Elon Musk says he’ll adhere to popular vote, resign as Twitter CEO

After Elon Musk tweeted out a poll asking whether he should remain Twitter CEO, voters showed him the door. Last night, he reiterated he'll abide by the decree.

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Elon Musk says he’ll adhere to popular vote, resign as Twitter CEO
Elon Musk Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris

Is Elon Musk’s befuddling tenure as Twitter’s CEO coming to an end? After a poll on his leadership status (tweeted by Musk himself) voted the Tesla founder out of office, Musk has said he will honor the count and recuse himself from the role of chief executive.

Musk tweeted out an initial poll on December 18, asking users: “Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll.” When all was said and done (and over 17.5 million people had cast their digital ballot), 57.5% of participants voted Musk out, and 42.5% voted for him to continue his tenure.

Responding to that tweet on Tuesday night, Musk reiterated that he would abide by the results of the popular vote, and said he planned to resign once he tied up one last loose end.

“I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job!” Musk wrote. “After that, I will just run the software & servers teams.”

The new announcement is a far cry from Musk’s last tweet on the matter, in which he claimed nobody could follow his footsteps at the platform (which before his purchase, had been publicly traded since 2013.) “No one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive,” he wrote on December 18, in response to a user who claimed Musk had already found a new CEO. “There is no successor.”

As it is with most of Musk’s Twitter content, exactly what his resignation will look like (or if it will come to pass) remains anyone’s guess. Even if he departs as CEO, Musk is still the owner of the company—his hands aren’t exactly off the strings yet.


  • pizzapartymadness-av says:

    Please welcome your new CEO Nole Ksum, from somewhere far away…

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    “I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job!” Speaking of fools who became CEO of Twitter, remember that one guy? That disgusting pasty creep with a weird trapezoidal chest and hair plugs?

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I still say that this is the result he wanted the whole time (from when he launched the poll I mean). He’s pointed the ship straight at the iceberg, so now when it hits, it’s someone else’s fault. Certainly not his! And if the new person actually manages to save this sinking ship, Elon gets to pop up to say what a genius he is for hiring them.And regardless, since he will no longer making (as much of) an ass of himself as head of Twitter, alienated users will flock back. But more importantly all his sycophants will reinvest in Tesla since Daddy Elon’s galaxy brain will only have to focus on running 4 companies instead of 5!

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I still say that this is the result he wanted the whole time (from when he launched the poll I mean).”

      You mean after his lengthy attempt to NOT buy twitter? You think what he wanted was to have so much of his time co-opted by this bullshit?

      No, he’s stepping down as CEO because he has NO fucking clue what to do.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      It’s amazing to me that there are people with the blinkered self-confidence to look at a trainwreck like this and say, “Yes, I can succeed as the CEO of a company with serious income and personnel problems, while working side-by-side with the company’s notoriously impulsive owner, under intense public scrutiny.” But I guess that’s why I don’t make millions of dollars a year. How much you want to bet he’ll hire a woman with extensive corporate and tech experience, and she’ll leave six months later under an NDA? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff

      • snooder87-av says:

        Nine months.Gotta wait for their kid to be born.

      • jrhmobile-av says:

        They can be found out there, I guess.Just look at all the people who worked in the Trump administration who somehow deluded themselves with “I know he’s fucked over everybody he’s ever worked with, but he’d never do that to me …”

      • nilus-av says:

        I bet you that happens she also ends up pregnant with another of his Musk-spawn

      • commk-av says:

        If it’s just a narcissist and not a narcissist and idiot, I think the logic would be more “I’ll be headline news every day for months, Musk has already said the job can’t be done, and the golden parachute I’m going to craft will be insane.”

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        I doubt his replacement will be a woman.

    • Fleur-de-lit-av says:

      Yeah he just created his own escape hatch. Now he can pass the blame for all his apocalyptically bad decisions to his successor(s).

    • cordingly-av says:

      Apparently there were a lot of investors that were sort of “hinting” to him that he should do this, specifically some that hold billions in Tesla stock.

      Remember when he was spotted at the World Cup with Jared Kushner? Some Qatari “elite” invested a lot of their money into this venture.

