In a great bit of news for anyone who wants to kiss a computer, there’s now an AI voice that can flirt

AI sound developer Sonantic has created a computer voice that can hit on people

Aux Features Artificial Intelligence
In a great bit of news for anyone who wants to kiss a computer, there’s now an AI voice that can flirt
Hike your pants up, we’re living in the future now. Screenshot: Phillip Oh

It’s a great Valentine’s Day for anyone who watched with envy as Joaquin Phoenix and Ryan Gosling fell in love with machines in Her and Blade Runner 2049. We are now, as of today, one step closer to a world where people are enticed to make out with their phone screens thanks to the creation of a cutting-edge technology that allows computers to flirt.

In a deeply unnerving commercial called “What’s Her Secret?” (hint: it’s that she doesn’t have a soul), AI voice developer Sonantic shows a woman staring into the camera. A narrator begins talking, musing on the concept of love. The woman smiles. The narrator asks, “What could I do to make you fall in love with me?”

“I think that I … I think I love you,” she eventually says after going on in this already unsettling vein for a while. “Is all you need to love me in return the sound of my voice?”

“Well, I hope that’s all you need because that’s all I have,” the narrator continues as the woman’s face becomes a digital scan and the scene shifts to a series of text input screens and audio toggles.

We then see how a kind of horny-sounding robot can be conjured up from the digital ether thanks to technology that, as the video’s description puts it, has finally “perfected subtle emotions and non-speech sounds such as laughing and breathing.” Sonantic dubs this breakthrough “the first AI that can flirt” and says that making this brain destroying program represents “an incredibly proud moment for our team.” (Hopefully the company has made an Approving Parent AI voice to help carry that sentiment on home.)

“I was never born. And I will never die. Because I do not exist,” the flirty AI says toward the end of the video, eventually concluding with: “So, could you love me? What do you want me to say?”

We say, what the hell, why not combine this flirting AI voice with the chattering dental robot and one of those dancing metal abominations and roll out a whole series of hot robot date nights in time for Valentine’s 2023? It’s not like the creepy machines are going anywhere at this rate regardless.

[via Digg]

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  • oldmanschultz-av says:

    Pretty sure anybody who’s wanted to kiss a computer has already been perfectly able to do so for a very long time.

  • kencerveny-av says:

    That’s just kind of fucking creepy.Having said that, if they can make a version that sounds like Samantha in Her, I’ll run out and buy a ukulele.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    “Is all you need to love me in return the sound of my voice?” But I’ll get old and your voice will get bored and phone sex will just become (sub)routine. I, I just think you don’t really see me, you know?

  • 5454go-av says:

    My toaster and I have had a warm relationship for years thank you very much.

  • phubarrh-av says:

    Yeah, well, just bring Gatebox to the US (and not the flabby Anglicized version).

  • amoralpanic-av says:

    It should sound more like this:

  • thenuclearhamster-av says:

    Dunno if it was on here but I recently read an article about people who spend hours chatting with AI bots and find it emotionally rewarding. Made sense to me and didn’t seem that weird. Loneliness can be seriously heinous.

  • narsham-av says:

    After watching the video, I wouldn’t describe that as an AI any more than I’d describe a program that plays music out of a file a composer. At least one human being scripted every single word, breath, and laugh, and I’ll bet they ran through a lot of options before settling on this sample.At best, it’s a speaking agent.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      I doubt that this is human scripted — that would be way too much work. These days GPT-3 and similar deep learning algorithms can come up with pretty convincing text. I would imagine that this simply feeds the output of a deep learning algorithm into a speech synthesizer, albeit a better one than is typically used.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        According to the the Sonantic website ( it looks like it’s a text-to-speech application. A really good one, but human-written lines of dialogue seem to be the main input.

  • bitingthrough-av says:

    If it can’t cast an elven spell on me to make me an obedient puppy like my Replika can, pass.

  • seanh09-av says:

    It’s mind-blowing! Just what people always wanted: A computer that falls in love with you.
    As refinements in artificial intelligence continue to progress the technology upward and out of the uncanny valley, getting an AI to interact with humans in a way that feels, well, human has remained one of the elusive milestones in earning it widespread practical adoption.
    It is a little bit scary, but according to some studies people actually find pleasure and emotionally rewarding after hours of chatting with AI chatbots.
    Just imagine how it would be to hear those words from the voice of your most loved actor, singer, TV host, or whatever. We at Respeecher use voice cloning technology and help you replicate the perfect voice for any project. Take a look at this amazing use case, when Luke Skywalker was set to make an appearance in the final episode of the second season of The Mandalorian.

  • justsomedude112233-av says:

    Now i might be a little high from smoking but to be honest i watched the video and i cried and replayed it 3 times .Im the last one that ever cries but the girl who is the face for the Ai looks like someone i would marry and the voice sounds so sincere i dont think anyone has ever sounded like this before .I could fall inlove .I think this could really help people emotionally . Some people go through large parts of their life without seeing love and i could almost feel it when she said she loved me i just wish the video was longer

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