
Eight years after it was shot, dopey fantasy The King’s Daughter flops into theaters

Starring Pierce Brosnan as a Louis XIV intent on consuming the essence of a CGI mermaid!

Film Reviews The King
Eight years after it was shot, dopey fantasy The King’s Daughter flops into theaters
Pierce Brosnan and Kaya Scodelario in The King’s Daughter Photo: Gravitas Ventures

It would have been much simpler to not make The King’s Daughter. Sean McNamara’s calamitous new historical fantasy-romance bypassed a great many fair chances to excuse itself from existence, starting with the 14 years of stop-start development prior to his joining the project. Stars, directors, and production companies attached and detached themselves to a circulating script through the ’00s until shooting finally got off the ground in 2014, only for the footage to gather cobwebs for the following eight years. Paramount yanked the title three weeks before its original 2015 release date, sold it to another distributor in 2020 (who brought in Julie Andrews to salvage an impending train wreck with a heavy edit glued back together by her voice-over narration), and then they sold it to a third distributor this past October.

Now, perhaps in a bid to piggyback on the SEO bump provided by crowd-pleaser The King’s Man, a movie made so long ago that the two leads who fell in love on set have since formed a family of four, is here at last!

Sometimes, an escapee from Hollywood purgatory turns out to be an odd, sublime specimen that the studios had no idea how to handle. This is the other kind, a concept so colossally misconceived and incompetently executed that it turns into a hot potato nobody wanted to be left holding. The trouble starts with the incongruity of its component parts, an unnatural hybrid of social studies 101 costume drama, family-friendly fairy tale, and YA heartstring-plucker. King Louis XIV (Pierce Brosnan, transformed by a Fabio wig and the tape affixing it to his scalp) is suffering the midlife crisis typical of men his age, and reckons with his mortality by resolving to live forever. His spiritual adviser, Père La Chaise (William Hurt), warns against such toying with God’s will, but the less scrupulous apothecary, Dr. Labarthe (Pablo Schreiber), tells the Sun King of a mythical sea creature with an essence that can quell death.

The overlong first act finds Louis sending his top man, Yves De La Croix (Benjamin Walker), to capture the mermaid (Fan Bingbing, cast in part to secure a $20.5 million budget bump from Chinese investors), which the adventurer does with little difficulty. Things only get going when the new royal cellist, Marie-Josèphe (Kaya Scodelario), arrives at the palace, bringing with her the hitch that she’s also the King’s illegitimate offspring. Most of the film concerns her budding romance with Yves and the deeper bond she shares with the fish-woman, both of which compel her to stage a daring rescue mission before the solar eclipse everyone keeps bringing up.

Relax your mind and it might drift to the factors precipitating this bizarre rendering of Vonda N. McIntyre’s novel The Moon And The Sun. Was it inspired by the success of Twilight and Disney’s live-action Alice In Wonderland, and perhaps by lingering nostalgia for The Princess Bride? Either way, the reckless jumble of tones and tropes distorts the respective appeal of those films.

Those interested in period sightseeing will enjoy the opulent location shooting in the real-life Versailles, but are sure to be horrified by the blithely inauthentic costuming, hairstyling, and makeup. Every outfit is a faux-haute anachronism, and not even in the same way, suggesting that attendees from many different themed proms have been deposited via wormhole into the same movie. The lovey-dovey bits don’t work either; it’s questionable whether McNamara is aware that Marie-Josèphe has far stronger sexual chemistry with the CGI cryptid than the human the script has in mind for her. (That Bingbing’s facial features have been digitally Westernized is a whole other conversation.) Though Yves’ seafaring aesthetic and his climactic duel both recall Pirates Of The Caribbean, the inert, lopsided plot spends too much of its time on minutiae of courtly intrigue to ever conjure that blockbuster feeling.

