Dinesh D’Souza distorts and fulfills George Orwell’s warnings in his worthless Trump Card

Film Reviews Movie Review
Dinesh D’Souza distorts and fulfills George Orwell’s warnings in his worthless Trump Card
Dinesh D’Souza in Trump Card Screenshot: Trump Card

George Orwell wrote over 500 essays and nine full-length books. For the purposes of the right, however, the only two that exist are Animal Farm and 1984. Trump Card opens with a scene from the latter: proletarian hero Winston Smith (Stephen Brodie) tortured by government agent O’Brien (Mark Nutter), who demands to hear, on Big Brother’s behalf, that two plus two equals five, and won’t stop turning up the electricity until Winston cracks. This is precisely how the unwavering thirty-some % who will never stop supporting Trump feel—like they’re martyrs and witnesses to obvious craziness in a society run amok, precisely the target audience for an observation like, “We’ve had gays, lesbians and bisexuals for centuries. What’s new is, this has now become an ideology.”

Trump Card, Dinesh D’Souza’s fifth biannual election season exercise in creative nonfiction filmmaking, trots out his usual array of racist dog whistles, low-production-value historical re-enactments, and interviews with a dizzying, dubious array of subjects. This round’s guests include former Trump associate George Papadopoulos, who served 12 days in federal prison for lying to the FBI about his contact with Russia on his boss’s behalf, and C-list conspiracy nut Larry Sinclair, who gets another chance to trot out his claims that “I performed oral sex on Barack Obama, [who] came back for seconds.”

D’Souza begins by expanding on the premise of the poster for 2018’s Death Of A Nation, in which Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump were two halves of a nightmare Two-Face. Over footage of Lincoln (D’Souza stock company regular Don Taylor) riding a train, the thesis is established: “We are in a cold Civil War, one that reminds us of the crisis Abraham Lincoln faced,” D’Souza pronounces. Once again, the country is split in two—few would disagree on that diagnosis, but what’s the reason? Because “one party wants to keep the founding principles, the other party wants to move in a socialist direction.” The opening half-hour is a free-floating delirium veering from one talking point to another, mediated by D’Souza’s narration and on-camera shots of him looking pensive. The tone settles down after that, easing into a series of mostly dull interviews, but there’s still plenty of conservative camp along the way, like the animated image of George Soros pulling a KKK hood over his head.

D’Souza’s voice has merged with his subject’s, who’s actually his master: He includes a re-enactment of receiving the phone call from Trump informing him of his presidential pardon. “I want you to have your life back,” Trump (the voice of John Di Domenico) tells D’Souza. “You’ve been a great voice for freedom in America.” D’Souza’s narration is at times distinctly Trumpian, as when he announces that “the American Revolution was the most successful revolution ever made.” Mirroring his subject’s nepotism, D’Souza makes time on the soundtrack per usual for another patriotic song with vocals courtesy of wife (and now co-director) Debbie, and introduces a new member of the family: Danielle D’Souza Gill, who he interviews on the subject of abortion and who conveniently has a book out on that very topic this week. Given that D’Souza’s past films have been screened by local chapters of the RNC, he’s effectively making official GOP propaganda. (Ted Cruz is among those given special thanks in the end credits.)

Trump Card was originally scheduled for theatrical release in September, and its delayed launch has given the team just enough time to incorporate the pandemic (“We got an early glimpse of what socialism looks like during the coronavirus shutdown”). If this is D’Souza’s most up-to-date film by default, it’s still preoccupied with the increasingly arcane talking points he’s been flogging on screen since 2016: Obama’s America, returning to Orwell again at the end. By this point, D’Souza is unconvincingly frothing on the soundtrack about how “the socialist left and the Democrats want to make us grovel” and “make us worms,” but the whole premise is, predictably, a radical, cynical misunderstanding of Orwell. If the charge is that the power to rewrite history into falsehood is a hallmark of totalitarianism, then Trump Card is an example of that very impulse in action, not a response to it. Events, however, are moving even faster than D’Souza could incorporate them, and while his “COVID as trial-run for socialist tyranny” appeals to the conspiracy-minded are certainly up to the moment, the spectacle of an infected president telling the nation to watch him get a medical exam live on TV, on a Friday night, is actually far stranger and more outlandish than anything D’Souza could dream up.


  • bio-wd-av says:

    I genuinely forgot this was coming out. From what I just read, it doesn’t even have anything funny bad like the Woodrow Wilson scene from Hillarys America. The one where a ghost Klansmen comes out of a film reel of Birth of a Nation. Now that was comedy gold.  This is just shit like everything else Dinesh touches. 

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing Dinesh D’Souza he had charisma.

  • ducktopus-av says:

    Mentally ill convicted felon moron rambles on, news at eleven.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Im fairly sure he knows it’s all bullshit and just keeps doing it for money and power.  Dinesh is like his hero Gorbels.

      • ducktopus-av says:

        I don’t see why you would give him that kind of credit.  His straw donor conviction was over something like less than $10,000.  He just did it in such a stupid and obvious way that it couldn’t be ignored.  He’s REALLY DUMB.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          That is true. He was incredibly stupid for that. I still think he is grifting, he’s just an idiot at the same time.

  • grogthepissed-av says:

    I like the implication that we’d be scandalized if Obama really were bisexual. Ok…let’s assume you’re not full of shit (you’re definitely full of shit) and that a dude had sex with Obama. We’re not the ones who have a problem with what other grownass adults do with their genitals! That’s you all’s hang up!ETA: I alter my opinion slightly. I do have a problem with this bullshit. I googled Larry Sinclair and fictional gay Obama has much better taste than that.

    • witheringcrossfire-av says:

      “I performed oral sex on Barack Obama, [who] came back for seconds.”

      To me that alone is worth a D-

    • citricola-av says:

      My theory is that Larry Sinclair is super racist and thinks any thin black man in a suit is Obama.

    • sheldoncooperjr-av says:

      I had sex with Obama 20 years ago. He said his name was Barama, and I still see him around sometimes at the 7-11 he works at and he says it was him, and he’s not Barack Obama, so I can move on, but I know he’s just covering for Barack!

    • radarskiy-av says:

      Like when it came out that Jerry Falwell Jr. liked to watch other dudes fuck his wife. That’s the most relatable he’s ever been. Probably could turn that around into a Democratic nomination for something.

