Elizabeth Olsen knows nothing about the future of Scarlet Witch

"Keep spreading rumors and maybe they’ll hire me again,” Olsen tells Good Morning America

Aux News Scarlet Witch
Elizabeth Olsen knows nothing about the future of Scarlet Witch
Elizabeth Olsen Photo: Noam Galai

[Note: This post contains spoilers for Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.]

After Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness dropped the bombshell that Wanda Maximoff had turned into a villain after being corrupted by the black magic of the Darkhold, Marvel fans have been eager to find out what’s next for the Scarlet Witch. (Sure, the movie ended with the onetime Avenger imploding Mount Wundagore around herself to destroy the malevolent text, but no one ever really dies in the Marvel universe except for Uncle Ben.)

Elizabeth Olsen recently dropped by Good Morning America to talk about Hattie Harmony: Worry Detective, the children’s book she recently collaborated on with her husband Robbie Arnett. When the confirmed WandaVision spin-off House Of Harkness and rumors that there will be a solo Scarlet Witch movie inevitably come up, the actor says, “I would love to be a part of both of those, no one tells me anything, and I’m not even hiding a secret, because I’m bad at that. I know nothing about my future.”

Elizabeth Olsen and Robbie Arnett talk new book, ‘Hattie Harmony: Worry Detective’ l GMA

Olsen has been playing the character since 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which notably kept Sebastian Stan in the dark about Bucky Barnes’ return until after the title was announced, so that sounds about right. Whenever Marvel Studios is ready to give her the call, it sounds like she’ll be ready.

“Keep spreading rumors and maybe they’ll hire me again,” Olsen adds in another GMA segment.

Ask Me Anything: Elizabeth Olsen answers fan questions backstage at ‘GMA’

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness also brought Wanda’s sons Tommy and Billy to the big screen after they were introduced in WandaVision. Considering that the number of younger characters entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe points towards an adaptation of Young Avengers or Champions, it seems likely that some version of the twins will be able to jump into the main timeline. Whether or not their mother will join them remains to be seen.


  • jackstark211-av says:

    Love her.

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    Variant Wanda would be more satisfying if she shows up again, I kinda like that MCU-Wanda’s story ended. (crazy, explodey but ultimately heroic self-sacrifice)

    • cajlo63-av says:

      I actually think it would be more interesting to see the MCU version of Wanda deal with the fallout of her actions.

  • alexpkavclub-av says:

    It’d be a shame if her character doesn’t get a proper heroic ending, because what happened in the Strange sequel… wasn’t that.

    • v-kaiser-av says:

      I kept expecting to learn that she was being controlled by a different Scarlet Witch that she somehow woke up or got the attention of by messing around with the Darkhold. I was expecting to learn she had screwed up by playing with something she didn’t understand, but not that she was a full on corrupted villain. At least…not that corrupted that fast.

    • lmh325-av says:

      Based on comics Wanda, we’re usually in a cycle of hero, villain, hero, villain, hero…To that end, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her, but I won’t be surprised if it’s not a little while before we see her again. I would say soonest would be The Marvels or House of Harkness as a cameo or stinger. X-Men are coming one way or another. I find it hard to believe they won’t try to use Wanda for that.

    • cajlo63-av says:

      The last scene with her character was too rushed. It’s an anti-climatic ending if it really is the end for this version of Wanda.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Don’t really have an issue with her character not getting a heroic ending – she has never really been an outright hero. She works with Ultron in her first experience, kills a bunch of innocent bystanders through lack of control over her powers in her second, and then generally becomes fueled purely by her own emotional trauma and her feelings of loss. All of that is understandable as her backstory is tragic.

  • mackyart-av says:

    Holy shit, that interview about the picture book drove me nuts. It perfectly encapsulates my pet peeve about celebrity written picture books. They’ll go on highly publicized promo tours and talk about their writing process with ZERO mention of the illustrator of the book. a PICTURE book!Full disclosure, I’m a children’s book illustrator and I absolutely hate how celebrity picture books always omit the illustrator in promos even though they did 90% of the work while blowing out their back for 4-6 months.