    • tacitusv-av says:

      Oh, he’ll still be making just as much of an ass of himself. He already couldn’t help but be an immature troll on Twitter, and now he’s owner, it’s his plaything more than ever. One thing’s for sure. Nobody’s going to be able to muzzle him, not even himself.

    • commk-av says:

      He’s gone out of his way on a couple of occasions to say or imply that the job is impossible, the next guy will be worse, and Twitter’s death is inevitable.

      This whole thing has been a battle between protecting his money and protecting his ego almost from day one, but I’d say he’s miscalculated yet again and he’s actually fucked either way. Most people realize that the guy who screwed everything up isn’t a genius for hiring someone to clean up his mess. Either the next guy “saves” Twitter and reveals that this whole shitshow was avoidable, making Musk look (more) like an incompetent clown, or he doesn’t, and Musk is out $44 billion, making him look a rube.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Musk paid 44 bln to turn Twitter into Truth Social.But he’s a JEENIUS, according to every other right wing choad.

    • cordingly-av says:

      Right wing chodes desperately want to be contrarian to anything they perceive as the opinion of the left. It’s so bizarre. 

    • commk-av says:

      It pretty funny to me that his solution to a perceived left-wing bias at Twitter was to have the owner become so virulently, publicly right-wing. What his own “Twitter files” leaks seem to show is actually corporate cowardice, a desperate desire not to offend powerful people and to stay out of big controversies. Like, yeah, it’s annoying when a communication platform of its size appears to be fielding requests privately from the president’s office, but they also left Trump up there long after he started posting content that would’ve gotten a lesser troll banned. It’s all very “what can we do that will lose us the LEAST number of active users”? and keeping as low a profile as possible. Musk calling everyone who disagrees with him mentally ill libtards immediately turns the platform into an adversarial one for more than 50% of the populace.

      And those nakedly partisan alternatives to Twitter never do well because feeling like the local gods are on your side only emboldens a dwindling echo chamber of alienating assholes.

  • argiebargie-av says:

    I’m just happy this inescapable edgelord can’t run for POTUS.

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      He has just the right mix of ego and ignorance that I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried, regardless of what Article II says. He’d get the moron write in vote!

      • Sprzout-av says:

        Let’s see…Ross Perot suggested running the government like a business.

        He didn’t get voted in.

        Trump actually got voted in because people thought he’d run the country like a business, only to find out that he was terrible at running businesses, but they ignored that anyway.

        The country is in horrible shape since he took office and left under his “Make America Great Again” campaign. It’s arguably worse, and his proponents just trumpet, “Well, we didn’t give him enough time…”

        If we let Musk try to run it, he’ll just work at trying to play the popularity polls and promote his own interests so that he can make money, despite being illegal to do so (and hey, it didn’t stop Trump from promoting Goya beans or MyPillow or his own “Trumpy Bear” and Trump Enterprises merchandise)…

      • mothkinja-av says:

        Hmm this might be a great cure for what ails us. Have someone ineligible but with a moron following run every year, siphon off the idiot voting bloc, and even if somehow he wins the vote he’s ineligible and can’t be put into office! Ha, it’s foolproof, unless there were a coup, but that would never happen. This is America we’re talking about.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      I’ve been saying for a while, Musk is the kind of person the GOP would absolutely try to change the Constitution for.That said, he’s not going to run right now. But he’s already anointed DeSantis as his proxy and Ron has happily begun acting as such.

  • breadnmaters-av says:


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    No Dracula armor today?

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    didn’t someone from MIT volunteer?  anyway, it means nothing, his horrendous policies will continue.  i quit a while ago & was tempted to rejoin just to vote & then quit again but couldn’t be arsed to do even that.

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Musk will just claim that he couldn’t find anything for the job, and will never step down.

    • blpppt-av says:

      As somebody else pointed out above, even if he does actually step down as CEO, he’s still going to be basically running everything (software+servers, by his own admission) anyways. Just a new face to dump all the blame on.

      • chris-finch-av says:

        He should literally be doing the opposite, hiring people with actual software/server knowhow to run the software/servers and then loudly taking credit for anything smart they do. He’s such a moron.

  • topherius-av says:

    I honestly think he wanted to jump ship but needed a way to do it without looking like he gave up on this shit show he started.  Now he can just say he was just doing what the people wanted without taking a huge ‘L’.  Anyone who doesnt worship the ground he walks on will still think he took that ‘L’ but those who do, it wont tarnish the image they have of him.

