Ernie Hudson seems confident the original Ghostbusters will reunite in third film

Aux Features Ghostbusters

Sony’s upcoming Ghostbusters sequel is shellacked in a slimy gauze of secrecy, despite the nascent project already having a cryptic teaser. Just how will Jason Reitman’s vision will align with the one his dad, Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman? How much time has passed? Is the EPA still bad? And, perhaps most importantly, will Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson reprise their roles as the OG ‘Busters? Hudson sure seems to think so.

Hudson, who played newbie Winston Zeddemore in Ivan Reitman’s original films and made a cameo in Paul Feig’s remake, told DailyMailTV yesterday that “everybody is in” for the new project. Hudson does clarify, however, that he still hasn’t heard from Sony.

“Ivan Reitman is there and everybody is in,” he said. “Now whether the studio will do it, I’m the guy who sits by the phone and waits for the call. So if they call, I’ll answer. If not, I’ve got other stuff that I’m doing.”

Daily Mail also quotes an anonymous source who claims that Aykroyd, who definitely isn’t this anonymous source, is the “driving force behind the new movie.” While Aykroyd’s been crowing about a sequel for ages, this assessment does align with recent comments from the actor, who said in November that a script was “being written right now” and that it was “a possibility” that he, Murray, and Hudson would return.

“I think Billy will come,” Aykroyd said of Murray, who one might imagine has other things going on. “The story’s so good.”


  • satanscheerleaders-av says:

    Why does Hollywood get into these obsessive ruts? WE MUST HAVE MORE GHOSTBUSTERS. BUSTIN’ MAKES ME FEEL GOOD.

    • conan-in-ireland-av says:

      OTOH, who cares? If the movie’s good, we have a new entry into the canon. If it’s not, the world isn’t going to end. The last Ghostbusters movie came and went and not much has changed.

      • satanscheerleaders-av says:

        Not much has changed? Kristen Wiig murdered my parents!Anyway, I enjoyed the last Ghostbusters movie (except for the ending).

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        Get outta here with that reasoned and measured take. 

      • kirivinokurjr-av says:

        I kinda agree, but also feel like a Ghostbusters movie would just take up space on screens and on budgets that could be given to other projects. Maybe people don’t have a big problem with box office returns coming primarily from sequels and franchises, but a lot of people do and think it shows a decline in creativity.But, you’re also right that it’s far from triggering the end of the world.

    • mister-peanut-butter-av says:

      I stopped asking this ever since I realized that Hollywood used to regularly make a new version of Jekyll and Hyde, pretty much like clockwork every 8-12 years, pretty much from the beginning, and that it’s not the only story they habitually remade. This is just how Hollywood operates.

    • toronto-will-av says:

      I don’t think we need more Ghostbusting, specifically, but Murray’s Venkman is an iconic character I’d enjoy revisiting (almost any comedy with Murray will grab my attention – Garfield excepted), and the buddy dynamic with Ackroyd and Hudson was really good. There’s a repeatable formula within that.

    • blastprocessing-av says:
    • craycraysupercomputer-av says:

      I disagree. The first movie was lightning in a bottle and any attempt to recreate it is destined to disappoint. Ghostbusters 2 showed that even with the same cast and crew they couldn’t come close. GB 2 and GB 2016 were both… fine. They never matched the original and ultimately lowered the average value of the franchise, IMO. Hollywood just can’t let anything great stand as is; they feel they have to keep flogging it until it’s completely dead.

      • satanscheerleaders-av says:

        Actually…lol…you seem to agree with me. But we should start a flame war anyway. Bitch.

        • craycraysupercomputer-av says:

          I may have completely missed the intended message in your original post. Not too surprising—my sarcasm detector was made in a now-defunct Society Bloc nation. It’s a bit temperamental and only outputs in Cyrillic characters I don’t understand.I don’t have a problem with people liking any of the entries in the GB franchise, though, even if I think the last two were ill-advised. I’ll save my Internet vitriol for people that defend Sunshine.

  • therealchrisward-av says:
  • stupendous-man-av says:

    Just how will Jason Reitman’s vision will align with the one his dad, Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman? I too been have been wonder. The one his dad the one favorite movie me. Good hope!

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    Oh dear, didn’t anyone tell him about Harold Ramis?