    • kinggeoii-av says:

      The implication is exactly what Desouza says it is. He spoke the words, and you people (you people as in you people who don’t get it) STILL don’t get it.

  • daddddd-av says:

    *Felon and campaign finance fraudster Dinesh D’Souza

  • jmyoung123-av says:


  • dirtside-av says:

    *Convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza.

    • kleptrep-av says:

      What a fecking eejit, getting convicted for a crime. Shit Kevin Spacey shagged like a hundred kids and he’s still gallivanting round European art galleries improvising soliloquies about bath salts and shit.

  • gildie-av says:

    Down and Out in Paris and London is a good book. I’m never eating in a fancy hotel in Paris in the 1920s ever again.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    I’m sorry the Spanfeller made you review this.

  • calebros-av says:

    Vadim, who did you piss off at the AV Club office to get stuck watching all this bullshit?

    • Plague-av says:

      Shit, they probably fought over it so they could out-diatribe each other.

    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      If he didn’t sit through the whole thing, I 100% don’t blame him. You could probably write this review only watching about five minutes of it, which is four minutes more than I could stomach.

    • jake--gittes-av says:

      Oh he is a willing, proactive chronicler of these. There’s some biographical context in the middle of e.g. this: https://filmmakermagazine.com/106041-nyff-2018-critics-notebook-1-monrovia-indiana-american-dharma/#.X4DWdcIzbIU

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      He probably drew the short straw. His fellow colleagues each should treat him to lunch for having to sit threw this crap.What I don’t get is that I’m assuming the dude who claims to have blown Obama is a homophobe why would he admit to doing something that is gay.

      • babbylonian-av says:

        It’s because conservatives think the [heterosexual] opposition has the same outdated sexual hangups but we’re hiding them. They simply can’t believe that any cisgender heterosexual would be perfectly fine with LGBTQIA people living their lives however they want.My opinion? If Barack wants to blow or be blown by anyone, it doesn’t affect how I think about him at all. Now, ordering drone strikes in countries with which we’re not at war and keeping the Guantanamo prison open…those things make me unhappy.

        • avataravatar-av says:

          That “Barack is a secret gaybo!!1″ thing is a new one to me. That’s gotta be an outgrowth of supporting Trump while still claiming the mantle of the “moral majority”. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

          • babbylonian-av says:

            It’s more likely an outgrowth of the “Michelle is actually a man” meme/belief.

          • tacitusv-av says:

            Larry was peddling his nonsense long before Trump was around. He was mailing letters to the White House offering to describe Obama’s private parts in detail way back in 2008/9. He briefly caught the interest of a couple of journalists by promising to introduce them to the driver of the car they supposedly had their rendezvous in, but of course, the driver somehow was never available when they asked to meet him.After it was revealed he had a long rap sheet for fraud, nobody not called De Souza gave him the time of day, he took several years to write and self-publish his own account of events, failed miserably to create his own version of Breitbart News, and last I heard was living on welfare in a trailer park somewhere in Florida, where most small time grifters go to die.

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      Honestly I would relish an opportunity to rip into this douche canyon

    • phizzled-av says:

      Just amazed that this movie provided a pandemic safe way for reviewers to see it and some others did not.

  • robinarmy-av says:

    I think you mean Biennial, not Biannual if one of these slithering shitpieces is evacuated every two years.Ill see myself out.

  • jeninabq-av says:

    Goddamn do I wish the Democratic establishment were even half as ‘socialist’ as Repuglicans claim they are. Hell, even 25%. Especially considering that many Progressive ideals are very, very popular among ALL voters. But that message gets lost in corporate media…unsurprisingly. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/08/poll-marijuana-legalization-data-for-progress-radical-ideas-popular-aoc.html

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      I wish they had not railroaded Bernie during the primaries for this very reason. It didn’t matter WHO we nominated, the right was going to claim they are a far left socialist any way, why not actually run a real socialist and see how it goes?

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        Asked and answered–because he had a chance of winning.

        • jeninabq-av says:

          100% The Dem establishment politicians are so much more effective at killing Progressive politics than they are at properly resisting Trump and the rest of the monstrous current Republican party. The Overton Window is a real thing.  

        • Velops-av says:

          Why do people keep insisting that this is an election where losing is an option? People did that in 2016. After all the pain and suffering, are we still hungry to keep going down this road to perdition?

          • jeninabq-av says:

            No one is saying that. We can vote for Biden and still complain about ineffective and destructive neo-liberal policies. In fact, we have to. When Dem voters become complacent, when Dem legislators don’t follow thru on popular policies, the electorate becomes more despondent and more uneducated which leads to 30% of Americans voting for a fascist. We need to think, vote, and demand action on a holistic level. Or nothing will ultimately improve. Trump’s monstrous ascension did not happen in a vacuum.  

          • Velops-av says:

            Re-litigating Bernie Sanders is not a holistic approach. It centers around the presidential election. It comes across as sour grapes. A real holistic change starts from the local level, but people would rather talk about the DNC because that is an easy target.

          • jeninabq-av says:

            No one is re-litigating Bernie Sanders. I’m making the point that the policies that he proposes, that AOC proposes, that Rashida Tlaib proposes, that Ilhan Omar proposes, that Ayanna Pressley proposes, that Ro Khanna proposes, that Elizabeth Warren proposes are popular and need top be acted upon. Trying to shame me or any other voter for feeling that way is ‘sour grapes’. And holistic change happens on a Federal level as well. Just look at the list of politicians I noted above. And they will soon be joined by Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman. Look, Velops, I already cast my vote for Biden. Don’t shame me for wanting better Dem legislators and policies. That’s truly un-American. 

          • jeninabq-av says:

            Let me add to that list: Pramila Jayapal. Ed Markey, Jeff Merkley, and Katie Porter. These are all people that are behind Progressive movements like Med 4 All, A Green New Deal, raising taxes on the 1% and corporations, $15 minimum wage, student debt cancellation, nationalized Pre-K, fair and accessible family leave, and criminal justice. These are popular agendas, and I hope that they gain traction in a Biden/Harris administration. But we cannot just sit back and hope for the best. We have to activate and demand these moral and just actions. 

      • jeninabq-av says:

        Precisely. Then Biden goes to a town hall and disparages Bernie by saying, “I beat the Socialist” which only deters unenthused voters. EDIT: Even though Bernie is campaigning hard for Biden. 

