Ellen DeGeneres to receive Lifetime Achievement Award at 2020 Golden Globes

Aux Features TV
Ellen DeGeneres to receive Lifetime Achievement Award at 2020 Golden Globes
Photo: Kevin Winter

According to The Wrap, Ellen DeGeneres will be getting the Carol Burnett Award For Lifetime Achievement In Television at the 2020 Golden Globes, which will be held on January 5. This will only be the second time the award has been presented, with last year’s honoree being, appropriately enough, Carol Burnett herself (that is how these things usually work). In a statement, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association—the secret awards cabal that runs the Globes—noted that DeGeneres is an “advocate and philanthropist” who uses her platform to help others by “spreading kindness and joy.” It also highlights, naturally, her multi-decade career in stand-up and TV, both with her sitcoms and her long-running talkshow.

The Carol Burnett Award is dedicated to people who have “made outstanding contributions to the television medium on or off the screen,” and as The Wrap points out, it’s meant to be the TV equivalent of the Globes’ Cecil Be. Demille Award for film. Speaking of, the 2020 recipient of that one will be Tom Hanks, so this should be a pretty upbeat and pleasant Globes ceremony… as long as nobody mentions George W. Bush, who is apparently a great guy and we should all be friends with him.


  • cosmiagramma-av says:

    I say this neither to bury nor honor Ellen, but if I have to hear another word of the Bush discourse I’m going to put my head in a beehive.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give.

    • kirinosux-av says:

      Sorry, but as a Muslim, Bush has yet to apologize for the Iraq War, promoting Defense of Marriage Act, causing the 2008 Financial Crisis and prolonging Islamophobia. He is literally the reason why we have Trump. Fuck Him and Fuck Ellen Degeneres for normalizing a War Criminal. 

      • cosmiagramma-av says:

        And as a gay guy, I don’t like Bush either. But I wish people would stop extrapolating grand messages about Liberal Collaborators and Identity Politics or whatever from it. Are we really surprised that a talk show host, lesbian or not, goes to shallow glad-handing as her first instinct?

        • lordbyronbuxton-av says:

          Yeah, I think we’re all surprised when anyone who even feints at being a good person wholeheartedly supports ear criminals. I don’t think “don’t be nice to war criminals” is a really intensive purity test to apply to people.

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          Well, one of the people I worked with in Australia had to abandon everything he had and flee for his life from Iraq. He was one of the lucky ones (actually we had veterans from both sides of the Gulf War not enough people think of when they hear the term, the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq bloodbath working together in the same hospital).We had another working in this small town I’m from in Australia. A relative of his, a doctor was driving to see a patient when he was murdered by American troops.As in he got too close to one of their convoys. And by that, I don’t mean he drove to close to them, they got closer to him from behind and arbitrarily decided to gun him down.I guess the question is, if the 2nd Amendment in the US says you should have the right to arms in case you’re ever invaded, so should the people of other countries who have foreign soldiers imposed on them against their will even if it’s Americans doing the imposing. You know, if we’re being consistent about this.I guess my point is, we’re not the ones being ‘inconvenienced’ by just having to occasionally be reminded about this. As awful as DJT is, GW the even lesser is several orders of magnitude worse still, not the other way around because DJT has less decorum.And anyone else trying to minimise this or even worse make jokes about this deserves to be dragged for it as much as possible. People died and are still dying to this day because of this monster.

      • kirivinokurjr-av says:

        Don’t forget waterboarding, folks!

      • freshmetal-av says:

        Serious question:  Michelle Obama has been been photod on a handful of occasions smiling and having fun with her buddy W.  Why is everyone shitting on Ellen for the crime of being at the same place at the same time as Bush, but Michelle Obama is still loved by everyone.

      • modusoperandi0-av says:

        Wow. I didn’t even know Bush was a Muslim!

      • dinoironbodya-av says:

        How is Bush the reason we have Trump? I seem to remember during the campaign Trump kept talking about how much Bush sucked. Also, “normalizing”? Do you think people are all of a sudden gonna go “If Ellen’s fine with him then so am I’? 

        • kirinosux-av says:

          Because Bush and The GOP normalized the Islamophobia and Homophobia that Trump used to elevate his Presidency. The whole “Git r dun” days of the Bush administration gave birth to simplified racial rhetoric like “Build the Wall”.

          https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/revenge-of-the-simple-how-george-w-bush-gave-rise-to-trump-50943/It’s not that hard to figure it out.

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            If Bush “normalized” homophobia so much, why do we have gay marriage throughout the country and gays serving openly in the military. As for Islamophobia, I think that was an unfortunately inevitable effect of 9/11. Anyway, 7 years later we elected a president named Barack Hussein Obama(no, I’m not saying Obama’s election means racism is over or whatever), so I wonder how much Bush really “normalized” Islamophobia. Bigotry often goes in cycles, and now the pendulum has swung back.

