Disney has found a director to tolerate Jared Leto on its new Tron movie

Aux Features Film
Disney has found a director to tolerate Jared Leto on its new Tron movie
Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris

And the next person in charge of wrangling Jared Leto’s extremely bedazzled ego is…. Garth Davis, come on down! You’re next in line to validate Leto’s Gucci Jesus complex! According to Deadline, Disney has enlisted Davis to direct the new live-action Tron movie, starring the artist formerly known as Fuck Boy Number One, Jordan Catalano. Davis is actually something of an expert on the Jesus part of this equation, having previously directed Mary Magdalene, starring Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix (who is separated from Leto by the flimsiest of Joker-shaped partitions). Davis’s first narrative feature, 2016's Lion, earned six Oscar nominations, including one for Best Picture. The Australian native also directed episodes of the acclaimed series Top Of The Lake.

Little is known about the third Tron movie aside from Leto’s involvement as both producer and star. Disney previously toyed with the idea of making a sequel to 2010's Tron: Legacy, with Joseph Kosinski potentially returning to direct the follow-up to his sequel to the 1982 cult classic. The latest version of the script for Tron 3 (or whatever they end up calling it) was written by Jesse Wigutow, whose credits include the 2003 dramedy It Runs In The Family. Leto’s role has yet to be disclosed, but it’s probably totally a Computer Jesus. Has to be.


  • laserface1242-av says:

    I think that, no matter our differences, almost every single person on the planet all cheer if Jared Leto was fired into the sun.

  • donnameaglegraduates-av says:

    Jared Leto’s Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is Johnny Depp. He better heed the warning.

    • uber-wang-av says:

      He’s kind of a health nut so that’s unlikely, unless he doubles down on crazy

    • jmg619-av says:

      OMG I was thinking the same thing! But have you noticed how Leto seems to be doing more blockbuster type movies compared to the few that Depp has done. I figured Leto would do more Oscar quality type movies or quirky indies or maybe he’s just over doing those now.

  • baronvb-av says:

    You over-do you, AV Club

  • ourmon-av says:

    Oh shit we hate Jared Leto now? Hard to keep up. Or maybe you guys need to find a hobby?

  • lattethunder-av says:

    What’s the plan with these things? Keep making them until they finally make a good one?

    • onetransmission-av says:

      They already made a “good” one… the original with Jeff Bridges. It should’ve ended there, honestly. The concept of getting digitized and sucked into a video game world was goofy and fun in the ‘80s, but “Tron: Legacy” left out the fun and goofiness and took itself way too seriously.

    • dirtside-av says:

      Hey, Tron: Legacy gave us one of the best film scores of the decade.

    • robert-denby-av says:

      “This is a thousand monkeys working at a thousand typewriters. Soon they’ll have written a watchable Tron movie.”

    • croig2-av says:

      I guess. It has an iconic look and setting. Hollywood keeps resurrecting other IP that has less going for it than that.

    • nilus-av says:

      The first one is great. The second one looks amazing at least

      • lattethunder-av says:

        I agree with your second statement, but I’ve never liked the first movie. I was 12 when it was released and even then I found it dull.

    • imodok-av says:

      Tron Legacy was thisclose to being a great movie. The score and fx were excellent, most of the performances were good to superb. What made the TL mildly disappointing was its reliance on the character Q as the main villain, for two major reasons:1) The selection of Q as the central antagonist only held significance to hardcore fans of the original movie, a small segment of the potential audience. That decision also took the focus off the new hero of the franchise, as the main conflict was now between his father and his father’s creation, rather than centered on the son. It also meant bypassing many good potential live action villains — Michael Sheen, James Frain, Cillian Murphy — to concentrate on a weak cgi one.2) The other big problem was the fact that Q was an entirely cgi creation. Even today computer animation struggles to overcome the uncanny valley effect of having a cg human interacting with real ones. Audiences found it hard to relate to the character, which is a huge problem when he both is the main villain and has a lot of screen time.

      • jmg619-av says:

        My biggest gripe about both movies is that it’s called ‘Tron’ and the guy Tron is barely used in the movie! It’s like he’s a second, second character in the movies. And TL Tron was badass with the double light discs and the parkour moves.

