Fox News brainiacs warn against the dangers of "shooting up" weed

Aux Features TV
Fox News brainiacs warn against the dangers of "shooting up" weed
Image: David Pollack

Well, the dipshits over at Fox News have gone and done it again. In the past, the network has picked on gun control activist teenagers, said it’s not really that bad to die in a church shooting, actually, failed to check that “a Navy SEAL” is actually a SEAL before having him on air, made Tucker Carlson a political force, and, uh, shit on Mr. Rogers. Now, looking to add yet another instance of tremendous stupidity to its collection, Fox has featured a guest concerned about people in San Francisco shooting up marijuana.

The clip, which came about as part of a discussion about the recent language changes introduced by San Francisco authorities to de-stigmatize residents with criminal records, is taken from last night’s edition of Fox’s Outnumbered. In it, David Avella, a guy Mashable’s Morgan Sung reports “chairs GOPAC, an organization that trains Republican candidates,” talks about how the language policy ignores victims and fails to offer solutions to California’s “overcrowded prisons.”

His solution, of course, is to foster “a society that follows the law”—one that doesn’t allow “people to defecate in the streets” or let “individuals [lay] on the street having just shot up with marijuana.” After one of the show’s hosts says “heroin” in an attempt to salvage some of Avella’s dignity, he corrects course and rephrases. (In case you were wondering, the rest of the clip, which focuses on word choices in modern society, sucks in the ways you’d expect it to suck.)

Sung, in a strong showing of journalistic responsibility, mentions the actual history of trying to get high by shooting up weed in the same piece linked above. We learn that there’s a record, via an academic journal, of someone who once created a “boiled marijuana broth” and injected it, which provided “pleasant psychological effects” followed by “a cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, back pain, and a fever” along with a hospital stay. Sung also highlights a molecular biologist and biochemist who said THC “can’t be suspended in a liquid water-based solution.” Missing from this is any real investigation into the real threat of snorting lines of weed or rubbing it directly onto your eyeballs in a depraved attempt to spend a relaxing evening in.

Since Fox News hasn’t failed to mention these kinds of dangers, we’ll do it for you with a simple reminder to carry you through the weekend: If anyone offers to put a pungent-smelling postage stamp on your tongue at a party or breaks out a plastic baggy filled with green buds and needles, just say no. The next thing you know, you could be lying in a gutter, marijuana needle sticking out of your arm.

[via Mashable]

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  • laserface1242-av says:

    The truth of the matter is that weed is no more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Truth is the only reason it was made illegal in the US in the first place was because of racist propaganda.

    • lattethunder-av says:

      Is he about to smoke one of those jazz cigarettes? 

    • noneshy-av says:

      There’s an interesting argument that a big factor in making marijuana illegal in the US (which happened in 1937) was that they’d built this huge apparatus to enforce prohibition (which ended in 1933,) and they needed to find something else for all those people to do. In that argument, the racist propaganda was just a way of selling it to the public.

      Anyway, I’m not an expert on the subject or anything, but it’s my favorite theory.

      • boggardlurch-av says:

        Anslinger is the big name. He’s the pivot point for the successful attempts to tie pot to “other” people. Every bit of slime flows to from him.

      • tshepard62-av says:

        There was the whole hemp issue as well and it’s use as a stronger form of pulp paper in the 1920’s. William Randolph Hearst had much invested in wood-pulp paper, which was inferior to hemp based paper. Little wonder that one of the main news syndicates that drove the anti-hemp/marijuana hysteria in the 1930’s was Hearst’s..

      • caindevera-av says:

        That’s part of Lisa McGirr’s larger argument in her book The War on Alcohol: Prohibition and the Rise of the American State – the tools used to enforce the Volstead Act, especially the new federal laws, judges, police forces and prisons were already being used to combat the trafficking of other illegal substances before Prohibition ended, and were quickly repurposed for the first ‘war on drugs’ after 1933.

        From my own research into prohibition in Canada, I’d argue it’s not even that “they needed to find something else” to do with that state apparatus – the traffic in cocaine and opium between Windsor and Detroit, and Montreal and New York, was widely seen, by prohibitionists and police, as the ‘partner’ or ‘sister’ of the alcohol traffic, and if the fight against one was lost, at least they had the tools to battle the other.

        The racism definitely made it much easier to sell the continuing prohibition against narcotics and cannabis.

        • noneshy-av says:

          However, the “they needed to find something else” argument kind of goes hand in hand with everything else FDR was trying to do at the time. Putting thousands of law enforcement officers who were employed by the government out of work would have been, in a sense, counter-productive when taken in the context of the New Deal, especially considering how easy it was to sell the creation/retention of those jobs to people who were generally opposed to his policies.

