Fired Mandalorian star Gina Carano thinks she’s part of the rebellion

Aux Features Gina Carano
Fired Mandalorian star Gina Carano thinks she’s part of the rebellion
Photo: Jesse Grant

Gina Carano’s social media’s been pretty alarming for a while, but the former Mandalorian star got booted off the hit Disney+ show for sharing anti-semitic rhetoric on her Instagram story. Carano posted the story—which, as our own William Hughes noted, “[compared] modern-day treatment of political opponents online (insults, occasional bannings) to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany (actual, non-metaphorical murder on a soul-crushingly industrial scale)”—earlier this week and the backlash was swift.

Now Carano’s been officially adopted by right-wingers as their hero of the week. Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro decided to swoop in and “save” Carano’s career, giving her the opportunity to make a movie in partnership with his site, The Daily Wire, as announced by Deadline.

Here’s the statement Carano shared with the site:

“The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true. I cried out and my prayer was answered. I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same. They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them.”

Shapiro, of course, is overjoyed to work with Carano and get the attention. “We could not be more excited to be working with Gina Carano, an incredible talent dumped by Disney and Lucasfilm for offending the authoritarian Hollywood Left. This is what Daily Wire exists to do: provide an alternative not just for consumers, but for creators who refuse to bow to the mob,” he said to Deadline. He added, “We’re eager to bring Gina’s talent to Americans who love her, and we’re just as eager to show Hollywood that if they want to keep cancelling those who think differently, they’ll just be helping us build the Xwing to take down their Death Star,” he added.

In case you want to bash your head against your keyboard because Shapiro clearly doesn’t get Star Wars, it gets worse. Just look at Carano’s latest tweet:

So uh…who’s gonna break it to her?


  • gaith-av says:

    Uh… I’m on Disney’s side in this particular case, but it’s not as though they aren’t the Empire of showbiz.

    • gildie-av says:

      It’s always funny to think how much children entertainment Disney, Fox etc has generated where it’s a bunch of scrappy underdog kids standing up to an evil corporation. 

      • coolmanguy-av says:

        Walt Disney once called all of his striking employees communists so that tracks.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Okay a lot is said of Walt Disney. The whole anti women and antisemitism is a common talking point but its at best a debated topic.  Being a hardcore red baiter?  Absolutely.  He threw artist Art Babbitt under the bus because he wanted an union for animators.  Disney was a key figure in the McCarthy hearings.  This is all objectively bad.  

          • coolmanguy-av says:

            A big part of that was Gunther Lessing, Walt’s attorney basically talking in his ear and slowly turning him into a conservative idiot. I’m sure Walt would have turned out similarly anyway though

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Yeah.  Cop out answer but he was complicated.  The man who employed black artists like Floyd Norman and Jewish writers like the Sherman Brothers, but who also met with Leni Riefenstahl.  Someone who employed a lot of women, but who’s characters are often derided as misogynistic.  A man who claimed to view his workers as family, but was hardcore anti union till his dying day.  He isn’t dull I’ll give him that.

        • hulk6785-av says:

          And yet, ironically, one of his biggest fans was Sergei Eisenstein.

        • redyetti-av says:

          Whaaat?! you mean a known anti semite who died in 1966 wasn’t progressive?! I’m shocked!

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        I recall from years ago David Brin writing about how that common storyline isn’t actually anti-authoritarian, but I can’t find the specific essay now.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      I find it adorable that so many Gina defenders are calling Disney a leftist organization.  They aren’t International Workers of the World. They are a corporation who’s main interest is money.  They clearly see those comments as something that could impact sales.  That’s it.  Kathleen Kennedy doesn’t want to exterminate your childhood.  Its all money.  How is this so hard???

      • macthegeek-av says:

        When your personal politics are so far right that late-stage capitalism looks leftist…

        • bio-wd-av says:

          I know right? It’s sad. This is the same circular logic that got Ben Shapiro to say famous British right winger Andrew Nell a leftist. They wouldn’t know a leftist if one hit them on the head.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        “See, LGBTQIA+ money spends just the same as yokel money, ya fuckin’ swamp people.”

        ~Walt’s Frozen Head

        • dudicus-av says:

          Disney has contracts these contracts expect you to behave in a manner of Disney’s choosing. You step out of line you get warned. You do it again they fire you. There is a reason the actress who plays Shuri isn’t on Twitter anymore and its because Disney told her to stop posting her beliefs or they would fire her. Gina thought she could get away with it and eventually she did it enough to piss off enough people in Disney so that they fired her.

      • cheboludo-av says:

        They clearly see those comments as something that could impact sales.This is the free market in action.

        • dudicus-av says:

          Well sorta its more who can we afford to lose more there are some very upset people who are threatening to cancel their subscription or are going to cancel it maybe. This will continue until it dies down and people forget she even existed or what she did and they will resubscribe. This has happened for decades remember the whole mass destruction of the Beatles merchandise? Or the whole burning of Nike products? Right now Disney+ is sitting pretty at 94 million subscribers and when Falcon and Winter Soldier comes out in march even more people will join up. So they might lose X people for a bit, but honestly the long term damage of someone who did a handful of episodes saying stuff on twitter that pisses people off was considered to be more concerning to Disney then the idiots who are mad, because they severed any kind of relationship with Gina. The reality is she isn’t worth the trouble and thought she was something she was not.

          • cheboludo-av says:

            Yeah, she wasn’t really any kind of huge asset. She was a pretty generic and expendable character. WHen was the Beatles thing? Like back in the mid-60s or did something happen more recently?

      • bedstuyangel-av says:

        I agree. Corollary: The left have become the New Corporatists.

      • browza-av says:

        These are the people who are calling Springsteen a Communist because he was:
        – paid for his work
        – advertising a product
        – for a multi-billion dollar corporation
        – during the biggest annual advertising event there is

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:


      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        Because, throughout history, reactionaries just love to be the suffering victim, even if they have to invent an imaginary villain with a nonsensical motivation.

      • kumagorok-av says:

        They aren’t International Workers of the World.Not to mention, their founder, whose name is still the company brand, was a known racist misogynist who “willingly, even enthusiastically, embraced [anti-Semites] and cast his fate with them” and “personally welcomed Nazi director Leni Riefenstahl to his studios.”Source

    • jonesj5-av says:

      There is also the issue that plenty of people around the world think of the US as the Empire. We may think we are the heroes of every story, but not everyone sees it that way.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    The legions of supposed fans who seem to have completely missed the moral lessons of properties like Star Wars, Star Trek, various comic book heroes… do we really need to implement a test before people are allowed to enjoy entertainment? How do you not fucking get Star Wars?

    • blpppt-av says:

      They don’t even understand what their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was all about. Do we really not expect them to screw up interpreting Sci-Fi as well?

      • anthonystrand-av says:

        In Ben Shapiro’s specific case, he’s Jewish, so decidedly not a Christian.Your larger point still stands, obviously.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Ben Shapiro fully supports a crowd that chants “Jews will not replace us” while being Jewish. Wait is he replacing them? 

          • bio-wd-av says:

            He’s like Dennis Prager. He’s Jewish, but he says stuff that often crosses over into at the very least nazi appologiest.

        • brickstarter-av says:

          Shapiro is Jewish, but he’s molded his persona into that of what an Evangelical thinks a Jew should be.You know, a prop for their end of the world wank fantasies.

        • nor-a-a-av says:

          Yup, and as such, with the way anti-semitism works, he’s giving all of us Jews a bad name :p Seriously, the first time I heard about him, I was really, really, really hoping that, despite his very Jewish last name, that he was NOT Jewish. We’ve got enough problems to deal with already.

      • singleuseplastic-av says:

        It can easily be debated that the bible is science fiction, but it probably falls closer to fantasy. 

        • ghoastie-av says:

          Star Wars is barely considered science fiction by a significant portion of the science fiction community – especially the literary science fiction community.They all just kinda roll their eyes and go “yeah, okay, you have spaceships and lasers, good for you, guess the library’s gonna stick you with us now. No no, it’s fine, my twenty years of research on how near-light-speed travel and colony ships might be possible someday was just a wank. It’s fine. IT’S FUCKING FINE.”

        • rogueindy-av says:

          It’s a compilation of dozens of books written centuries apart, including myths, histories (not necessarily reliable, but histories weren’t back then), poetry, biography (however exaggerated) and letters. Reductive, boilerplate cracks like that don’t make you seem like an enlightened champion of reason, they just make you seem like a neckbeard who thinks performative atheism is a shortcut to intellectualism.Especially when it adds nothing to the conversation at hand, and entirely misses the point it’s in reply to: that the character the Christian Right purport to follow was depicted as an outspoken progressive defying a conservative theocracy.Before you ask, I’m not religious.

          • StudioTodd-av says:

            It’s a compilation of dozens of books written centuries apart, including
            myths, histories (not necessarily reliable, but histories weren’t back
            then), poetry, biography (however exaggerated) and letters.Where in your description do you say anything that proves the original comment to be unfounded? So you’re not religious—no, you’re worse. You’re the type that defends that tired collection of fables and myths that has been used historically as justification for some of the most evil behavior man has ever exhibited while claiming not to believe it. For what purpose?
            Defending it by insulting someone who refuses to show deference for a belief system that doesn’t deserve it doesn’t make you seem like a thoughtful and considered standard-bearer for religious tolerance. It just makes you another “what-about”-ist seeking status with reality denying wishful thinkers.
            In other words, fuck off. Before you ask, yes, that goes for any other bullshit religion as well.

          • rogueindy-av says:

            Can’t tell if you’re illiterate or just a troll. Either way, piss off with your strawman bullshit.

          • StudioTodd-av says:

            It’s not a strawman–it’s you.

        • aray-han-av says:

          This reminded me of those Hindu Nationalists who claim the Mahabharata is a historical document, complete with planes, nuclear weapons, homing missiles and EMP blasts. 

      • nilus-av says:

        Yeah I’m not sure what is funnier. Not getting the socialist message of Star Wars or the socialist message of Christ

        • blpppt-av says:

          “The rebels are all whiny do-gooders. I root for the Sith” — Shapiro

        • redyetti-av says:

          Yeah, cause Disney as ALL about socialism, right?

        • nilus-av says:

          Shit that was a typo. I meant Star Trek.  Star Wars isn’t really socialist but it is anti fascist. 

          • catmanstruthers2-av says:

            Fascists gonna anti-fascist.Technically their problem is with authoritarianism, which has a different definition in that fascism refers strictly to right-wing politics. So at least Shapiro is tilting at literacy when he refers to the so-called “authoritarian Hollywood left”. Which renders this whole thing this no less stupid.

