Seth Meyers risks ruining his home life by day drinking with Dua Lipa

Seth Meyers apologized to his wife and kids for getting incredibly wasted with Dua Lipa on Late Night

Aux News Dua Lipa
Seth Meyers risks ruining his home life by day drinking with Dua Lipa
Dua Lipa and Seth Meyers Screenshot: NBC/YouTube

The thing that makes Late Night With Seth Meyers“Day Drinking” segment so enjoyable is that there is an element of danger. These people are legitimately getting very drunk on camera; Lorde confessed to needing an IV drip after filming it. And though the content is obviously edited to be suitable for television, Meyers’ loose-lipped goofiness as he gets progressively more wasted is part of the appeal. But the demands of Day Drinking do take a toll: “It’s been a year since the last one! (And will probably need to be two before the next),” Meyers wrote on Twitter presenting the latest edition, this time with pop star Dua Lipa.

As is typical of the segment, Meyers mixed up all kinds of nasty concoctions (bourbon, soda, green juice, and calvados!) and took a lot of shots with his guests. “I’d like to apologize to my wife and kids!” He sang after doing four shots of four different types of alcohol in quick succession. “Daddy’s coming home. You better clean up your legos. I see a single lego on the floor…?” As he slowly slumped to the floor, he added, “Oh, let me guess. You’re mad ’cause I was with Dua Lipa?”

Meyers definitely put his family’s goodwill to the test this time around, taking a shot rather than rank his children but admitting that “of course” he has a favorite amongst his two sons and daughter. “By the way, my kids, if you’re grown up and you’re watching this on YouTube, you know who you are,” he said, adding in a sing-song, “You’re a girl!”

Seth and Dua Lipa Go Day Drinking

Later on in the pair’s game of truth or shot he joked about his least favorite late night host (John Oliver, with whom he’s performing a New Year’s Eve show) and what he hates most about being a dad. “They’re so dumb,” he complained. “Who?” Dua asked. “My kids. They’re so stupid,” Meyers (presumably) joked. “And you know what the dumbest thing about—they can’t even [bleep] put gloves on. You know, like, with gloves you’re like, just put your [bleep]—make your fingers like this, and then put your [bleep]—that’s the glove—the shape—the glove is the instruction.”

Poor Seth, beset by excessive alcohol intake and children’s gloves! By contrast, Dua Lipa gave away much less—she took shots rather than reveal the most famous person who ever slid in her DMs or someone she thinks is a fake ass bitch. She took so many shots, in fact, that by the end of the game she could “barely see straight.”

“At this point, Dua said she needed a few minutes,” some scrolling text revealed shortly after a drunken Dua asked, “What’s next?” “A few minutes later Dua’s team said she needed a few minutes more. A few minutes after that her team said ‘Dua has to go home now.’ This meant no Barbie Dream House used as a shot luge. And no Seth and Dua recreating the ‘Houdini’ music video. But Dua Lipa would eventually sober up and live a long and fruitful life, and win many, many Grammys. And Seth Meyers would go on to lose many, many, many Emmys (and BAFTAS) to John Oliver.”


  • drew8mr-av says:

    Hmm. My home life vs. getting drunk with Dua Lipa. Homelessness it is! It wasn’t even a difficult choice.

    • argiebargie-av says:

      At minimum, I’d sleep on a couch for a month.The dusty one in the garage.

      • dudebra-av says:

        I wouldn’t give my right arm but I would definitely give my left leg to day drink with her.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          There seemed to be more than the average flirting in this episode and when he said (to his wife) “You’re mad because I’m with Dua Lipa” I sensed a bit of telling-on-oneself.

          • dudebra-av says:

            Good for him.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            You mean the flirting?
            If you sacrifice that leg, that’s one less place to hold your liquor. Just saying.

          • mckludge-av says:

            You could replace it with a hollow prosthetic.  That could hold a lot of liquor.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Yeah, exactly. I think that’s what I was seeing in my head too, lol. Got it confused with the real thing.
            Did someone actually do that in a movie? I’m flashing on pirates, for some reason.And then there’s Depp with his fake arm in Once Upon A Time In Mexico (surprisingly good) who did play a pirate. Everything’s connected.Have a happy holiday, El. Who knows how long this place will be around.

