Fox News cut-up Greg Gutfeld has found a new "comedy" muse in Adam Schiff

Aux Features Comedy
Fox News cut-up Greg Gutfeld has found a new "comedy" muse in Adam Schiff
Screenshot: Fox News

Conservatives often claim to have a sense of humor rivaling, if not surpassing, all us uppity Hollywood liberal types, and, look, we’d be inclined to hear them out more often, except every time we do it just sorta devolves into “owning libs” by standing adjacent to literal Nazis and making fun of Asian cultures. One of their most recent, perplexing attempts at laughs comes from Fox News’ clone defect of comedy, Greg Gutfeld, who appears to have found his latest muse in Adam Schiff.

Honestly, we’re still trying to figure out the angle Gutfeld is going for with this version of Schiff played by comedian Tom Shillue. Granted, the voice is pretty spot on, but other than that, they seem to be insinuating the Representative from California and leading voice in Trump’s current impeachment inquiry is…a Raggedy Andy doll? A clown? Maybe it’s a clown. Didn’t Trump call him a clown once or twice? One of the 20-second spots jokes that Schiff doesn’t have a pulse, so…zombie clown? Pennywise?

Why can’t Adam Schiff take a nap? What does Ovaltine have to do with it? Is this guy Kenny Bania?

Also, wasn’t Tom Shillue a former correspondent for The Daily Show? Oh, it was during the Craig Kilborn era? That was a thing, wasn’t it? Okay, but Stephen Colbert had him on The Late Show less than three years ago as a guest? Yeesh, that interview was awkward. Wait, he’s also frequently opened for Jim Gaffigan in the past, and the pair had a two-man show in the late nineties?

Wait. Have Greg Gutfeld and Tom Shillue broken the comedy time-space continuum? Because that would actually be kind of funny. Oh…oh no…


  • 4jimstock-av says:

    Remember that overly cocky rich dickhead from high school you still want to punch for constantly saying irritating, wrong, and annoying things? Somebody gave him a TV show.

    • daeryxaqueryx-av says:

      Who? Greg Gutfeld? Jesse Watters? Tucker Carlson?

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Are they, in any real sense, different people?

        • daeryxaqueryx-av says:

          I’d argue that they are all clones of each other that got genetically contaminated during replication. Jesse Watters was contaminated with the DNA of a weasel, Gutfeld an expired pork roast with trichinosis, and Carlson the tissue of Strom Thurmond’s anus.

      • 4jimstock-av says:


    • johnnyjay2002-av says:

      Jim, if you’re indeed a liberal, you’re not punching….😏😏. You’re hitting with your purse or doing some patty cake like slaps that a 6 year old little girl would laugh at.And then you’re all ganging up (50 on 1…what libs to best) or doing hit n runs. That’s what your ilk do best. Little còwardly bìťch fáģģot. Libs who talk and act tough amuse the hell out of me…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • redremainder-av says:

    Part of me thinks that there must be something I’m missing. Like people on Twitter seem to find this hilarious, so the part of me that wants to be charitable is left thinking that there must be something to it beyond the fact that it is making fun of a liberal.The more I think about it, though, the more I’m left with the thought that Trumpers only find things funny when the target is someone they don’t like. It doesn’t have to be clever, humorous, or logical. It just has to be framed as a joke and mock someone they don’t like.Like they all got Tim Allen back on TV and his entire schtick these days seems to be “aren’t urban liberals such namby-pamby weirdos who like soy?” Is that really that funny?

    • black-doug-av says:

      Most conservatives can’t be funny without being mean-spirited. A few of them can be clever and witty about it, like PJ O’Rourke (which is why he’s the rare Republican panelist on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me), but even his funniest articles are typically scathing. 

      • pastyjournalist-av says:

        I don’t know if it’s the nature of the beast, or the William F. Buckley Jr.-style of “I must always be right,” but one thing that O’Rourke has that so many conservative media figures lack is a self-deprecating sense of humor. 

        • black-doug-av says:

          That self-deprecation definitely helps.His explanation for voting for Clinton in 2016 was great: “She’s wrong about absolutely everything, but she’s wrong within normal parameters.”

      • DoubleOJoe-av says:

        Unfortunately, PJ is falling victim to the same tendency.  I had to put his latest book down, it was just so “old man yells at cloud” crotchety. 

      • glaive-av says:

        Most conservatives can’t be funny without being mean-spirited.Oh, the irony and ignorance of that statement, which makes it actually…funny. 

    • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

      That’s ALWAYS been Tim Allen’s schtick. There’s just fewer people older than him (and fewer Jonathan Taylor Thomases in his shows) these days, so he’s far less popular.

      • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

        Then why is he still in the Toy Story movies?

      • scipio1992-av says:

        I remember Home Improvement making him and his masculine persona the butt of the joke most of the time. He did make fun of the “sensitive guy”Al often enough but every insult seemed to get turned around on him by his character being way less competent or intelligent

    • murrychang-av says:

      They’re the kind of people who don’t understand the difference between ribbing your buddies and acting like an asshole to your buddies.

      • redremainder-av says:

        A: “Haha. Your face! You should see your face right now. Oh man, you have so much poo porn on your computer right now, haha.”B: “Dude, you broke into my dorm room, accessed malware-infested websites, and may have gotten me on FBI watch lists…”A: “C’mon man, stop being so serious. I’m just messing with you.”B: “Whoa dude, are you okay?”A: “Yeah, it’s cool. I almost tripped, but I’m good.”B: “Alright dude, glad you’re okay. Haha. Who taught you how to walk?”A: “ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY ABILITY TO WALK? HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT!”

    • peterjj4-av says:

      I think that has a lot to do with it. There was a woman on Twitter – I guess she’s still on there, I don’t know – who would do videos of AOC as a drunk, and people would praise her comedy genius and bravery. I don’t remember anyone saying AOC is a drunk, but I guess the hatred is strong enough that it’s an easy go-to for some guffaws.

    • daeryxaqueryx-av says:

      Well, here’s the situation: When was the last common time that any human being found that humor based on making fun of one’s race, physical handicap, sexual preference, gender, etc. or someone’s misery was funny?Usually when one is an adolescent and before that.Most of these faux-conservatives are really just that: adolescents with a penchant for immature takes on life and a driving need for convenient simplicity that stunts their emotional, intellectual, and social growth. Is it any wonder why they find lazy caricature and pre-pubescent levels of name calling the height of wit?

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Trump buttplug Greg Gutfeld has got to be the unfunniest asshole in the MAGA human centipede, which is entirely made out of unfunny assholes.

    • joestammer-av says:

      And yet, he’s the funniest person on the right.

      • argiebargie-av says:

        That’s like saying chlamydia isn’t that bad for a STD.

        • huntadam-av says:

          If you could get rid of Trump by taking a single pill, I’d say he wasn’t that bad for a President (because I would have taken the pill before Spicer’s inauguration size presser and the Muslim ban).

      • starvenger88-av says:

        Is Dennis Miller still funny? I forget sometimes.

        • joestammer-av says:

          It depends on when you’re posting from. Post 1987, no. 1986-87, kind of.

          • starvenger88-av says:

            I’m not so sure that the drop off was that early. I think he was already in free fall before MNF, so maybe somewhere during Dennis Miller Live?

        • kencerveny-av says:

          Is Dennis Miller still a thing?

          • starvenger88-av says:

            Don’t know. But when I think of a “right wing comedian,” that’s the first name that comes to mind. At least I know that Miller was funny at one point in time. Gutfield, no idea. 

        • larrydoby-av says:

          Now, I don’t want to go on a rant here, but America’s foreign policy
          makes about as much sense as Beowulf having sex with Robert Fulton at
          the first battle of Antietam. I mean when a neo-conservative
          defenestrates it’s like Raskolnikov filibuster deoxymonohydroxinate.

          • drjaycutler-av says:

            *laughs hysterically**fights the urge to search Twitter for fake Dennis Miller accounts*

        • mmeevil-av says:

          Is Dennis Miller still funny?I’ll read up on him over the next couple of days and let you know.  

          • drjaycutler-av says:

            I want to make a film titled What Happened? starring Dennis Miller and Keith Olbermann, with a sort of My Dinner With Andre feel.

      • daeryxaqueryx-av says:

        He sure is the funniest person on the right. And I mean to the right of esophageal cancer and to the left of waterboarding.

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      I know most comedians are supposed to be crying on the inside, but Gutfeld really wears his self-loathing on his sleeve. Either his therapist or his liquor-store clerk must hear some disturbing stuff on a regular basis.

    • johnnyjay2002-av says:

      Dude, Gutfeld would f>cking run circles around that TINY leftwing brain of yours and have everyone laughing in the process!🤣🤣🤣 And look, go figure: Leave it to a liberal to bring homosexual allusions to the table…lmao GTFOH, liberal fáģģot.🖕🖕🖕

  • pastyjournalist-av says:

    Another reason why conservative humor continues to be an oxymoron. “Punching down” doesn’t quite work as a comedy style, especially in the political realm. 