          • aray-han-av says:

            If he were a tiny bit smarter, he’d bring it around to McCarthyism and how it failed to root out the communists so that commies run Hollywood now. If he were a bit smarter still, he’d the it to Hollywood’s growing dependence on the Chinese market. 

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        That’s why I’m Alvean.

      • stevetellerite-av says:

        just stop.

    • argentokaos-av says:

      They’re not “confused.” It’s pure cultural co-opting. Like when far-right edgebros on YouTube suddenly claim to be “down” with Malcolm X— a couple of generations late— because, yeah, they’ve seen some memes of him denouncing white liberals (and don’t wanna mention the wolf in his fox-wolf analogy).Then they turn right around and agree with Ben’s ‘deep thoughts’ on female-MC hip-hop.(Sidenote: I’m reasonably OK with letting them have The Punisher.)

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        (Sidenote: I’m reasonably OK with letting them have The Punisher.) I’m not. FUCK them. Their love of the character hinges on a complete and total misunderstanding of the character.

        And I love the character, damn it! He’s the personification of one of my favorite Milton quotes: “Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell.”

        • argentokaos-av says:

          G. Conway is a real legend (among others), so yeah, you’ve convinced me.
          (To be sure– you had me at “FUCK them.”)

        • doctordepravo-av says:

          FrankenCastle was one of The Greatest Funnybook Stories Of All Time.

        • dhoonib-av says:

          I’m not okay with the alt-rights having the Punisher either but when any group co-opts a symbol or character or whatever the true meaning is usually lost. The swastika was an Indian good luck symbol as well as symbols in other ancient religions and cultures around the world…until the early 1900s when Hitler spun it slightly and it became a symbol of nazis. And unless something crazy happens it will always been seen in Europe and the US as a nazi symbol. Same thing with the Iron Cross, the barber pole, skull and cross bones, and the inverted cross.  In addition to the Punisher the alt-right have taken the OK sign and Pepe the Frog. While I don’t believe we will lose the Punisher while Marvel is still out there making stories, specifically ones where the Punisher beats the shit out of crooked cops, I think the character might end up changing a bit and I’m not sure if the character will hit the MCU for awhile either.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Eh, I’m set in any case. Ennis’ run (all of it) was damned near perfect Punisher, and I own it. 

        • madwriter-av says:

          Agreed. There’s room for a few morally ambiguous characters in the Marvel Universe. Although maybe not put it on cop cars. Instead they should use the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and give kids some free comics.

      • ryanlohner-av says:

        And of course, the whole “red pill” thing which was created by two trans sisters as a metaphor for their own accepting of their identity.

      • cheboludo-av says:

        I’m waiting for Marvel to cancel the Punisher. Is the Punisher even relevant anymore? At least to anybody that isn’t a cop or skinhead type?Last year I was working in a rougher part of town and one day I was stopped at a traffic light next to a cop with at least three Punisher stickers on his car. I was shocked. I didn’t think you could put any stickers on a city owned law enforcement vehicle. I thought that was fucked up.

        • argentokaos-av says:

          I can only assume that the Marvel (slash Disney) chairpeople are aware that some of those proud January domestic terrorists were rockin’ Frank Castle insignias as they were grabbing fire extinguishers, rolling out the gallows for Pence, and Shining-stalking the halls for Nancy Pelosi.We know what Stan the Man would’ve thought about that. (I— don’t really want to speculate as to what Walter Elias D. would’ve thought about it.)But, eww, the things you’re reminded of with a little googling.
          Marvel CEO Emeritus Isaac Perlmutter is a full-on Mar-a-Lago Trump backer. A Six-Day-War vet rewarded with Veterans Affairs influence for his enduring MAGA fealty.So, yeah. Not only is it gonna be positively relevant to him, he’s probably upset he can’t get away with, say, PUNISHER BOYS merchandising.

        • laserface1242-av says:

          Honestly just revamp the Punisher into a completely different genre that has nothing to do with shooting common criminals. It’s worked at least twice before with Franken-Castle and Cosmic Ghost Rider.

          • redyetti-av says:

            Neither of those worked

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            woot woot

          • rogueindy-av says:

            I still think Frank Castle should be the MCU’s next Ghost Rider.It’d give them a more interesting direction for his character than *generic dad-thriller*, and be a good excuse to bring back some SHIELD characters.Alternatively, make him a villain and put him up against Luke Cage. The conservative meltdown would be delicious.

        • agentz-av says:

          Marvel has made it clear that they do not support cops who idolise the Punisher, and his own creator has spoken out against it.

          • cheboludo-av says:

            Yeah I know Marvel doesn’t support the cops. One day at work I say I giant mean looking bals dude with Nazi looking tats on hois head but the centerpiece was the Punisher logo. The skull taking up the back of his head with the teeth covering the back of the neck. I had to talk to him. He was quite polite, but,……….

        • marcus75-av says:

          It depends on the city. A few cities have made news over the last few years for forcing law enforcement to remove decals (almost always Punisher decals) from their cars, but not all cities have the same regulations and not all the ones that have them enforce them.

        • amfo-av says:

          YOU DIDN’T THINK PERIOD!![opens fire]

      • builtforgreed-av says:

        Nope. They can’t have the Punisher. Can’t. I’m not getting rid of my shirts.

      • greghyatt-av says:

        They can have the Punisher if Marvel treats the Punisher like the mass murderer that he is. Every time Daredevil or Spider-Man or whoever comes across him, they should try to apprehend him. None of this teaming up to take down a drug dealer or mob boss bullshit. They jump in, beat the hell out of him and leave him in front of the police station.

      • jgp1972-av says:

        No. Give them nothing.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      These “fans” are vicious. I’ve seen former friends call Jewish writers nazis because they are okay with Gina getting the boot.  These people have been festering around looking for a reason to complain for years.  Its pathetic. 

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      “I am altering the moral lesson. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

    • StrudelNinja-av says:

      I grew up on Indy and Star Wars, Wolf 3D was my first 3D game, and it was REALLY easy to see that the Empire was just space nazis.

      • mykinjaa-av says:

        I too occasionally enjoy The Space Nazis and Techno Wizards.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        I think the bit a lot of fans miss was that the Empire was also supposed to be America.They know Nazis are the villains, but they can’t draw the line between Nazis and right-wing politics, imperialism etc.

    • moggett-av says:

      This is what happens when you denigrate the liberal arts. 

    • annihilatrix--av says:
    • doondoom-av says:

      Whatever the politics, I think most people just see the surface of things. Just think about everyone in every English class you took.

    • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

      Free speech for me, but not for thee.First the SJWs came for retard, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a retard.Then they came for the nigger, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a nigger.Then they came for cunt, and I told them they could could pry it from my cold dead lips.I am mostly here to fight censorship, hypocrisy and illogical thought. I am not some idiot that pretends a word does not exist because people are offended by it. If a better adjective comes along to describe “niggers” and “wiggers” and there use falls out of everyday vernacular, I would be more than happy to use those. Just like we do not call people carpetbaggers anymore, maybe a viable option will emerge. However, with the black communities insistence on continuing to use that word, I would imagine that day is a long way off.And just what are the rules anyway? What percentage black do you have to be to keep using that awful offensive word? 50%? 25%? 10%?Is the government going to have to issue “nigger” license that allow you to say it in public, without the risk of getting cancelled by the SJWs? LOL!And just remember, everyone in America right now is here at the courtesy of the white man that went to the trouble of genocideing the Native Americans originally from Asia to make this land free. If you are so upset and do not want to be a part of America, you are free to leave it and return to whatever country you or your ancestors are originally from.As white land owning men in America, I think it is time to admit the social experiment to give women and minorities equal rights has failed. There can only be one Captain of this great ship we call the United States. It is time to repeal the 15th and 19th Amendment and Make America Safe Again.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      To be fair, Star Wars is pretty vague. You could argue that that the Rebel Alliance is basically Al Qaeda (and I’m sure some jihadists do see it that way).

      • dhoonib-av says:

        I think you can argue that, there is a fine line between being a freedom fighter and a terrorist. Yet in this case it doesn’t matter, especially if you are referring to people who would identify as alt-right or Q-Anon or whatever. To them Trump or whatever conspiracy they are referencing is the Rebel Alliance and everything else (deep state or whatever such nonsense they believe) is the Empire. You always see yourself as the hero and because of that they will identify with the heroes despite being the exact opposite.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        Have you seen Rogue One? They leaned into it.I’m still kinda stunned Disney had the balls to do it.(also Endor was Vietnam)

      • lectroid-av says:

        The fashion sense says otherwise. The Empire uniforms are only not-brown because it would clash with the cooler colors of the space ship and Death Star interiors. And the First Order practically had swastika banners draping their rallies. Anyone who doesn’t get it is being willfully obtuse. 

      • hammerbutt-av says:

        We weren’t really given both sides of the story maybe everyone on Alderaan was really evil.

    • agentz-av says:

      These same fans initially couldn’t stand her character. Now that she’s fired for being “anti-woke”, she’s their hero.

      • redyetti-av says:

        If the top and bottom  collections of thumbnail images were made by the same people then you might not be full of shit. Unfortunately……

    • haodraws-av says:

      I mean… people in general love the MCU, but many of them are harassing and bullying others online on a daily basis, missing the point of those superheroes entirely. It’s not surprising.

    • dremilziolizsardo-av says:
    • hamologist-av says:

      This argument would make sense if, for instance, Laura Dern turned out to be a horrible garbage person. You could defend that level of talent in a minor Star War in such a way.But we’re talking about Gina Carano, a certified garbage person whose dialogue in her most famous role had to be heavily chopped up and rearranged because she was cast not for any kind of acting prowess, but rather because she’s insanely hot and can kick people in the face. Last time I checked, Charlize Theron can also do that without taking her Oscar and going home to Parler. Milla Jovovich also can do that while still being a delightful human being and a very good actor. Michelle Rodriguez can — you get my point.We’re not losing a colossal talent in Carano, and I don’t understand the giant rush to defend her.Also, the true moral lesson of “Star Wars” is that if you did enough coke in the 70s with the right people, you could retire on moichandising profits from nerds who worship a silly space movie and parents whose kids won’t shut the fuck up about “Star Wars.”

    • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

      You should head over to the Mad Men subreddit where a small number of people think Don Draper is cool…

      • harrydeanlearner-av says:

        Don Draper IS cool. He’s also morally reprehensible. Lou Reed was absolutely fucking cool and also an asshole. Now if you’re stating folks over there think Don’s more shit actions made him cool, that’s an issue.

        • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

          But seriously, yes, this minority see him as a role model.

          • harrydeanlearner-av says:

            He CAN be a role model though, in regards to career. Well, not fucking it up at the end career admittedly :)Personally, in my mid 30’s when I first started watching the show, and again before he fucks up his career, I was very big on climbing the corporate ladder. And oddly enough I’ve done so, but without the alcoholism and rampant women issues. But I go with my original statement: cool people can also be assholes at times. I used to call this the Lou Reed rule, but I might re-name it the Don Draper rule. And you’re right in that he shouldn’t be a role model in a lot of ways. 