    But, sure, let’s talk about the writing process of how to write simple sentences in a 32 page book.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Don’t they have a soothing cream for Scarlett Itch?

  • kevinkb-av says:

    To be fair, I thinks it’s pretty obvious no one really knows the status of most of the MCU characters. It’s weird how little Phase 4 is building towards- we’re like 5(?) films and 7 TV series in and there’s no real theme or arc besides a couple of Kang appearances and some surprise cameos. IIwonder if Disney is holding off on substantially moving forward until they figure out how they’re gonna deal with the downturn in theatre goers (has any non-Spider, post-Endgame flicks crossed a billion?)

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      Thor: Love and Thunder. I mean it hasn’t yet but it’ll make it. Doctor Strange 2 is almost there but needs like 40 million worldwide when it’s theatrical run is pretty wrapped up. 

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        i have my doubts thor will do a billion. i don’t think it’ll flop by any means, but we’ll see.

    • yttruim-av says:

      2 -Spider-manShang ChiEternalsBlack WidowDoctor Strangein a few weeks, Thor and I cant imagine that the next Black Panther will point to any direction.

    • engineerthefuture-av says:

      So far we have the confirmed ability to time travel multiple ways, ways to mess with timelines, a well established multiverse, multiple ways of impacting/navigating the multiverse, and Kang. I’m guessing this will culminate in a bunch of heroes fighting Kang across a series of timelines and universes to save the whole multiverse. 

  • arrowe77-av says:

    Here’s a summary of what we saw of Wanda so far:Age of Ultron: starts as a villain, feels bad about it, is redeemed before the endCivil War: kills innocents by accident, feels bad about itInfinite War: Has to kill Vision, feels bad about itWandaVision: starts as a villain, feels bad about it, seemingly turns good at the end…Multiverse of Madness: … except, no. Starts as a villain, feels bad about it, turns back to being good before seemingly dyingI mean, her character arc is more a character loop at this point. Marvel has no idea what to do with the character, they just like Elizabeth Olsen.

    • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

      Counterpoint: they know exactly what to do with the character, as that’s what they’ve been doing in the comic books for 50 years.I mean, hell, if they want her to feel MORE bad about stuff, we could still see “no more mutants”, “joining bio-father’s terrorist organization”, etc.
      Marvel hears people discussing the toxicity of the “hysterical woman” trope and they’re like, “PLAY THE HITS, BAY-BEEEE”

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      She’s basically a mass murdering spree killer at this point. They could do a redemption arc from here somehow I guess but they have rather kind of dug a hole for themselves.

    • destron-combatman-av says:

      She basically mirrors her character from the comics. Weird. 

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I know the movies and comics don’t exactly follow each other but odds were good about guessing which characters might be involved in a film called Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier if you had any familiarity with the source material.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Original Wanda is dead. Bring on the other Wanda. 

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Scene: Illuminati chambers:838 Wanda and Mordo walk in:Mordo: “We know you weren’t in control when Wanda attacked this universe”
    Wanda: “Great. Why am I here, Karl?”Woman’s voice: “We don’t believe she’s dead, Wanda”Chair whips around to reveal Keri Russell in an FF uniform.Sue continues. “Someone that powerful wouldn’t die from a building falling on them.”Another chair whips around to reveal Maria Rambeau is still alive. Yet another chair whips around. “We need your help.” It’s Kelly Reilly with long, flowing red hair. “We are going to Avenge them.”Man’s voice: “I’d like to help.” Wanda: “Oh no. Not with me, you’re not.”In walks Fassbender Magneto. “Oh, I think I will, daughter.”

  • idksomeguy-av says:

    Remember that one-shot “Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe?” I’m hoping for a hard R “Scarlet Witch Kills the Marvel Cinematic Universe” in Phase 5.

  • drifloon-av says:

    Considering that there’s a casting call out for an older teen Billy for House of Harkness, I wouldn’t be surprised if she shows up as early as that.  Or rather I should say it doesn’t specifically name Billy, but the description is him to a T, including that the character is proudly gay.

  • iboothby203-av says:

    There is the Wanda with the kids in that other universe who seems fine and has superpowers so…. just a hop through a star portal and she’s back. 

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