    • 4jimstock-av says:

      Good comedy is smart, smart people tend to veer liberal.

      • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

        I’d replace “smart” with “educated” but otherwise yeah.

        • huntadam-av says:

          Yep. Until they become wealthy. Then it’s back to conservatism to protect all their hard earned money and fuck everyone else.

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      There’s a reason that clowns typically dress as hoboes. Evoking sympathy or camaraderie  is a safer comedy move than asking people to participate in your invective. That can work, but the line between “really funny asshole” and “just an asshole” is real, real thin.

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      There’s a reason that clowns typically dress as hoboes. Evoking sympathy or camaraderie  is a safer comedy move than asking people to participate in your invective. That can work, but the line between “really funny asshole” and “just an asshole” is real, real thin.

    • robertmosessupposeserroneously-av says:

      What I don’t understand is that making fun of a Congressman like Schiff could be punching up. He’s a powerful guy! Like, I dunno, mock him as some Wily Coyote-style incompetent jerk with an obsessive grudge, always being outsmarted by a Roadrunner Trump who’s one step ahead of him. It wouldn’t be that funny, but I could understand what the joke was supposed to be. With these skits….I just don’t get what the joke was meant to be. He’s a weird boat captain?

    • johnnyjay2002-av says:

      You pieces of shìť are always punching down and your “comedy” style is always overbearing and belittling! Give me a break! Proves that once again: Leftists have a blindspot.Plus, Schiff opened himself for this type of comedic ridicule because he’s been in the headlines the past couple years; especially lately with his obnoxious impeachment antics and FABRICATING BS to the American public and Congress.Furthermore, libs dont own comedy or entertainment. You guys lost the edge in comedy for ohh…the past 25 years or so? What are you producing in Hollywood? Remakes? They ••LOST their creative edge!•• And that is primarily because your side takes everything so seriously and then you’re belligerent (not a good catalyst for comedy) and one sided on top of that.

  • pearlnyx-av says:

    My mother watches this show. Ive seen it a few times and it’s not funny. He tries to have some cred with The Funkasaurus sitting on the couch.

    • daeryxaqueryx-av says:

      I’m not too sure which is worse: his show, or The Five where he’s alongside Jesse Watters competing for who’s the most obsequious Q-Tip to be shoved into Donald Trump’s anus.

  • fwg7ne98rg7bqwe6r-av says:

    Every conservative person’s “joke” ever:Hahaha. How stupid are the people who disagree with me about [insert opinion]. I mean, c’mon. Who thinks that!

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      The thing I’ve noticed about conservative rhetoric – whether it’s a joke or a serious attempt to make a point – is that they never have a counter-argument. They’ll say something like, “Soon in schools they’ll be teaching kids how to learn people’s pronouns and there’ll be lessons on how to apologise to people!” And you’ll say, “Yes? That’s a bad thing, is it?” They just expect everyone to already agree with their opinion, so they never actually justify it. Often because, in the end, they can’t, at least not without saying, “I just hate people who are different from me!”

  • fuckyourracismyouscum-av says:

    Right wing humor is usually leveled against their perceived enemies, the marginalized, and the sick and downtrodden, or punching down as it’s usually known. It’s why they often claim “the left can’t meme”, because the left’s “memes” aren’t full of racist, classist and genocidal parlance.

  • SmedleyButler-av says:

    Nothing says comedy like a laugh track! 

  • bbeenn-av says:

    Remember when Fox News launched their own version of The Daily Show, and it lasted about a week? Conservatives just aren’t good at comedy. 

  • timbo1971-av says:

    You know it eats Greg Gutfeld alive that he’s stuck on Fox News while Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and John Oliver are mainstream comedy figures. “Why is Colbert hosting the Oscars while I’m headlining a GOP fundraising dinner in Kansas? My Mom says I’m just as funny as him. Where is my HBO show!”

  • timmyreev-av says:

    There are no conservative comedians! Well, except for Tim Allen, one of the biggest stars in the last twenty years, Rosanne..same..Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Burr, Jim Gaffigan, Dennis Miller, Greg Segura Dave Chappelle (whose comedy is pretty much at least non leftists now) Jeff Dunham, Adam Carolla etc.. And of course not counting the bulk of comedians who do not do political humor at all so we have no idea what their politics are..Besides that, None! I guess it only counts if you have a daily TV talk show on cable?

    • larrydoby-av says:

      Jim Gaffigan is not a conservative.