    • x40sw0n-av says:

      Well, if you are talking Star Wars as a story concept then yeah. But if you are talking Star Wars as a fandom, then Ben Shapiro definitely gets it. The SW fandom is horrifyingly toxic 75% of the time. 

    • djwgibson-av says:

      do we really need to implement a test before people are allowed to enjoy entertainment? Some sort of gate you mean? That the “true” fans can keep watch over.

    • httplovecraft-av says:

      Y’know I wonder… maybe the sheer ELEMENTAL STORYTELLING-ness of Star Wars makes it so these dopes can project basically any self-fulfilling prophecy/hero narrative they want onto it.  I’d have to ask Joseph Campbell…

    • marcus75-av says:

      I messed around with Star Trek Online for a bit a few years back, and it was absolutely mind-boggling how completely the social chat in that game was just an alt-right greatest hits compilation.

    • cordingly-av says:

      As a Star Wars fan, I don’t know what the hell Star Wars fans want.

      Sure, the new trilogy was messy, but I’m not making five video a week about why Kathleen Kennedy is “ruining my childhood”.

      Have better childhoods. 

    • ducktopus-av says:

      even more incoherent: they will praise Darth Vader and intentionally embrace Thanos…and then put on a Captain America t-shirt and tweet about the rebellion.  

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Well if there’s anyone you want on your side it’s Ben “I’m proud to admit I can’t get my wife wet” Shapiro.

  • perlafas-av says:

    Well done people, this can only go better from now on.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      How so?

      • perlafas-av says:

        Instead of working with Pedro Pascal in the Mandolarian environment, she’ll work with Trump’s snot among Qanoners. Instead of playing a good guy in that series she’ll play a good guy in other shows. All while resuming tweeting bullshit for good measure. Great success all around. The french know that as the Dieudonné playbook, worked wonders too.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Ok? Well they can have fun with ticket sales for Evangelicals, conservatives and maybe her wrestling buddies. No one cares about whatever shit Ben Shapiro makes except his already determined fan base.

    • Harold_Ballz-av says:

      Yup, this will be the culture war battle that finally cements the bubbles of entertainment and news in which we all lock ourselves from now until the time when the Sun swallows the Earth.This story will be forgotten by tomorrow, and we’ll all laugh when The A.V. Club posts their review of I Wanted to Leave Hollywood Anyway: The Gina Carano Story and gives it the gentleman’s F in a year or two.She’s incredibly untalented and holds opinions that range from stupid to reprehensible to dangerous. Instead of learning from the backlash, she steered right into it and is now working with famed artist ::checks notes:: Ben Shapiro. Career move, baby!

  • cinecraf-av says:

    As someone who hates how entertainment is just becoming one giant franchise of interconnecting pop culture universes, I’m gonna just sit back and enjoy watching both sides eat each other.  

    • doobie1-av says:

      Say what you will about Disney (and there is lots to say), but I don’t think they’re worried here. Ben Shapiro’s movie will be unwatchable crap on the level of Kirk Cameron and Dinesh D’Souza. Because it turns out spite is not a substitute for a basic knowledge of filmmaking.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Ben Shapiro vs Disney is akin to the kid with the lemonade stand vs Coka Cola. Good. Luck.

        • murrychang-av says:

          Also the ‘lemonade’ is piss and the stand is built of pure horseshit.

        • obtuseangle-av says:

          Hey, that’s an insult to kids with lemonade stands, many of whom are competent business owners who have a basic understanding of how to make their product, something that I can’t say of Mr. Shapiro.I mean, I agree they won’t ever take out Coca-Cola, but they could certainly come closer than Ben Shapiro beating Disney.

      • ooklathemok3994-av says:

        You’ll be eating your words when Gina Carano in Saving Thanksgiving launches the “Saving {insert holiday that needs to rescued from libtards} Universe.”

      • priest-of-maiden-av says:

        Ben Shapiro’s movie

        Will never actually happen. It might get a script written. They might even start shooting it. But it’ll never get finished and it definitely will never get released.

    • argentokaos-av says:

      You’re gonna have to EXPLAIN to Ben Shapiro about the whole “eating her out” thing.:D 😀 😀

  • zerozero13-av says:

    She was way off base with her tweet that got her in trouble along the same lines as Pedro Pascal tweet from a few years ago. She should of known about the double standard. Honestly if you famous at all you probably should not engage in social media unless to promote your work. That being said, I am tired of this double standard and the political “team” mentality.

    • vadarlives-av says:

      What “double standard”?One actor compared putting children in concentration camps to putting people in concentration camps. The other compared having to endure criticism of her political beliefs to being murdered in the Holocaust.Two different results, because they are two very different situations.

    • nilus-av says:

      There are no double standards. Pedro’s post was in defense of refuge children. She was using the Holocaust to Bitch about “cancel culture”. Plus she transphobic and anti-mask during a pandemic.  It’s not a team mentality it’s just being an asshole that got her fired 

    • greatgodglycon-av says:

      Should HAVE

    • sgt-makak-av says:

      You are not an intelligent person and nobody values what you have to say.

  • turdontherun-av says:
    • mattballs-av says:

      These people will never have an “are we the baddies?” moment. She was being offered a mountain of money, her own Star Wars spin-off series, and she chose transphobia, anti-mask bullshit and anti-semitism. She things SHE’S the good guy here being treated unfairly by the fascist, leftist Nazi commies.

  • lordbyronbuxton-av says:

    Pretty cool how quickly their opinion of her has swung from “damn libtard SJWs forcing a woman into my space laser story for politics!1!!1!!” to “she’s a hero of conservatives everywhere!1!!1″

  • highlikeaneagle-av says:

    I don’t think she should have been fired for her post, but anyone who is that willing to work with Ben Shapiro definitely has a screw loose.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:
    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Yeah she should be fired for her collection of tweets propagating covid denial, anti mask sentiments, Q related election fraud nonsense, transphobia that Disney warned her to stop doing before they fired her. 

      • highlikeaneagle-av says:

        I mean, did she endanger anyone by refusing to wear a mask and/or socially distance? Definitely. Did she harass or endanger trans people? Absolutely. Did she, I guess, storm the Capitol to attempt to overturn the election results? No question.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          When one is the public face of a company and franchise, that company has every right to fire them, especially after warning them.

          • highlikeaneagle-av says:

            And that makes sense. Just feels like in this instance she got hosed a bit. But regardless, her first move should not be jumping into bed with Ben Shapiro, if only because it’s probably toddler-sized. And his mom might walk in.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            I think she’s much too far gone, she was told to stop and would have a Star Wars spin off to herself, but nope Trump crap was more important. She’s an adult for fucks sake.

          • dannyhammer-av says:

            She’s worth nearly ten million dollars already.  Maybe she just doesn’t care about Disney all that much.

          • universeman75-av says:

            Oh, buddy, she turned that hose on herself.

          • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            That sounds kinda hott.

          • bleachedredhair-av says:

            She got hosed the way J.K. Rowling did. All she had to do to keep her job was keep her mouth shut. People asked her to stop and she just kept doubling and tripling down. I guess she decided that what she had to say was more important than being employed. Colin Kaepernick knew he would be cut for kneeling for the anthem, but he believed speaking out was important enough to lose his job. And he actually was blacklisted, unlike Carano. He knew the potential consequences as do all people who are actually standing for their convictions and not just trying to score victimhood points.

          • highlikeaneagle-av says:

            I disagree.

          • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

            To be fair (to be faaaaaair) Kaep was also like, 45th out of 49 QBs in the league or something like that in his last season, came in off 3 surgeries and had his worst year playing. It was unlikely anyone would have taken him ANYWAY, with or without the kneeling. He still did the right thing and made a MASSIVE impact on our culture, but it didn’t get him “blacklisted.” He wasn’t a great player by the end, and turned into a PR “liability.” 

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            Rowling hasn’t been fired. No one can fire her. She’s too big to cancel.

          • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Can we shoot her out of a cannon?

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            You’ll need a Bing Crosby type to convince Fearless Frazier.

          • obtuseangle-av says:

            The difference is that JK Rowling is rich enough that she could comfortably live for the rest of her life even if she never made another cent. Literally the only significant consequences that Rowling can face is that her media property might not make as much money, which isn’t really a concern to her when she is already stinking rich. Even if WB wanted to pull ties with her (which there is no sign of them even considering doing yet), she still controls the rights to the Harry Potter franchise. If they kick her out, they lose the rights to make Harry Potter films, and she can just go to somebody else or decide to retire. She is indispensable in a way Carano just isn’t, and to the extent that Rowling is dispensable, it doesn’t matter much to her if she is gotten rid of.Carano does not have that leverage, and while I don’t know her financial situation, I doubt that she’s made enough that she doesn’t need to work ever again. Maybe she can get a job on God’s Not Dead 4 or something, but this probably not only torpedoed this job, but cost her ability to get a whole lot of other jobs as well.Rowling was smart enough to realize that she was in a position that she can say whatever she wanted with little significant consequences, so she proceeded to do so. Carano is not in that situation, but she still did so anyway. Maybe she is aware that this was going to get her fired but thought that she needed to speak out about this anyways, sort of like Kapernick (the difference being that Kapernick actually had a noble cause). I think that she just impulsively says these things without thinking about the consequences, but I could be wrong.

          • shinobijedi-av says:

            Carano comes from a rich family. That’s why she doesn’t care.

          • obtuseangle-av says:

            Yeah, that would track.

        • buh-lurredlines-av says:

          She harrassed transpeople by putting silly pronouns in her bio? Isn’t that a bit ridiculous? (don’t answer, it’s a LOT ridiculous)

  • shronkey-av says:

    This is some impressive self destructive behavior. Gina even had a warning from Disney well before they fired but she had to Tweet. Threw away her own Star Wars spin-off series and don’t forget her character wasn’t killed off in Deadpool so any chance of that sweet MCU money is also gone.

    • graymangames-av says:

      The idea of sacrificing anything for Twitter is sad enough on its own.

    • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

      I know it is hard for this degenerate generation to understand, but integrity is more important than money.Free speech for me, but not for thee.First the SJWs came for retard, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a retard.Then they came for the nigger, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a nigger.Then they came for cunt, and I told them they could could pry it from my cold dead lips.I am mostly here to fight censorship, hypocrisy and illogical thought. I am not some idiot that pretends a word does not exist because people are offended by it. If a better adjective comes along to describe “niggers” and “wiggers” and there use falls out of everyday vernacular, I would be more than happy to use those. Just like we do not call people carpetbaggers anymore, maybe a viable option will emerge. However, with the black communities insistence on continuing to use that word, I would imagine that day is a long way off.And just what are the rules anyway? What percentage black do you have to be to keep using that awful offensive word? 50%? 25%? 10%?Is the government going to have to issue “nigger” license that allow you to say it in public, without the risk of getting cancelled by the SJWs? LOL!And just remember, everyone in America right now is here at the courtesy of the white man that went to the trouble of genocideing the Native Americans originally from Asia to make this land free. If you are so upset and do not want to be a part of America, you are free to leave it and return to whatever country you or your ancestors are originally from.As white land owning men in America, I think it is time to admit the social experiment to give women and minorities equal rights has failed. There can only be one Captain of this great ship we call the United States. It is time to repeal the 15th and 19th Amendment and Make America Safe Again.

      • shronkey-av says:

        LOL dropping R and N bombs on some long ass post that no one will read. This is a dying former Gawker site I’m still fucking around on because of boredom and familiarity not the best place to drop your racist manifesto. 

        • decgeek-av says:

          Did you just let Bizarro Lizardo out of the grays?  

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Truly dismiss that.

        • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

          Everyone is racist. It is encoded in your DNA. When shit hits the fan and polite society breaks down during natural disasters, pandemics, competitions, civil unrest you gravitate to your own kind for safety. In normal times, most are ambivalent, staying separate and wishing the other races nothing but the best.Like how Tom Brady called Matheiu the N-Word on the football field during competition, yet is helping Antonio Brown turn his life around and is letting him live in his house.
          Drop the SJW sheeple think for a second and think logically. Does it make sense to cancel people for using a word and not judging them on their actions instead? Does it make sense to praise one persons use of it in songs, movies and in conversation, but condemn another? And the most infuriating thing, what exactly are the rules. Can no one say it? Can someone who is 25% black say it? 50%? 100%? What if that 100% person is very light skinned? What of someone who is only 10% was very tan? Does the government have to issue “nigger” licenses, so you can say the word in public and not get cancelled?

          • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

            My “own kind” are humans, the race. Same thing for any other human because, again, we are all part of the human race. If you don’t feel that way, then perhaps you are not human?

          • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

            Bury your head in the sand ignorant SJW ostrich. We are not all the same. And we are definitely not all the same race. I guess all the race of white athletes in the NBA and NFL just do not want to work as hard as the black athletes from the same human race or the black mathematicians do not want to study as hard as their fellow Asian race who are all part of the human race. There are of course anomalies on all sides, but there is no denying scientific proof that on average, there are many different races of humans.

          • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

            You classify things that both are and aren’t stereotypical as anomalies. Those aren’t anomalies, they’re different people behaving and reacting to things differently because they are, again, different people. I suppose the same retort works in the inverse. Keep burying your head in the sand, as you are wont to do. I’ll keep mine in line of sight of the rest of the world. Just as well, maybe people would take you more seriously if you weren’t hiding behind someone else’s profile? I certainly can’t when you apparently don’t believe in your own gospel enough to even stand behind it, legitimately. Come on man, stand behind your own screed! 

          • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

            How could people be different. You just said they all belong to one human race. And I have no idea what you are talking about. I have been here for 10 years.

          • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:
          • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

            Yes, there was an attempt, but not by me.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Just to toss it out there: you’re talking with someone who has absolutely no interest in actual, real discussion. You’re just giving him something to do while he takes a shit in the morning, because he’s burnt out on Candy Crush.

          • rogueindy-av says:

            You’re arguing with a troll.

          • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

            I know, I know. Someone let him out, and I was feeling a little snarky last night, so please forgive me for indulging.

          • rogueindy-av says:

            If a dog shits on the floor, you don’t wipe the floor with the dog’s butt

          • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

            Not to take away from your analogy but, in that scenario, you also don’t ignore the shit on the floor. The dog also doesn’t know any better, and while, of course, one could argue that I and him do know better (or at least I), I think engaging with a troll ever so rarely often on a whim because he was already ungreyed, is the least of mine or anyone else’s problems. He’s been flagged and dismissed, not just by me but everyone else here. The world will go on, and he’ll continue to be flagged and dismissed. Also, Happy Valentines day. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Not to take away from your analogy but, in that scenario, you also don’t ignore the shit on the floor. Nah. You do. Because it’s shit, and the only way people can “smell” it through this medium is if people say “Hey! Look at the shit!”And the dude we’re talking about here? Weirdly, committedly pathetic (going on near a decade – yes, seriously) fuckstick who isn’t worth…well…anything, really.

          • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

            Yeah, it is super weird.  I know he’s been doing this for a long ass time (I’ve been a longtime reader, and I dont think I remember a point where he wasn’t here), but I’ve never seen someone so committed to a shtick like he is. Not the trolling, but the trolling behind another user’s name.I’d like to think the Dr. hurt him at some point in some way and now he’s got some weird personal vendetta, but I imagine it’s something way less interesting, more akin to maximizing exposure or something. 

          • amfo-av says:

            I’m starting to think you guys are never going to post that recipe for banana bread.

          • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

            Only once you’ve earned it. 

          • amfo-av says:

            NO KINK SHAMING

          • wabznazm-av says:

            “Everyone is racist. It is encoded in your DNA.”
            Speak for yourself, fuckpig.

          • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

            I bet you believe the Earth is flat, also. You can not dispute science and evolution. Racism is a the result of millions of years of evolution to help you survive. It keeps you safe and is trigger by conflict or competition. It is encoded in your DNA, just as easily as you knowing how to breath. EVERYONE IS RACIST. 

          • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

            OK, to engage in good faith here: Why are you so interested in saying that word? Why do you need a rule? If people have said that it is hurtful when you call them that, then just don’t? It’s not about “SJW” or “cancellation” or whatever, it’s just about not being a jerk to peopleImagine you had a good friend who had an embarrassing nickname in middle school that you kept calling him as an adult. One day, he pulls you aside and says “hey man – I really wish you didn’t call me that nickname anymore, can you stop?”. Would you say “NO! IT’S MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH TO CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT, LARDASS! YOU CAN’T CENSOR MEEEE!!!”. No, I have a feeling you’d respect his wishes and not be a jerk about it.

          • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

            Alright, since you seem willing to be educated. I will engage. I have no interest in using the word, unless I am using it to describe and identify. If the definition of the word falls out of favor to the point no one knows what I am describing, I would move on to a better word. Which is kind of the whole reason we use words. The only offensive value they have is the power you give them. If my fat friend is behaving like a lard ass, I am going to call him a lard ass. If he is just fat, and I am describing him to police for a missing person report, I am going to describe him as heavy set. Because he is not acting like a lard ass at that time.At one time, calling someone a carpetbagger was worse than calling a person a nigger. Do you see anyone using carpetbagger as a a descriptive word anymore? No. Because people stopped acting like carpetbaggers and it lost its descriptive properties to the point very little of the ensuing generation knows what it means. That can not happen if one class of people continue to use it everyday and have free license to use it. And again, I am 25% black, do I get to still use it and not lose my job or get cancelled?
            Plus, it is a slippery slope. Someone always finds something offensive. It started with nigger, then went to retard, then calling a woman a cunt became a worse crime than murder, and now we are on to he and she being offensive. LOL! I am going to have to start calling them the H-word and S-word. LOL! If you don’t take the stand here and now, you will not be allowed to say anything or have opinions about anything, that differ from these SJW sheeple.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Don’t engage with this dumb fuck. They’re just the resident troll that thinks it’s cool to pretend to be other commenters.

          • roboj-av says:

            Do not engage with this asshole for any reason ever. Dismiss and ignore. 

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            You’re really getting desperate there fuck face.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Just another ostensibly grown adult who has to troll for attention from strangers on the Internet. Totally normal behavior.

            But, in all seriousness, I’d love to know who the dude is IRL. He’s a fucking coward, so no dice there, but it’d be fun to track his exploits in rank dipshittery throughout life. 

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I’d love to know too. I’d be mildly concerned for them, that is, if they weren’t knowingly acting like a piece of shit. They need to see a therapist.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Eh, sometimes people act like pieces of shit because they can’t imagine being something better. Or they’re just lazy. Either way, end result is the same. ::shrug::Either way, I do so wish that zero-value-added fucksticks would become meat. That way their brains would at least serve the world as fertilizer if nothing else.

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        damn dude

      • jgp1972-av says:

        Oh, you are so wrong. you totally ARE a retard, obviously.

      • cgo2370-av says:

        LOL u mad!

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      You should dismiss the fake Dr Emilio. Because it sucks that troll does that and well look at what it wrote.

    • timmyreev-av says:

      Remember those 1950’s red scare firings of actors and writers? Gee, what were they complaining about? A bunch of private companies did not like their views and them saying them in public and were just protecting their brands! That is their right so why so many movies about how un-american it supposedly was to be blacklisted and fired by private companies? They have no free speech rights, because they worked for private companies who don’t like what they said! They knew they would be fired if they kept going to communist meetings, right? Why so sad?

  • bio-wd-av says:

    I have no sympathy for a transphobic anti masker who sees herself perpetually as the victim. Real empowering.  Hanging out with the twerp who thinks Hitler was a leftist and Muslims are all hateful monsters just proves to us all that she was a terrible person.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      I have no sympathy for either of them, but I am amused by the thought of a pipsqueak like Shapiro having his eye on a woman who could break him in half with a well-aimed fart and waiting until her worst day to swoop in and take advantage of her.

    • turn-around-av says:

      get off the internet. 

  • ginghamboxer-av says:

    Does Ben Shapiro just… not remember that he’s a Jew?

  • thetruthspitter-av says:

    Her remarks were not anti-Semitic and you might be a bit blind to what is happening with the political climate these days. Living in an ultra left area, I have seen assaults, vandalism and overall scumbag behavior levied on one side of the fence by the other. This s#!) happens for real. Look at how many cities burned in 2020 and people were attacked, look back at 2016 and same thing. This has been going on since the Bush win in 2000, as far as I remember.

  • adammcgwire-av says:

    The best way for me to not hear from Gina Carano is for places like AV club to stop talking about Gina Carano. She’s not exactly cancelled if you can’t let go of making snide articles about her. I wouldn’t even remember an idiot like Kevin Sorbo existed or know about his stupid views if people weren’t bitching about him.

  • brickstarter-av says:

    There is a non-zero chance that ends with Gina Carano doing a roundhouse kick to Ben Shapiro’s face after he “well, actually”s her and I for one can’t wait.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    I find it hilarious that the same bigoted assholes who called her character an “SJW Mary Sue” are now whining “Freeze Peach” because it turns out Carano shares their views.