If this is all starting to sound like an ambitiously amusing fiasco, don’t be fooled: Scenes saunter by one after the other, their dialogue waterlogged with talk of “believing in the unbelievable” and other soggy turns of phrase. Even the worst moments aren’t flamboyantly awful enough to earn a full gawk; they play closer to off-key, the clear result of post-production tinkering. The King’s Daughter will be forgotten soon enough, destined to be regarded as just another weird footnote on the career of a filmmaker whose 81 directorial credits include the sleeper hit Soul Surfer and the Virginia-funded revisionist Civil War travesty Field Of Lost Shoes. This time, he’s offered a movie much more fun to research and describe than to actually watch, a mistold bedtime story not nearly as compelling as the story of its making.


  • teageegeepea-av says:

    Not all of those 81 directorial credits have actually even started production. He still does have a very large number for a no-name director

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Well, Sean McNamera also directed the Direct-to-Netflix version of Bruce Coville’s Aliens Ate My Homework , co-starring William Shatner(!) and with a cameo by the author as the school’s grumpy principal. It wasn’t bad (T and I saw a showing hosted by Coville), if cheaper than this movie looks….

    • filmgamer-av says:

      Soul Surfer is a movie so bland I can’t even remember if I’ve seen it. 

  • dirtside-av says:

    That Bingbing’s facial features have been digitally Westernized is a whole other conversation.Wait, what?

    • amfo-av says:

      I wonder how the 50 Cent Army plays this one? On the one hand: Unimpeachable China (sic) actress must not be criticised! On the other: Western racism forces China (sic) actress to look Western! Or something.Are the dots in this pic mermaid make-up or reference points for the digital weternerisationalising? I can’t figure it out…(TBH I’m not even sure this is a screenshot from the movie?)Let ’s not forget she disappeared for four months in 2019 after being accused tax evasion… which is also a pretty Western thing to do (the tax evasion, not the being disappeared by your government for four months).

      • loveinthetimeofcoronavirus-av says:

        Are the dots in this pic mermaid make-up or reference points for the digital weternerisationalising?She doesn’t have them in the trailer, so I’d have to assume so. Definitely swimming in the uncanny valley.

      • mikolesquiz-av says:

        Weren’t the 50 Cent Army just recently furious about advertisements featuring Chinese models who looked Chinese, because that’s stereotyping? Are they trying to have it both ways?

      • anthonypirtle-av says:

        I think tax evasion is a universal thing to do.

      • mrdalliard123-av says:

        The 50 Cent Army? I guess they’ll find something about the film they don’t like…or die tryin’….

      • recognitions-av says:

        I’m not sure why you think she should be the one criticized for this? Is there any indication that it was her decision or that she even knew about it? Or maybe I’ve just heard too many racists complaining that they can’t be bigoted under the excuse of “criticizing” China.

        • amfo-av says:

          Where’s the criticism of Fan?
          Or maybe I’ve just heard too many racists complaining that they can’t be bigoted under the excuse of “criticizing” China.Jesus Christ that’s quite a take. “You’re a racist for wondering if the CCP’s propaganda ops have trouble deciding if an actress should look Western or not…”

          • recognitions-av says:

            You literally complained sarcastically about how she “must not be criticized”. Did you have a lobotomy between your first comment and this one?

          • amfo-av says:

            You literally complained sarcastically about how she “must not be criticized”. Did you have a lobotomy between your first comment and this one?No, I did not. Read the comment again.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yes you did. Maybe you can’t read your own comment.

        • lsrfcelvr-av says:

          I wish someone would kick the shit out of you 

      • ginnyweasley-av says:

        50 cent army? Which one, ours or theirs? Or those who do it for free constantly on social media because Hannity or Tucker told them to? There’s something so old fashioned and quaint about paying someone to take your side. There’s millions of “culture warriors” who are doing it for free. In olden times they were, rightfully, just called useful idiots. Today, they are impassioned social media users.