          • nilus-av says:

            Plus with one less leg your body mass is reduced so you need less liquor to get really hammered. It’s a win win 

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Why are these mutually exclusive options?

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      My wife would punch me so hard if I didn’t accept an invitation to go day drinking with Dua Lipa.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        A Dua Lipa? That’s, what, two jiggers of Campari, one of gomme syrup, one of pineapple juice, shaken over ice, highball glass, built with soda water, and garnished with a lime wedge and cherry, right?

      • srgntpep-av says:

        worth it!

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Just have her on your Five. Then there’s nothing they can do about it.

  • mshep-av says:

    As I reach a quarter century of being a capital-D Drinker, this is upsetting to me. They are drinking too much.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I’ve never been a capital D Drinker and I too was like…this is unhealthy as hell. The damage they’re doing to their bodies in one episode of binge drinking like this is extensive and hardly seems worth the joke. And Seth Meyers is almost 50 years old. He’s got to feel like absolute dog shit the day after doing this. It’s not like when you’re 20 anymore.

      • schmapdi-av says:

        They definitely could pace things out better and drink some water in between alcohol. Hopefully they are hydrating and eating something too and those parts just get edited out. But yeah, it doesn’t seem like they would need to get THAT drunk for the bit.  Maybe they should switch to edibles instead?

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Hopefully they are and that would help with the hangover but it’s still bad for the body on a molecular level. I mean it’s their bodies and we all have vices that aren’t great for us so I’m not judging, but it just doesn’t look fun to me. Now you take something like Drunk History which is also terrible for their bodies but at least it’s educational!   People would not be watching these history stories without the drunk and funny element, probably.  But people would watch Seth and Dua Lipa talk regardless because that’s why he has a show in the first place.  Edibles would probably be better.  I don’t do that either but I’m given to understand that it’s safer for your body (aside from the cavities lol).

          • doobie1-av says:

            There is significant variance on Drunk History, but they still, bare minimum, have to get through a whole narrative. They’re loose and talkative, but a lot of them don’t appear any worse than a glass of wine or so past the point where you shouldn’t drive (exceptions obviously exist).

            There’s a decent chance Seth Meyers isn’t going to remember any of this.

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          It’s not shot in one take so they probably are at least drinking water in between.

        • indicatedpanic-av says:

          God but edibles are so fucking boooooringLike I don’t know who needs to tell stoners this, but THC is the most boring high imaginable

      • drew8mr-av says:

        I mean, I’m 60 and can put down a 12er in an evening on occasion with little ill effect. OTOH, one slice of pizza will put me on the shitter for 36 hours.

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        “. The damage they’re doing to their bodies in one episode of binge drinking like this is extensive”

        Good grief. What extensive damage is caused by one instance of double digit binge drinking in a year?

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Feel free too look it up.  Google is free, and there are databases with free scientific journals.

          • gargsy-av says:

            Very true. You can get alcohol poisoning.


          • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

            I did and only found one study suggesting acute binge drinking increases serum endotoxins in the body for up to 24 hours which can provoke an immune response. Pretty extensive, huh? Maybe I misunderstood. 
            The vast majority of available information is about the damage caused by chronic binge drinking. 

    • dudebra-av says:

      What are you, a doctor?

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Don’t believe everything you see.
      Also we need something to fill the gap left by Conan Without Borders.

    • galdarn-av says:

      Hey, fuck off.

  • realtimothydalton-av says:

    wow he somehow made dua lipa seem annoying. the hottest coolest woman in the world. way to go seth myers

  • gojirashei2-av says:

    Fallon should do a Day Drinking-esque bit and call it “Thursday.”

  • jh439203-av says:

    They’re 4 shots in after finishing the purple drink. I would die before finishing the next one.  They really need to finish this off with a breathalyzer reading 30 minutes after filming, for posterity.

  • coldsavage-av says:

    I know this makes me sound like a prude, but the whole premise of this is uncomfortable.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Don’t care for it much either. Very briefly I imagined Seth sitting on a curb with a bottle in a paper bag, wearing ten-day old clothes and thought “It’s ok when you’re rich and famous but if you weren’t people would be judging you hard for this.”
      And I feel weird when people say things they definitely would not if they were sober.

