Drew Barrymore Show writers say “No thanks” to working for Drew again

Writers Chelsea White, Cristina Kinon, and Liz Koe have all reportedly declined offers to return to the daytime talk show after picketing the series last month

Aux News Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore Show writers say “No thanks” to working for Drew again
Drew Barrymore Photo: Paul Morigi

Earlier today, we reported that The Drew Barrymore Show was finally set to come back to television in a “Not getting yelled at” kind of way—as opposed to the daytime talk show’s recent efforts to return to the airwaves amidst the WGA writer’s strike, which drew widespread condemnation, and a few tearful apologies/statements from host Drew Barrymore, in response. Now, though, it sounds like some of the damage from Barrymore’s decision—which, she emphasized repeatedly in those earlier statements, she “owned”—might be permanent, as the show’s three writers have all reportedly declined offers to return to the series.

This is per THR, which reports that the show’s three co-head writers, Chelsea White, Cristina Kinon, and Liz Koe, have all apparently turned down the opportunity to come back and write for Barrymore again. All three writers were vocal and visible about their unhappiness with Barrymore’s September decision to begin filming her show again sans the input of writers (a move that, despite not being in violation of strike rules, received a great deal of negative attention), up to and including picketing the show themselves, and issuing very polite, but very unhappy, press statements about Barrymore’s decision. (Which is the sort of thing that we can only imagine would make hanging out in the break room at work a little awkward in the aftermath.)

The daytime series is apparently now interviewing for new writers to help craft segments like “Drew’s News” and other written portions of the program—each and every one of whom, we can only assume, will now know exactly how vital their bosses consider them to be to the regular running of the series.

The Drew Barrymore Show is currently set to return to TV on October 16.


  • infernorfu-av says:

    This is the roller coaster that just wont stop.

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Looks like she has no choice but to hire Oscar Wilde now.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    Fine, I’ll write it, yeesh. Gotta do everything around here…

  • poptonite-av says:

    I say good riddance. It wasn’t their show to begin with. 

  • geskoda-av says:

    Wait a minute…somebody actually WRITES that garbage?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      She makes it look so effortless, doesn’t she?

    • bcfred2-av says:

      And they will now be pitching their talents elsewhere, so by all means line up now to hire them!

    • hudsmt-av says:

      Talk shows like hers aren’t literally scripted moment by moment, but they do still employ writers for tasks like: picking topics; distilling/filtering topics; researching background info (to the guest: “I heard that you once XYZ”); deciding where punchlines should fall; how to mix tonality or emotion…. It’s like the overall plan for how the show is going to run. That’s an aspect of “writing.”Now I’m starting to wonder if you think that Drew Barrymore and all of her cohorts are just “winging it” for all of every episode. Is that what you think is happening? Explain your confusion.

      • dadeuce-av says:

        The confusion is why woketards give a shit about a show no one watches

      • theblackswordsman-av says:

        A lot of people who were ardently defending her seem to think that show represents her true, actual personality. Her true, actual personality was the one we saw with a carefully arranged, PR-consulted crybaby no-makeup “apology” while she abandoned solidary for her own benefit.

  • freelamequips-av says:

    Drew is dangerously untalented.  The weakest link in any project I’ve seen her in.  Seriously.  Or did I miss a swath of her amazing work?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      She’s RADIANT!

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      She’s great in Santa Clarita Diet.

    • carrercrytharis-av says:

      There was Titan A.E., where she was… fine, I guess. (That film had so much potential, if only they’d had the budget to do it properly…)

      • liveeye57-av says:

        that ice field sequence was just insanely good. It’s a testament to how good Don Bluth was at his job; Titan AE at least let him end his career on a decent note.

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        I actually liked that film. It was one of the first Western films to take influence from Japanese anime.

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      The weakest link in any project I’ve seen her in. She was in a movie with Jimmy Fallon, so I gotta question that.

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      I love her in the wedding singer

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        I was infatuated with her as the Cinderella analog in Ever After (1998). It was a sweet film. And one of the stepsisters (who were given more dimension than in most versions of the story) was played by my other crush, Melanie Lynskey.

    • bhlam-22-av says:

      She’s incredible in Scream. She’s very winning in her other ‘90s movies–Never Been Kissed, The Wedding Singer, Riding in Cars with Boys. Her worst performance is in… Batman Forever? Where she doesn’t even register.

    • Spderweb-av says:

      I enjoyed all her earlier stuff.  ET, Two Adam Sandler movies, and Never been Kissed.   Oh and Charlies Angels.  

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:


    • voyager2000-av says:

      I liked her in Catseye, ET and Firestarter. Also the Wedding Singer she was okay.

    • presidentzod-av says:

      Indeed. A career that has spanned 40 years, and nothing to show for it, amirite, Internet Superstar Commentator Guy?

