Drake Bell says he wasn’t missing, just briefly off the grid

Drake Bell shared that he left his phone in his car Thursday night after he was declared missing, then safe, earlier that day

Aux News Drake Bell
Drake Bell says he wasn’t missing, just briefly off the grid
Drake Bell Photo: Michael Tran

After reports surfaced early on Thursday that actor Drake Bell had been reported “missing and endangered” by police in Daytona Beach, Florida, it certainly seemed like he was in dire shape. But according to Bell—who was found safe later the same day—it wasn’t so serious: he says the situation arose because he left his phone in his vehicle.

“You leave your phone in the car and don’t answer for the night and this?” Bell tweeted on Thursday afternoon alongside a laughing-crying emoji, ostensibly responding to the reports. Although he appears to be laughing off the incident, reports of a 911 call obtained by TMZ—in which an officer allegedly characterizes Bell’s situation as a “possible attempted suicide” regarding a “celebrity who had a falling out with his wife”—indicate there may be more to the story.

It’s been an embattled few years for the former Drake & Josh star. In 2020, Bell’s ex-girlfriend Melissa Lingafelt accused him of verbal and physical abuse, allegations the performer denied. Then, in July 2021, Bell was sentenced to two years of probation after pleading guilty to two charges—one of attempted child endangerment, a felony, and one of disseminating material harmful, a misdemeanor—in regards to a girl Bell met online, who attended one of his concerts in 2017. According to prosecutors, Bell engaged in a conversation with the girl that was “at times sexual in nature” when she was 15 years old. Prosecutors also stated that an investigation from the Cleveland Police Department found that Bell sent the girl inappropriate messages on social media during the months leading up to the show she attended.

Accepting the charges, Bell said that he “was wrong” and apologetic the girl “was harmed in any way.” For her own part, the defendant referred to Bell as a “pedophile” who “groomed her” ages 12 to 15, stating: “My life hasn’t been the same since I was 15. I think about these crimes every single day. I feel like I’m in a constant dark place.”


  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Who would have guessed that Drake would turn out to be the Marty Janetty to Josh’s Shawn Michaels? 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Nobody asked, Drake.

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    Title: Drake’s DisappearanceFADE IN:INT. MEGAN AND JOSH’S BEDROOM – DAYDrake sits on the bed, looking tired and down.JOSH
    Hey man, what’s going on? You seem off.DRAKE
    I don’t know, man. I’ve been feeling really down lately.JOSH
    Is there anything I can do to help?DRAKE
    I appreciate it, but I think I need to deal with this on my own. I need to get away for a while.JOSH
    Where are you thinking of going?DRAKE
    I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just disappear for a bit. Go off the grid, you know?JOSH
    Drake, that’s not a good idea. We need to know where you are and make sure you’re safe.DRAKE
    I’ll be safe. I just need some time to clear my head.JOSH
    I don’t think that’s the best way to deal with your mental health issues. Have you thought about seeing a therapist or talking to someone?DRAKE
    I don’t think that’s going to help. I just need to figure things out on my own.JOSH
    Well, if that’s what you want to do, I’ll respect your decision. But please, at least let us know where you’re going and check in with us from time to time.Drake nods and leaves the room.CUT TO:EXT. WOODS – DAYDrake walks through the woods, carrying a backpack.DRAKE (V.O.)
    I needed to get away. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew I needed to be alone with my thoughts.Drake sets up a tent and starts a fire. He spends the next few days alone in the woods, reflecting on his life and his mental health.CUT TO:INT. MEGAN AND JOSH’S HOUSE – DAYJosh is on the phone with Megan.JOSH
    Hey, have you heard from Drake?MEGAN
    No, I haven’t. Why?JOSH
    He disappeared a few days ago. He said he needed to get away to deal with some mental health issues.MEGAN
    That’s not good. We need to find him and make sure he’s okay.JOSH
    I agree. I’ll start calling his friends and see if anyone knows where he went.CUT TO:EXT. WOODS – DAYDrake is sitting by the fire, looking up at the stars.DRAKE (V.O.)
    I realized that I can’t deal with my mental health issues alone. I need help.Suddenly, he hears a noise in the bushes. He stands up and sees Josh and Megan walking towards him.JOSH
    Thank God we found you! Are you okay?DRAKE
    Yeah, I’m okay. I realized that I need to talk to someone about my problems.MEGAN
    We’re here for you, Drake. You don’t have to go through this alone.Drake hugs them both.DRAKE
    Thanks, guys. I’m sorry for disappearing like that. I’ll talk to a therapist and get the help I need.JOSH
    That’s great, Drake. We’re here to support you every step of the way.FADE OUT.

