Full Fallout trailer promises a colorful, super-violent apocalypse coming to Prime Video

Fallout's latest trailer promises a fun, shocking, and—most of all—faithful video game adaptation

Aux News Fallout
Full Fallout trailer promises a colorful, super-violent apocalypse coming to Prime Video
Fallout Screenshot: YouTube

Prime Video has released the first full trailer for Jon Nolan and Lisa Joy’s adaptation of the Fallout video games, and if anyone was concerned about Amazon diluting the vibe and aesthetics of Fallout will be happy to see that this thing is Fallout as hell. There are jokes, the Brotherhood Of Steel and their Power Armors, there’s a killer robot with a funny voice, and there’s a gunslinging ghoul. Hell, there’s even an “epic trailer remix” of The Ink Spots’ “I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire,” a song that has been in so many Fallout games that it might as well be the series’ theme song.

Fallout – Official Trailer | Prime Video

Like most of the games, the series will be about a person who survives the nuclear apocalypse by living in a supposedly utopian Vault underground. 200 years after the war, she ventures out into the world above to help rebuild society… only to discover that society doesn’t need rebuilding, because it kept going after the apocalypse and has just been getting weirder and more violent since then. Ella Purnell’s former Vault Dweller seems to be the lead, but she’ll have some guidance out in the wasteland thanks to a colorful batch of characters—including some kind of science-y guy played by Michael Emerson and Walton Goggins’ irradiated cowboy (in the world of Fallout, Ghouls like Goggins’ character are humans who mutated into zombie-like dudes with dramatically increased lifespans, and some of them retain their normal human intelligence).

It looks, if you can tolerate the tasteless atomic bomb metaphor, like a blast, and it’s nice to see that Prime Video seems interested in making an actual Fallout show and not just taking the name and the blue jumpsuits and telling everyone it’s Fallout. The full series emerges from the Vault on April 11 on Prime Video.


  • kendull-av says:

    Vault Boyd!

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      I thoroughly enjoy the fact that they just open the trailer with pre-Ghoul Walton, and let him just be his impossibly charming self. 

    • yellmasterprime-av says:

      Well Johnny, I’m gonna have to call you back because I sense a disturbance in the Force. Hello, Raylan!

  • coatituesday-av says:

    I don’t play video games so would not be able to tell if this looks good as an adaptation.But holy hell, it seems like a fun time to me…

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      So far, through the teaser and now this, it minimally seems like they’ve absolutely nailed the tone of the games. Over-the-top violence, tongue-in-cheek humor, and *extremely* satirical. 

      • nilus-av says:

        I actually likes this a lot better then the teaser. 

        • drpumernickelesq-av says:

          Oh, for sure. It’s a big improvement (I liked the teaser but it was… vague, to say the least). The show looks like it’s going to be a hell of a lot of fun.

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          Are those fuckwits Emil Pagliarulo or Todd Howard anywhere near the creative process on this? If not, could be good. 

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Same. Internet debates about fealty to video game source material are of zero interest to me; the show needs to stand on its own (which I expect most studios understand fully).

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        Fallout is one of those franchises, I think, where you can stay totally true to lore/canon and still make a highly compelling and entertaining movie or TV show that has broad appeal. They’ve stated that that’s exactly what they’re trying to do, and although we won’t know whether they nailed it for sure until April 11th what we’ve seen so far is very promising.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Given that this happens 200 years out, it definitely seems like they could have all kinds of fun with the way various factions of society have adapted.  I’ll definitely be checking it out.

          • mrfurious72-av says:

            200 years out from when the bombs fell, yes, but only 9 years after Fallout 4 and 15 years after New Vegas.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Again, you’re speaking Greek to me.  I’m not a video game guy (although I’m not oblivious, I know what Fallout is) so whatever happens in-game doesn’t affect how much I can enjoy this show.  Good story, interesting characters, I don’t care what the source material is – I’ll watch.

        • captaintylor-av says:

          Fallout definitely is one of those series you could literally do anything with and it can easily work. War, Western, Horror, Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama, it can all be done really easily in the setting. Just depends on how the story is told.
          Speaking as a huge fan of the series, I’m really excited for this now.

          • mrfurious72-av says:

            You should check out the various fan-produced audio dramas. One of them is going to be featured on fallout dot com later today, in fact.