      • gargsy-av says:

        I love the satire of your character.

        Imagine being like this BreadnMaters character in real life? Being that fucking self-important, condescending and pathetic?

        Go to sleep, mother. The adult children want to have a little bit of fun and we don’t need you tsk-tsk-tsking like the overbearing cunt that you are.

      • srgntpep-av says:

        That last sentence of yours is pretty much why I quit drinking.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Sort of me too. Poeple who say that we show who we really are when we’re intoxicated are wrong, though. It’s not a truth serum. If anything, we’re more likely to say/do things that we would never actually entertain. I’d worry that others would take it as fact which is why I usually drank my wine at home. All for the best.

          • srgntpep-av says:

            Yeah I’ve always questioned people that say “you’re your most honest when you’re drunk!” with “you don’t know any drunks, do you?” I mean, sure you’ll say some overly-honest things, but you’ll also swear you are 100% in love with that girl you just met in the hopes of getting in her pants.  Drunks are the most unreliable narrators to exist.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Good thing he only does it like once a year.

    • gargsy-av says:

      No, it doesn’t make you a prude.

      But, at the same time, you didn’t have to click on the article and you didn’t have to comment.

  • mothkinja-av says:

    Jeez people are getting puritanical about drinking. They’re adults. Let them do a bit of damage to their bodies if they enjoy it.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      It’s true that binge drinking is bad for people, but it’s also true that these are professional performers appearing on a TV show, so maybe – just maybe – it’s a bit staged. 

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      Won’t someone PLEASE think of the children?!?!?!?!?

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i, for one, am shocked that the commentariat of the onion av club can’t party except for one 60 year old man.

      • srgntpep-av says:

        I quit drinking years ago, but gotta be honest….if Dua asked me I’d break that wagon from hopping back on it–HARD

    • protagonist13-av says:

      My only criticism is that if celebrities are going to get this drunk, they need to cap it off by relating a semi-obscure anecdote about a historical event.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Especially since, as he even says, he did the last one a year ago.It’s not like this is a regular segment.

    • smcat-av says:

      Obviously not a lot of Wisconsinites in this chat. The level of judgement for a once a year skit it weird. 

    • radarskiy-av says:

      He’s a former SNL-writer. Day drinking is just how you wind down after the coke-fueled writing binge.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Seth looks to have reached that point in life where it looks like it’ll be a blast and you remember it being a blast but now, after the second or third, the humor, creativity and goodwill are no longer part of the experience. Just sadness and you want to go to bed.

    • camillamacaulay-av says:

      I saw Seth’s standup a few weeks ago in Albany, it was right after Thanksgiving and he was absolutely hilarious.And if his Thanksgiving with his wife, 3 kids and his in-laws was half as stressful as he joked about, let the man go day-drinking for an afternoon.I’ve always adored Seth Meyers. Effortlessly funny and extremely intelligent. And he seems like he would be the greatest company ever.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Stop projecting, you self-righteous fucking asshole.

      If there’s one thing that’s fucking obvious in the clip, it’s that Seth is having a fucking blast.

      Take your stupid issue and shove them up your ass.

    • moldybread-av says:

      Don’t project your pathetic existence on everyone around you.

  • paulfields77-av says:

    I prefer a middle ground between this and most US late night shows. You know, Graham Norton?

    • mosquitocontrol-av says:

      Literally everyone prefers Graham Norton to US talk shows, but Seth and John Oliver are both very good. The rest? Not once for me 

    • coldsavage-av says:

      I would be curious to see some analysis as to why Graham Norton’s US show did not work out. I see clips of his stuff now and it is a laidback hangout where the guests actually seem to want to be there. None of the forced fun schlock of Corden/Fallon, the exasperated boredom of Colbert or the smarminess of Kimmel. My guess is that his show was on in the US at a time when TDS/Colbert Report/etc were still very popular and late night viewers wanted biting commentary, not social hangouts. I feel like the pendulum has swung a bit back to the middle.

