Doja Cat trashes her albums, Hot Pink and Planet Her, as “cash grabs”

After sending her previous two records to the litter box, Doja Cat announced the name of her new album, First Of All

Aux News Doja Cat
Doja Cat trashes her albums, Hot Pink and Planet Her, as “cash grabs”
Doja Cat Photo: Dave Kotinsky (Stringer)

Doja Cat is throwing her old music under the bus. In a recent Twitter post, the multihyphenate rapper, singer, and musician told fans that her platinum albums, 2019’s Hot Pink and 2021’s Planet Her, were “cash grabs.”

“planet her and hot pink were cash-grabs and yall fell for it,” Doja Cat tweeted. “now i can go disappear somewhere and touch grass with my loved ones on an island while yall weep for mediocre pop.”

The announcement was seemingly in support of building hype for her next album, which she says is not called “hEllMoUth,” which should please the case-sensitive segment of her fanbase. “its not called hEllMoUth either its called “First of All” and yes I’m announcing the album title right now.”

Doja’s recent tweets have signaled some unease with her current place in the pop-culture landscape. “My comment section on IG used to be only positivity because I was doing what everyone wanted me to do and I love that I can see through all the bullshit now,” she tweeted. “It’s nice. Much love to everybody else thats been down since day one I appreciate it.”

When asked what changed, Doja responded that “after coachella” she felt burned out on “doing a bunch of shit” she didn’t believe in. She lamented not producing “anything personal” and instead was “cranking out digestible pop hits for children on twitter to get into fights about.” Of course, at least some of these songs were produced by Dr. Luke, who worked on the two albums and earned him his first no. 1 hit since the Ke$ha allegations stalled his career in the process. Doja expressed regret over their collaborations in a 2021 Rolling Stone profile, saying she hadn’t “worked with him in a very long time,” and accused him of taking credit for her work.

“He’s gotten some credit for shit,” she said. “And, you know, it’s whatever. I don’t think I need to work with him again. I don’t think I need to work with him in the future. I know that. I think it was definitely nice of me to work with him.”

Of course, it’s sometimes hard to tell with the meme music maker. Fluent in all forms of digital irony, Doja Cat has, in the past, trolled fans, announcing retirement plans last year that never came to fruition. All that’s to say, don’t be surprised if this all changes very soon or is never mentioned again.


  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Meow!  This cat has claws!!!!!  

  • captainbubb-av says:

    But what of Amala? Does she not count that as an album or is it not a cash grab? Or am I thinking too hard about the tweets of someone whose persona is basically chaotic id?

    • SweetJamesJones-av says:

      She became popular over a meme song called, “Bitch, I’m a Cow”….That should be all the answers you need.

  • thisistopchefnottopscallop-av says:

    Now I want to listen to her real stuff, whatever that is. Come at me. Give it. Let us all have it and we’ll get to it.
    Listen, everyone’s gotta do the dirty poppy music first to get your name out there and then make the music you actually want to make. P!nk was famous for her first album and then she started making her own songs and they were so much better. This is standard dues paying. Everyone’s gotta xerox memos before you get that corner office.

  • unspeakableaxe-av says:

    Let’s see if I got this right: Cat makes albums she thinks are disposable/soulless/bad. Cat works with very controversial producer who is very likely a terrible person, then throws him under the bus like he did nothing for her and she did him a solid. Cat insults all her fans on Twitter and says she’s smart, they’re dumb.Hyped for the new one though!

    • mifrochi-av says:

      If she were producing AAA video games this would all be pretty normal, but it’s weird for a musician.

      • madkinghippo-av says:

        It’s weird, but in a weird way, kinda refreshing too. It’s kinda nice to hear someone of her fame say outright that her old stuff wasn’t anything more than easy to digest pop, and that people are stupid enough to fight over it too. Like in a way, she’s calling out the entire industry for being an environment where you have to make garbage in order to succeed, and that people should care more about better music than this pop crap.

        Coulda worded it better, though.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Yeah, I’m not really sure where she’s going with this…

  • eatshit-and-die-av says:

    The garbage person who would get nude on 4chan to entertain racist trolls before they were famous would do things purely for attention and profit?Wow I’m completely shocked.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Was Cat Stevens this much of an asshole when he gave up his career in pop music?

    • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

      No, but he became one afterwards when he decided to sign on to a death threat against a writer he was told he should hate. The only people more annoying than ex-smokers or people who recently lost a ton of weight are people who just converted to a religion.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
        • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

          Well yes, people who have been soaking in their particular religion since birth are ALSO annoying.

      • hallofreallygood-av says:

        Yeah but then he asked if James Taylor was still making and releasing the same album every year and became good again.

        • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

          Yeah that was a pretty good zinger. (Also, for whatever it’s worth, I believe he eventually backed off the whole “murder Salman Rushdie” thing.)

          • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

            He has falsely insisted he never supported the fatwah and blamed journalists for framing him (i.e., accurately reporting what he said in interviews and public appearances).

    • sugahqueen-av says:

      Shoulda been😂

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    “…now i can go disappear somewhere…”
    Please God, make it so.

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    I know she’s pretty popular, but does Doja Cat really have this kind of FU money? Kind of seems like her mouth is writing checks her ass can’t cash. But she’s always seemed unhinged (biracial woman has a kink of showing her titties to Nazis, ho-kaaaaay), so this kind of tracks.

    • sugahqueen-av says:

      Bringing up her ancient sexual behavior is tasteless. And quite irrelevant here

      • ridilinkid-av says:

        Bullshit. There is no such thing as “ancient” with nazis, the only acceptable actions are punching them or telling them to fuck off, anything else you may as well join them because when you lay with dogs you pick up fleas.

    • ahildy9815-av says:

      She’s an “artist.”By definition her logical brain doesn’t work correctly. 

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Okay. Cool….I’ll just keep listening to the old stuff if this new stuff isn’t my thing.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I thought the gist of this was going to be “And now she’s going to make the real artistic statement she’s been wanting to all along” and we’d get like Doja Cat Rubber Soul or something.

  • hallofreallygood-av says:

    The Dominos approach 

  • skerpaderpadoodoopoopoo-av says:

    ‘Doja Cat’ wasn’t a cash grab? And just to show my age: Who?

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