Elizabeth Banks to star in The Invisible Woman, a separate movie from Elisabeth Moss' Invisible Man

Aux Features Film
Elizabeth Banks to star in The Invisible Woman, a separate movie from Elisabeth Moss' Invisible Man
Photo: Dia Dipasupil

Universal’s attempt to make a cinematic universe out of its old monster characters (the “Dark Universe”) was a disaster, but its post-Mummy plans are starting to look distressingly ridiculous. We’ve already got Paul Feig making a movie that sounds a lot like a self-contained Dark Universe and Elisabeth Moss starring in a new take on The Invisible Man from Blumhouse, but now Universal is also making a separate new take on The Invisible Man with Elizabeth Banks called The Invisible Woman. This comes from Entertainment Weekly, which sounds just as confused as we are, explaining that this Invisible Woman apparently came from an original idea pitched by Banks herself and will not involve Blumhouse at all.

So, let’s break it down: Universal and Blumhouse are releasing The Invisible Man, which is being directed by Leigh Whannell and stars Elisabeth Moss (Elisabeth with an S). Universal is also releasing The Invisible Woman, which is being directed by Elizabeth Banks (Elizabeth with a Z, who will also star). The two movies are unrelated, beyond the similar titles, the similar names of the stars, and the similar concept of a person becoming invisible. Basically, it’s multiple movies that are the same but totally different, which is sort of the exact opposite of a cinematic universe (where multiple different movies come together to tell the same story).

Seriously, it’s bizarre. Elizabeth and Elisabeth!


  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    I just realized that Banks would make a pretty fantastic Sue Storm.

    • elchappie2-av says:

      As cheesy as the movies were, I still think Jessica Alba made a pretty fantastic Sue Storm.

    • cjob3-av says:

      Yeah but unfortunately men are far too sexist to support a movie where a woman plays the invisible woman. Damn you, misogynists!!! 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Especially if it were a period piece. Banks has something of that 60s woman style.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      I’m hoping The Invisible Woman is a Fantastic Four movie. They each need individual films before they can team up

      • 68comments-av says:

        But….. Didn’t they all get their powers at the same point in time, togeather on the same mission? Isn’t each origin story essentially the same?

        • domino708-av says:

          Yeah, but why bother with the origin?  Everyone has been subjected to it twice now.  Apparently there’s a currently running book about her being a secret agent and having secret agent adventures on her own.  So you can do that, do something with Johnny being a race car driver, Reed having Science Adventures, not sure about Ben.

    • wangphat-av says:

      I got excited and thought were getting an FF Invisible Woman movie.  

  • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

    [badjoke] I just don’t see her as The Invisible Woman. [/badjoke]

  • cjob3-av says:

    If I saw the box office for Charlie’s Angels, I’d wanna be invisible too! #HEY-O!

    • greatgodglycon-av says:

      They had to know that movie was going to tank. Even if it were good it would still have tanked. They should have released it around New Years and it would have seemed like a hit.

      • vigorjf-av says:

        I ddnit predict that. It looked to have the same vibe as a fast and furious movie, except probably a little smarter and less gravity defying antics. I’m surprised it bombed. Not that I would have gone to see it, mind you. I only pay those exorbitant movie theatre prices for things worthy of the big screen (aka MCU movies lol)

        • imaletyoufinishok-av says:

          I went with the GF and I’m not surprised at all it bombed. The script was confusing, the editing was incompetent and oftentimes jarring, and the acting was horrendous. It’s not that Kristen Stewart is merely a bad actor – it’s that one cannot even tell that she’s trying to act. It’s like she was the person doing the line reading at the audition and somehow got the part by accident. The girl power stuff is also obnoxiously on the nose. Somehow Hollywood got the idea that progressive types are dying for movies where their own beliefs get fed back to them in the most hamfisted way possible. There’s literally no audience for this kind of storytelling. People want stories about women and strong female leads but they aren’t interested in having it delivered with all the subtlety of an anti-drug after school special.

      • cjob3-av says:

        I don’t know about that. I think they needed a powerhouse cast, like they originally had in mind, to revive such a dusty IP.January is usually where studios stick they’re worst movies. If anything they had too much faith in it.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    It’s weird that she doesnt end every interview with a sign off like, “And you can take that to the bank(s)!”

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Lol, the funny thing is she does. The media just shakes their head and refuses to print it.

      • 68comments-av says:

        I love eliZabeth. Huge fan. I hope you are right because it crack me up picturing her stamping her foot and saying “Why won’t they print my tag line” sarcastically, knowing why and chuckling at her private long running joke.

  • firedragon400-av says:

    And when it bombs, I’m sure it’ll be all because men don’t wanna see a movie starring a female lead.

  • precognitions-av says:

    she keeps trying to get cast in a movie where she can get paid for being an actor but not have to show up

  • zenbard-av says:

    Elizabeth Banks to star in The Invisible Woman, a separate movie from Elisabeth Moss’ Invisible ManI, for one, am looking forward to Elizabeth Olsen’s “The Invisible Person”…

  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    Universal’s ‘Invisible Universe’.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Coming soon from Universal: ‘The Invisible Dog’.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    Does anyone remember 2000’s Hollow Man starring Kevin fucking Bacon? It made some controversy because of bad reviews from critics, the marketing campaign included a positive quip from a critic who, um, didn’t actually exist. Anyway, how do these awful “invisible” movies get made with A-list actors? 

  • justsomerandoontheinternet-av says:

    So, are they just jumping right to Bride of Frankenstein without doing Frankenstein first?

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Elizabeth Banks to star in The Invisible Woman, a separate movie from Elisabeth Moss’ Invisible Man”Wait, wait, wait. Two movies, with different titles and different lead actresses…aren’t the same movie???

  • greatgodglycon-av says:

    My two favorite Elizabeths. I mean besides Macho Man Randy Savage’s wrestling girlfriend from the 80s.

  • malekimp-av says:

    Oh that explains it.  I saw all this news about Elizabeth Banks doing Invisible Woman and I was like “didn’t they already announce this a couple weeks ago?”

  • timgreer-av says:

    Obviously, Charlie’s Angels has proved there’s lots of people who’d line up to not see Banks in anything!

  • irenxero-av says:

    Banks playing an Invisible Woman.. so a Gen Xer?

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