Everyone relax: Neil DeGrasse Tyson is cool with Game Of Thrones’ physics

Aux Features Neil deGrasse Tyson

If you, like every viewer, can’t enjoy HBO’s megapopular fantasy series Game Of Thrones without obsessing over the veracity of its physics, astrophysicist and pop culture scientist-in-chief Neil DeGrasse Tyson has you covered.

On Twitter (the academic journal of our strange times), Tyson held forth on the plausibility of the show’s fantasy monster biology and, more specifically, the chances that a zombie dragon breathing ice-fire could destroy a skyscraper-sized wall of ice.

His series of tweets kicked off in the same vein as his prior joy-killing analyses, Tyson looking as if he’d set out to slay the beast of imaginative fiction once and for all.

But then, just like the TV show in question, an unexpected twist! Tyson is fine with the dragons.

Look at those “Good Bio-Physics!” Look at that “sensibly large” wingspan!

More “Good Biology!” Yeah, you’re right, Dragons would have to forfeit their forelimbs!

And the pièce de résistance: Now, at long last, you can tell your friends the “BlueDragon breath” holds up to scientific scrutiny.

As we begin the long, sad wait for Game Of Thrones’ conclusion, we can at least take comfort in this new information. The internet’s Science Dad has peeked into our collective living room to see what we’re watching and, far from being disgusted, he approves. God bless Neil DeGrasse Tyson. God bless physics. God bless dragons, both blue and red.

[Via Screen Crush]

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