    • adammcgwire-av says:

      I don’t know who most of those are, but Ethan Van Sciver is an idiot and it figures he’s have this kind of a mornonic take on both ends of the field.

      • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

        And fairly shit comic artist to boot.

        • sharkskinsuit-av says:

          There are many artists that are far more skilled at superhero comics than Ethan. And far easier to work with. EVS better hope that sweet Kickstarter cash doesn’t run out too soon.

        • redyetti-av says:

          Who’s books outsell modern marvel and dc flagship titles.

      • graymangames-av says:

        Out of curiosity, I quickly checked out his Twitter feed and he has “The Real Victim Here” as his name currently. I wish I was making that up.

      • muddybud-av says:

        He has always been a dipshit. Unfortunately he found an audience of dipshits to cheer him on so dived even deeper into dipshittery.

      • sharkskinsuit-av says:

        Yeah well EVS has burnt so many bridges that he is done in mainstream comics. He is a disgrace. These people can’t control themselves.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      They always pivot to liking Ripley and other famous female characters, but if they were alive in the 1980s, they’d denigrate her as well.  Some of these people are die hard misogynists.  Some are grifters.

      • ryanlohner-av says:

        If the Internet was around back then, Ripley would absolutely be getting this same kind of crap, especially since she was a man in the original script.

      • cheboludo-av says:

        Don’t forget Sarah Connor. Tons of these people are grifters. Slighly off topic but to my point. Dr. Simone Gold the doctor still promoting hydroxycholoquine to prevent COVID and also promoting not wearing masks is now selling hydroxychloroquine and promoting a book. She’s a doctor and a lawyer. She’s not that dumb, at least I don’t think, but she’s also a conservative grifter and patners with other doctors that beleive in demon sperm.

      • redyetti-av says:

        Grifter, IE; someone I don’t like that makes money

      • dannyhammer-av says:

        Trump supporters tend to skew older. Most of them probably were alive in the ‘80s.

      • aray-han-av says:

        There’s no way thr6y actually like Ripley. Shes way too fucking cool for them.

    • redyetti-av says:

      Except that the left and right images feature completely different content creators, but hey, why let facts get in the way of a good talking point.

    • dannyhammer-av says:

      It’s almost like there’s a difference between an actress and the characters they play.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      “Look, it’s the free marketplace of ideas, man. We all have the freedom to say what we want, and the freedom to listen to whom we choose” “Ok cool, I choose not to listen to you”“WHAT?! CANCEL CULTURE!!! DEPLATFORMING!!! THERE NEEDS TO BE A LAW THAT FORCES YOU TO LISTEN TO ME!!!”

  • timmyreev-av says:

    nothing she said was even remotely antisemetic and the star of the Mandalorian Pablo Pascal posted the exact same imagery and argument about immigrant children, comparing their treatment to jews in nazi germany with the same photos from the concentration camps. . Saying today is like nazi germany is over the top, but the thought that someone can get fired for it is absurd. It has nothing to do with her job and is rank hypocrisy.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      There is a world of difference between comparing *public figures getting pushback on their stated views* to putting people in concentration camps, and comparing *putting people in concentration camps* to putting people in concentration camps.Of course, you already know that.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        There’s also the issue that Nazis were persecuting Jewish people for their ethnic and religious identities, not because of their political beliefs (which is not to say that Nazis didn’t also persecute people for political reasons, but that’s not the comparison Carano was making). They are trying to conflate getting called out for their shitty opinions with an genocidal attack of an ethnic group. An attack on personhood is not the same as an attack for an opinion. That’s what is antisemitic and exploitative about it.

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        To be fair, she wasn’t actually using concentration camps as her overheated comparison. She was using Kristallnacht. She was arguing that something like “cancel culture” is a stepping stone to concentration camps though.

        • nilus-av says:

          Which is stupid and fucking ignorant and just the last nail in the casket for her.  She said a lot of stupid shit before that as well

          • bembrob-av says:

            Sadly, I have to side with Disney on this one. It’s a shame because I like the character and while Carano is no great actress by any means, she fit the roll as much as needed and the shear fact there just aren’t any Schwartzeneggar or Dwayne Johnson type female actors beyond Carano is depressing.

          • bogira-av says:

            There are, you just don’t know their names. Carano is a bad actress who carved out a niche because she had built in fame from MMA and seemed easy to work with. There are plenty of MMA/Body Builder/Ex-NCAA athletes that share her build, hell, Carano and I are about the same age and I’m not as stocky as she is but I’m not far from it. If they want to throw me into Cara Dune’s role, I’ll swap in. Side note:  I played D-I Volleyball.  Carano’s build is by no means rare, Volleyball and Softball is littered with Carano-types. ^_^

          • bembrob-av says:

            Carano is a bad actress who carved out a niche because she had built in fame from MMA and seemed easy to work with. Schwartzenegger, Stallone, Dwayne Johnson, David Bautista….the list goes on and on for males that meet the same description so I dunno what your point is.Cara Dune was more or less written FOR Carano, just as all those 2-Dimensional action heroes were written for these meatheads.

          • bogira-av says:

            she fit the roll as much as needed and the shear fact there just aren’t any Schwartzeneggar or Dwayne Johnson type female actors beyond Carano is depressing.You said that, I responded by pointing out that she is in fact replaceable and I wish more people with our stocky body types got roles in Hollywood.I also pointed out she was very replaceable as your list is kind of a slow if parallel timeline of replacing these dumb but buff dudes with younger dumb but buff dudes.I mean, we almost have a 1-to-1 replacement of Arnold for Dwayne and even less specific but pretty similar of Bruce Willis for Jason Stratham.  I mean, Jack Elam is attributed if some incorrectly with coining the saying of how you go from ‘Who is that guy’ to everybody wanting you, than everybody wanting somebody like you.  Carano is just a terrible person who can be replaced with a less terrible person who fits the body type.

          • bembrob-av says:

            But where are they? Why aren’t there more already?As I said, if they replace her or the next female hero character will be another pretty face pushing 90 pounds in silly armor.

          • bogira-av says:

            /EYEROLLBecause Hollywood doesn’t like casting non-traditional femme characters?

            For fuck’s sake, I literally pointed out where you can find them, I’m just not sure if you’re having an issue with me pointing out she’s a bad actress OR you somehow think I control Hollywood.

        • greatgodglycon-av says:

          Ope there it is…to be faaaaaaaaaaaaiiiir

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            How bizarre it is to fair to someone by not attributing something to them they didn’t actually say, thus getting their entire (if stupid) point wrong.

      • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

        Free speech for me, but not for thee.First the SJWs came for retard, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a retard.Then they came for the nigger, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a nigger.Then they came for cunt, and I told them they could could pry it from my cold dead lips.I am mostly here to fight censorship, hypocrisy and illogical thought. I am not some idiot that pretends a word does not exist because people are offended by it. If a better adjective comes along to describe “niggers” and “wiggers” and there use falls out of everyday vernacular, I would be more than happy to use those. Just like we do not call people carpetbaggers anymore, maybe a viable option will emerge. However, with the black communities insistence on continuing to use that word, I would imagine that day is a long way off.And just what are the rules anyway? What percentage black do you have to be to keep using that awful offensive word? 50%? 25%? 10%?Is the government going to have to issue “nigger” license that allow you to say it in public, without the risk of getting cancelled by the SJWs? LOL!And just remember, everyone in America right now is here at the courtesy of the white man that went to the trouble of genocideing the Native Americans originally from Asia to make this land free. If you are so upset and do not want to be a part of America, you are free to leave it and return to whatever country you or your ancestors are originally from.As white land owning men in America, I think it is time to admit the social experiment to give women and minorities equal rights has failed. There can only be one Captain of this great ship we call the United States. It is time to repeal the 15th and 19th Amendment and Make America Safe Again.

        • harrydeanlearner-av says:

          You’re a gifted storyteller. Or a full blown lunatic. 

        • wabznazm-av says:

          I’m genuinely curious to see how many times you repost this racist filth before someone at AV Club bans you. Which they should.

          • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

            Ban. LOL! You must be new here. 

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            The troll DEL is pretending to be another commenter. The troll has been banned numerous times, they just keep coming back making the same username over and over again. That’s the problem with Kinjas anonymous burner system and the only real way to get rid of them is with an IP ban.You can see how desperate they are by looking at the registered name they used for the burner. It’s never spelled correctly, while the original commenter is. Not only is it not spelled correctly, they’ve been banned so many times they’re starting to spell it out in more creative ways.Quite frankly, they’ve got some serious mental issues that need to be addressed.

        • StudioTodd-av says:

          Holy shit…did you forget to end your comment with /s, or is that shit for real?

      • redyetti-av says:

        You’re misrepresenting Gina’s statement and you know you are.

      • dannyhammer-av says:

        This is what Carano actually said: Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours… even by children… Because history is edited, most people today don’t realise that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?No mention of concentration camps. She was clearly referring to the early years of the 3rd Reich.Of course, you could extrapolate beyond that if you like. But then I’m going to be doing a little extrapolating about all the countless vapid, shit-for-brains D-Listers who’ve spent the last four years calling everyone to the right of Mitt Romney fascists and Nazis.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        To the greys replying to me: discriminating against ethnic/religious groups is ENTIRELY different from discriminating against a political group. Your politics are the values you choose to live and espouse, you aren’t born into them; there is nothing more appropriate to judge someone by. Gina had every opportunity not to say – and double, triple down on – the things she said.Also, she hasn’t been mobbed or lynched for her beliefs. No-one was throwing bricks through her windows or banning her from showbusiness. Hell, she spun a fucking movie deal out of this. There is no comparison beyond a weak, discredited slippery slope fallacy.

      • chloeroma-av says:

        I interpreted what she said as the country is “neighbor hating neighbor” and it can escalate from there.  It’s not like she is wrong.

      • precognitions-av says:

        yeah and neither deserves a firing

      • timmyreev-av says:

        of course you already know that Pascal made the exact same comparison and the picture he used was not even from America. She has a fantastic lawsuit

      • timmyreev-av says:

        I love how all of a sudden people on here are backing billion dollar megacorporation’s firing people for no reason. Hey, as long as you agree with them billion dollar corporations can do whatever they want to people, amiright? Capitalism!

      • turn-around-av says:

        See, even you’re doing it. 

    • glabrousbear-av says:

      If you are putting Twitter privileges on one side of a scale and Jewish lives on the other and they come out equal, your scale is weighted against Jewish lives.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      First, she’s been repeatedly warned. REPEATEDLY. Second thing, one is comparing actual children in cages and the other one is comparing the treatment of a political affiliation. Holy shit are you fucking dense. 

      • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

        Free speech for me, but not for thee.First the SJWs came for retard, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a retard.Then they came for the nigger, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a nigger.Then they came for cunt, and I told them they could could pry it from my cold dead lips.I am mostly here to fight censorship, hypocrisy and illogical thought. I am not some idiot that pretends a word does not exist because people are offended by it. If a better adjective comes along to describe “niggers” and “wiggers” and there use falls out of everyday vernacular, I would be more than happy to use those. Just like we do not call people carpetbaggers anymore, maybe a viable option will emerge. However, with the black communities insistence on continuing to use that word, I would imagine that day is a long way off.And just what are the rules anyway? What percentage black do you have to be to keep using that awful offensive word? 50%? 25%? 10%?Is the government going to have to issue “nigger” license that allow you to say it in public, without the risk of getting cancelled by the SJWs? LOL!And just remember, everyone in America right now is here at the courtesy of the white man that went to the trouble of genocideing the Native Americans originally from Asia to make this land free. If you are so upset and do not want to be a part of America, you are free to leave it and return to whatever country you or your ancestors are originally from.As white land owning men in America, I think it is time to admit the social experiment to give women and minorities equal rights has failed. There can only be one Captain of this great ship we call the United States. It is time to repeal the 15th and 19th Amendment and Make America Safe Again.

      • redyetti-av says:

        She wasn’t comparing anything you simple minded dolt. She was using an admittedly clumsy analogy about the Nazis as a warning against dehumanizing the “other”. Of course, most of you are well aware of this.

      • dannyhammer-av says:

        Comparing kids in cages to Nazi Germany is also deeply offensive. Jewish kids in Nazi Germany were gassed, burned, and experimented on by sadistic serial killers pretending to be doctors. Both comparisons are unjustified.  

      • mytwocents71-av says:

        You are a f****** moron….! These are personal accounts not like that Kaepernick piece of s*** doing it on the job! He should have been fired for sure but we have free speech in America for a reason. It doesn’t matter what vitriol you spew out of your mouth it’s protected! What if you were “warned” not to wear shorts at home by your bosses and they fired you because you didn’t listen? Would that be fair and right?

        • harrydeanlearner-av says:

          You’re the fucking moron, Chief. Remind me who sees me wearing shorts at home versus who can read my racist ramblings on a social media site.If you had any fucking brain, you could have tried you wearing your USA speedos with a sign saying “I’m a racist moron who hates XXXX” while walking through Midtown Manhattan or something that draws attention as your analogy. It’s still not accurate, but it’s better than the slack jawed attempt you posited. 
          Here’s a comic explaining why you’re a moron:

        • wellijustcouldnotsay-av says:

          David, please look up the actual amendment in the actual Constitution. The Constitution does NOT say you have the right to a job, or food, or shelter, or a spouse, or friends, or medical assistance, or a book deal, or a social-media account or any damn thing. It says “Congress shall make no law….” Now the meaning of “Congress” has been extended to all of government but it has NOT been extended to privately or publicly held companies/corporations which are (like individual persons) NOT obligated to hang out with you and/or give you money if they do not like you. Get it?

      • timmyreev-av says:

        The children in cages was from Palestine, so who is dumb? Pascal and apparently you

        • harrydeanlearner-av says:

          Symbolism is symbolism, you moron.

          • timmyreev-av says:

            Oh so now it is “symbolism”, but this poor actress’ post is not “symbolism”. LOL God, you people really do go through lengths to justify yourselves. Tie yourself more up in knots

          • harrydeanlearner-av says:

            I left a quick cartoon in this thread to explain to you why you’re a moron. See if you can figure it out. No one is saying this ‘poor actress’ post is not symbolic as opposed to literal, just that what she’s proposing the symbolism equates is wrong. Second, she was warned. Repeatedly. As an employee, if you don’t know when to stop behaving foolishly after repeated warning and you’re fired, then it’s on you. Have you ever had a job before?

    • lattethunder-av says:

      Pablo Pascal is a Radiohead album, dummy.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      But immigrant children are actually being put in cages, separated from their families, being abused, and dying, like Jews did in the Holocaust.  None of that is happening to republicans.

    • straightoutofpangaea-av says:

      Go get your wife wet, Ben.

      • hamologist-av says:

        Oh, here’s a good joke I heard:Q: What sound does Ben Shapiro make when he jerks off to his wife, who is a medical doctor? A: WA(“P”-word) WA(“P”-word) WA(“P”-word) WA(“P”-word) WA(“P”-word) WA(“P”-word)

    • priest-of-maiden-av says:
    • dudicus-av says:

      Explain how Republicans are being treated as Jews before the Holocaust?Are they being forced to wear Red R’s? Are they having storm troopers taking their shops away by force? Are they being beaten in the streets by cops? Are they being shot for being Republican? Are they being rounded up and locked in concentration camps? Explain this to me please…

    • nimitdesai-av says:

      Aww, you tried. You tuckered yourself out, but you tried, little one.

    • hellnah89-av says:

      kill yourself

    • scortius-av says:

      ok Botfarm.

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      Yeah, every reaction I can recall from an actual Jewish person was that the comparison was dumb but not anti-semitic. She was obviously not saying Kristallnacht was a good thing.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        1 or a small group of Jewish people you noticed saying something is a representation of all Jewish people. Now let’s see what I can also write – Yeah, every reaction I can recall from an actual Jewish person was that the comparison was dumb and anti-semitic.

        • teageegeepea-av says:

          Which people in particular?

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            You made the claim first please provide your sources.

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            Jonathan, Jesse Singal, Eugene Volokh. At the time I wrote that I was also thinking of Yair Rosenberg, but it turns out I was misremembering his response mocking the idea of something else being offensive to Jews, and as far as I know he hasn’t commented on whether anything Carano posted is anti-semitic.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            So 3, yup that proves all Jewish people believe it. Great job.

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            Not merely that three people said that, but that nobody I recall saying it was anti-semitic were Jewish as far as I know. Just a lot of twitter/Kinja randos, and usually people wrongly claiming she was talking about the Holocaust when her whole point was about civilians participating in Kristallnacht. Again, if you know of actual Jewish people claiming it was anti-semitic (rather than just dumb) to use Kristallnacht as a comparison, I’d be interested in hearing.

      • bogira-av says:

        A.) Jewish people aren’t the arbiters of anything but their own religious identity. Please stop using them as a defense against anti-Semitism. B.) We know your Jewish people are made up and/or represent a very small possible fraction of all Jewish views but again, refer back to A for the actual relevant point here.  

        • teageegeepea-av says:

          A.) I think Jewish people are relevant for discussions of anti-semitism because it’s targeted at them.B.) Yup, I’d really like to have a large survey rather than anecdotal examples. But I still haven’t heard of any actual Jewish person saying her use of Kristallnacht as an example was anti-semitic.

          • bogira-av says:

            A.) Nope, again, individual Jewish people aren’t a relevant point here. They’re free to consider something offensive or not but there is no great hierarchy if Jews unto which to put this review on.B.) So again, you admit you used ancedotal evidence then doubled down on it….even though several THOUSAND of the people on twitter saying it was anti-Semitic were Jewish.

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            Which people saying so were Jewish? As I said, I was unaware of a single one. And most of the time I come across anyone saying that, they falsely claim she used the Holocaust as her example rather than Kristallnacht even though the whole point of her argument was about civilians participating.All I have available is anecdotal evidence, as much as I wish for more. A single anecdote of a person known to be Jewish saying the Kristallnacht comparison was anti-semitic would falsify my generalization that I’m unaware of any Jewish person saying so. And if there really were thousands of them, it should be easy to find one!

          • bogira-av says:

            PJ Grisar, columnist for the Forward. Fuck you, I win you, you fucking trash heap. ^_^
   Seriously, why be such an asshole that you think NO jewish person opposed it just because some Zionists on the right were cool with it?  You shit the bed so hard it took me literally 3 seconds on google to find somebody of note rather than just the jewish twitter who opposed her. 

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            I don’t see the words “anti-semitic” or “anti-semitism” anywhere in that link. Grisar sensibly argues that persecuting people based on their religion or birth is different from doing so based on political affiliation, rightly noting that children haven’t made choices that could justify persecution. The people I cited also thought Carano’s argument was dumb, so I don’t think there’s that much difference. At most Grisar quotes Lucasfilm’s statement to i09 which references “denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities” without arguing against that interpretation (unlike the three I cited). But Grisar does not say the dumb argument itself denigrates anybody, just that it’s dumb and doesn’t fit Star Wars canon.
            It’s also weird to talk about Chait & Singal as being “on the right”. Singal voted for Warren in the primary and Biden in the general. Chait was one of those folks at TNR foolish enough to support the invasion of Iraq, but has always been a liberal and was even brought on Colbert to counter conservative economic arguments as he’d done in his book.

          • bogira-av says:

            I stopped reading when you shit the bed.Seriously, I explained why you don’t need a Jewish person to quantify it, it is a well understood concept and we as gentiles can understand when something trivializes Jewish people. Then when I DID show you why you were fucking wrong since I could have gotten on twitter and just started grabbing random Jewish people who opposed her, as I saw in the feed to have her fired, I stepped it up to a professional class journalist.In the end, you moved the goalposts and I walked away because I won. So you’re clearly a dumb fucking troll who feels the need to be a pedantic asshole and got caught. I hope you reply with another longwinded ‘I win’ style write up by a white guy who doesn’t get how badly he shit the bed as I fully expect. I’m just tired of arguing on the internet with assholes today, so go fuck yourself for me, please. ^_^

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            I didn’t “move the goalposts”. I pointed out that Grisar never said her argument was anti-semitic, which was the thing we were arguing about. You say that you could have found someone who said it was BUT YOU DIDN’T.Here’s another example that makes explicit the difference:“For what it’s worth, I see the image she shared as historically and
            politically uncomprehending, but I do not feel that it denigrates Jews
            qua Jews.”So arguing that Carano was ignorant (as Grisar does) is different from saying it was anti-semitic.

    • waylon-mercy-av says:

      Well Rosanne got fired for comments that had nothing to do with her work either. As have many celebs, as well as every day people like you and me. We all represent who we work for and an employer has the right to disassociate themselves from behavior or rhetoric they may consider damaging. Gina has a right to her opinions, but when you work for Disney of all places it’s better she keep that shit to herself.The only thing that’s absurd about this is that Carano thought social media wouldn’t do her like it has done everybody. No sympathy from me.

    • cheboludo-av says:

      I love how Rebulicans are fans of “at-will” employment until one of their gets shit-canned for doing something not work related. At-will employment in action.

      • timmyreev-av says:

        Actors are not at-will, they have contracts..oops

        • cheboludo-av says:

          I read somewhere that she actually wasn’t under contract yet for the next season. I’m not sure though. I tried to confirm that and couldn’t find anything that corrobarated it.

