Florence Pugh is in talks to reunite with Timothée Chalamet in Dune 2

The Little Women actor is reportedly being considered for the role of Princess Irulan

Aux News Timothée Chalamet
Florence Pugh is in talks to reunite with Timothée Chalamet in Dune 2
Florence Pugh Photo: Mike Coppola

Looks like Dune 2 could turn into a Little Women reunion. Florence Pugh is currently in talks to join Denis Villeneuve’s Dune sequel, so there’s a chance she could be sharing screen time with Timothée Chalamet once again.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Pugh is being considered for the role of Princess Irulan, the daughter of the Emperor Shaddam IV. The role of the Emperor has yet to be cast though.

THR also reports that another new role that needs to be filled is Feyd-Rauth. Those who have actually read the very lengthy novel will remember Feyd-Rauth as the baron’s power-hungry nephew. For those who didn’t read the books, but remember David Lynch’s Dune, he’s the metallic diaper-wearing guy played by Sting.

But don’t expect any official casting announcements to come too soon. According to THR, the script for Dune 2 is still incomplete. There’s also the issue of Pugh being among the many actors in currently being considered to play Madonna in her biopic, Material Girl.

While the list of those in the running to play Madonna range from Julia Garner to Sky Ferreira, Pugh is reportedly one of the frontrunners. As THR points out, Legendary wants Dune: Part 2 to start shooting this summer, but if Pugh is cast as Madonna, that would be a big issue for the studio.

As previously reported, Villeneuve is planning to make three Dune films, covering most of the novel. While there’s no set date for production to begin, the movie is still set to hit theaters on October 20, 2023.

Villeneuve recently gave an update to Empire, saying the plan is to begin filming in the late summer of 2022. He also added, ”The thing that helps us right now is that it’s the first time I’ve revisited a universe. So I’m working with the same crew, everybody knows what to do, we know what it will look like. The movie will be more challenging, but we know where we are stepping. And the screenplay is written. So I feel confident.”


  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I would rather see more of her as Yelena Belova, but she has bills to pay I guess

    • TRT-X-av says:

      She can do both.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Yeah, Zach Braff’s bills.

      • jhelterskelter-av says:

        I sure wish I could go back to a time right before I read this. Looked it up, and yep, 20 year age difference. So gross.

        • gildie-av says:

          She’s only with him because he’s down in the dumps and needs the love of a flighty and free spirited younger woman to remind him life is worth living.

        • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

          To be fair, why? They are both adults and if she is happy with it, good for her.

          • jhelterskelter-av says:

            They met when she was 23 and he was 43, nearly twice her age. To each their own, but I think it’s skeevy to date someone half your age, and I think it’s easy for a newcomer to the biz in their early twenties to make regrettable choices when a more established person makes a move.It speaks worse of Braff than her, I just don’t trust somebody who keeps dating people in their 20s regardless of their own age.

          • mykinjaa-av says:

            Gotta get ‘em young, before they start talking to the older stars and learnin’ things – like “no”!

          • softsack-av says:

            I’ve seen this take a bunch of times on this site and, gotta say, I think it’s pretty weak and infantilizing.I dated a couple of older guys when I was in my early twenties. And sure, they didn’t pan out, but that’s how most relationships end. I don’t consider either of them a regrettable choice any more than any other relationship I’ve had with people my own age. Neither did their ages automatically grant them some sort of hypnotic mind-fucky powers of control over me.Honestly, if you ask me, if there’s any sort of imbalance here it’s in Pugh’s favor. She’s a younger, hotter talent, her career has greater prospects than Braff’s at this point, and she’s about to hit the age where she might find out that she wants something completely different. But since the two of them are both consenting adults then whatever, they can figure it out or they can split and move on with their lives.

          • jhelterskelter-av says:

            Were any of those dudes your boss, or had the potential power to fuck up your career? Because these two met in a director/actor relationship when Pugh was brand new to the scene.

          • softsack-av says:

            Okay… first of all, I’m sorry if I made it seem like I was having a go at you in my OP. I do think that take is bad, but if I came charging out the gate it’s because I’ve seen it on here so much, and it wasn’t directed at you in particular.But at the same time… you have to realize that what you’ve just said is completely false.Pugh had been in a ton of shit when she acted under Braff. She’d already been in/was appearing in 3 TV shows and 11 different movies, including Midsommar and Little Women. And by July 2019 she’d already been cast in Black Widow.  So to say she was brand new to the scene is just not true.Second, she was acting under Braff in an 11-minute short film. It was hardly make-or-break for her career.Third, just because she was the actor and Braff was the director does not mean that Braff was the one with all the power in that situation, and he certainly did not have the power to fuck her career. Braff had to crowdfund his last movie, he’s not a Hollywood bigshot. His word does not and has never made or broken people’s careers, and at that point in time Pugh most likely already had more clout within the industry.
            Also, that short film released in 2019. And they’re still together now, when Pugh is getting producer credits and starring in Marvel movies and Chris Nolan films. Any power discrepancy that existed back then is long gone now.
            And finally… no, neither of them was my boss. But let’s just say that one of them most definitely had the advantage in the power dynamic that people always get so tetchy about. But he was cool about it, so there was no problem.

