Florence Pugh is the latest celebrity to be hit with a projectile onstage

How many times do stars have to tell fans to stop endangering them?

Aux News Pugh
Florence Pugh is the latest celebrity to be hit with a projectile onstage
Florence Pugh Photo: Marc Piasecki/WireImage

There are only so many ways we can open an article about fans throwing stuff at celebrities who are just trying to do their jobs. This author, at least, was convinced she’d never have to come up with another quippy thing to say about this whole stupid “trend,” and she’s only written a fraction of the huge number of articles we’ve had to publish about it this year. (As a refresher, Cardi B, Bebe Rexha, Kelsea Ballerini, Pink, Harry Styles, and more have all fallen victim to so-called “fans” launching things at their heads in previous months.)

Apparently not satisfied with making concerts so unpredictable and unsafe that stars like Miley Cyrus have sworn off touring forever, the projectile-chuckers have decided to move on to bigger and better things. In other words, they’ve decided to start throwing things at actors now, many of whom are embarking on their first press tours in months since the end of the SAG-AFTRA strike. Can no one catch a break around here?

Florence Pugh is the unlucky first (but probably not the last) actor to be subjected to this idiotic behavior. As can be seen in videos from many different angles around the internet, Pugh was hit in the face with what looks like two beaded bracelets while attending a panel to promote Dune 2 with her cast-mates in São Paolo, Brazil. In the footage, Pugh visibly recoils from the impact while her cast-mates look on in shock.

As of this writing, Pugh has posted a number of clips from the event on her Instagram story, but has not addressed the incident directly. “Coming in here, the power of this room is because of the first movie,” she said of the raucous crowd when she entered (via People). “We felt that when we went on set every single day. So it feels really, really special being here with the second one. And I’m very, very proud.”

But while it may have spread its wings, this trend hasn’t left the arenas either. Last week, R&B singer Ari Lennox narrowly dodged a bottle thrown at her while performing in California. “Who the fuck did it? I don’t play that shit,” she said from the stage in response. “Don’t you ever disrespect a beautiful Black woman on the fucking stage like that.” At a recent tour stop in Buenos Aires, Taylor Swift also asked fans to refrain from throwing: “Just because communication means having gentle healthy boundaries—it really freaks me out when stuff gets thrown on the stage. Because if it’s on the stage then a dancer can trip on it and I love that you brought presents and that is so nice, but just can you please not throw them on the stage. I love you so much.”


  • suburbandorm-av says:

    The pandemic really did ruin public etiquette. When I went to see Killers of the Flower Moon, someone brought a fucking baby into the theater, and when the baby cried (2 hours in, which is actually pretty impressive), instead of leaving they just tried to calm the baby down in the middle of the theater. So obnoxious. Same thing is happening with concerts, it wasn’t great before the pandemic but now its just insane how much people think they can get away with. I don’t know what we can do, but its a problem.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Sucks you’re experiencing that at concerts.  I go to a lot of them and it doesn’t seem to me like it’s gotten any worse, but I don’t go to the kind of shows where people have their phones out the whole time either.

    • moosemugz-av says:

      People think every performance is now “interactive”.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      I mean the baby was correct; movie was too damn long and I needed a nap afterwards too. Yes there are no more public etiquette rules in theaters after Covid anymore. I’d like to try to bring the SHUSH back (complete with one finger over the mouth), because it’s funny to see people be so shocked that other moviegoers are upset that they’re having full-blown conversations 1 hour into the movie, but people are insane enough to shoot/stab/beat up anyone who might dare ask them to follow public decorum rules. 

    • panthercougar-av says:

      I don’t know if I buy the pandemic being tied to your experience. I can remember things like that happening in movie theaters 20 years ago. 

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      I remember going to a midnight showing of The Omen remake back in college (the one with Julia Stiles), about 15 years ago. People brought crying babies to that showing. 

    • roboj-av says:

      People were bringing their crying babies and/or their loud, obnoxious, bratty kids to rated R movies long before the pandemic my dude. Not to even talk about the dickish behavior by adults including cell phone use.

    • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

      The idea of public etiquette is nonsense. Our ancestors had a reputation of throwing rotten fruit and vegetables at performers. You got older and your ability to tolerate bullshit has worn thin.You changed. The world is still the same shithole.

      • suburbandorm-av says:

        I mean, I agree with you but I’m not even 20, so I’d like to think I’m not a crotchety old man. Maybe I should just go to expensive pretentious theaters that enforce this kind of stuff more. Maybe I should just stop giving a shit.

    • gilgurth-av says:

      That’s been going on for decades in NYC. Babysitters are expensive. Let’s not blame Covid

  • cabbagehead-av says:

    Nobody looked on “in horror,” and Pugh didn’t look too put out by it. Throwing things at people isn’t nice. My complaint is with the wording from the author. 