      • timmyreev-av says:

        I love how democrats are now suddenly all right wing right to workers if a billion dollar corporation sacks you for not thinking the right way.Remember those commie red hunts and blacklists of the 1950’s? Gee, what were those poor commies mad about? It was just studios firing you for going to meeting not work related and they have a right to protect their image.  Why they are just private companies protecting their brands from views they don’t like!

      • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

        Being in favor of “at-will” employment doesn’t mean you’re in agreement with every termination. It’s still possible to believe that some people get fired for the wrong reasons.

    • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

      Free speech for me, but not for thee.First the SJWs came for retard, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a retard.Then they came for the nigger, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a nigger.Then they came for cunt, and I told them they could could pry it from my cold dead lips.I am mostly here to fight censorship, hypocrisy and illogical thought. I am not some idiot that pretends a word does not exist because people are offended by it. If a better adjective comes along to describe “niggers” and “wiggers” and there use falls out of everyday vernacular, I would be more than happy to use those. Just like we do not call people carpetbaggers anymore, maybe a viable option will emerge. However, with the black communities insistence on continuing to use that word, I would imagine that day is a long way off.And just what are the rules anyway? What percentage black do you have to be to keep using that awful offensive word? 50%? 25%? 10%?Is the government going to have to issue “nigger” license that allow you to say it in public, without the risk of getting cancelled by the SJWs? LOL!And just remember, everyone in America right now is here at the courtesy of the white man that went to the trouble of genocideing the Native Americans originally from Asia to make this land free. If you are so upset and do not want to be a part of America, you are free to leave it and return to whatever country you or your ancestors are originally from.As white land owning men in America, I think it is time to admit the social experiment to give women and minorities equal rights has failed. There can only be one Captain of this great ship we call the United States. It is time to repeal the 15th and 19th Amendment and Make America Safe Again.

    • redyetti-av says:


    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      You’re right, literal children in cages vs. losing your job for saying bigoted bullshit? I mean, the difference is like razor thin!Idiot.

    • buh-lurredlines-av says:

      I wish Politifact would fact check these dumb bloggers instead of just going after Qanon or whatever.

    • geralyn-av says:

      There’s no one named Pablo Pascal in The Mandalorian. Dummy.

    • emilythrace2-av says:

      She wasn’t fired for that one post though. She was fired because she had been warned by Pascal (and probably every boss and their boss at Disney) to knock it off and didn’t quit. Its one thing to be a shitty MAGA idiot, its another to use your platform to continually cause problems for your bosses that they have to answer for. If she is refusing to back down from her bigotry they have every right to fire her. That is why Chris Pratt (also a Republican) has a job and she does not. In short she was fired for being a moron not for being Republican.

    • StudioTodd-av says:

      If she held those beliefs and discussed them with her friends and family, there wouldn’t be an issue. But she insisted on stating her extremely controversial and antagonizing opinions on multiple public forums even after being instructed not to by her employer.Her behavior negatively affected the reputation of the company she worked for and her refusal to stop publicly posting her worthless and divisive comments left the company with no choice but to terminate her contract (which clearly and specifically prohibited her from publicly doing things that would reflect badly on Disney). Did she think that The Walt Disney Company wouldn’t take steps to protect it’s public reputation?
      She knew (or should have known) better than to keep poking that bear, but her ego wouldn’t allow her to stop it. She knew the consequences. She did this to herself.

    • itrainmonkeys-av says:

      It wasn’t just one tweet/comment or incident. She had a recent history of saying a lot of fucked up stuff. It finally caught up to her.

    • jgp1972-av says:

      I agree with you. I think it was a dumb statement, and tone deaf, and not accurate, but i dont think it was anti-semitic. But. This didnt come out of the blue. If this was the only thing she said, id say give her a break, but she’s been an asshole for a long while now, this was just the final straw (for Disney.) And it was real smart of her to pull this shit right before her contract negotiation and possible spin off series. (insert eyeroll)

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Sure, okay. “Cancelling.”

    That or she ignored repeat warnings and decided to violate her terms of employment anyway.So, nah, it’s more like this…::CARA DUNE flies in on X-WING::R5-D6: *Beepbeepbeep WHIRRRRRRR*CARA: I’m not pulling up, you libturd cuck.::crashes X-Wing into Space Mountain::

  • caractacusp-av says:

    Nobody? Fine.

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Remember when she had a career?

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Please launch Ben Shapiro into the sun

    • dirtside-av says:

      Please don’t pollute our life-giving sun with the likes of Ben Shapiro. Isn’t there a black hole somewhere we could launch him into instead?

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        Not even the Event Horizon would want him!Nope! I’m out of here!(“Hell is just a word … but we still have standards.”)

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    Oh boy, Benny Shaps finally gonna get to make a movie out of his terrible screenplay turned terrible novel, True Allegiance. He’s probably going to cast himself as the hero “Brett Hawthorne” and Carano as his wife. He’s going to need to stand on a box to kiss her.

  • macthegeek-av says:

    I always read Ben Shapiro’s tweets in Donald Trump’s voice.  Why is he offering a discount on code word CHINA? 

  • azu403-av says:

    I’m not crazy about people losing their jobs merely because they hold abhorrent, ludicrous views (the rioters will lose their jobs soon enough when they go to jail), but there is no arguing that for people in the public eye the rules are different. If she worked at a Pizza Hut in Greenville nobody, including Pizza Hut corporate, would know much of anything about her views and obnoxious language except for a few people in Greenville who read the local paper. But when  you’re on a TV show that is hugely successful around the world, corporate does not want to be spending their time fielding thousands of complaints about you.

    • selburn8-av says:

      What if “corporate” is the bad guy?  F**k you, Publix heiress who donated $300,000 to arrange the insurrection rally.  But….most Publix grocery stores are individually owned.  So….boycott, or nah?  If I shop there, she still gets a cut.

  • nightriderkyle-av says:

    One thing is back before Trump people were genuinely worried about freedom of speech. We were being inundated with story after story of SJWs gone wrong. It created a really anti-intellectual bent because people thought Colleges were liberal indoctrination camps. Really brought a sense of distrust to scholars as people began to believe that professors were being forced to kowtow what they said to appease the most unreasonable people.And so now I think because so much of speech was being challenged back then it becomes harder to tell the difference between someone just voicing their opinion that goes against the grain and actual hurtful speech that Carano was partaking in.

  • fartifidumplini-av says:

    Their constant use of “mob” is ssooooooooo cringey

  • roboyuji-av says:

    It’s basically this . . .“I found myself remembering the day in kindergarten when the teachers showed us Dumbo, and I realized for the first time that all the kids in the class, even the bullies, rooted for Dumbo, against Dumbo’s tormentors. Invariably they laughed and cheered, both when Dumbo succeeded and when bad things happened to his enemies. But they’re you, I thought to myself. How did they not know? They didn’t know. It was astounding, an astounding truth. Everyone thought they were Dumbo.”Elif Batuman –The Idiot

    • roboyuji-av says:

      That’s supposed to be “Elif Batuman, -The Idiot”, but it won’t fix right when I edit it.

    • secondsnice-av says:

      That’s why underdog stories are so universally popular. Everyone thinks they’re the underdog because everyone thinks their problems are worse than everyone else’s problems, and they think that because they don’t have to deal with everyone else’s problems. Everyone is the underdog from their own perspective, regardless of what it looks like from the outside, and even for those of us who are self-aware to know when we’re not actually the underdog, stories like that still make that part of our brains feel good.I think that’s also the secret to the popularity of Star Wars. Everyone sees themselves as the rebellion standing up to the big bad Empire. Hell, Disney unironically makes bucketloads of money by selling this story to people while actually being an almost-literal Empire.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    I can’t wait to see the amazing movie this no-necked, no-talent imbecile produces with the teeny-tiny budget she’ll have to work with. This is going to make Fireproof look like Lawrence of Arabia.

    • jmg619-av says:

      Can you imagine seeing her face when she finds out how much the production cost compared to The Mandalorian? She’s going to have squishy face.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Everyone thinks they are the hero of their own story.

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    Shapiro, of course, is overjoyed to work with Carano and get the attention.

    Of course he’s overjoyed. It’s the first time a woman’s called him back.
    We’re eager to bring Gina’s talent

    What talent?
    “…we’re just as eager to show Hollywood that if they want to keep
    cancelling those who think differently, they’ll just be helping us build
    the Xwing to take down their Death Star,” he added.

  • adohatos-av says:

    Ben Shapiro. Motherfucker looks like he failed out of henchman school. I hope Carano likes making scale or less and hanging out with the Bad Hercules. Maybe she’ll get to enjoy being awkwardly hit on by Tim Allen after a bit of powdered courage. What a fucking idiot.

  • altmin-av says:

    talent? He didn’t mean “talent” did he?

  • robdweiner-av says:

    Yeah, seems like throwing away a gig at the biggest tv/movie studio in the world to hop on with Ben “never done shit” Shapiro is a pretty solid career move. I mean, alternately, she could have just stopped tweeting offensive, ignorant nonsense, but I think the world would be poorer without the historical insights of a WWE lady/action movie role player. Because when I took history classes in college, I was always thinking: “sure this professor has studied this topic his/her whole adult life, but what I really want to know is what Hulk Hogan thinks about the Weimar Republic.”

  • beefofficial-av says:

    Stepping on Ben Shapiro in heels has to be in her new contract, right?

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    How long before he asks her to slip into Leia Slave outfit? I’m taking bets.

  • glorbgorb-av says:

    Who’s gonna break it to her? As long as you have people lying to her face saying “an incredible talent”, she’ll never believe the truth.

    • mattballs-av says:

      She may be very talented at punching people in the face (don’t know, not an MMA guy), but she is definitely mediocre at best as an actor.

  • louinglese-av says:
  • argiebargie-av says:

    You are not being “cancelled,” you fucking Conservative snowflakes. You just hate dealing with the consequences of your proud, unabashed assholery.Speakinf of which, I hope the AVC banned that Brietbart dickfart from the previous Carano article. 

  • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

    C’mon everyone, we all know she was fired for rooting for lower taxes, lower government spending and stronger national defense.

  • nilus-av says:

    “[compared] modern-day treatment of political opponents online (insults, occasional bannings) to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany (actual, non-metaphorical murder on a soul-crushingly industrial scale)”Let’s make one this clear. No one was banned for their political belief.  They were banned for extreme cases of dangerous misinformation and/or language used to incite violence.   She hasn’t even had her Twitter banned like a huge number of other right wing assholes

  • roadshell-av says:

    Yeesh… guess Disney was definitively correct to cut ties.  Good luck making movies with Kevin Sorbo and Kirk Cameron the rest of your life Gina.