      • tacitusv-av says:

        In the UK, Graham Norton is the go-to destination for the stars to sell their latest project. He has the luxury of choosing exactly who he wants on the show each week. There really is no competition any more. Jonathan Ross comes a distant second these days, so much so that they delayed the latest series until after the holidays this season.That, and the fact that Norton only does it once a week means each show is much more like appointment viewing than the daily routine of US late night television where the guests are spread out across the various networks.Finally, Norton only has a very short monologue — three or four perfunctory jokes, in reality — before getting on with interviewing his guests, and he’s always been the facilitator rather taking the lead, so that’s very different from US late night TV too.

  • 3rdshallot-av says:

    so blessed to finally have a place to go for recaps and unpaid promotion of terrible late night TV bits

  • bc222-av says:

    The most surprising part is that Dua Lipa’s team didn’t step in sooner. Or that they let her do this at all. This is usually the kind of thing a team of managers wouldn’t even present to a star client. Credit to her for being game, but I’m actually even a little shocked a star on her level would be on Seth Meyer’s show.

    • westsiiiiide-av says:

      People seem to be taking these at face value. They’re not real/heavily staged. If for no other reason than no one’s PR team would allow them to get hammered in front of a camera, there are very strict laws about alcohol on set. The liability insurance you’d need to do this would be insane.If you’ve ever been around an extremely intoxicated person (or have been an extremely intoxicated person), you know that people quickly become incoherent at the amount of alcohol they’re supposedly consuming in these skits. Like unable to respond, passing out, vomiting, etc. They don’t become even more animated like Seth Meyers does, you become less. Way less.

      • bc222-av says:

        I think you’re underestimating how much New Yorkers drink/act when they’re drunk. Can’t speak for Dua Lipa’s behavior, but I’ve seen people acting like Seth literally hundreds times (sometimes in the reflection of the bar’s bathroom mirror). Sure, eventually you pass out, but for a few hours, you’re just nonstop energy/animated and you can’t get the words out of your mouth fast enough, hence the slurring he does here. Everyone in new york is an alcoholic compared to other cities (at least New Yorkers of a certain age. The younger generation apparently doesn’t drink anymore.)
        They don’t really seem to get seriously into the drinking until the shots, and while that’s a lot of shots, it’s not by any means an unheard of amount for NYC on a wednesday night.

        • srgntpep-av says:

          I 100% got much more animated for a while…until eventually I did and said shit I wouldn’t remember the next day…or ever, strangely enough—my friend used to call it my ‘tape in the machine, but it aint recordin’” phase. Yes, we’re pretty old why do you ask?  Fortunately I stopped all that nonsense.  Now I just do lots and lots of coke.  I get MUCH more animated.  Also, as a bonus I dropped some serious weight!

        • indicatedpanic-av says:

          Yeah, this really isn’t nearly as big a deal as some of these puritans in the comments are saying. A pretty light Wednesday, actually, especially if you’re in the industry. How about we stop all the judgment about their health or age, and just like, let people be. If anything, the shitty judgments will make any actual problem worse,  if there is one

      • gargsy-av says:

        “They don’t become even more animated like Seth Meyers does, you become less. Way less.”

        Tell me you’ve never, not once in your life, EVER interacted with a drunk person before. Jesus God Damn Christ, the ignorance of some of you fucking morons.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I’m actually even a little shocked a star on her level would be on Seth Meyer’s show.”

      Yeah, he usually only gets the small-timers, like motherfucking LIZZO.

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      Seriously? He’s always had major stars. He even did these drinking segments with Rihanna and Lizzo.

    • camillamacaulay-av says:

      People love Seth Meyers and gets A-List celebrities all the time.  You should watch Hot Ones and see what celebrities really put themselves through with their “manager’s” approval.

  • tarst-av says:

    Carson, Sinatra, Gleeson, McMahon, Deeno, Lancaster, Davis Jr, Leno… all of them are spitting on Meyer’s premature grave.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    If I was out drinking with Dua Lipa the only way my wife would be mad at me is if I didn’t come home to her with Dua Lipa.

  • redeyedjedi410-av says:

    Lmao I feel the same way trying to get my four year old to put on gloves. Like, it’s all there for you. Five fingers. Five lil sleeves for them. Come on lol. He’ll get it eventually, though.

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