  • qjoy-av says:

    Fucken south americans.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    No one has disrespected FlorPugh like this since Olivia Wilde

    • cinecraf-av says:

      And Olivia Wilde immolated her directorial and acting career in one fell swoop. It wasn’t even a close fight.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “And Olivia Wilde immolated her directorial and acting career in one fell swoop.”

        Is that why she was subsequently hired to direct the adaptations of A Visit from the Good Squad and its sequel? Because she immolated her career?

      • xpdnc-av says:

        The film by itself would have seriously wounded her career for being so dumb, but the extracurricular activities with Styles really put a lampshade on it.

        • cinecraf-av says:

          Wilde isn’t the first director to feud with their actor, nor to have an affair with an actor. It’s all too common, unfortunately. But you never let that get in the way of making the film. You don’t f*ck with the moneymaker.

          And what really finished things, were her unprofessional behavior as a director. She was reportedly absent from the set with Styles on days he wasn’t filming. The film’s DP and Pugh herself were rumored to have had to step in and effectively direct in order to keep the film on track. The DP and Pugh both of course denied this, because they’re classy and smart enough to know you never speak publicly against people you have worked with…you come off as untrustworthy, and studio PR machines hate that. But there were plenty of people involved with production, speaking off the record, who confirmed it.

          • xpdnc-av says:

            I can believe that the fallout from the break up with Sudekis had her reeling personally, but you can’t let that get in the way of the work when there are many millions of somebody else’s dollars on the line.

          • cinecraf-av says:

            And she needed to be more cautious given the way she rose to that point. There is another rumor I’ve heard among industry people, that the movie that made Wilde’s name as a director – Booksmart – was really a PR snow job. What I’ve head is that Booksmart was really the brainchild and passion project of Susanna Fogel, who wrote it and was set to direct, with Wilde as a producer. Then, just weeks before filming began, with all the major preparatory work having been done, and the film cast, Wilde forced Fogel out, and took over directing herself. It then became an “Olivia Wilde” film, with Fogel relegated to being one of several co-writers, and largely squeeze out of the film’s press in favor of the narrative that it was Wilde’s passion project from day one.The TL:DR is: Wilde stole a project from another person who had done most of the leg work, and then slapped her name on it as part of a campaign to rebrand herself as a director. Shades of Elon Musk buying Tesla, squeezing out the founders, and putting his face all over it. And given Wilde’s unprofessional antics, the way Pugh tacitly disowned the film by not participating in the publicity for it, Shia LaBeauf’s willingness to expose himself by leaking a video proving Wilde to be a liar on several fronts, and frankly the barely concealed glee I gathered from others in the industry at the whole debacle, tells me that there may be more than a bit of truth to the Booksmart rumor, and by her behavior she alienated a lot of people. A more savvy individual might have realized they were carrying a target on their back, and needed to work twice as hard on their next film to prove their bonafides. She seemed to take for granted everyone around her would cover for her. Instead, I hear all this has rendered her damn near unemployable. Because studios don’t want to risk their films being jeopardized by her behavior as a director.  And as an actor, she tests horribly now, because between pissing off Harry Styles fans, and Florence Pugh fans, that’s a big chunk of the precise target demo you want filling your theaters.

          • abradolphlincler81-av says:

            The whole thing now makes sense to this outsider.  Thank you so much for this!

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Are we sure the thrower wasn’t Olivia Wilde?

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Whoever threw that shit at her deserves to be kicked in the dick multiple times. 

  • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

    This is fine, as long as the person involved shouted “Pew!” as they threw it.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    I don’t care, I’m still giving away free D-cell batteries to the first one hundred attendees at my new film premiere!

  • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

    I watched the whole thing (maybe 15 minutes in total) on uTube yesterday… a few seconds before Pugh, a tightly wrapped up t-shirt was thrown onstage as well, it didn’t hit anyone, but Zendaya picked it up, signed it, and gave it back. The only difference was this didn’t actually hit her, so that a few seconds later when another item is thrown, in that context it didn’t seem like it was ‘aimed’ as a projectile. I’m not trying to make excuses or anything… in fact I just tried to go to my uTube history to get the vid so I could post it below… funny, ‘they’ actually edited it down, the vid is actually just 12 minutes now(!), huh, they cut out the projectiles and goodbyes :/

  • the1969dodgechargerfan-av says:

    I guess I need to duckduckgo just who the hell Pugh is.

  • eatshit-and-die-av says:

    “How many times do stars have to tell fans to stop endangering them?”I checked and apparently it’s exactly 14 times.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Flo-P, seen here turning into P!nk.

  • Shadow_Self-av says:

    Nice bait with the “hit by projectile” headline. Sounds like she was shot. That should get you a lot of clicks. 

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