          • jhelterskelter-av says:

            Okay… first of all, I’m sorry if I made it seem like I was having a go at you in my OP.

            Honestly you didn’t, it was a reasonable comment bringing up your personal experience versus my feeling of being grossed out from afar.I still just generally find it gross of the older party regardless (and note that I haven’t said “it’s gross when an older man dates a younger woman” because I think regardless of the genders of the parties it’s gross) when you’re past your forties and still looking to date folks in their early twenties. Like, I wouldn’t wanna date anyone in their early twenties and I’m 31, it’s a baffling concept to me.I for sure also have my years crossed because of pandemic so point taken in re where Pugh’s career was at by then. Still think it’s gross of a director to start dating a much younger performer for so many reasons, but there’s one fewer reason now at least.

          • softsack-av says:

            Fair enough. FWIW, I’m a similar age and probably also wouldn’t do the same myself, for all sorts of reasons. And there can definitely be skeeviness involved in situations similar to these. My only issue (again, not with you specifically, but in general ) is that while it’s fine to be grossed out by whatever, I don’t think it’s right to condemn/imply moral fault for someone in their 30s/40s for the mere act of having a twenty-something boyfriend/girlfriend without any other red flags showing up; there has to be more to the situation to warrant that kind of response. But we can probably leave it there either way, and I’m glad we can disagree amicably.

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Which is so baffling since Pugh definitely comes across as one of the “cool kids” while Braff decidedly does not…..

      • mykinjaa-av says:

        Zach Braff. Is that some kind of Norwegian cereal?

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      I…imagine Marvel money would pay way, way more bills than a fairly ancillary role in Dune Part 2. If she had to pick one or the other and was choosing based on paycheck, it’s Black Widow every time, right?

    • hankdolworth-av says:

      Maybe a compromise is in order: is there a character in the Emperor’s extended family that we can rename “Ka’aat Beeysh’up?”

    • labbla-av says:

      What a weird statement, the never ending comic book franchise probably pays more than the sequel adaptation to a semi cult sci-fi book.

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      We’ll definitely get more Yelena but nothing on the current MCU lineup looks apt for her, aside from maybe Secret Invasion (although she’s kinda “new” to be part of a Skrull conspiracy) and maybe the next season of What If.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      After the whiff that was Hawkeye? 

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      I don’t see anything saying she’ll never play Yelena again.

  • ucuruju-av says:

    It’s three films? I thought -and was hoping- it’d be just two.

    • escobarber-av says:

      The third one would adapt Dune Messiah. The plan is still to do the first book in two movies.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      What’s bad for The Hobbit is good for Dune IMO.

    • no-sub-way-av says:

      you mean you don’t want to watch a 60 year story spread out over 6 years with 2 years between installments?

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      The way I understand it is that Dune is going to be two movies and then if he gets a chance, he would make Dune Messiah as a single movie and (SPOILERS) finish off Paul’s arc. At this time, he is not interested in making any more than that. Personally, I think everything through God Emperor has merit, but everyone’s mileage varies on this.

      • softsack-av says:

        Villeneuve should direct the adaptations of all Frank Herbert’s Dune books. Then they can get the guy who directed Day of the Soldado to do the Brian Herbert ones.

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:
        • edkedfromavc-av says:

          They should get someone equal to the quality of the books, so the Bri & Kev books should be adapted by someone found by combing various “worst directors currently working” articles or the Razzies or something.

      • nilus-av says:

        It’s debatable if Dune Messiah or Children if Dune is really the end of Paul’s arc. If I had millions of dollars and Hollywoods ear I would do all the way up Children of Dune as movies and then do the rest of the books as TV series where each book is a season.  God Emperor would still be a challenge to adapt but I feel like TV would give you more wiggle room at least 

      • drfishbonedr-av says:

        As much as I like God Emperor… we can stop at Messiah. It’s fine.

      • pocrow-av says:

        Given how divisive God Emperor and everything after is with the book fans, I have to assume the studio will shy away from doing anything with the Children of Dune generation unless chapter two makes gobs and gobs of money.

        (I love the God Emperor cycle myself, but that shit gets dark and weird.)

      • theeviltwin189-av says:

        I’d love to see it, but I think God Emperor is the point where the whole saga starts to go too far out there for a general audience. I think that if you’re going to adapt Dune Messiah though then you also should probably finish the initial trilogy and adapt Children of Dune too.

    • cmunch-av says:

      He’s adapting the second book, Dune Messiah, into film #3. Dune: Part 2 will have a definitive ending where the book finishes.

    • djburnoutb-av says:

      I was relieved to find he was talking about also doing Dune Messiah as the third film. If he did a Peter Jackson and stretched it out to three I’d be choked.

  • gravelrash06-av says:

    I’d heard it was two films covering the original book, then a third film covering the second book. But I imagine these things are fluid.