      • fugit-av says:

        Yeah but most video games aren’t satires of multiple topics perfectly fused together in a multi-layered comedy that’s actually fun. Fallout, especially the two top-down british games that started it all, is something _else_ narratively in the world of video games. Equally enjoyable to read as it is to play. 

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Exactly what makes me encouraged about this endeavor (Goggins doesn’t hurt).  With a decent writers’ room, what you just described provides a trove of source material to work with.

    • nogelego-av says:

      It remains to be seen whether or not the main character will sneak-crouch through the entire show and steal everything that isn’t locked down. If so, it would be a faithful adaptation.

      • kca915-av says:

        If the Vault Dweller isn’t carrying 8 weapons and 400+ rounds of various types of ammo by the end of season 1 I’m calling bullsh*t

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    All right, the first trailer made me thing it looked too shiny for a post apocalyptic Fallout. But this trailer now came off more like Bioshock: Infinite. Shiny dirty. So it came off more like a video game and more fun. I look forward to it more than what the first trailer showed. That being said, I still want Ron Pearlman’s voice over saying war never changes damn it. Just my personal own little thing. Others can live without it, but it would just be fun for me. He doesn’t even need to voice it. Just pull out the sound bite and pay the guy new residuals. Otherwise, I look forward to this.

    • milligna000-av says:

      If you’re gonna nitpick, at least spell his fucking name right

    • ciceroho-av says:

      It should have Ron. But the most annoying thing about all of the Fallout games, is the people’s inability to sweep. It should be cleaner. 

  • happywinks-av says:


    • davidwizard-av says:

      Wow, so insightful. Keep us posted with more important and detailed opinions like this one!

  • milligna000-av says:

    Sam Barsanti talking about “taste” is cute

  • aynradd-av says:

    so fucking lame

  • drstephenstrange-av says:

    I’m cautiously optimistic. If that Shady Sands Library sign means what it implies then this is the farthest in the future Fallout has been set and the capital of the NCR has been destroyed. Perhaps this is hinting at a full on war between the NCR and resuscitated Brotherhood of Steel under Maxson?

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    tried very hard (and failed) to work on this show, but it looks like it has the sauce, man. i’m telling you graham wagner’s involvement is why this is’ll actually be good.

  • bransthirdeyeblind-av says:

    That… was pretty damn good.Needs some Perlman, but really that’s my only criticism.

    • nilus-av says:

      He has narrate the first episode right?  Like they wouldn’t screw that up 

      • bransthirdeyeblind-av says:

        They HAVE to get him to do it. But I haven’t seen any hints that he will (maybe I missed it somewhere). I really hope they do and are just keeping it under wraps.

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    Wow, this looks great. Far better than I expected.

  • nilus-av says:

    I secretly hope that the reason she is out of the vault is to find a water chip.  Really throw it back to the original game 

    • peon21-av says:

      I’m waiting for an episode that’s entirely Purnell standing at a workbench, crafting suppressors and improved grips for every gun she carries.

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        Episode 3: Lucy blithely stands at a vendor while other Wastelanders wait behind her and get increasingly irritated by how long she’s taking.

        • peon21-av says:

          Episode 4: Lucy is stuck in the elevator, seething, until her companion eventually moves out of the goddamn doorway.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        There’d better be a lot of her character becoming encumbered and unable to run. 

    • el-zilcho1981-av says:

      In season 2 there are boxes and boxes of water chips everywhere.

  • nogelego-av says:

    Not even a hint of a Deathclaw or Super Mutant in the trailer…And what was the pink monster thing in the water?

  • branthenne-av says:

    I’m trying to to get overly excited and risk being let down but second trailer looks super promising. Dale Dickey cackling “I thought all you dipshits were dead!” is the highlight for me. The factions were always the least interesting parts of the game for me (collect the armor, could give a fuck about their motives), but at least they look cool, and as far as the factions go, there are way worse ones they could be spending time with (hard stares at Caesar’s Legion).

  • bcfred2-av says:

    Random threadjack: does anyone remember first seeing Goggins as the pool boy in a ridiculous 90’s TV movie where he was banging Barbara Hershey, who seduced a local teen into murdering her husband?  He was so distinctive in that super-minor role that I recognized him immediately as an extra in the Bourne Identity a decade later.

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