      • kleptrep-av says:

        50 Cent Army just sounds like that Curtis Jackson is a huge fan of BTS.

      • headbander-av says:

        Just checked the trailer and it looks like the mermaid is full CG- like Alita Battle Angel not looking like Rosa Salazar despite it being her mocap performance. From the blurry / low quality I can’t judge the westernization though.

      • erictan04-av says:

        Anyone Googling Fan Bingbing will be immediately informed of her tax evasion problems and how the Chinese regime deals with persons more famous than the genocidal mass-murdering Chinese Communist Party.

    • moggett-av says:

      Yeah, I feel like we should be having that whole other conversation instead of talking about this very bad movie.

    • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

      Yeah, I feel like that is absolutely the conversation we should be having. 

    • severaltrickpony-av says:

      That was my record scratch, too.

    • loveinthetimeofcoronavirus-av says:

      Based on the descriptions I’ve seen in some of the other reviews, it sounds like the CGI may have been done to add Fan BingBing’s face to an underwater CGI body with lackluster results, not an attempt to specifically Westernize her appearance. That said, they definitely change her cheekbones and eye shape in the process. Is it a choice, or just bad CGI? You decide!

      • ginnyweasley-av says:

        It sounds like the software models they had are built for European faces and they just went with it instead of paying for a more appropriate head and face model to project her features upon. Bad CGI suggests a good faith effort to make a good product but failing. I suspect there’s a mix of eurocentrism here along with bigoted attitudes towards paying extra to preserve her ethnicity. I think “make her white looking” is just as bad as “who cares if the software makes her white looking.” Intentional racism gets all the attention, but everyday “agreeable” and “understandable” racism is a problem too.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      It’s like if a film review had read, “The music choices throughout are obvious and overbearing, not to mention that the entirely white cast are all in blackface. Anyhoo…”

    • dabard3-av says:

      Is this based on the trailer? Because that does look like bad CGI and not whitewashing.

    • bluto-blutowski-av says:

      My reaction also. This is not the lead?

    • lmh325-av says:

      So this is supposedly a screenshot, but either they decided to make her look nothing like herself or it’s possible that there are two mermaids in the film and that is very unclear in a messy trailer.

    • swans283-av says:

      I can’t believe that’s the kind of shit movie executives think about

    • alexdub12-av says:

      TBH, this is my reaction to the movie’s entire summary. I have to watch it now.

  • khalleron-av says:

    Maybe something MST3K can pick up for next season?

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    That’s some bad CGi

  • curmudgahideen-av says:

    To be fair to the film, though, that scene where Louis XIV holds a press conference rambling about the curative effects of ground-up mermaid injected directly into the body now looks weirdly prescient.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      You know, when I read that it was made in 2014, I thought, “Ah. The Before Times.”

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      Could it be possible that Joe Rogan is a secret descendant of the House of Bourbon? Because that sounds like the kind of conspiracy theory his fanbase would believe.

    • thiazinred-av says:

      Well people used to huff ground up mummies as medicine, and Louis XIV had enemas while holding court, so that might not be the most unrealistic part.

      • mrdalliard123-av says:

        Marie-Antoinette allegedly used electricity as a “health cure”. Look, I know medicine is an ever-evolving thing, and some hokey quack cures can make sense in theory even if they’re false. Eat the wild beast to become fast or strong, okay, the beast was strong and fast so I can see where they’re going with it. But some of them just don’t make any sense whatsoever! I just want to know who looked at a dead mouse and a pile of sheep dung and thought “this will cure baldness!”. Just…how do you make that correlation? 

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          Sheep are really hairy so maybe the essence of hair in all their products, even their poop?

        • pgoodso564-av says:

          Easy: “I have a dead mouse and a pile of sheep dung, and I need to turn these ingredients into a pile of money… hmmmmmmm.”

        • detectivefork-av says:

          Step 1: Smear sheep dung on your scalp.Step 2: Liberally apply dead mice onto sheep dung.Step 3: Voila! A new head of hair!