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    He’s like if a message board from 2005 had a face you could punch.

  • daddddd-av says:

    >“After that, I will just run the software & servers teams.”back to his roots: a middle manager who couldn’t code something with a gun to his head, convinced he knows tech because he bought his way in

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    Task one for the new CEO: don’t let Elon run the server or software teams. If he protests, quit. If it’s really so hard to find a replacement CEO, anyone willing to do the job ought to have all the negotiating power.In fact, to increase the chances of making Twitter profitable, any potential CEO should also set the following conditions for taking the job:- Elon must delete his Twitter account- Elon is not permitted within 50 miles of a Twitter office, and may never make contact with a Twitter employee in any way- Elon is never permitted to make any public statement about Twitter

  • explosionsinc-av says:

    I bet he tries to give the job to a chess-playing supercomputer. They can beat any human grandmaster! They must be able to save Twitter!

  • terranigma-av says:

    Funny how people complained when the poll about Trumps twitter reactivation was up and was going into the “wrong” direction for those people, complained how it was “not representative” , “filled with bots” and “rigged”. And now this poll suddenly is valid. Yeah right, fuckers.

    • cgo2370-av says:

      Elon’s never gonna fuck you, champ.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      Why it’s almost as though they’d like the thing in one poll to happen and the thing in the other poll to not happen. Quite a discovery!

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Literally no one is saying that this is a statistically valid poll, bruh.It’s just funny that Musk punched himself in the face doing the thing everyone tried to tell him was fucking stupid.Is all of this making it harder to jerk off to him?

      • terranigma-av says:

        Nice backtracking. The truth hurts. bye bro

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Citation of a single fucking person saying that this poll is any more valid than any of the others. All I hear is people laughing at this clown for MASSIVELY misjudging how much everyone thinks he’s fucking up and hoisting himself on his own stupid fucking petard. Came right after him being absolutely fucking shocked that any grouping of people in SF hates him.It’s going to be fun to see who remains in the Elon Musk piss puddle after the attrition of every person who has a bit of sense or has kissed a girl ever.

    • nilus-av says:

      I don’t recall the first one at all.  I don’t think anyone cared.  

    • daddddd-av says:

      >Funny how people complained when the poll about Trumps twitter reactivation was up and was going into the “wrong” direction for those people, complained how it was “not representative” , “filled with bots” and “rigged”who said this?

    • milligna000-av says:

      What a weird take.

    • tacitusv-av says:

      Almost as funny as Musk suddenly remembering that bots are a problem on Twitter when his CEO poll went the wrong way, after weeks of zero comment.

    • nonotheotherchris-av says:

      No twitter poll is “valid” for any meaningful definition of that term, whether or not there are bots or vote rigging. Just sampling “whoever feels like answering” is not reasonable polling methodology. 

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Yep. Some people sure are inconsistent. I learned this when I was six.

  • daddddd-av says:

    the lone musk guy dismissing replies asking “what are you talking about” really encapsulates this whole thing

  • systemmastert-av says:

    I basically always figured his response to the poll would be “You win, I’ll step down. In 20 years when I retire, bitches!” or some such pedantic kid shit. And hey, whattaya know.

  • goldenb-av says:

    He’ll be lucky to remain CEO of anything after this shitshow.

  • thebrainsinboxing-av says:

    He asked hell.com whether he should fire himselfImmediate yes.

  • jgp-59-av says:

    I’m sure the server and software employees are gritting their teeth…..

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Congratulations to Catturd on his upcoming promotion.

  • hasselt-av says:

    What’s with the picture?  Is he an orchestra conductor now too?

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Funny how people complained when the poll about Trumps twitter reactivation was up and was going into the “wrong” direction for those people, complained how it was “not representative” , “filled with bots” and “rigged”. And now this poll suddenly is valid. Yeah right, fuckers. ~A DipshitThe weirdo meltdown continues to be fun to watch.

  • heathmaiden-av says:

    And yet will the privileged white male fans of anything ever really learn that no, maybe their ideas about how to fix or run the thing they love better really won’t actually work out? Never.

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