  • kirinosux-av says:

    As a fan of the both Ghostbusters cartoons, I’d actually like to see an animated Ghostbusters film. They should bring back Extreme Ghostbusters and do it with the style of Into the Spiderverse.Also, this new GB film having a teenage cast getting the torch handled from the OG crew is what the 2016 film should’ve been. That whole “bringing the OG cast without acknowledging the original characters” thing in retrospect was still the weirdest thing about the film. Also, no Asian Ghostbuster starring Ali Wong, Kimiko Glenn or Steven Yeun? Come on.

    • tylergfoster-av says:

      They’re also making an animated movie. It’s mentioned at the bottom of most stories about this new film. Some are saying it’s from the same team as Spider-Verse, but I think that may be fudging a bit because both will be Sony Pictures Animation.

  • igotsuped-av says:

    “I think Billy will come,” Aykroyd said, thinking of the new ghost-fellating scene he has in mind.

  • tylergfoster-av says:

    FYI, this interview was conducted on January 7th (you can find dated Getty Images pics from the event), more than a week before the new Reitman movie was announced. I expect Dan to know, as a likely producer, but less so Hudson (especially given he says in the interview he’s just waiting to get the call).Another example of a UK tabloid turning nothing into a headline.

  • sentient-bag-of-dog-poop-av says:

    Heh, that header image perfectly encapsulates Ernie Hudson’s importance in Ghostbusters.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • cinecraf-av says:

    He then added that they will treat the memory of Harold Ramis with the utmost respect when they introduce his new ghostly version Slimer’s Twinky loving sidekick.

  • radek13-av says:

    Dig a little deeper. Ernie Hudson has been reduced to doing infomercials for extended car warranties. He’s wishing out loud because dude wants a legit acting gig again.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Looks like he’s had some pretty steady employment to me. YMMV.

    • qvck-av says:

      Reduced?You don’t understand how acting works do you? LOL.

      • radek13-av says:

        I get that a gig is a gig. But I thought there’d be at last a long-running sitcom or a bunch of voice-over work on his resume before stumbling to the lows of shilling a car warranty extension of questionable reputation. 

        • qvck-av says:

          You have people like DeNiro doing credit card commercials and you’re crapping on his hustle?Something like 99.9% of actors don’t even get a gig in a whole year.  

          • liammmmmmmmmm-av says:

            Seriously. OP’s trust fund check must have cleared when they wrote this.

  • julian23-av says:

    The actually had a script for the third Ghostbusters written and ended up using it (with the original voice cast) in a pretty decent videogame.

  • fugit-av says:

    One problem with reboots is they tend to divorce the rebooted property from the director that originally made them. Marvel has made execs think directors are interchangable guns-for-hire like they were before the ‘70s, and it leads to weird hybrids like… the last ghostbusters reboot.This new reboot at least acknowledges a connection, and attempts to remedy it  through sheer force of nepotism.

  • Spoooon-av says:

    Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck.

  • jblues1969-av says:

    It’s got to be funny. Personally, I’d insert the Ghostbusters into all the horror movie situations we’ve seen in the past 10 years and make sure that gets on-screen as a montage.1. Grainy movie camera footage of two people sleeping… the bedroom door slams shut. The closet door opens and a Ghostbuster opens fire on the ghost and chases him out of the room leaving the couple to beat out the flames on the floor with the sheets from the bed.2. A teenager pops in a videotape and a creepy girl crawls out of the screen, right into a proton beam from off-screen.3. Woman throws a book into the fireplace and her son bursts into flame. A stream of water from a firehose puts the fire out and the evil spirit is knocked backward onto an Ecto-trap.4. Creepy doll with a butcher knife approaches a sleeping child and gets spewed with purple slime from off-screen, turns back into the sweet cuddly buddy doll. Then it gets disintegrated by a proton beam.

  • g22-av says:

    The REAL casting coup will be if they can get Rick Moranis to come out of retirement for this. Maybe take Egon’s spot…

    • patrickgerard-av says:

      Give Spengler and Janine a daughter to take Ramis’ spot. It’ll trigger the guys who were upset about the 2016 movie for the wrong reasons and fill a vital cast dynamic. Hell, make it Eliza Dushku. She can handle those jerks and Aykroyd wanted her as a Ghostbuster 10 years ago.

  • qvck-av says:

    That’s nice.But they won’t be reuniting with my money.

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