        • adohatos-av says:

          I think it was usually a chain of false reasoning about entirely theoretical qualities of substances. “Essences”, “humours” and such. Probably some line of thought that both dung and mice are of the earth and the earth gives forth crops like a man’s scalp grows hair, thus fertilize the scalp with representatives of the essence of earth the metaphysical element. I wouldn’t be surprised if they scratched bloody “plough” marks before applying the mess.

        • maulkeating-av says:
  • drew8mr-av says:

    I haven’t read it since it was new, but wasn’t the book pretty good? It won the Nebula that year IIRC (beating out Game of Thrones).

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      That’s gotta be weird. Having an award-winning book, selling the rights for probably more than everything else it got you paid, and then having the movie made from your award-winning novel turn out to suuuuck.

      • drew8mr-av says:

        Pretty sure Vonda leaned into the suck of no indoor plumbing etc. at Versaille, that was never going to play on film.

      • amfo-av says:

        [Frank Herbert raises hand from the grave]

        • gumbercules1-av says:

          Been there, dune that.

        • douglasd-av says:

          Robert Heinlein has had exactly one adaptation of his work (Predestination) that didn’t suck. Ursula K. LeGuin has had a similar amount of adaptations that didn’t suck. (The Lathe of Heaven) And Michael Moorcock’s novel The Final Programme was dubiously made into a movie in the 70’s. That said, bringing a character like Jerry Cornelius to live action cinema was always going to be problematic.I’m still waiting for Roger Zelazney’s novel Lord of Light to get finished. It’s been in the works now for nearly 50 years, and generally hasn’t got beyond the speculative script and some concept drawings stage. There have also been a number of attempts to adapt Neal Stephanson’s Snow Crash without success.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        You gotta go full Stephen King and mentally separate your work from the hash later made of it.  After cashing the check, of course.

        • inspectorhammer-av says:

          That’s going to be extremely hard for McIntire to do.Due to having died two years ago.Guess she got paid back in ‘97, cashed that check and went ‘YOLO’.

      • steverman-av says:

        …and for the movie not come out until after you’d died. Joining Asimov, who has had at least four projects come out in the decades since his death.

    • well-lighted-av says:

      I mean, like any award, the Nebula has always had some questionable picks, both retrospectively and contemporaneously. E.g., Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? lost out to the mostly-forgotten Rite of Passage by Alexei Panshin, and PKD never ended up winning a Best Novel Nebula, despite five noms. I was kind of surprised, looking over the list, how many times a novel I’d consider an all-time classic was snubbed in favor of something that’s ALSO really good. Some examples: Le Guin’s The Left Hand of the Dead beating Slaughterhouse Five, Rendezvous with Rama beating Gravity’s Rainbow, Speaker for the Dead beating Handmaid’s Tale, and American Gods beating Perdido Street Station. Those are like, say, No Country for Old Men winning Best Picture over There Will Be Blood; IMO, the latter was the better film in most respects, but NCFOM was also an incredible film. Doesn’t seem to be too many examples of, like, 1998 Best Picture, in which multiple groundbreaking future classics lost out to forgettable ephemera (with sincerest apologies to Tom Stoppard, who wrote one of my favorite plays and co-wrote my favorite movie).

    • born1977-av says:


    • born1977-av says:

      The novel (The Moon and the Sun by Vonda McIntyre) is extremely good if you like well-written historical romance … and based on this summary, the movie diverges from it hugely and alters or jettisons a lot of what makes it good.Sample phrase from the (accurate) Wikipedia summary of the book: the male romantic lead is “A dwarf who is an open Atheist…”

    • kate-monday-av says:

      I liked the book – I think they’ve made some pretty strange adaptation choices, especially in turning the protagonist’s brother into her love interest instead.  Not only is it a little squick if I think about it, it takes out some of the more interesting emotional beats from the book, as she realizes her brother doesn’t care if the mermaids might be sentient, as long as he’s in the king’s good graces.  Also, as a result she’s no longer an aspiring lady scientist.  