    • nilus-av says:

      I’m gonna be honest. I kinda want to see an ultra low budget sci-fi movie starring these three that somehow crowbars in a Christian message.   I won’t pay to see it but I’ll pirate it and watch it drunk and laugh at it 

  • waylon-mercy-av says:

    “Oh yea? I’ll show you. I’ll make my own Mandalorian!”-Gina Carano, probably

  • lmh325-av says:

    Gina Carano and her friends.:

  • dremilziolizsardo-av says:

    Free speech for me, but not for thee.First the SJWs came for retard, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a retard.Then they came for the nigger, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a nigger.Then they came for cunt, and I told them they could could pry it from my cold dead lips.I am mostly here to fight censorship, hypocrisy and illogical thought. I am not some idiot that pretends a word does not exist because people are offended by it. If a better adjective comes along to describe “niggers” and “wiggers” and there use falls out of everyday vernacular, I would be more than happy to use those. Just like we do not call people carpetbaggers anymore, maybe a viable option will emerge. However, with the black communities insistence on continuing to use that word, I would imagine that day is a long way off.And just what are the rules anyway? What percentage black do you have to be to keep using that awful offensive word? 50%? 25%? 10%?Is the government going to have to issue “nigger” license that allow you to say it in public, without the risk of getting cancelled by the SJWs? LOL!And just remember, everyone in America right now is here at the courtesy of the white man that went to the trouble of genocideing the Native Americans originally from Asia to make this land free. If you are so upset and do not want to be a part of America, you are free to leave it and return to whatever country you or your ancestors are originally from.As white land owning men in America, I think it is time to admit the social experiment to give women and minorities equal rights has failed. There can only be one Captain of this great ship we call the United States. It is time to repeal the 15th and 19th Amendment and Make America Safe Again.

  • melizmatic-av says:

    Man, that movie ( if it ever even gets made) is gonna SUCK…

  • dremilziolizsardo-av says:
  • mackyart-av says:

    Pretty sure that Luke Skywalker himself will deny her membership.

  • zhuneycutt-av says:

    I think it’s interesting that people are basically misreading what she actually said. She was comparing the rhetoric that lead to ordinary Germans to falsely believe that jews were the enemy and to subsequently then persecute them. Not the actual persecution itself. Could she have picked a better analogy? Yeah probably. But in this day and age if you even utter the words “nazi” “jew” or “holocaust” no matter the context you’re immediately labeled a racist scumbag who deserves to be killed.Plus did she ever directly say anything transphobic? like “I hate trans people because …” Or actually espousing a trans epithet? She tried to just take the piss out of pompous virtue signalers who feel the need to preemptively announce their pronouns as if anyone actually cares since 99.99999999999% of homo sapiens on this planet are regular ol’ heterosexual.Yeah, I’ll admit it’s pretty boneheaded to think a massive voter fraud occurred. But did she really need to have her ability to earn an income erased?

    • elnachogrande-av says:

      Hmm not sure where you saw that “her ability to earn an income” is being erased…but the hand-wringing over a shitty-sounding person losing a job is adorable.

    • meega-nalla-kweesta-av says:

      Lol wut? Article: ‘Dropped actress still gets work from conservatives’ Maybe *you* should read more.

    • amfo-av says:

      Only 99.58% of the population isn’t trans. Unless you confused the pronoun thing with being gay, in which case… woo boy you do NOT want to see THOSE figures.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • robgrizzly-av says:

    That heartbreaking moment when you wish she’d just apologize, but instead, she doubles down 🙁

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      It clearly wouldn’t have been sincere, so I’m glad she didn’t. It’s better that way.

    • meega-nalla-kweesta-av says:

      This.  I liked her, she fit a roll uncommonly seen, I was hoping she would get some smarts, but I guess not.

    • jaguarb-av says:

      Apologize for what? Have you ever seen someone from the left use the term “Trump Supporter” in a positive way? That’s what her post was referring to.. lives being devalued because someone in power convinces normal folk that their neighbors are evil based on their beliefs.People have said, of both Florida and Texas, that the hurricanes they’ve suffered through was punishment for voting Republican. At least one person said, about the Las Vegas shooting a few years back, ‘at least most of the victims were Republican’Sure, they’re not being sent to camps and murdered, but that wasn’t what her post was even about. Nazis turned neighbor against neighbor in their genocidal campaign, it wasn’t JUST the camps..But if people can devalue a human life based on whether they lean right or left, support Biden, Trump, Obama.. whatever.. are we really even one single, united country anymore?I know the left are not the only ones guilty of this, but someone has got to make that first move and say, “you know what, she believes what she believes and that’s okay, because I am allowed my own beliefs and won’t let hers affect me.” Rather than putting someone out of work for it. Gotta be a better way than that. 

      • cgo2370-av says:

        You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

        • jaguarb-av says:

          Thank you for valuing my post enough to reply to it. If you’d like to assume someone’s level of intelligence based on a single post, then maybe look in the mirror, buddy. 🙂 Have a wonderful day. 

  • vspec2002-av says:

    Making a movie with Ben Shaprio – even that sentence was boring to type.

  • amessagetorudy-av says:

    Pretty sure this film will never see the light of day. Shapiro has the ability to turn crap Into… more crap. Someone Is going to leave complaining about not getting paid, someone else will leave because of “artistic differences,” etc. 

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Is she white enough to be adopted by right-wingers?

  • vegtam1297-av says:

    Ah, cool, another conservative victim. Yeah, you’re the rebellion.  *extreme eye roll*She will of course be accepted as part of the conservative martyr program now, but she might have gained more sympathy from a larger group of people if she hadn’t jumped right into “bed” with Shapiro. Doing that is like admitting “Yup, you were all 100% correct about my conservative extremism”. There were other indications of it before now, of course, like going to Parler, but the specific things she had said were just vague/tame enough that she could have gotten away with not being seen as full-on “Newsmax” extreme conservative. This action immediately after being fired cancels that idea.

  • liberaltears6969-av says:

    Ya’ll mad.

  • tonywatchestv-av says:

    Is anyone else 35 and having to explain to people that Star Wars was basically a spaghetti western in space with peak Harrison Ford being funny with a dorky hero and a sarcastic princess to the greatest music of the 20th century, and NOT white nationalism?

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Here’s the very basic thing celebrities like Carano don’t seem to understand. They got their fame and wealth because average people that they entertain are willing to pay to watch them. When they do or say stuff that upsets the average person and those people no longer want to watch them, it directly impacts their ability to maintain that fame and build more wealth. This isn’t a persecution. It’s just a case of people saying “no thanks, we don’t want to watch this garbage person on TV anymore.”

  • jojlolololo8888-av says:

    Her tweet was stupid but there was nothing antisemitic about it (I am Jewish). And the reactions like yours just reinforce her discourse.

  • briannnnnnn-av says:

    I think you’re a little confused. The Empire were the big, scary, oppressive space wizards (DarthVader, the Emperor, etc.) who tried to impose their will on everyone else and punished them with a big moon lazer if they got out of line. The rebellion were the ones who kept blowing up the lazer over and over just in the nick of time. So you don’t need to worry about breaking the news to Gina and Ben; they got it right 🙂

  • djwgibson-av says:

    In fairness, Democrats control both Houses and the President, holding 2/3rds of the government. And Hollywood is predominantly liberal.
    The GOP is today’s counter-culture…

  • precognitions-av says:

    that is a rather silly reason to be kicked off of a major television show

  • mytwocents71-av says:

    OMG you all must have received participation trophies when you were kids! Gina Carano did not do this within the scope of her employment it was a personal account it doesn’t matter if she is a celebrity! She didn’t go on a Star wars site as Cara Dune, she did it on her personal time with her personal account! I used to enjoy movies and television and now it’s appalling because you either have to be not white or not white to be a movie star! If you want to look up racism and you want to spew that venom from your mouth, admit what racism really is:prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group… Yes that goes for WHITE people too! Shame on you…. racists!!!

  • josef2012-av says:

    I love that Shapiro turns the whole thing into an ad pitch,complete with promo code. 👏🤡

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    If there’s one thing the dictator-craving Republicans love*, it’s false equivalence. “Waaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! The Democrat looked at Donald cross-eyed!!!!! That means Donald can machine-gun the Dems to death for daring to do so!!!!”* As long as the dictator is a white, racist, Repub man.

  • fezmonkey-av says:

    So now she can join James Woods, Scott Baio, Kevin Sorbo, Kristy Swanson etc. in making movies seen by many hundreds, at the loss of working for one of the most profitable companies in history and as part of one of the most successful franchises ever.Oh yeah, she really got the last laugh on that one.

  • kevyb-av says:

    Now that their lord and master – Trump – has made bigotry okay, celebrities have been trying to fill the void his Twitter ban has left behind. These perpetual victims need to keep being marginalized by the “mainstream” until they finally realize that whining about “cancel culture” won’t be enough, and they can all go back to hiding in their lonely little holes.

  • erikveland-av says:

    Another victim of Consequence Culture

  • sulfolobus-av says:

    “The real bigots are people who call bigots bigots!”Has she always been stupid, or is this because she’s been knocked unconscious so many times?

  • jjjj23-av says:

    From my point of view the Jedi are evil! (note I know Disney is a global conglomerate, I just thought this was too good to pass up)

  • mr-big-xl-av says:

    I mean…it’s all just so…exhausting.

  • jonesj5-av says:

    I understand why Disney decided to separate from Carano. That said, I did appreciate her physical presence on screen. I hope that we see more women on screen kicking ass who actually look like they can kick ass (and/or really can kick ass), rather than traditionally thin, petite women whose extraordinary ass-kicking is explained by mystical abilities or being a robot or something.

  • defuandefwink-av says:

    As a former MMA fighter, I wouldn’t be surprised if Gina Carano has some sort of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), which would probably explain her issues:
    “Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is frequently complicated by alterations in
    mood and behaviour as well as a 3-fold increased prevalence of
    personality disorders post-TBI.”

  • derrabbi-av says:

    In her defense she’s taken many many blows to the head.

  • talljay-av says:

    And the reminder that yes, you are sus if you prefer the empire over the rebel alliance,

  • isgk-av says:

    “Gina Carano’s social media’s been pretty alarming for a while, but the former Mandalorian star got booted off the hit Disney+ show for sharing anti-semitic rhetoric on her Instagram story.”Holly intentionally misrepresenting the truth journalism. This is what she said “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” This is the definition of antisemetic from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

    “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
    Any layman can see what she said is not anywhere near close to that. You are intentionally using the claim of antisemetism to hurt her reputation, for reasons I honestly can’t understand why. How did she personally hurt you so much that you’d intentionally use your platform to make other people believe a falsity about another person just to make other people think negatively of her. With Gawker’s history, how did this even get through the editors? I’m guessing you are thinking that you are just bending the truth, and that’s ok… but you crossed bending the truth into a lie, and you know it.

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