        • soveryboreddd-av says:

          Bernie may still get a chance to run for president on the democratic ticket. Biden tried for the first time all the way back in 1988. 

          • jeninabq-av says:

            Bernie will not run again. and I and his supporters don’t want him to. There are plenty of other Progressives that are willing and able to carry the torch. In every type of political office. He started this, and he told us that is wasn’t him but ‘US’. He believes that, and us Progressives believe that as well. 

          • bluedogcollar-av says:

            In my opinion, the overwhelming focus of third party types should be pushing ranked choice elections like they have in Maine. Any state with a public referendum option should have 90% of the energy of people wanting alternatives focused there before candidates.Usually I have a “do both things” perspective, but in this case I think most stretch candidates are counterproductive until ranked choice is in place. But once it does go beyond Maine at a statewide level, I think you will see a huge growth in progressive politics.

          • jeninabq-av says:

            Yes ranked choice voting is a good idea, and would probably enable more Progressive politicians to win. But, I am not a supporter of a 3rd party unless ranked choice voting is national. I’m a Progressive Justice Democrat. And I think there’s still hope for my party. We just have to work harder to convince the Dem establishment that they can and should enact these very popular policies. We need them, and every politician, to stop capitulating towards donor money. 

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            Exactly, I completely understand the frustration that leads to people voting third party, but it’s better to channel that energy into pushing for ranked choice voting (and electoral reform) than to undermine the election by promoting voter apathy or splitting the vote. 

      • dinoironbodya-av says:

        They didn’t force people to vote for Biden instead of Bernie.

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          No, they just had Pete and Amy drop out earlier than they otherwise would have to try and consolidate all non-Bernie voters behind a “safe” candidate on Super Tuesday (except for the one candidate that might actually pull voters from Bernie, she got to stick around to pull more votes from Bernie on Super Tuesday before dropping out).

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            Biden had Bloomberg taking votes from him on Super Tuesday. Warren and Bloomberg both dropped out after that but Biden kept winning.

          • inspectorhammer-av says:

            I see a lot of this sort of sentiment remaining, and it sort of puzzles me. I thought much the same thing when fact that Sanders’(and frequently enough, Sanders and Warren’s) votes didn’t outweigh the combined totals of Biden, Buttigeig and Klobuchar had people crowing about Sanders facing ‘moderate Voltron’ or snarkily remarking that he’d be in trouble if he were facing three candidates in the general. Except that missed, and continues to miss, that a majority of Democratic voters might not have said “we want Pete/Joe/Amy” but a majority DID say “We don’t want Bernie.”And it also misses that if Sanders were running in the general, he’d turn out the vote like Joe won’t – but he wouldn’t bring out the new youth voters who would elect him(which, again, he wasn’t able to do to the the point of winning the primary), he’d mobilize all of the people who might otherwise refrain from voting Trump.

          • docnemenn-av says:

            I see people raise the fact that Buttigeg and Warren dropped out as being evidence that the DNC were trying to stiff Bernie again, and while they may have a point I can’t help but think — if Bernie really was the best candidate, why was his primary strategy apparently to basically hope that all the other candidates would stay in long enough beating each other up until it was too late to stop him, as this theory would seem to suggest? I mean, okay, the DNC leaning on Buttigeg and Warren to drop out early and prevent Bernie from winning, I can see that. But surely he and his campaign advisors would have had to have known this was a possibility if not a likelihood, seeing as 2016 gave everyone a clear example of what might happen if all the establishment candidates hung around too long to prevent an outsider from sweeping the board. So how come they were just relying on that? Why weren’t they using the four years between 2016 and now to build a stronger coalition this time?It kinda does just seem like sour grapes this time, to be honest.

          • donkey-lips-av says:

            It’s a ridiculous theory that is seemingly constructed to handwave away that Sanders did even worse than he did in 2016.

      • sheldoncooperjr-av says:

        I blame Warren really. It’s a unpopular opinion but if she could of endorsed Sanders right away when she dropped out, combing her base with him would of sent a progressive wave into the nomination. Also, by throwing a charge of sexism at him she should of let go, all she really hurt was the one other person with a progressive agenda there. She kept that vote spilt and refused to pull it together to create a bigger crowd. It wasn’t about the candidate as much as the agenda, and Sanders was the only other one besides here who believed in it. If she wanted to make sure she stayed active in higher office, she should of cut a deal with Sanders for a cabinet position where she could help craft policy. I would say the VP spot if she was younger. Also, Sanders didn’t sexually assault or harass anyone. He made a stupid but not exactly threating comment about a women’s electability. He didn’t ask a young female intern to get naked. Warren should of denied it or no comment. Warren or Sanders would of worked, but they needed to pull that vote together. The spilt Warren refused to tie together without a endorsement, basically allowed Biden to walk right into the nomination. 

        • dinoironbodya-av says:

          In complaining about Warren splitting the progressive vote I think you’re missing the fact that in the first few states the centrist vote was even more divided, which gave Bernie an advantage until Pete and Amy dropped out. Also, you keep writing “of” when you mean “have.”

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Also I recall Warren starting a campaign before Sanders.  Perhaps don’t blame her for this?

  • mdiller64-av says:

    I’ve honestly been surprised at how durable the right’s victim mentality has been. Even when in control of the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court, they just never stop shaking their fists about how the liberals are doing terrible, terrible things despite the fact that it’s conservatives who have all the influence. For a group of people so obsessed with masculine power, they sure do seem to get off on imagining themselves to be powerless. Hmmm … I think I’ve heard of a word for that, begins with “c” and rhymes with what they like to imagine Obama doing to Larry Sinclair.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      It is truly astounding the disconnect they are able to achieve with reality. Like all the campaign ads that warn if Biden is elected, there will be chaos in the streets and then illustrate that point with footage of chaos happening in the streets… during Trump’s presidency.

      • mlrose529-av says:


        • zebop77-av says:

          Trump 2016: “Only I can fix it.”Trump 2020: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”

          I need to lie down.  The crazy pills are kicking in.

    • dollymix-av says:


    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      It’s their only play—they have no real governing philosophy and the policies they do support, like outlawing abortion, reversing preexisting condition protections, and throwing cash at rich people, are so deeply unpopular that they have to lie and pretend they don’t. They’re clinging to power thanks to our fucked up electoral system giving disproportionate power to rural whites, but they’re sensing that even that advantage might be eroding, so they stoke paranoid conspiracies with one hand while suppressing the vote with the other.