          Definitely a great post, though, I’m going to check if my library has a copy of that book. Sounds fascinating, thanks. 🙂

    • faloopa-av says:

      I’ve stopped using the work “marijuana” and started saying cannabis once I learned that the former snuck a little anti-Mexican hate into the drug hate. There is a lot of interesting media about the criminalization of cannabis, but the Adam Runs Everything is a great, short, fairly unbiased summary to start with.

    • SmedleyButler-av says:

      Racist propaganda was a large part of it, so were the cotton and timber industries (William Randolph Hearst was a major player), and Du Pont (absolute scum of a corporation – fun fact Irenee du Pont was part of the Business Plot to overthrow FDR). Always follow the money.

    • volante3192-av says:

      At -least- no worse than alcohol or tobacco, and (as vices go) it’s probably healthier.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        The main problem with weed though is that people who smoke it a lot , NEVER FUCKING SHUT UP ABOUT IT.

        • lectroid-av says:

          You’d be surprised… It *was* like that for AGES. Because the only ones who WOULD admit to smoking it in polite company were the overenthusiastic college dead-heads with baja pullovers and white-kid dreads.Once it was actually ‘fully’ legal (CA resident here) people mostly shut up about it. Now that you don’t have to hide it, you no longer need to ’find a guy’ or ask etiquette or how-to questions. The pros at the shop answer those for you! It also helps that adults all gravitate to vape pens, so you no longer have to look and smell like a stoner to be one.

          • insectsentiencehatesnewaccounts-av says:

            I fondly recall the drug rugs…

          • luasdublin-av says:

            To be fair a lot of the ‘ it was only made illegal cos William Randolph hurst wanted to corner the …ffffffffffttt, aaahhhh……hemp market …’ guys are now all about boutique brewery IPAs

          • lectroid-av says:

            This is manifestly true, but thankfully the folks I hang with have a hate-on for IPAs and I don’t drink at all, so I’m never surrounded by those sorts of people.(Though even hipster beer talk is preferred over the endless “legalize it!” babble…)

        • returning-the-screw-av says:

          Not true. 

    • westerosironswanson-av says:

      Well, to be entirely fair to Fox News, weed actually is pretty dangerous if you inject it. I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure injecting plant matter directly into your veins will cause an embolism in very short order.

    • robertosauras-av says:

      Both times PAD (People against drugs) and DARE (???) sent cops to my school, they lit up joints so we could “identify the smell” – and their samples disappeared.No big loss. It was ditch weed anyway.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      You’re not wrong, but you’re also downplaying the harm booze and tobacco do.

  • robertosauras-av says:

    It’s true.I can hardly read this world wide web newsletter due to shooting up all the marijuana sticks.
    Will now go play the piano…faster…faster!…faster!

  • yummsh-av says:

    These people need to go shoot up a j and chill the hell out.

  • zorrocat310-av says:
  • geekmilo-av says:

    Every time I have snorted and shot up a big bowl of weed, I’ve pooped my mouth.Not even once, folks. Not even once.

  • SmedleyButler-av says:

    I love how the two things were shitting in the street and shooting up weed. Those two things really are crumbling the foundations of Murica. 

  • freethebunnies-av says:

    Was everyone at Fox News born before 1930 or something?

  • justsomerandoontheinternet-av says:

    LOL, everyone knows you butt-chug marijuana, one pound at a time. I just want to know where all these homeless people are hiding their tons of stash?

    • calebros-av says:

      They order it up from the welfare office using their Obama phones while drinking the blood of a white Christian baby, on their way to get gay married.

  • johnkinsella-av says:

    No one asked, but don’t inject alcohol either.

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    My sister’s friend Debbie mainlined 4 marijuanas in a row while standing on an alpaca.  It’s called a Quadruple Maynard.  She spent 6 weeks in a coma before she died.  Her unborn child ran for President and grew up to be Jeb Bush!  Not even once!!

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    They were probably just hopped up on goofballs 

  • volante3192-av says:

    Fox News -against- shooting?!  The NRA’s not going to be hap- oh.

  • formerly-cubone-libre-av says:

    Fact: a rolled-up Hillary 2016 bumper sticker makes the perfect straw for snorting lines of weed.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    he forgot to mention that it is best to inject it straight into your eyeball. Kids call it “eyeballing”. Yes, I made that up.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    I was Harvard bound until one night when I was convinced to snort weed. I still went to Harvard, but man I got a wicked sinus infection that summer.  

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    They should do a segment on the dangers of snorting doctor prescribed amphetamines.

  • martianlaw-av says:

    I like it when they call it “The Pot”.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    If it’s not dangerous then why are gangs of Messican MS-13s robbing people on the street by threatening to stab them with a syringes full of Marihuana?!

    • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

      I once got stabbed by a syringe full of marijuanas at a club with a note that said “You have been infected with THC, welcome to the real world.”

