Please enjoy: a kid swallowed a dog toy and now squeaks when he laughs

A teenager needed to have part of a dog toy removed from his throat that squeaked when he breathed

Aux Features Dog toy
Please enjoy: a kid swallowed a dog toy and now squeaks when he laughs
If it was shaped like a hamburger, at least, we would’ve understood the kid’s mistake. Photo: Thomas Kienzle

Johnathan Serrano, a 13-year-old from Montgomery, Texas, may now lay claim to the funniest near-death experience we’ve ever heard of. While most brushes with our mortality leave us blank-eyed and contemplative, Serrano’s resulted in a viral video that’s brought joy to the world and offered an important PSA to people everywhere: Swallowing a dog’s chew toy is not only dangerous, but can also leave you with a chronic condition where everyone laughs at the fact that your every breath is accompanied by a squeaking sound.


It’s ture I almost die #Neardeathf#funny

♬ original sound – Jonathan Serrano

A video of Serrano awaiting surgery was posted on TikTok with the excellent caption, “It’s ture [sic] I almost die. ##Neardeath#f#funny.” In an interview with ABC News about the situation, we learn that “he swallowed a dog toy by accident while he was bothering his mom instead of getting ready for a camping trip.”

Serrano’s mom said “he wasn’t ready yet and he was sitting there annoying me with this dog toy.” When, after the kid presumably ignored stern commands to “drop it,” Serrano Sr. went to grab the toy away from him, he ducked out of the way and swallowed it.

Serrano was rushed to a hospital, where video evidence of his new squeaky voice was captured, the toy’s whistle lodged in his esophagus was retrieved with a scope, and, it’s important to note, the medical experts laughed a whole lot at his predicament. “He was, like, king of the hospital,” his mom said. “All of the doctors and nurses would go in there and be like, ‘Hey, can you make the noise for us?’”

Serrano is fine now and no longer squeaks when he breathes. He’s also said he learned not to swallow toys meant for dogs in the future, even though he’s currently enjoying a bit of viral fame for the video, which has been viewed 23.7 million times at the time of writing.

All in all, it could’ve been worse. Serrano could’ve chipped a tooth on a caramel apple, making his future business negotiations and permit office break-ins far more difficult than they need to be.

Arrested Development – Banana Grabber Negotiations

[via Boing Boing]

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