          • kirinosux-av says:

            If Bush “normalized” homophobia so much, why do we have gay marriage throughout the country and gays serving openly in the military. And now Trump is trying to ban transgenders from serving in the military. A major progressive legislation does not undo the major bigotry of the entire country. As for Islamophobia, I think that was an unfortunately inevitable effect of 9/11.Which was made in response to American military intervention in the Middle East caused by Bush’s daddy. Bush’s Jr. response to 9/11 was to not invade Iraq. Anyway, 7 years later we elected a president named Barack Hussein Obama Who was then replaced by a President who still thinks that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim. Bigotry often goes in cycles, and now the pendulum has swung back.Which is why you should never normalize people like George W. Bush who rolled civil rights back 20 years.

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            – It’s not just legislation; judging by polls there’ve been major strides towards acceptance of gay and transgender rights in recent decades.- “NOT invade Iraq”?- How exactly is Bush being “normalized”? Do you think Ellen has some kind of hypnotic influence on the American people?

          • kirinosux-av says:

            – It’s not just legislation; judging by polls there’ve been major strides towards acceptance of gay and transgender rights in recent decades.And transgendered people . Polls do not invalidate discrimination.There has been strides made towards civil rights for African Americans in the 21st century, does that mean that movements like Black Lives Matter don’t matter? – “NOT invade Iraq”?The entire nation of Iraq will agree with me on this.– How exactly is Bush being “normalized”? Do you think Ellen has some kind of hypnotic influence on the American people?She’s the queen of daytime television. She’s the most popular daytime television host right now.

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            – I’m pretty sure transphobia was a thing before Trump, so I don’t see how he “normalized” it.- I was trying to correct your saying “Bush’s Jr. response to 9/11 was to not invade Iraq.” I’m assuming the “not” was a mistake.- Do you also think video games cause violence? Seems to me like the same logic as the idea that Ellen could change people’s opinions of Bush.

          • kirinosux-av says:

            I’m pretty sure transphobia was a thing before Trump, so I don’t see how he “normalized” it.Transphobia have gotten way worse in 2015, and is enabled by people like Trump and his MAGA legion.I was trying to correct your saying “Bush’s Jr. response to 9/11 was to not invade Iraq.” I’m assuming the “not” was a mistake.Ok boomer.Do you also think video games cause violence? Seems to me like the same logic as the idea that Ellen could change people’s opinions of Bush.Videogames are not singular. There’s like hundreds of thousands of videogames out there, while Ellen is one person.

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            Why would Ellen have more influence than hundreds of thousands of video games? As for transphobia, I think you’re confusing cause and effect regarding Trump’s relationship to it.Also, I’m 32.

          • kirinosux-av says:

            Why would Ellen have more influence than hundreds of thousands of video games? Soccer moms (who are Ellen’s main audience) have more voting power and purchasing power than gamers. As for transphobia, I think you’re confusing cause and effect regarding Trump’s relationship to it. Stonewall did a study on this. Why did Trump ban transgenders from the military? The only way for him to do this is if he REALLY hates Trans people even more than Bush. Also, I’m 32.Boomer is a state of mind, boomer

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            – If Ellen has so much power then why did Trump win?- I think you may have linked to the wrong article, since I don’t see anything about a study or about Bush.- What exactly is a boomer state of mind?

      • thecapn3000-av says:

        I don’t know, I think Lady Obama got the ball rolling on that 

      • jerrydisappointedofficial-av says:

        Class A example of #libshart.Bush has to apologize because you are a foreign policy nimrod? Stay off the internet. You are normalizing low intelligence.

      • alksfund-av says:

        Lol.  You’re not a Muslim.  You’re a white Wasp trying time bolster your point. 

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Shhh. Nobody mention that RGB and Scalia were good friends.

  • robert-denby-av says:

    As someone who loves watching rich people give each other meaningless awards, I’m very excited about this.

  • drinky-av says:

    I accidentally tuned into her new? “game show” awhile back, figured it might be ok… One of the questions designed to quiz the contestants was that eternal brain-stumper which great thinkers have struggled with for eons… “How many sides does a triangle have?” Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK??

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    She’ll accept it from GW’s hands?

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    “I’d like to thank uncritical middle-aged liberal women everywhere, for making my career possible”

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    For whose lifetime is she receiving this award?

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    Sure, pat this mentally ill cunt on the back. Typical Jewmerica.

  • russell0barth-av says:

    she had war criminal Dubya on to humanize him
    is pals with a war criminal
    piss on ellen

  • miked1954-av says:

    Her lifetime achievement was basically a sitcom and being a daytime TV talkshow host. Plus boning more Hollywood starletts than Richard Gere. I must admit, though, the first year of that sitcom was pretty good, back when it was still called ‘These friends of mine’, before the studio execs tinkered with it.

    • danniellabee-av says:

      Ellen has had a huge part in moving the cultural needle in the right direction through entertainment when it comes to acceptance for gay people. Has everyone suddenly forgot what the world was like 20 years ago? Even 4 or 5 years ago before marriage equality in 2015? We still have a lot of work to do in this area but to deny that Ellen has had a part in any of the success is intellectually dishonest.

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