      • drew8mr-av says:

        I remember liking it, and still recommend it, despite not having read it in so long. I should probably quit doing that with books
        in general,considering.

        • kate-monday-av says:

          When it’s been a while, I’ll still remember if I liked something or not, but not why or what I did/didn’t like – it’s why I started writing goodreads reviews.  I don’t think anyone but my mom reads them, but it’s sort of an external memory thing for me, so that when some book comes up, I can remind myself of the particulars.  I’ve gotten out of the habit of keeping that up; maybe that’s my 2022 resolution?  If I can get myself to start reading again?  (been too stressed to get into new books as easily as I used to)

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    Kaya Scodelario had like one or two good line deliveries in Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City and I liked the bit when she put on a football helmet and pouted. 

    • reluctantlyhuman-av says:

      So I loved her in Skins back in the day, and affection for her character has made me excited to see her in things since then (even if I’ve not specifically sought those things out), but she hasn’t quite bloomed into the actor that Nicholas Hoult (her on-screen brother in Skins) has.
      It’s probably not a good sign that Kaya’s most compelling character often never said a word.

  • frenchton-av says:

    I saw the trailer for this and it looked…batsh*t. Like INSANE. So much so that when it drops on a streaming network I have, I will watch the f*ck out of this. 

  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    Too bad. I was hoping that this would be some kind of riff on Rumiko Takahashi’s Mermaid Saga- one of my all time favorite horror mangas ( newly out on Kindle).I guess not.

  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    Too bad. I was hoping that this would be some kind of riff on Rumiko Takahashi’s Mermaid Saga- one of my all time favorite horror mangas ( newly out on Kindle).I guess not.

  • fanburner-av says:

    it’s questionable whether McNamara is aware that Marie-Josèphe has far
    stronger sexual chemistry with the CGI cryptid than the human the script
    has in mind for her.

    Let the lady fuck the fishlady!

  • diabolik7-av says:

    Still hoping this madness will emerge some day, despite being on the shelf for nearly a decade….Still looks more fun than Avatar 2 though….

    • cinecraf-av says:

      Speaking of movies unseen, Lizzie Caplan did a movie back in 2011 with Ron Livingston called “The Queen of Country” which has yet to see the light of day, and according to at least one person who worked on it, is god awful. Of course, I must now see it.  

      • thenuclearhamster-av says:

        Is…it about Dolly Parton? She’s the Queen of Country, no?

      • diabolik7-av says:

        An actor friend of mine did a British horror pic decades ago called The Experiment. He thought it was pretty good but it ran out of money in post-production and was never finished, but the odd thing was a deal was done for a tie-in paperback which was actually published. It wasn’t bad actually. Since it was shot in about 1977 I’m not holding my breath about ever seeing it finished.

      • adohatos-av says:

        I looked it up thinking it might have been a Tammy Wynette biopic, which I could see going wrong in numerous ways, but it seemed to be a comedy loosely centered around the country music on an ipod. Kind of disappointed. Wynette’s life could be a hell of a movie if done right.

      • erictan04-av says:

        Queens of Country, according to Google.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Wait, didn’t I play that on my friend’s PS3? You beat the first mini-boss by aiming for the central eyeball.

    • saltydog818-av says:

      I’m gonna tell my kids that’s Aquaman. But seriously, I could really go for a full bong and that movie right about not. 

    • curmudgahideen-av says:

      Oh man, the Wikipedia page for this thing is a thrill ride all on its own. At the very least, I’d watch a Fyre Festival-style documentary about the production.
      Jon Jiang had also described to Jonathan Lawrence his vision for the film as “Transformers meets Shakespeare”; in response Lawrence replied that the film would likely “alienate one of those audiences”.