      • 1428elmstreet-av says:

        A ridiculously succinct version of reality. Bravo!

      • ducktopus-av says:

        the thing I love most about your summary is that it doesn’t involve democracy ending in the next 30 days or 100 days. It’s sounds like “oh this isn’t working” not like “the insurrection act is definitely being invoked in the next month”

      • mike-in-socal-av says:

        completely batshit crazy stuff like “post term abortions”

      • chronoboy-av says:

        It’s not just the bold-faced lying. It’s the projection. It’s so naked it’s baffling. I keep thinking of that Simpson’s episode where Bart gets in an argument with the Shelbyville kids:“I know you are, but what am I?“A garbage man.”“I know you are, but what am I?”“A garbage man”….

      • elloasty-av says:

        That’s why everything with Republicans has to be couched in this nebulous nonsense about “socialism”, “liberty”, “tyranny”. You can ask 10 people to define those words and get 10 different answers. It’s the baffle-them-with-bullshit approach because all their actual policies have no substance.

    • forevergreygardens-av says:

      This is actually a classic fascist tactic — your enemy has to be simultaneously weak and nigh-unstoppable. I can’t remember if it was Goebbels or Goering who wrote about it, but basically the goal is to both inspire fear and courage; fear because your enemies are so strong and everywhere, but also courage because your enemies are weak and will be easily crushed. It does a great job explaining why they’re all afriad of jackbooted leftist thugs taking over when according to them all leftists are pansy snowflakes.

    • doobie1-av says:

      There’s also some irony in invoking Orwell while you’re actively working to construct a cinematic version of America based on obvious bullshit and denial of objective reality.  

    • daddddd-av says:

      Victim mentality is ingrained in evangelical culture (Dinesh is a Calvary Chapel guy). Growing up and well into college I was told over and over and over again that “the world” would reject me for my beliefs, which of course wound up being totally untrue. I’m guessing it’s a way to cope with supposedly striving to be “Christ-like” while still motivated purely by self-interest and never actually making any sacrifices.My favorite is when they pretend that the left has all the influence since celebrities are usually liberal and corporations love doing Performative Wokeness. It allows them to tell their audience that they are under attack because of pop music and the NBA and Oscar movies and that no one watches and Starbucks while maintaining all the, ya know, actual literal power that affects everyone.

      • ducktopus-av says:

        i have a problem with the phrase “performative wokeness” not because it isn’t so so accurate but because it minimizes the efforts corporations are actually making to not be horrible. Without same sex partnership recognition from corporations Obergefell never would have passed. if we minimize that too much it’s gone. Performative wokeness…if you want to get rid of it, do so at your own peril. Performative wokeness is Disney thinking they can make more money as NOT NAZIS.  (bring up Mulan and see what Disney does in a year when Trump is re-elected)

        • daddddd-av says:

          That’s a good point, I guess I was thinking companies that are obviously right-wing behind the scenes but try to appeal to libs in their ads and whatnot, not so much actual structural change, which I definitely support

        • peterporkerspiderham-av says:

          Without same sex partnership recognition from corporations Obergefell never would have passed.The millions of LGBT+ activists who have lobbied for years for basic human rights and recognition—many of whom actively despise and detest the commodification of their identities into pinkwashed rainbow consumerism—would probably disagree with you. I’m not trying to be incendiary here and I see your point, but let’s not elide the hard work and literal sacrifices of on-the-ground folks who gradually shifted the tide of public opinion in favor of gay rights through sheer force of will and visibility. Corporations jumped on the Gay Marriage bandwagon at the last possible moment and only when they realized it would serve their bottom line by doubling the gains gleaned from the wedding industry, not because they actually give a shit about queer people.

          • ducktopus-av says:

            for want of a shoe, the cart was lost etc.Considering we barely squeaked out Obergefell and it’s about to be overturned, I don’t have trouble giving credit to EVERY person in the world who even put on an equals-sign bumper-sticker. But I do not think it would have passed SCOTUS without the corporate support.  The corporations supported it to appeal to more people, to make more money, to hire and retain more talent who would otherwise have gone to companies that weren’t so intolerant, to reflect the attitudes of the people who work in the corporations…but there were plenty of companies that didn’t do that and are fine (that’s the conundrum of listening to activists, it’s like giving in to terrorist demands, you don’t get any credit and nothing is ever enough); I don’t see the point in reducing it to a purely mechanical calculation; and reducing it only to the wedding industry isn’t even cynical enough lol: Disney wants more gay couples to be able to bring their children to the movie theater and pay $80 to see Mulan and the beautiful hills uyghur concentration camp imprisonees get to see every day. ‘Das capitalism, bro.I think attributing every single good thing a corporation supports to pinkwashing and pure evil is letting yourself off the hook of understanding the complexities of corporations. Not to mention the complexities of groups demanding representation and products reflecting that experience and calling those same efforts profit-chasing prostitution in the same breath. I just think cultivating the image to corporations that makes them say “we’re never going to win with these people no matter what we do” will make them stop trying.

        • stinkyj-av says:

          Good point. It has a horrible kind of “whats the least we can do to get by” aspect to it that I’ve seen in more concrete settings such as Environmental or Safety compliance where Greenwashing is common. The gains that are being made (across the board) are probably real, but then pumped up to such a degree in promotion that the impression can easily be that far more is being done than is real. This can then lead to much more push back than the actual gains warrant and lends fuel to the arguments of adversaries of this kind of change.The change absolutely has to happen, and quickly. How we talk about and celebrate the change – that’s difficult.

      • sheldoncooperjr-av says:

        Conservative media is built on keeping a certain segment of American under the illusion they are always under attack, and in turn, selling them politicians, books, subscriptions to websites, newsletter, and paid speeches to them. In turn, they also make a fortune off radio syndication, commercials they play on the shows, and TV show spin offs. As well as get tax cuts from the politicians they tricked their audience into supporting. It’s the perfect media backed scam to make a industry based on a total illusion.

      • mlrose529-av says:

        And because hypocrisy undergirds it all, they keep electing bigmouth celebrities to bemoan the influence of celebrity culture.

      • stinkyj-av says:

        “Performative Wokeness” is an excellent phrase. May steal it!

