Yes, that is the meme-ified doge on Twitter’s homepage

Elon Musk continues to make Twitter both difficult to use and an ode to all things lame

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Yes, that is the meme-ified doge on Twitter’s homepage
Elon Musk Photo: Justin Sullivan

This week, Elon Musk fulfilled a really lame promise he made last year to change the Twitter logo to the “doge,” or the decade-old Shiba Inu meme image utilized by the cryptocurrency brand Dogecoin. It’s just one of the newest eye-rolling features on the social media site run by the petulant man-child.

The change comes in response to the $258 billion lawsuit filed against Musk for his promotion of Dogecoin on social media and as a guest host on SNL. The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in June 2022, accuses Musk of racketeering for his involvement with the cryptocurrency. On March 31, Musk and his legal team filed a motion to have the case dismissed. Days later, like the mature adult he is, he changed Twitter’s logo to the embattled doge in an obvious attempt to nag at the litigants.

As the site becomes a playground for an infantile Musk to carry out personal vendettas and make 10-year-old meme jokes, it’s also becoming increasingly unusable from a UX/UI standpoint.

Along with the change in the company’s logo, many users reported issues with their “following” feed as retweets weren’t labeled, causing confusion as to why certain content was on their feed in the first place. Intermixed with the unlabeled retweets are paid tweets from random users, as well as promoted content from Musk himself (the site’s mute button really comes in handy here). Add in the litany of listed metrics on every tweet and the constantly changing approach to the blue checkmark verification, the site is quickly devolving into a nonsensical, visually unappealing abomination.

Meanwhile, Musk wages petty wars with legacy journalism sites such as The New York Times and pokes fun at the $258 billion lawsuit. These issues are only expected to worsen as the company continues to hemorrhage money and valuable employees. Starting April 15, Musk says the “For You” feed will only feature tweets from paying sources (which currently make up .2 percent of all users). However, he’s also been promising to remove legacy accounts’ blue checkmarks for months now, so who knows how many of his harebrained ideas will come to fruition.

His desperate cash grab from users comes as reports reveal that Twitter is currently valued at less than half of the $44 billion that he bought the site for, with advertisers leaving in droves. All-in-all, the second richest man in the world’s business venture has devolved into what many of his projects are: Impractical, egotistical liabilities at risk of bursting into flames at any minute.


  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Given the pending lawsuit, could changing the Twitter logo to the doge dog be considered contempt of court?

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Dude is just addicted to stepping on his own dick in the needlessly silliest of ways.

    • blpppt-av says:

      I’m sure he thinks this is some kind of grand social experiment that he, in his “jeenyus” mind thinks is above the common person’s comprehension.But really, he ends up looking like a clown.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I saw someone online suggest he actually has a humiliation kink, which is not a pleasant thing to think about but would make a lot of sense.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Elon is so desperate for attention that it just comes across as pathetic.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    “a nonsensical, visually unappealing abomination.”THE AV CLUB

  • nowaitcomeback-av says:

    In good Doge news, the actual Doge (Kabosu) is doing much better after a health scare a few months back. 

  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

    I gotta tell you guys, not having Twitter means I don’t care about any of this and it’s pretty great. Come join the rest of us over here, you won’t miss it.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      It’s weird everyone seems to hate twitter now, but they keep using it. I hate when people post images or videos and they’re twitter links.

      • ooklathemok3994-av says:

        Its the AV Club’s sole source of internet outrage

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        Everyone seemed like they hated Twitter for years. It’s the funniest part of Musk buying it, to me. Everyone spent years going ‘Twitter is a terrible hellscape!’ and then rocketman is gonna spend his billions on it and everyone’s like ‘Oh no, he’s gonna ruin it!’ Yeah, sure, and the guy that bought the town dump is gonna ruin that. I’m just waiting for him to run it into the ground and then I can chuckle at all of the handwringing about how there’s no place for people to squawk their idiocy to the world anymore.  Oh no, how terrible!

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I don’t do it either and I hope I never want to. People always believe that the “happening” things are taking place out in the open where all of the energy is seeminly expended. But really it’s the quiet, quietly observant people on the margins who are figuring things out. The best we can hope for is that they aren’t evil MFs.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Yep. I have never had twitter, thus this is funny as fuck.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    This drives me nuts not just for all the reasons it should but because I recently found out that Musk is one of the biggest names advocating for lawmakers to impose some restrictions on AI research. So now, like a liberal driving a Tesla, I am stuck simultaneously hating but also supporting Elon.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Musk was a huge proponent of AI for years, then OpenAI refused to make him CEO. It’s the only reason why he’s against it now.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        Okay I guess?  I mean I already agreed he’s an asshole.  He’s just an asshole doing a thing I actually like.

        • cavalish-av says:

          Yes, but he’s doing it with zero conviction, which means the second AI is even vaguely profitable again, he’ll go straight back to promoting it.So his support means less than zero.

      • jjmorris2000-av says:

        Man – imagine the tire fire OpenAI would be right now if Musk were in charge.

    • capeo-av says:

      Like all things Musk does or says, his sudden turn on AI is petty, manchild BS. OpenAI refused to placate him so now he wants AI projects halted out of spite. 