      • barrythechopper-av says:

        Clearly Lawrence doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There’s nothing hardcore Transformers fans love more than drama. That’s why Starscream is so popular. Well, one of the reasons.

      • souzaphone-av says:

        That is the best quote I have ever heard.

    • labbla-av says:

      There hasn’t been a trailer for Avatar 2. We have no idea how fun it looks. 

    • murrychang-av says:

      Damn how does the narrator sound so bored?  Is he WATCHING what he’s talking about?  Because that’s some crazy shit!

    • stlorca-av says:

      Sometimes a little batshit insanity is exactly the cure you need.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      So — the original, un-Snyderized version of Aquaman, Diabolik?Like you, I’m sorely tempted to seek this out.

    • doobie1-av says:

      I don’t really get why you’d ever shelve a mostly finished movie, especially for more than a year or so. Even a bad film will make its money back over time — Hudson Hawk, Ishtar, and Waterworld are all in the black — but that process doesn’t start until you actually release it.  Maybe you’re worried about hurting your image, but except for boutique studios with very specific brands, it’s not like people really pay attention to the distributor’s reputation.

    • erictan04-av says:

      You mean you’ve seen Avatar 2? At least Avatar 2 will be released when it’s finished. And here’s me hoping Avatar 2 doesn’t have Chinese starlets with no dialogue because so-called Chinese studios had a  part in financing it.

  • katanahottinroof-av says:

    It is being released now, clearly, to warn Daniel Craig of what life will be like post-James Bond and to lure him back for a two-picture deal.  You thought that you did not need US?

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      Daniel Craig IS Henry The VIII IN: The Fish Wife. And alternative historical romance: After executing Katherine Parr for Protestant heresy, a despondent King Henry sends his councillors on a mission to find a new wife. When they bring back rumors of a magical, fertile mermaid living in the Thames, he orders his men to bring her to him, so that she might bring him immortality and hopefully more male heirs. Little does Henry realize that the bond that forms between the mermaid and his daughter Elizabeth is stronger than it appears…

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      craig already tucked and rolled into the knives out series he’s good for another decade at least.

    • ronniebarzel-av says:

      “Daniel, what do you think of ABBA?”

  • chrisazure--disqus-av says:

    Stephen Chow already cornered the Chinese mermaid market back in 2016. It’s batshit crazy, but what a film! 

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      When it comes to Stephen Chow, “batshit” usually means “fun”. I’ll have to find that one. 

  • dpc61820-av says:

    I gotta say, I would never pay to see this, but I would definitely watch it on a streamer. I love a good train wreck.This director, according to IMDB, currently has 3 movies in post, 4 in pre, and 4 announced. He may make garbage, but the guy stays busy! 

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    … and kids, that’s how I met your mother.No, really! I actually met her on the set of this movie!

  • dabard3-av says:

    Pierce Brosnan needs to fire the agent that has navigated his career since “The Matador.”

    Or if he already has, kill that guy. And if he has killed him, exhume the body and shoot it a few times just to be sure.

    Connery took 20 years to get away from the Bond curse. Moore never really tried. Dalton has built a good character actor career, but he was a leading man exactly once post-Bond and that was opposite Fran Fucking Drescher. And now Pierce, who looks better at his age than all the rest ever did, is doing crap like this.

    Damn, Daniel. What you got?

  • leobot-av says:

    I…think I can’t not try to watch this. It promises…something? A quick show of muscle from the handsome Pablo Shchreiber? Maybe Pierce Brosnan’s wig talks? I don’t know what I’m hoping to find, but I have a free weekend.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      ::passes around the watermelon edibles::Okay, you got anywhere from a half-hour to an hour before these hit, so get your drinks and use the restroom now before we start watching….::Look, they’re MEDICINAL, okay?::

  • etchasketchologist-av says:

    Looks cursed. Giving me bad “William Hurt’s final performance” vibes. Get it out of here.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    There’s a character named Père La Chaise? “La Chaise” means “The Chair”. Clearly it should have been played by Chairy from Pee-wee’s Playhouse, not William Hurt!