    • witheringcrossfire-av says:

      Ahhhh but you’re missing something. Republicans are aggrieved because they all the political power but virtually no social power.  Democrats are aggrieved because they’re the opposite 

    • proflavahotkinjaname-av says:


    • zenbard-av says:

      I’ve honestly been surprised at how durable the right’s victim mentality has been.Agreed. I had that conversation with someone recently who was spouting off all the Fox News persecution talking points. I said “Your party is the one in power. So either they’re a bunch of whiny babies who can’t handle the job pressures or they’re too incompetent to get anything done. Regardless, is that the group of people you want in charge?”He just walked off.

    • sorvex-av says:

      Christianity has wallowed in its own victimhood since its founding. Ever since their god was tortured and nailed to a plank, Christians have used the event to brand themselves as the perennial underdog.Never mind that Christianity held absolute secular power in the West for 1,500 years and still affects everyone’s daily lives (whether Christian or not); Christians still play the “poor-persecuted-us” card whenever they don’t get their way.Hardly surprising the right would latch onto this grift. They’re the ones most closely aligned with Christianity after all, and anyway, they’d never pass up the opportunity to work such a juicy scam.

    • Fieryrebirth-av says:

      It’s because of their egos have reached critical mass that even self-reflection is a dire threat to their child-like egos, that they become…well, child-like.

    • sicodravenshadow-av says:

      When when has been in an enduring position of power, to be brought down to equal is often seen as a grave injustice to be thwarted. Hence, the collective blindness by some on white privilege and systematic racism, and the outsizes response to all threats, both real and imagined, to the status of white Republicans.

    • mlrose529-av says:

      There’s also a lot of talk about ramming things down their throats and sticking things in their faces. For people so good at dog whistles they have a lousy grasp of subtext.

    • lmh325-av says:

      For me, the fixation on 1984 is the weirdest part. They are actively being lied to and manipulated to believe things that aren’t true despite everything they can see and hear themselves, and yet, they think the left is trying to trick them.

    • cavallin0-av says:

      Victim?  You got that all wrong sweetie.  It is the Democrat party who has been playing the victim.  Why we free Americans may use a word that offends you, or we may celebrate Columbus day tomorrow…that surely offends you.  When your lovers in BLM/Antifa come to your neighborhood you might get lucky and a neighbor might be a conservative believer in the 2nd Amendment.  But then maybe you’ll not be lucky and they will loot your home or burn your business because your Democrat mayor has defunded the police.  We could hope…

    • cheboludo-av says:

      I watched a video recently about the sociopathic spouse. They are not scary murderers just usually master manipulators. Their best tool is blaming and playing the victim. I forget what the social psychology term is but groups lose their shit when they lose power and control especially to perceived socially inferior groups. See white Americans today.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      you think that’s bad, I stopped looking at FB for several months after some Cult 45 co-workers and “friends” told me very sincerely (after I bashed Dipshit and their response was “my 401k has never done better!”, like these blue collar dopes are a bunch of Warren Buffett-type investors), “we hope you come back (to our side)“, kinda like the twins in the Shining. I remember when I read that my head actually swam for a second or two, like, is this real? I genuinely can’t tell if they’re just that far gone, or they see what’s happening but don’t want to admit they fucked up and the libtards were right all along, or something else.

    • proghunter-av says:

      But libs also run all the entertainment, cities, acdemia and media. Checkmate!

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    “We’ve had gays, lesbians and bisexuals for centuries. What’s new is, this has now become an ideology.”
    “I performed oral sex on Barack Obama, [who] came back for seconds.”Whatever point Dinesh thinks he’s making about gay people here, he’s not.

  • ourassisinthejackpot-av says:

    Why do you even review these? We know it’s getting an F and no one on this site’s going to watch it. Just write an article about how stupid the right is if that’s what you want to do, which it obviously is.

  • fiestaforeva2-av says:

    Between this and the latest Woody Allen, is it “terrible movies by even worse people” week at the AV Club?

    • gildie-av says:

      Don’t forget the Adam Sandler review.

      • dinoironbodya-av says:

        Did he do something terrible that I’m unaware of?

        • obtuseangle-av says:

          While I will not defend the vast majority of his filmography, Sandler is by all accounts a really nice dude in person.

        • donricciardi-av says:

          He’s got a Halloween movie out on Netflix.

        • dollymix-av says:

          Adam Sandler knows what he did to Mary Pickford.

          • robert-denby-av says:

            Hey, according to Sandler’s attorneys, Mary consented to watching Grown-Ups 2.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            That immortal bastard!

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            Mary Pickford has no idea, and apparently has her lawyers dealing with Harvey Weinsteins’ lawyers now. Also, the preview that Netflix is doing is just not helping. Sandler doing stupid boy talk is…stupid. He needs to get off the drugs and booze (preaching to myself) and just stick to serious roles. He’s not a bad actor, he just picks bad roles and needs to get away from the writer’s room.

          • tonywatchestv-av says:

            Isn’t Sandler’s schtick essentially that he doesn’t want to be a serious actor, and just basically wants to kick around and make mediocre vacation movies so he can hang out with his friends? If that’s true, I not only have no issue with that, I find it kind of charming. I could be wrong, but from what I’ve heard he’s a Hollywood nice-guy who gives to charity and is great with kids. I liked Uncut Gems as well as the next person, but if he wants to make those movies for the rest of his life, then by all means.

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            I get your point, and I really liked all his comedies during the ‘90s, but his potential is so on point. I’m still not sure if it was just comedy schtick he was doing with him not getting an Oscar nod for Uncut Gems, but he did deserve it. Who doesn’t want to do throw-away movies with all their friends in vacation settings? But who also doesn’t want to be taken seriously in films like UG or Punch Drunk Love? This may be heresy, but Sandler could be our next Bill Murray. Still not afraid to make fun of himself in comedy films, but basically sticks to the serious stuff. I’m throwing it out there. He’s a way better actor than he gives himself credit for and needs to stop resting on the laurels of comedy.

          • tonywatchestv-av says:

            I agree entirely, and maintain that his charm is that he doesn’t want to be a serious actor. He could be. He’s the Regular Joe in Hollywood.

