Exceedingly great job, Internet: You gave the Veronica Mars movie $5.7 million

Aux Features Music

In what is perhaps the first time we can note that the Internet did a great job without an undercurrent of irony, the Kickstarter campaign for the Veronica Mars movie has wrapped at just over $5.7 million—well over double the $2 million director Rob Thomas originally set as the goal. The project smashed all sorts of records along the way: It was the fastest to reach both $1 million and $2 million (a landmark it achieved in just half a day), became the all-time highest-funded film project (and third highest-funded Kicktstarter project overall), and it boasts the largest number of backers in Kickstarter history. In honor of helping them achieve those milestones, Thomas has pledged a new reward to his more than 90,000 backers: a sheet of Veronica Mars stickers, which you can proudly, permanently affix to the face of history, while history is napping. No word yet on what the production plans to do with its extra $3.7 million, but presumably there will be a scene where Veronica investigates the mystery of Rob Thomas’ awesome new speedboat.

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