with your recommendation, having grabbed some of the other picks folks made earlier. That said, it’s definitely not too late for me to add it! Most of my exposure to the classic DC characters in comics form has been via limited series and one-shots, like Hawkworld, Longbow Hunters, All Star Superman and Kingdom Come, so this will fit right in. Thanks for the tip! 

    • sui_generis-av says:

      Most everything but the recent New-52 stories (which are garbage) stay fairly true to the through-line of the character, overall.You really can’t go wrong with anything WW-related that George Perez or Phil Jimenez were attached to. (Keep an eye out for “Gods and Mortals” in particular, which is the root of all her best characterization.) Those two often quickly jumped ship whenever it started getting crappy, but are still considered her most iconic creators.

  • sorcerersupre-me-av says:

    Looks like a hot mess, but at least is way more colourful than previous movie. WB is late for 80-th nostalgia party. I lost when I saw costume in the end, but it looks better on posters, interesting why not in the movie.

  • themarvelous1310-av says:


  • robert-denby-av says:

    They’d better give Chris Pine’s fanny pack its own credit.

  • thebtskink2-av says:

    Never forget, this movie will have a furry as a villain.

    Where they belong.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    The real villain of Wonder Woman 1984 is George Orwell’s ghost!

  • robertaxel6-av says:

    Like many other things I didnt appreciate the 80s much at the time. However , I have become more fond of it in retrospect , seeing how much this decade sucks balls..

    • ghoastie-av says:

      Everything you hate about this decade was probably worse in the 80’s, unless you’re hyper focused on internet-disseminated propaganda specifically. And that’s weirdly specific.You could even make the argument that we’re doing better on climate change; we’re just significantly closer to The End so it doesn’t feel that way.

      • robertaxel6-av says:

        I think the political atmosphere as well as the quality of media such as film and music is worse now. There has been a clear decline in civility . Of course, much of this is subjective and can be discussed at length ..

        • ghoastie-av says:

          Meh, a decline in civility often correlates with the oppressed finally getting sick of the oppressors’ shit, even when it’s the oppressors who get super nasty. Tone policing is fascism lite, and it never really goes away. It just becomes increasingly absurd as the same people launching the most despicable vitriol in decades *also* whine about the incivility of their opposition.
          As far as film and music and whatnot… yeah. Not only is that endlessly debatable, but it’s got the stink of a biological angle. Individual songs still impress me today, but I haven’t gotten floored by an entire album since college. The raw data strongly suggests that that’s more about how old I am and in what life-context, rather than the state of music itself.

          • robertaxel6-av says:

            I certainly agree that our tastes form very young in life, and probably we confirm it to ourselves over the later years. However, there have been I think objective changes which have led to a decline in quality in films and music particularly. There is no doubt that the major studies have been run by people driven solely by profits who constantly crank out sequels and repeats of material which was mediocre in the first place. There are definitely worthwhile independent offerings but one has to look for them.As far as pop music is concerned, there have been changes in the last few years which I think can be somewhat obectively said to have caused a decline in the quality of output.. The following video , I think actually makes some concrete points instead of harping on ‘music was better back then’

          • dj1973-av says:

            And this is why my 9 year old listens to CDs of the Beatles.

          • ghoastie-av says:

            That video’s falling into the very obvious trap of focusing on a “music industry” that has never represented a smaller slice of all of music than it does right now.Consider that what you’re criticizing is the late-stage-capitalism monoliths of culture – squeezing every last drop of blood from their own crumbling/shrinking edifices – rather than contemporary art itself.“I would have to look for it myself on Youtube or Pandora or Spotify for five minutes so it doesn’t count” is not a great defense for your broad thesis.

  • snagglepluss-av says:

    But will we get a Snyder Cut version of this?

  • vaporware4u-av says:

    Steve Trevor dies again in this one too.

  • kris1066-av says:

    Since this takes place after the 70’s, can we please have the funk band “Wonder Woman” theme song?

  • daemorichonsa-av says:

    If memory serves me right, New Order originally wrote Blue Monday as a commissioned piece for Lynda Carter.

  • yummsh-av says:

    Man, oh man. A DC movie I’m actually excited to see. Eat a dick, Arthur Fleck.

  • haodraws-av says:

    Is that Brother Eye?

    • youarereiayanami-av says:

      No.This movie has a pretty different take on Maxwell Lord.

      • haodraws-av says:

        We know he’s got wish-granting powers, possibly from that stone he was carrying. But where did he get that?They could make Brother Eye something more supernatural/magical, not necessarily technological.

      • haodraws-av says:

        We know he’s got wish-granting powers, possibly from that stone he was carrying. But where did he get that?They could make Brother Eye something more supernatural/magical, not necessarily technological.

    • on-2-av says:

      I assume. That totally makes sense for the appropriate antagonist level and why they go with Max Lord.

    • christraeger-av says:

      It makes sense to have brother eye in here, with Maxwell Lord’s connection to it in Infinite Crisis and the idea of surveillance relating to the “1984″ in the title

  • haodraws-av says:

    Is that Brother Eye?Kinja keeps double-posting. I miss Disqus.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    … Colour?In a DC Movie?And not just murky blue or green but, like, yellow and stuff?You have my attention, Patty Jenkins. (But also kudos for Blue Monday.)

  • sui_generis-av says:

    Looks potentially promising, I hope it’s at least as good as the first one (and has a better 3rd act).But I feel like, after watching it twice, that it might be a bit heavy on the magic lasso?It looks as if they just figured out a new special effect to make it look cooler, and now they just want to show it off as much as possible. (Also, if WW is using it to go swinging from lightning bolts, I think they might be taking the word “magic” way more literally than it was ever used in the modern comics.)

  • shindean-av says:

    That last minute of the trailer was glorious, from the crescendo and orchestrated version of Blue Monday, the horses galloping on the shore, the amazons having an obstacle competition…That scene alone looks like it’s going to inspire a whole lot of cross fit mud runs with Wonder Woman themes 😁

  • franknstein-av says:

    Ragnarök, complete with thunder and lightning…

  • icehippo73-av says:

    Is that the mall from Stranger Things?

  • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

    This movie looks amazing. I love the look, I love the action already shown in the trailer, I love everything about it. Of course, I don’t like how the AV Club is already setting this one up for failure in their hallowed eyes. Sure, the gold armor is a cash grab for action figures. Let me just grab my official Iron Man action figure that shows the one set of armor he used in every movie. Or my Captain America. Or my Hulk. Or my Hawkeye. Or my Black Widow. Or Captain Marvel, who has only been in two movies but has four different looks.no, you keep talking about how it’s all conspiracy talk that you’re in the tank for Marvel. 

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    As long as it doesn’t end with another obscene CGI lightning/storm/explosion/darkness/fire/shouting combination, I am ALL IN.

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