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            LOL I thought John Goodman was the regular Joe of Hollywood

          • tonywatchestv-av says:

            Hey, perhaps. Separately, I was impressed how well a lot of those Happy Gilmore clips hold up. It’s probably the only one I would still like, even though I’ve never gotten the reaction to the Bob Barker fight. Everyone thought it was just the funniest thing ever, and being a kid I probably agreed, without understanding why it was supposed to be in the first place.

            It’s really just the best showcase of Sandler being sarcastic and frazzled, before it became too cartoony. When he finally makes a putt and an onlooker says “’Bout time!” he immediately turns around and slow-charges toward him. “Yeah, ‘bout time, right? I just couldn’t get the ball to go in the hole! I wanted it to go in the hole, but it just wouldn’t go in the hole..”

          • mrdalliard123-av says:

            My biggest pet peeve with Adam Sandler movies is the stupid voice factor. I’ve tried watching films like Eight Crazy Night, Lil’ Nicky and even the trailer for the new Halloween one, but the fact that he does the stupid voice throughout the ENTIRE MOVIE drives me to distraction. 

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            Lil’ Nicky is a movie I recall hate-watching. When I was in my mid-20’s. I know I laughed at some bits, but mostly remember how there was some current or formerly popular song playing during nearly every scene. Aside from Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems I’ve avoided any and all Sandler movies. The man/boy baby talk that he does ruins -everything-.Crap. I did get halfway through The Meyerowitz Stories before I realized that I’ve watched enough Noah Baumbach films, and that the best one was his first. 

        • 1428elmstreet-av says:

          You can just pick at random on his IMDB page. Or better yet, the whole list.

  • evilbutdiseasefree-av says:

    Jesus you Americans and your conservatives. I don’t vote conservative in Canada, but I don’t question their mental stability or ability to empathize. Hell, I’ve never met a conservative here that didn’t hate Trump. I’m sure they exist, I’ve just never met them.

  • cail31-av says:

    “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”

    So, how far are we from the future?

  • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

    “ D’Souza is unconvincingly frothing on the soundtrack about how “the socialist left and the Democrats want to make us grovel” and “make us worms,””He’s already a worm…a tape worm living in the feces that is the current conservative movement. What a sad excuse for a human being. Who will shed a tear when this creature croaks?

    • robert-denby-av says:

      R-list actors and tech people who can’t get jobs making real movies?

      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        It’s sad, but we all gotta make a living. I’ve worked for a mobster and then years later a semi-convicted pedo. Can’t make this shit up. If I still prayed, I’d pray for the poor souls that ended up working on this pile of fiery dog shit. 

        • sheldoncooperjr-av says:

          Was this guy famous?

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            Nope. Small-time, we’re not talking NYC. A bit further west, had ties to Traficante 25 years ago. Not gonna lie, he took care of his people. But…I’m still surprised I ever worked for him. 

      • chronoboy-av says:

        Sadly I know a few Indian people who look up to this nut job for being a “well-known/successful” Indian immigrant.

    • zounoshoumetsu-av says:

      Better a million times over to be an honest, unthinking, LIVING earthworm than spend a second being DD’S.

  • taumpytearrs-av says:

    That half-Lincoln half-Trump face from the poster of his last movie was turned into a hologram cover for the DVD release. I nearly threw up in my mouth when I walked by it at Wal-mart and saw the face change from Lincoln to Trump.

  • thants-av says:

    “We’ve had gays, lesbians and bisexuals for centuries and horrible brutalized them. What’s new is, that has become unpopular, and that makes me mad.”

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    The last I heard from Dinesh D’Souza was when he was trying to convince everyone that Donald Trump is a cosmopolitan sophisticate because he pronounces “Thailand” like “thigh-land.” Man, that was a while back. Must have been a couple year—[checks Twitter]—couple of months ago.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Remember when he made fun of school shooting survivors that was a generation ago… or two years. 

    • blpppt-av says:

      Sorry, double post.

    • blpppt-av says:

      I found this book in my parents’ house a couple of years ago—-just the title alone is surreal. Its like if somebody made Donald O’Brien’s book come alive.

      • officermilkcarton-av says:

        Does it just say “National SOCIALISM. Set and match, libtards.” on the back in big letters?

        • blpppt-av says:

          Nah, Dinesh likes to portray himself as an intellectual, and that lame oft-used justification is usually used by the highly uneducated.He’s much more dangerous than your average Trump-loving moron.

        • jamoche-av says:

          Back in the 30s, Time Magazine would scare-quote the “Socialism” part of the name.

        • cheboludo-av says:

          My father falls fore this one. “National SOCIALISM”. He also thinks the Nazis have a base under Antarctic ice where they took Hitler after they lost the war..

          • blpppt-av says:

            Usually I’ve found the older generation is a bit wiser about who and what the Nazis were. This is pretty eye-opening.

          • cheboludo-av says:

            I wonder though if education has always used the word Nazi and no National Socialism. I don’t think I knew that term until John Goodman used it in The Big Lebowski. There is also the fact that I was a mediocre student.

          • blpppt-av says:

            “There is also the fact that I was a mediocre student.”You and me both. Its an absolutely fascinating thing—-I never had any interest in history until I left school. Now my Youtube history on the AppleTV is nothing but documentaries….well, that and REALLY strange anime….. 😉

        • cheboludo-av says:

          I also like when conservatives complain about the neoliberals. I don’t think that term means what they think it does.

          Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with economic liberalism and free-market capitalism.[2]:7[3] It is generally associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, austerity, and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society;[4][12] however, the defining features of neoliberalism in both thought and practice have been the subject of substantial scholarly debate.[13][14] In policymaking, neoliberalism was part of a paradigm shift that followed the failure of the Keynesian consensus in economics to address the stagflation of the 1970s.[15][16]

          • tacitusv-av says:

            The funniest example of this type of thing has to be Phyllis Schlafly’s idiot son, Andrew’s crusade against Einstein’s Theory of Relativity because he believes it legitimizes moral relativism as an alternative to God-given moral absolutes.I kid you not. Here is a quote from his website, Conservapedia:“The theory of relativity is disproved by numerous counterexamples, but is promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to pull people away from the Bible.”He has been told many many times his conflation of relativity with relativism is ludicrous, but he continues to resist all changes.

      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        How did that even get published? 

        • blpppt-av says:

          Because there are a lot of stupid people out there, sadly.

        • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

          Money.  You pay enough, you can get anything published.