    • johncooner-av says:

      My understanding is that the letter Musk signed was a panicky “Oh gosh, what if an AI becomes SUPER-INTELLIGENT and TAKES OVER THE WORLD?!?” tech bro fever dream.Another slate of actual AI ethicists posted another letter a few days later, calling the first group out for using this fantasy scenario as a distraction from all the actual, real-world damage reckless use of AI is causing RIGHT NOW.So it’s okay, you can probably still hate him. I do!

      • weedlord420-av says:

        Yeah, I mean I do too. But for whatever dumb reasons, people actually listen to Musk. Whether it’s his rabid fans who would defend him if he shot someone in broad daylight or cryptobros or people who just listen to him because he’s rich, he has clout. I agree with the ethicists, but I think we all know that ultimately the rich have more sway with policymakers.

  • czarmkiii-av says:

    Removing legacy Verified Blue checks erases any value to the Twitter Blue check mark. Musk and his sycophants see it as status symbol rather than a safety measure, they see it as a way to boost thier own traffic and profile. I think at this point Elon is trying to make Twitter party to so many lawsuits that they have to file for bankruptcy. Looping Twitter in with Dogecoin suit is what his intent is.
    I just hope those Saudi investors have thier money otherwise they will be sharpening thier bone saws. 

  • iambrett-av says:

    The latest blue check thing is a bit clever, in a shitty way. Mingle the legacy verified folks with the Twitter Blue subscribers so you can’t tell them apart, so the latter can parasitically leech off perceived “clout” from the former.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      It’s clever in a “trying to destroy the remaining value in this pointless circlejerk” kind of way.

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    The change comes in response to the $258 billion lawsuit filed against Musk for his promotion of Dogecoin on social media and as a guest host on SNL. Can someone breifly expain this to me? Fuck Musk, but why can’t a celebrity promote something? That’s a huge number too. 

    • nilus-av says:

      I believe it comes down to being a type of insider trading. 

    • baronzima-av says:

      Say you’re Elon Musk, with tremendous amounts of cash. Like literal boatloads.
      Even before you owned Twitter, you were one of the most influential Twits. (No need to discuss how he got that influential, since you mentioned you want the brief explanation) Suffice to say the Venn diagram for his fanbois and those interested in cryptocurrency overlap almost exactly.

      Unlike stocks—which are regulated, cryptocurrency largely is not. Elon Musk can literally buy low one day (and on the down low, to the tune of billions—maybe not Dogecoin, but he has purchased 1.5 billion in Bitcoin before), Tweet about a particular cryptocurrency (that he just bought), and that one tweet will manipulate his fans into buying the coin (and consequently the market price), sending its popularity and its price suddenly soaring.

      Then if he wants to cash immediately out, he can, and there’s not really much the SEC can do about it, and likely not much the IRS can do about it either.

      Now that he owns the platform and it’s been proven by those digging around in his source code that he promotes his own tweets, it’s straight-up market manipulation. THAT’S why a celebrity can’t promote something.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:


      • hendenburg3-av says:

        Hell, his FANS don’t need to do anything. High-frequency trade bots scour legacy journalism sites, as well as Twitter and other social media, for mentions of stocks and crypto currencies, then initiate trades accordingly, all without human interaction or approval.  

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      why can’t a celebrity promote something?

      Because pump & dump schemes are illegal.

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    The Doge is honestly kind of a perfect mascot for Twitter, the site where it’s permanently 2016.

  • capeo-av says:

    Musk’s self-immolation over the last few years has been something to behold, and completely self inflicted. He’s always been an insecure, self aggrandizing, vindictive dick but, wow, did the Twitter acquisition bring on the full dumpster fire. Not only did it show he’s really dumb, by not being able to stop tweeting conspiracy nonsense, and elevating the worst of the worst racist, fascist, homophobic shit on twitter, but that he really thought he bought the keys to the kingdom of social media and news and could bend it to his will.He’s a shockingly stupid business person. Literally the only value Twitter had was the verification system. So you knew accounts from government agencies, politicians, celebrities, whatever, were actually from them, and his idea of “democratization” was pay me $8 a month and you can impersonate anyone or any company. This is a CEO of a corp that regularly attends to Catturd’s needs, and somehow didn’t anticipate advertisers leaving in droves. This is a CEO who fired everyone who kept the site running and just made the excuse that he’s throwing algorithm code out there to be “open source,” when it’s actually asking for free labor to fix the mess he created, by firing all the programmers and forcing the hangers on to inject code on his whim, disrupting functions. He’s an utter shitshow.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Recently a friend of mine was asking about when Disney bought Star Wars, and in looking it up I was reminded that it cost Disney roughly $4b. For what he paid for Twitter, Musk could have bought eleven Star Warses. Now, I imagine he’d have probably shit the bed on that as hard as he has Twitter, but it still kinda funny to me just how much he paid for something that seems to give him so little pleasure.

    • terranigma-av says:

      Who hurt you so badly that you became so bitter and full of hate?

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I don’t use twitter so I actually went to the homepage.
    Lol, wat? I wouldn’t have had a clue what that’s about becaue I didn’t GAF. I can’t believe every twitter user is in on the joke.What an abomination. This guy scares me, but I feel it would be devastating if he knew that because he’s a grandiose narcissist who would exploit tf out of that fear.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    At this point I think Elon could make a public appearance where he shat himself, pissed himself, threw up and spontaneously ejaculated all at once and it would count as one of his more dignified moments.

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