      • theroottheroottherootisonfire-av says:

        ugh, so sorry you ended up eating taco bell and listening to radiohead’s kid A album all night

        • thetacobellbell-av says:


          • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

            I had a dream about you !! I was wondering yesterday I haven’t seen the taco bell bell post for quite some time and it honors me a thread I responded to caused someone else to respond to me that then brought you out 🙂

    • theroottheroottherootisonfire-av says:

      bad hombres

  • danstu-av says:

    To be fair, it probably would be detrimental to your health to inject pot into your veins.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Hey, snorting marijuana is VERY real and VERY dangerous:

  • wmohare-av says:

    They even vape, bro?

  • tshepard62-av says:

    Candy is dandy…and liquor is quicker…but Pot is euphoric and non-caloric!

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Fox News seems rather fixated on homeless people and drug use in San Francisco. Have they never visited, say, any other American city?

    • fponias-av says:

      San Francisco is an easy target since the demographics are rich liberals and the homeless.  I know the only way I could afford to live there is renting out a parking space in a garage and sleeping in my car … and that’s with a 6 figure income.

    • swabbox-av says:

      Chicago, but they died.

  • edkedfromavc-av says:

    How much acid did these guys smoke to come up with this?

  • larrydoby-av says:

    To be fair, shooting up marijuana sounds very dangerous. Impossible and dangerous.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    His solution, of course, is to foster “a society that follows the law”—one that doesn’t allow “people to defecate in the streets

    Ok. I can get behind this. Let’s not shit in the streets.
    or let “individuals [lay] on the street having just shot up with marijuana.”

    Oh. I see. You’re a moron. Are you sure you’re not the one shitting in the streets?

  • ickyrickyb-av says:

    I thought he corrected himself and said heroin? Why does the clip cutoff? I’m not defending this guy, his initial thought was marijuana, which is weird, but he immediately knew he said it wrong. Is everyone now playing the same game where we distort the truth by only presenting part of it?

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    It’s true! I did 7 weeds once and died. Don’t mess with the reefer needles! They are the branding irons… of hell!

  • ghostjeff-av says:

    Re: Fox News and the people who watch it religiously, there really is a clue here in understanding their worldview. Five years ago I would post/argue with people on my local newspaper’s message board. One day a right-wing regular was going on about how he hated liberals. I asked him, non-aggressively, why he had such a problem with liberals. He responded that liberals mooch off hardworking people (like him!), and that instead of contributing to society they’d rather just sit around outside playing bongos. Once I realized he was being serious, I told him he was being guided by a stereotype that hadn’t existed for multiple decades. However, he insisted that liberals sit outside playing bongos and he’d seen them doing so very recently. I tried to nail him down on the exact details of when he had seen this, and he sort of hemmed and hawed (ex: he said he had seen it at the nearby college: CU Boulder, a few months prior. I asked him what he was doing on the campus. He said he was just driving by and saw it). 

    • nostradumbass-av says:
    • grogthepissed-av says:

      He may be onto something.

    • nexttokin-ja-av says:

      I mean, there actually are a few hippie-type students that do plays bongos around certain colleges now and then. There’s a place in my city where a few of them like to gather on during weekend summers. It’s just that it’s probably less than one percent of one percent of one percent of just the liberals this particular asshole has met, so maybe not the best source for a stereotype. Also, just because they like to play bongos don’t mean they’re mooching off of anyone.

    • KillahMate-av says:

      Well, story does add up – colleges are where libruls congregate. Like nightclubs and vampires in that documentary with Wesley Snipes.

    • noneshy-av says:

      one of my wife’s Trump-lovin’ cousins goes to a drum circle every week, teaches yoga, and smokes tons of reefer.

  • lordpooppants3-av says:

    Kids these days and their Electric Kool-Aid.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • automaticslim-av says:

    Sniffing potSmoking glue
    Whatever terrible things they do
    Smoking LSD and such
    It must be the reason why they can’t talk much

  • theodorexxfrostxxmca-av says:

    This reminds me of a Facebook group called “Stop Smoking Weed” which is a hilarious parody of a right wing Jesus nut who wants everyone to quit the devil’s lettuce. Probably the only good thing on FB anymore.

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Isn’t it “wonderful” how the Goebbels Channel finds new ways to be even more stupidly propagandistic?

  • lordoftheducks-av says:

    THC can be put into a water based liquid either with the use of an emulsifier or through the use of nanoemulsion. Nanoemulsions are used in the production of some medical grade cannabis products. 

  • phyllis72-av says:

    It sounds like they took Reefer Madness seriously.

  • nexttokin-ja-av says:

    “The focus should be on following the law. Not allowing people to defecate on the streets, not allowing people to lay on the streets having shot up marijuana”Because people who sleep and shit in the streets are definitely doing it cause they want to. DON’T HELP THEM, THROW THEM IN JAIL

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    I once injected three whole marihuanas. I haven’t been the same since.

  • paraduck-av says:

    Is it just me, or does that poster make injecting heroin look sexy?

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