    • atheissimo-av says:

      Pere Lachaise is one of Paris’ premier cemeteries (like Highgate or Arlington), so it seems the name is a wicked pun.

      • jwdtucker-av says:

        No, the cemetery was named after the real guy, who existed and worked for Louis XIV

      • nocl2-av says:

        I think this character is supposed to be the real person Francois de la Chaise, who was the personal priest of Louis XIV. Lachaise/de la Chaise had lived on a plot of land that would a century later be made into the cemetery that now bears his name. The historical records note that Lachaise spent a lot of time trying the curb the impulses of Louis XIV, who generally enjoyed sin very much, but they are silent on whether that extended to stealing the life force of mermaids.

    • douglasd-av says:

      “Father The Chair?” That sounds a little Catholic BSDM to me.

    • douglasd-av says:

      “Father The Chair?” That sounds a little Catholic BSDM to me.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    “It would have been much simpler to not make The King’s Daughter.”What, and deprive us of the opportunity to enjoy a D+ skewering? Easier, maybe, but it wasn’t our money.  Also how do you fuck up this cast that badly??

  • danthropomorphism-av says:

    I agree with a lot of Charles, but every time he mentioned how it might’ve been a better kind of train wreck, that’s the kind of train wreck I think this is. I thoroughly enjoyed it—the costume design is from the same person who did The Great Gatsby, so historical accuracy you shall seek elsewhere.
    “Sometimes, an escapee from Hollywood purgatory turns out to be an odd, s̶u̶b̶l̶i̶m̶e̶ specimen.”
    “Relax your mind and…” YES, YOU MUST DO THAT“If this is all starting to sound like an ambitiously amusing fiasco, don’t be fooled…” BUT IT WAS AMBITIOUSLY AMUSING FIASCOFun write-up:

  • hasselt-av says:

    Of all the actual kings in history, I wouldn’t think “Louis XIV needs a mermaid fantasty treatment.” Maybe Ludwig II?

  • kleptrep-av says:

    The comments section made a good point, if this film really wanted to win awards they should’ve just had the entire film be Pierce’s Daughter Fucks Fan Bingbing for 59 minutes. It’d win Oscars because it’ll remind them of A Shape Of Water and if an East Asian Woman does lesbian porn then it’d win BAFTAS (See The Handmaiden). Like if it did that then it’d get an A+ and a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes because film critics and The Award Crowd are Horny Buggers that don’t understand what the internet’s for.

  • canavanarn-av says:

    Here’s some trivia about the movie. Scodelario and Walker fell in love while making this movie. They’re now married and have two kids.

  • Octopus-Crime-av says:

    Also worth mentioning that the film’s soundtrack features a number of tracks composed by Grant Kirkhope (of Banjo-Kazooie/Donkey Kong 64 fame).Shame he didn’t do a rap for this one. Couldn’t have made it any worse.

  • realbobetty-av says:

    Where are we placing this on a “Cats” scale? Dame Judy Dench makes it possible to watch or murder your loved ones to avoid?

  • mr-ducksauce-av says:

    I can’t wait until this movie is reviewed on “how did this get made?”

  • msbrocius-av says:

    This movie is being advertised incessantly on IMDB TV ads the past 2 days, and I kept trying to process what the fuck was going on, why Pierce Brosnan had de-aged, and if that was Nick Sobotka in a couple of scenes. The snark I’ve been reading about the movie is divine. Debating with myself whether I want to give it a try. 

  • ruivo-av says:

    Whatever is going on with the Chinese actress/funding seems much more interesting than anything else in this movie

  • swans283-av says:

    Obligatory “fuck you it’s January!”

  • cscurrie-av says:

    Sean McNamara should never be forgiven for the Baby Geniuses movies.  Nothing against babies. (or geniuses. He’s not.)

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