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            I refuse to look it up on Amazon because I don’t need it popping up in my search history, but I really hope it was self-published. This guy is a canker sore on the ass of humanity.

          • tacitusv-av says:

            That’s what incognito mode is for — comes in handy whenever I feel the urge to know what the clowns at Infowars are saying today.

      • sheldoncooperjr-av says:

        Introduction by Stephen Colbert (the fictional Colbert Report one, not the guy who hosts The Late Show)

      • avataravatar-av says:

        Please tell me you stole it and threw it away. You owe it to your parents.

      • blpppt-av says:

        It would only be one in a giant pile of books worthy of the trash heap.Other D’Souza works and Glenn Beck ‘masterpieces’.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Thigh Land is Trump’s favourite theme park.

      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        “I got an executive pardon and all I got was this shirt and a case of chlamydia and a couple lady boys. In Thigh Land.”

        • mrdalliard123-av says:

          He wears that T-Shirt because the other one he has about Bangkok might incite gay panic amongst his minions.

  • defuandefwink-av says:

    Why even bother to review this??

  • coolmanguy-av says:


    • miked1954-av says:

      In Korean Hangul alphabet internet slang for laughter is:ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

      • perlafas-av says:

        In greek, it’s xaxaxaxaxa, which sounds pretty martian to me.Just the the χ letter makes the best h sound. But not all keyboards allow for χαχαχαχα.Also if you want to white ΗΙΗΙΗΙ in greek, you get ΧΗΧΗΧΗ which looks pretty joyful aswell.What were we talking about ?

      • popculturesurvivor-av says:

        In Portuguese, it’s “rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs” which sounds a bit like a chuckle. That makes sense only because the Portuguese “r” sound is kind of like a tougher English “h” or a more diffuse, more open-throated Spanish “j”.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Back in 2016 Steve Bannon tried to get everyone in the WH to read ‘The History Of The Peloponnesian War’ by Thucydides. That alone is a laugh-and-a-half, considering the goof-balls that made up the staff. The bigger laugh was his perverse way of interpeting the book. He pictured himself as one of the nutjob fascistic Spartans waging war against his mortal enemy, Democratic Athens. I didn’t realize Greek history could be used as a Rorschach test to tell if a person is crazy.Also, Orwell was staunchly anti-fascist. What he was warning us of was basically Fox New and the Trump admin.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Is this guy a sadomasochist or something? Why is he a non-white person on the side of the guy that detests all non-white people for?

    • jfmanzo-av says:

      He’s Indian-American, many of whom are incredibly xenophobic and hard right. They live in wealthy gated communities. D’Souza went to fucking Dartmouth and was one of the huge voice on the Dartmouth Review- along with Laura Ingraham. He’s smart and ruthless, despises all things progressive. It’s not hard to connect the dots- and he’d defend to his dying breath his “right” to be a Trumper. 

    • zounoshoumetsu-av says:

      He dreams of waking up as a monstrous vermin, but he always wakes up as DD’S.If he were not was he is, I would feel pity enough to pelt him with fruit and drive him back into his room to die.As he is, he deserves no pity whatsoever.

    • wuthanytangclano-av says:

      Donnie pardoned his felony, so he owes him for that… also he’s a self hating person of colour.

    • chronoboy-av says:

      Ever read Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

  • dudebra-av says:

    The prosecutors that had their hard work wasted and saw justice denied with Trump’s corrupt pardon of this flesh sack (and the rest of Trump’s goons and henchmen for that matter) should get very busy now for prosecutions of all the other crimes they have committed and are probably committing right now.Trump has to lose for so many other reasons besides the obvious threat he is to democracy itself.

  • largegarlic-av says:

    Sometimes I think that if I didn’t have a conscience and just wanted to get rich quick, I could write crappy right-wing propaganda books in this vein and make money hand over fist. 

  • buh-lurredlines-av says:

    Why do Righties support this guy? His cred is nil, his talking points are stupid, he isn’t cool,

  • ducktopus-av says:

    oh damn, this went from a D to an F in a few hours, amazing.Like, it should never have been reviewed and you gave it mainstream credibility by reviewing this. Kind of like if a serial killer painted with his own shit on his victims’ backs and you reviewed it? So nice attempt at removing yourself from your own responsibility, I feel you, I try that sometimes.

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    Why did you give this trash any bandwidth at all? 

  • iggypoops-av says:

    “We got an early glimpse of what socialism looks like during the coronavirus shutdown” Speaking as someone who lives in what the GOP would almost certainly call a socialist country (New Zealand), I can tell you what socialism during the coronavirus looked like — people who didn’t behave like a bunch of self-righteous angry (and armed) babies because we focused on being a community rather than “I get to do whatever I want”. You know what our CURRENT socialist country looks like? Pretty damned normal. Day-to-day life in NZ is pretty close to pre-Covid NZ.Hell, in Wellington under Level 2 (i.e., the “second lockdown”) we all wore masks on public buses and trains without throwing Karen-fits — even though there WERE NO CASES OF COVID IN WELLINGTON.

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      I just picture the parents/grandparents/great-grandparents of anti-maskers thinking “We rationed food for a war, and you can’t wear a piece of cloth over your face for a pandemic.”

  • puddingangerslotion-av says:

    Klinger’s wedding to Radar

    by Lynzee Cadham
    Spokane Post-News

    VANCOUVER, Canada

    It’s time to pull out one last dress.

    Farr, the actor who portrayed the transvestite Max Klinger on the
    beloved 1970s-era television show M*A*S*H, is getting ready to marry one
    of his co-stars from that very same show.

    “I tell people that and they say ‘You’re marrying Loretta ?’” Farr laughs. “She was the only woman on the show, of course!”

    eyes open wide in mock surprise as he imitates the faces of people when
    they learn that he is not marrying Swit, but another co-star – Gary
    Burghoff, who played the diminutive, psychic clerk Radar. Neither Farr
    nor Burghoff has gone public with their homosexuality, and less still
    with their romance. Now that it is to be official, Farr feels, it’s time
    to set the record straight.

    “My character on M*A*S*H was never
    gay,” Farr reveals. “It was an interesting challenge for me. But the
    fact that he wore dresses made it easier… I objected when they had him go back to a regular butch uniform.”

    who declined to be interviewed for this article, was always more
    comfortable in the fatigues that were his constant costume on the show,
    Farr reports. “Although it’s true he enjoyed his nude scenes, like in
    the bath episode – and of course so did I!”