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      username/comment synergy +1

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I kind of liked her in Charlie’s Angels.  Though I acknowledge that no one in that movie is doing their best work.

    • cordingly-av says:

      She’s known for having a “Charm” that elevates bad roles. She takes on roles that many others would have turned into a dud.

      But if you don’t like her movies, that’s fine too. 

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Or did I miss a swath of her amazing work?

      If you saw ET and the original Scream, then you’ve seen her best work.

    • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

      She plays well off of Adam Sandler, and she showed David Letterman her boobs that one time.

      • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

        She was in the first Playboy I ever looked at, so there will always be a special place in my heart for Drew Barrymore’s boobs.

    • gildie-av says:

      She has a screen presence, that’s not nothing. She’s not a great actress but she was good in light comedy or goofy action movies. I think she has a kind of “reminds you of a friend” energy that’s likable.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      This show keeps reminding me of the Kristen Wiig movie Welcome to Me.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Well, can’t say they’re not walking the walk.

  • dadeuce-av says:

    Drew dont need no union losers

    • hudsmt-av says:

      She’s in a union herself. That’s… a pretty big part of the story here.Too many conservatives will puff out their chest and shout idiocies like… “5+5=6, morons!”  Sometimes I wish I had that degree of confidence and pride.  In the face of anything, just shout nonsense and smile.

      • dadeuce-av says:

        You dont need confidence buddy. What you need is a job that pays more than minimum wage, an apartment that’s not your mama’s basement, and at least one working brain cell.

      • daveassist-av says:

        Strangely enough for the comments, we’ve got one of the local grey troll-refugee-from-The-Root acting as though they’re “pro-union” today, and I’m waiting for one of our right-wing “anti-union” grey trolls that’s also a refugee from The Root to find him and have a troll-aganza together.

    • krimdallkardashkim-av says:

      why do poor conservatives have such a deep and loud hatred for the institutions designed to help them?(/s. we all know why.)

  • captainhawk-av says:

    […] “despite not being in violation of strike rules” […]Not sure what you mean by that.  The show was struck work because it normally employed guild writers.   As an actress, and a human being, Drew is supposed to honor that picket line and not cross it.  Instead her plan was to just write it herself or something.  I know Drew said she’s avoid breaking any rules, but the show taping would be breaking the rule. She was going to move the goal posts to someplace more comfortable.

  • avoiceinthecrowd-av says:

    Drew fucked up. No way around that. Sure, she was forced by CBS and her show’s future was threatened, but she still gets to “own” this fuckup. Hopefully the writers aren’t coming back because they found better gigs. I kind of doubt it though. Seems like a pride thing. There are a lot more writers looking for work than there are shows that are hiring. I think a better choice would have been to come back and demand a fuckton more money. The show would have shelled out, since the execs are all busy apologizing. Then, if they really hated working there, they could have looked for other work while getting paid.

  • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

    Good. That’s how you treat a scab.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Wow. They sure showed her. Drew’s not gonna survive this walkout. Her 15 minutes of fame career is O-V-E-R OVER.

  • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

    What is Drew short for, anyway?

    • officermilkcarton-av says:

      She’s got no legs.

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      Well, they gave her some growth-inhibitor drugs on the set of ET, and also she did a lot of drugs herself. That’s what she’s short for.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      Short for “Withdrew”, as in “her writers are not with Drew, rather they withdrew their services”
      But actually it’s a family name, John Drew was an actor whose actress daughter married a Barrymore and had even more Barrymores. It’s actually kind of wild the family resemblance between Drew and Georgiana Barrymore over a century apart from each other.

  • theblackswordsman-av says:

    Good. Fuck her. If she’s smart she knew this was coming the second she decided to try and restart her show, but a part of me thinks she believes her own hype so much that she’s at least a little surprised.

    So many people had to give up so much to hold the line and her rich ass just couldn’t hack it. I’ll never forget it, that’s for sure.

  • prowler-oz-av says:

    It was surprising to hear Drew would be so shitty to continue her show while the strike was still going on. She’s in SAG, she is known for acting and her union stands in solidarity with the writers union in this strike but she decides to screw all that noise and go back to work. Just shows that she has no connection to people that actually had to work at having a career because hers was just given to her.

  • zardozic-av says:

    Did the writers have anything else lined before they quit. Their mothers worry so.

  • paezdishpencer-av says:

    Send out hopes and prayers to Bill Maher!God knows there is some of his guys there who are so tired of screaming into the void of the cavern of Bill’s asshole that he prowls within like Gollum….

  • John--W-av says:

    What the heck happened? Did she make the decision to bring back her show prematurely on her own or was she pressured into it by the network?She seems like a savvy person and this move was simply stupid.

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