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    Title: Drake’s DescentFADE IN:INT. MEGAN AND JOSH’S BEDROOM – DAYDrake sits on the bed, looking disheveled and distant.JOSH
    Dude, what’s going on? You look like you haven’t slept in days.DRAKE
    I haven’t. I can’t get these thoughts out of my head.JOSH
    What kind of thoughts?DRAKE
    Just stuff about life, you know? Like, what’s the point of it all? Why do we even try?MEGAN (entering the room)
    Well, aren’t we a little ray of sunshine today?DRAKE
    (sighing) I’m serious, guys. I don’t know what to do.JOSH
    Have you talked to anyone about this?DRAKE
    No, I don’t want to burden anyone with my problems.MEGAN
    Oh, don’t worry. We already carry the burden of having to deal with you on a daily basis.JOSH
    What? I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.DRAKE
    Guys, please. I need your help.JOSH
    Okay, okay. We’re here for you, man.MEGAN
    Yeah, don’t go expecting any miracles though.CUT TO:EXT. CITY STREET – DAYDrake walks through the gritty streets of the city. He looks lost and alone.DRAKE (V.O.)
    I didn’t know where I was going. I just needed to get away from everything and everyone.Drake wanders into a dark alleyway and sits down on the ground. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it.CUT TO:INT. DRUG DEN – NIGHTDrake is surrounded by drug addicts, all shooting up heroin.DRAKE (V.O.)
    I don’t know how I got there. But it felt like the only place where I belonged.Drake injects himself with heroin and slumps back in his chair.CUT TO:INT. MEGAN AND JOSH’S HOUSE – DAYJosh is frantically calling Drake’s phone, but there’s no answer.JOSH
    Where the hell is he? He’s been gone for days.MEGAN
    Well, he probably got sick of us and decided to start a new life in a sewer somewhere.JOSH
    Megan, be serious!MEGAN
    I am serious. He’s always been a drama queen.CUT TO:INT. DRUG DEN – NIGHTDrake is huddled in a corner, shivering and sweating. His eyes are sunken in and he looks like a shell of his former self.DRAKE (V.O.)
    I didn’t know how to stop. The drugs were the only thing that made me feel alive.Suddenly, the door bursts open and Josh rushes in, followed by Megan.JOSH
    What the hell are you doing, man? This place is dangerous!MEGAN
    Yeah, and it smells like feet.Drake looks up at them, his eyes glazed over and empty.DRAKE
    I don’t know what to do. I’m lost.JOSH
    You need to get help, Drake. This isn’t the way to deal with your problems.MEGAN
    Yeah, and we’re not equipped to deal with a full-blown junkie.Drake nods weakly and lets them help him up.CUT TO:INT. REHAB CENTER – DAYDrake is sitting in a circle with other recovering addicts. He looks tired but determined.DRAKE (V.O.)

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    Title: Drake Goes MissingFADE IN:INT. MEGAN’S BEDROOM – NIGHTDrake and Josh are playing video games with Megan.MEGAN:
    (to Drake)
    Hey, Drake, your phone is ringing.Drake picks up his phone.DRAKE:
    (answers the phone)
    Hello, is this Drake Bell?DRAKE:
    Yes, it is.VOICE ON PHONE:
    This is Officer Johnson from the local police department. We need to speak with you immediately. Can you come down to the station?DRAKE:
    Uh, sure. What’s this about?OFFICER JOHNSON:
    We can’t discuss it over the phone. Please come down as soon as possible.DRAKE:
    Okay, I’ll be there.Drake hangs up the phone.JOSH:
    What’s going on?DRAKE:
    I don’t know. Officer Johnson wants to see me at the police station.MEGAN:
    Is everything okay?DRAKE:
    I don’t know, Meg. I hope so.FADE OUT.FADE IN:EXT. POLICE STATION – DAYDrake arrives at the police station and meets with Officer Johnson.OFFICER JOHNSON:
    Thank you for coming in, Mr. Bell. We have a problem.DRAKE:
    What’s going on?OFFICER JOHNSON:
    You failed to check in with us yesterday, as required by your release agreement.DRAKE:
    What are you talking about?OFFICER JOHNSON:
    You were required to register with the local law enforcement as part of your release for crimes relating to endangering a minor. Failure to comply with this requirement is a violation of your release agreement and can result in your arrest.DRAKE:
    I didn’t know I had to check in every day.OFFICER JOHNSON:
    It’s in the agreement you signed, Mr. Bell. You can’t just drop off the grid overnight.DRAKE:
    I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to violate my agreement.OFFICER JOHNSON:
    We’ll give you one more chance, Mr. Bell. But you need to make sure you check in with us every day from now on. Understood?DRAKE:
    Yes, sir. I understand.FADE OUT.FADE IN:INT. DRAKE’S BEDROOM – NIGHTDrake is on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Josh walks in.JOSH:
    Hey, what’s up?DRAKE:
    I can’t believe I forgot to check in with the police. I almost got arrested.JOSH:
    Yeah, you really need to be careful, Drake. You don’t want to mess this up.DRAKE:
    I know. I’m going to make sure I check in every day from now on.Suddenly, Drake’s phone rings.DRAKE:
    (answers the phone)
    Hey, Drake, it’s me, Tony.DRAKE:
    Hey, Tony, what’s up?TONY:
    I haven’t heard from you in a while. Is everything okay?DRAKE:
    Yeah, I’ve just been busy.TONY:
    Okay, well, I was just checking in. Let’s hang out soon.DRAKE:
    Sure, that sounds good.Drake hangs up the phone and looks at Josh.DRAKE:
    I need to be careful who I hang out with. I don’t want to get in trouble again.JOSH:
    That’s a good idea, Drake. Just focus on staying out of trouble and complying with your agreement.FADE OUT.THE END.

  • slak96u-av says:

    Unfortunate, that, had hoped the self confessed pedo had done society a favor. Also… left my phone in the car overnight is the same shitty excuse a teenager tells their parents when they f’up.

  • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

    Are all people named Drake pedophiles? I don’t think Drake Sather was, but now I’m wondering.

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