    The couple are
    holding a small and, says Farr, “intimate” wedding in Vancouver, Canada.
    “We don’t want to make a big deal about it,” Farr says. “Neither Gary
    nor I are political people. But we had to come to Canada to have the
    ceremony we wanted. It’s all right, many of our friends are coming.”

    heard all the jokes,” Farr says with a smile. “Wearing dresses on a
    popular show gave me a thick skin. I suppose as advanced as people get,
    there will always be jokes about Gary and I.”

    Farr says the
    wedding will not change their lives drastically. “It’ll be like it was
    before. We have a house, we work. Gary is a drummer, and he’ll practise
    in the garage. We really lead boring lives!”

    The wedding is to take place June 20th at an undisclosed location in Kitsilano, Vancouver.

    • jfmanzo-av says:

      Kitsilano is a neighbourhood in Vancouver, not a city unto itself. How old is this? Americans can’t cross the border and certainly can’t have a big wedding here.

      • arcanumv-av says:

        I wouldn’t get that worked up about it. It’s bullshit. Farr is still married to Joy Ann Richards and has been since 1963. Burghoff is unmarried now, but he divorced from his second wife in 2005.

  • zgberg-av says:

    Yikes. His movies should legally require a fact check box 

  • miked1954-av says:

    The lunatic right is becoming increasingly belligerent and hysterical because they’re finally coming to realize, that far from being the ‘silent majority’, they’re a universally despised fringe sect. They are angry that everyone hates them.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      Given that well over a third of the US approves of the job Trump is doing, it’s not a fringe sect. That’s what makes it so worrying. It’s not a handful of wingnuts, it’s a majority of the Republican party. It’s why I can no longer call myself a Republican. 

  • nonoes-av says:

    you laugh and you cry, but my country is next. help.

  • scruffy-the-janitor-av says:

    If you want a vision of the perfect future, imagine a boot stamping on Dinesh D’Souza’s face – forever.

  • sheldoncooperjr-av says:

    “We’ve had gays, lesbians and bisexuals for centuries. What’s new is, this has now become an ideology.” Well, if you people behaved like adults and minded your own business about the private lives of adults, it wouldn’t have to be a ideology. It could be people’s personal business. 

  • decgeek-av says:

    While he is popular in some right wing circles, if D’Souza walked into a bar in a small town in a very conservative red state, the very people he is trying reach would tell him to go back to where he came from.  

  • warren-p-av says:

    Vadim it is obvious you would love to have 1/2 of 1% of the credibility of Dinesh. The real test is for you to debate Dinesh in person rather than hiding behind a word processor. Your drivel is a very sad demonstration of the depths of journalism. Unfortunately for you, we know why you report the way you do. Back in the 1920s the Frankfurt School decide to undermine western culture and values in aid of bringing Marxism to the west.The long term plan included 11 strategies. Number 10 tells us why you report the way you do.10. Control and dumbing down of media.Vadim, kind of has your name on it doesn’t it? 

  • lvlytree-av says:

    One correction to your article: the cartoon depiction regarding the kkk and Bush wasn’t captioning Soros, instead it was Saul Alinsky.

  • bataillesarteries-av says:

    I guess all the years of abuse at the hands of Russell caused Timmy to mentally snap, change his name, and to start willfully licking someone else’s boots.

  • sanfransam54-av says:

    D’Souza is the kid from high school who discovered Ayn Rand and joined the Atlas Shrugged cult but never grew up to realize that it was bullshit.How many Ayn Rand lovers know she was a confirmed atheist?If Trumpets identify with Winston Smith, they want to be O’Brien.And again they are missing Orwell’s point. Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia were all the same — totalitarian. Just under different names.

  • freedomfanned-av says:

    Excellent movie! 

  • squatlobster-av says:

    I don’t want to comment on the film or it’s content, that’s too depressing. I just want to be pedantic and say that 1984 was the John Hurt film. The book is called Nineteen Eighty-Four     

  • liberaltears6969-av says:

    This movie sure triggered the AV Club 

  • miked1954-av says:

    Using the works of George Orwell to shill for the Fascist ultra-right in America is the same as using the teaching to Jesus to argue for abandoning the poor to their fate and worshiping greed.

  • magules-av says:

    By George Soros you mean Saul Alinsky, right? 

  • goodshotgreen-av says:

    Now there’s a face for radio. 

  • seane03-av says:

    Dog whistles? How is it that it’s only the left that knows what dog whistles are and continually calls them out as if they speak dog language.  I’ve never heard the sound of a dog whistle. I wouldn’t recognize one of I could hear it. 

  • zounoshoumetsu-av says:


  • shronkey-av says:

    I’m sorry you had to watch this. 

  • mrfurious72-av says:

    Dinesh D’Souza somehow manages to look even more hilarious when he tries to look pensive than Shaggy 2 Dope did in the video for “Miracles” (the “fuckin’ magnets, how do they work?” song).Go to 1:27 if it doesn’t cue up properly for you.

  • harpo87-av says:

    Honestly, don’t even review this POS’s stuff anymore. He doesn’t need to be given any more oxygen.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    Hell, I couldn’t even get through the trailer to this when it popped up on YouTube. I couldn’t imagine sitting through the actual movie.

  • littlerussianboy-av says:

    Reading this review and the echo-chamber comments below remind me of the canard that smart people look like crazy people to dumb people.

  • cavallin0-av says:

    You, sir, are complete horse sh1t. If you don’t see Socialism within the Green New Deal, or Biden’s $4 Trillion version, you are blind and stupid. But then you review movies for a living so it makes sense. Just let me point out to you and the 175 other Obamabots who posted love letters to you, it isn’t the right, it isn’t conservatives who are Burning, Looting and Murdering (BLM) Democrat run American cities.  

  • firewokwithme-av says:

    Who is funding his garbage? Is he like the rest of the conservative grifters and just taking donations from the Republican donor list?

  • dennis-mm-av says:

    Paraphrasing, okay?ORWELL: I am a socialist and believe socialism is the way to reduce suffering and inequality. I hate totalitarianism of all sorts, which is why I oppose the USSR — not because it claims to be a socialist state.RIGHT WINGERS FOR 70 YEARS: Orwell hated socialism!

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