        • imodok-av says:

          I always thought the Tron/Alan Bradley character was not well conceived. There’s no real conflict between him and Bridges’s Kevin Flynn (even the pseudo love triangle doesn’t amount to much). In both the real and computer world Tron/Alan protects and supports Flynn. Tron is essentially the sheriff of the computer world , but while the story clearly indicates this Tron never quite feels as prominent as he should. His natural point of conflict with Flynn is that Tron is protecting order and Flynn is a nexus of chaos — he takes risks and likes to experiment, both which can throw the system into disorder, but also allow it to evolve. Again this is an idea that is implied in the narrative, but never given a lot of weight. And in the sequel its Clu, not Tron, that is trying to impose order.I also think it didn’t help that Bridges is a more attention grabbing actor than Boxleitner and playing a much more flamboyant role. Tron doesn’t ever seem to have been that relevant, he just had a catchy name.

    • genejenkinson-av says:

      If it’s good enough for the Terminator franchise, it’s good enough for Tron!

  • robert-denby-av says:

    Joaquin Phoenix (who is separated from Leto by the flimsiest of Joker-shaped partitions)Anyone want to take a shot at decoding this?

    • dirtside-av says:

      I think it means they’re both pretentious and weird, and also look somewhat similar. (Except that Leto is extremely pretty and Phoenix looks like he got in a lot of fistfights as a kid)

    • blahblahmossblah-av says:

      Both have played Joker on the big screen and both are insufferable, pretentious heels who “suffer” for their art, AKA can’t act unless they never stop acting until the movie is wrapped.

    • bags-of-mush-av says:

      they both played Joker, broseph.

  • hellwhoo-av says:

    I for one look forward to seeing Flynn and Quorra’s isomorphic love child rule the universe.Just playing the Letoism card here.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Points for the headline. (I haven’t read it yet, I’m about to)
    The bedazzled blouse is pretty cool too.

  • wondersocks-av says:

    I wonder if Leto will send computer parts to his future costars?

  • cinecraf-av says:

    I miss the days when Jared Leto was the guy you went to when you were casting the lesser of two Steve Prefontaine movies.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    Leto’s role has yet to be disclosed, but it’s probably totally a Computer Jesus.So, Flynn from the first movie?

  • uber-wang-av says:

    Other than the joker thing is Jared Leto really known to be that much of an asshole? Or do people just hate him because he’s pretty and he clearly knows it? Girls typically don’t get as much shit for being so up their own ass in photoshoots or on instagram or what have you.

  • miked1954-av says:

    It seems Leto has stepped in to take over the role once played by the aging Depp. And I’m not talking about movie roles.

  • bransthirdeyeblind-av says:

    Jared Leto … new Tron movieThese five words should never NEVER be in the same sentence.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    What about Olivia Wilde & Cillian Murphy?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Pictured: a newly activated Leto clone takes its place as Leto Prime by decapitating its immediate predecessor.

  • dr-memory-av says:

    Goddamnit. Tron:Legacy was by no means a great movie, but it managed to be a surprisingly okay movie, at least in parts, despite the monumental handicap of having to treat the tossed-off script of the first one as canon. (Most of that was down to Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner both inexplicably deciding to not just phone it in.)  And it had Cillian Murphy obviously lined up to be the antagonist of the sequel and if we’re gonna live in the kind of universe where we have to put up with the idea of Tron being an ongoing franchise, I’d 10,000X rather live in the one where it’s putting food on Cillian Murphy’s table than the hellworld where Jared Leto is now apparently going to be allowed to be insufferable in multiple sequels to beloved 1980s films.

  • jmg619-av says:

    Ugh, I was totally onboard when I heard a Tron 3 was being made but then when it was mentioned Leto was going to be in it…. Let’s just say I’m half on board, half foot in the water.

  • wrighteous-86-av says:

    I’m not sure how Hollywood still seems to think anyone wants Jared Leto in anything. I’m instantly less excited when I find out he’s associated with a project.

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