Final King Arthur trailer acknowledges the giant elephants in the room

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A lot of things about the King Arthur legend are pretty iconic, like the sword, the table, and the Holy Grail, but some crucial aspects aren’t quite so well known. Finally, though, Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword is going to bring a classic component of Arthurian legend to the big screen. We’re talking, of course, about the giant elephants that are the size of Imperial Walkers from The Empire Strikes Back, which show up in this new trailer multiple times. It’s so weird that nobody ever talks about the impossibly gigantic elephants that Arthur encountered while fighting his crusade against the Young Pope, but it’s about time that a movie actually gets this story right for once. Seriously, though, this thing looks bananas.

King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword will be in theaters on May 12.

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