  • djburnoutb-av says:

    OK, who do we want for Feyd-Rautha? I’ll start: Rami Malek. 

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Which makes me think of Pete Davidson.

    • mark-t-man-av says:

      You think Sting is too old to pull this off again?

    • ksext-av says:

      Harry Styles makes sense to me 

    • peterbread-av says:

      Bill Skarsgard. Maybe the family will do a “Buy one, get one free” offer.

    • interlinked-av says:

      Rami would do a great job of making Feyd even more comical than Sting did. May as well go for Nic Cage if that’s the plan.

      • softsack-av says:

        I thought Malek was a good choice, but no, you’re right. Nic Cage would be way better.
        I can see it now. Cage-Rautha loudly screaming ‘KAAANNNLLLYYY!’ at the top of his lungs, then disrobing to his undies without waiting for an answer. Then crouching like a monkey while repeatedly swiping a knife in Paul’s vague direction, each swipe coming nowhere near its target, and accompanied by maniacal grunting, shouting and/or laughter, and the occasional ‘Hi-ya!’. Him screaming: “Come on! Come and get me!” every few seconds while jerkily nodding his head, or rapidly shaking it and going “Brbrbrbrb”. All with Timmy-C and the rest of the cast attempting to treat the scene with the sober gravity befitting a Villenueve film.

    • noturtles-av says:

      Robert Pattinson.

    • interlinked-av says:

      Feyd-Rautha is supposed to be 16 so this means another Twenty-Something playing a kid again.You can’t cast someone like Tom Holland as they wouldn’t be menacing enough to play a Harkonnen. So who is 25ish, looks 16ish and looks like they’d stab you given the chance?I’m thinking Finn Cole from Peaky Blinders/Animal Kingdom.Though not sure how young he will look in late 2022.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Is that one of Madonna’s dancers?

    • lookatallthepretties-av says:

      Princess Irulan is a Bene Gesserit witch Florence Pugh isn’t Timothée Chalamet isn’t Zendaya isn’t Rebecca Ferguson is Sean Young is Virginia Madsen is how many fucking times do we have to go over this before you idiots get it right in a movie

    • izodonia-av says:

      Taron Egerton. He has the right level of smug self-confidence tempered by intelligence, and he can do action.

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      Owen Wilson?ooh, Tom Hanks!

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:
  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Anyone up for an online campaign to cast Timothee Chalamet as Madonna?  

  • cinecraf-av says:

    2une.  There’s your title.  

  • interlinked-av says:

    I am glad they are only casting one Feyd-Rauth instead of multiple Feyd-Rautha.

  • nilus-av says:

    Although page count isn’t really always the most accurate way to judge a books length, it’s worth noting that Dune is just over 400 pages. Its not a lite read but it’s also shorter then 4 of the Harry Potter books and 2 out of three LOTR books. I really think people think it’s a much harder longer read then it is.  Later books in the series get more dense but the first book is a lengthy but fun read. It’s never boring. 

    • interlinked-av says:

      The difficulty with Dune is not the density but rather the numerous new words Frank Herbert created or more obscure ones he used. I encouraged some friends and relatives to read it and they have all found it hard to follow. One friend read it on a kindle and didn’t find the glossary until he finished. Even having a glossary makes it difficult for some.I also read it again before the movie and was surprised how easy a read it was (last time I read it was 20 years ago), but that is because I already knew what all those new words were.

    • drfishbonedr-av says:

      Eh… Dune is my LotR but you gotta be into that sort of thing to really enjoy it, and it probably has to hit you at a certain time. It’s a fantastic early example of what it is but it’s still pretty flawed. I recommend it hesitantly, despite being a huge, huge fan

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Snooze 2.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Biopics shouldn’t be cast based on the resemblance of their stars to their subjects. But, just in terms of looks, Pugh feels like a bull’s eye for Madonna.

  • beeeeeeeeeeej-av says:

    Looks like Pugh has pulled ahead but I still think Anya-Taylor Joy would make a better Irulan, she has a more regal/otherworldly demeanour and was reportedly also in consideration for the role earlier in the year.

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Great possible casting. The second I saw “Florence Pugh” and “Dune” in the same headline my first thought was “Oh damn, she’d be a great as Princess Irulan.”

  • risingson2-av says:

    So is this one going to be an RTS? With Ordos?

  • moggett-av says:

    Obviously, she’s a great choice for Irulan. But I’m sad we probably won’t get Count and Lady Fenring using their secret language to talk about how vulgar and tacky the Harkonnens are. She would have been a fun Lady Fenring too. 

    • jacksbacktracks-av says:

      I was also thinking that she could be a fun Harah, she was a favorite of mine in the books. I think it’s necessary to have that character in the story so that we can understand what Ghanima means! Plus, Harah would add some nice levity.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    She doesn’t strike me as the Space Princess type, but maybe she’ll surprise me.

    • interlinked-av says:

      She would have been better as Chani rather than Irulan.Virginia Madsen was a good choice, that’s how I see my Space Princesses.

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