      • marvinogravelbaloonface-av says:

        Neither is Chappelle. And calling Rosanne and Adam Corolla “comedians” seems awfully generous. Dennis Miller might have been mildly entertaining about 30 years ago but was he really funny or was everyone just happy that they understand all of the references necessary to get the “joke”?

        • larrydoby-av says:

          Very good points all around. Also, not sure why that guy didn’t mention Norm MacDonald. Pretty sure he’s conservative and he is funny.

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      Yeah man you show that strawman who’s boss.

    • hedgewise-av says:

      Dave Chappelle is not conservative. Bill Burr plays up his conservative side for his stand-up (especially lately), but he is personally more middle of the road.On the other hand, maybe everyone to the right of you is “conservative.”

    • huntadam-av says:

      Burr and Chappelle are hardly conservatives. Making fun of PC culture doesn’t make you a conservative. They are, by leaps and bounds, the two best and funniest comics on your list though.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      A) No one was arguing either of the actual statements you made.

      B) Almost everyone of those people’s successes came as a result of politically neutral or blatantly liberal humor, most of it from out of their direction or control. Just because Roseanne is a right-wing dingbat now doesn’t mean any of the conservatives in the 90s called her an ally. Tim Allen’s major successes were from a show depicting how PATHETIC a grunting conservative man in the 90s was, and films about a toy space man learning to devote himself to others despite the myths he once believed about both his purpose in life and the very nature of the universe. Dave Chappelle having awkward discussions about his transphobia and telling people to fuck off doesn’t make him a Trump voter. Jeff Foxworthy’s humor is, again, about the ludicrousness of Southernness, and is self-deprecating about it.

      You have owned nobody but yourself, and I hope you someday find joy and illumination somewhere, anywhere, because you have not found it here, and for the most part taken some of it away from others because of the sad spectacle you’ve decided to present today.

  • brahekepler-av says:

    I’ve often tried to understand why exactly conservative “comedy” so often falls flat. A few people here have pointed out that right-wing attempts at humor usually involve punching down, which is not so much funny as it is ass-holic. And I think that’s part of it. Fundamentally, though, I think the reason why conservatives can’t be funny is that they’re never prepared to laugh at themselves and at conservative quirks, while lefty liberals are. Since conservatism closely resembles a religious faith (and there’s heavy overlap between conservatism and religiosity) at a basic level real-deal right-wingers are humorless and doctrinaire. 

  • nilus-av says:

    HAHAHAHA You libs just don’t get it man. Its funny because its true. He has red cheeks. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    • angel232-av says:

      Exactly, plus, it’s funny as because it is funny. The liberals have SNL with their skits about the President and everyone on the right, some are funny, some are not..but give me a break, these skits about Adam are funny because they are dead on. The guy is a freak.

    • robertmosessupposeserroneously-av says:

      That’s not quite right – The usual rightwinger’s laugh is more like “A-hyuck hyuck hyuck”

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Were those laugh tracks taken from other jokes and slapped on top of these? Because even if you found these skits funny (somehow – I mean, anything’s possible), the level of laughter just seemed a little too raucous to fit what I was seeing. It did not have the rhythm I’d expect from an audience genuinely reacting to this material.

  • acprof-av says:

    The Schiff stuff is spot on and funny as hell!🤣🤣🤣 Almost peed myself laughing!! Schiff is such an idiot! Captured him perfectly!!🤣🤣🤣

  • wakkakun-av says:

    This entire comments section actually does a good job at showcasing why people on the left don’t get humor. Your so busy taking everything personally that you can’t laugh at anything.

  • huntadam-av says:

    If those are examples of conservative comedy, then god bless their souls. At least they’re trying. Hopefully they can use their experiences from these complete and abject fails to learn and improve.

  • scrape-av says:

    Yes, its true that leftists are ruining comedy. Just take a look at SNLs mostly unfunny hateful take on Trump and republicans in general. They ignore much of the lefts lunacy. Sure, they pick on general character traits occasionally, but never really go after thier absurd and laughable ideas, and generally now rae going after thier non-preferred communist of choice. Menawhile, Gutfeld had a hillarious Trump impersonator repeatedly on his his show. Republicans can laugh at themselves. Dem s can’t, and get offended at everything. Libs are ruining comedy. Comics wont perform at colleges because of the woke morons who dont get or cant take the jokes. Libs are just sad, angry people. 

  • seans924-av says:

    You guys are all clearly missing the point. The reason it’s funny is because Adam Schiff is a total weirdo and the skits are therefore semi plausible which makes them hilarious.

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