Fox News is desperately trying to make Seattle's Autonomous Zone look like The Purge

Aux Features TV
Fox News is desperately trying to make Seattle's Autonomous Zone look like The Purge
Photo: Anadolu Agency

Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (or CHAZ) is not a very threatening place, but that hasn’t stopped Fox News from doing its very best to try to make the protester-controlled area seem like a violent wasteland. Last Friday, the network was caught poorly Photoshopping an image to make CHAZ look more frightening than it is. Now, that having been called out, Fox has switched to a different tactic: Underscoring footage from inside Capitol Hill with super scary movie trailer music.

A clip from Tucker Carlson Tonight, tweeted by John Whitehouse last night, shows the perpetually-befuddled host introducing the video by explaining how a Fox journalist “ventured into the nation formerly known as downtown Seattle,” taking his life into his own hands to grab documentary evidence of… some people standing and walking around, sometimes while in costume.

The music, which sounds like a royalty-free Trent Reznor soundtrack, turns footage of people either just hanging out in the area or actively using the space for its intended purpose as an occupied Black Lives Matter protest zone into a trailer for the world’s least exciting Purge sequel. The very best moments come when the pounding drums and ominous electronic drones try to layer menace atop B-roll of a guy with a ponytail spinning a pipe around, a pair of people in onesie animal pajamas walking down the road, a shirtless dude shuffling around in an impromptu dance, or someone in a banana Halloween costume doing whippets.

“So there it is!” Carlson says at the end.

This is all transparently goofy shit, but what’s less funny is the monologue that preceded the enormously dumb clip, captured by Andrew Lawrence. In it, Carlson (using up-to-date Gilligan’s Island and Love Boat references) explains just how important Fox’s mission at this moment really is. Bear with him as he describes why it’s good to be scared of the Black Lives Matter protests, which he compares to the French Revolution, and how it’s tougher to be as openly racist right now as he would like.

Carlson’s words don’t even need creepy music to seem threatening, but, hey giving his monologue the same dipshit treatment as the CHAZ footage wouldn’t hurt.

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  • DogRidingRodeoMonkey-av says:

    If only this was more like the French Revolution. There would be a guillotine with a bowtie on it for that bigot waspy twat.

  • sjjsii-av says:

    Im liberal, but I have to say that place may not be the lawless thunderdome reruns want us to think it is, but it sure does look like a fucking mess.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Let’s face it though, what the French Revolution needed was better outdoor BBQ.

  • mahatmagumby-av says:

    Ok, but there was a guy strolling around with what was probably an AR-15. Which most of us would consider to be pretty alarming in any other situation. I think if you are going to mock people’s confusion and fear about what might be going on in there, you should mention details like that so you don’t give “fake news” people a window to shout you down for distorting the truth.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    News banner – “A LOT OF AMERICANS ARE STAYING QUIET RIGHT NOW” If only this shitnozzle was one of them.

    • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

      Read that as “shnozzle” at first glance and understood the meaning anyway.

    • sensesomethingevil-av says:

      He’s trying to promote the myth of the “silent majority.” It’s the GOP’s only hope in November right now.

      • dinoironbodya-av says:

        Last night he actually tried to reassure his audience by saying: “Millions and millions of Americans agree with you. You are not crazy. Your views are not evil.” What are you, their nanny?

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    You guys forgot the best part, which is when Fox News fell for people quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

  • powell014-av says:

    Tuckers monologues by next week

  • pophead911-av says:

    I follow a FAR FAR right “influencer” who went to my college (just to snark, I promise) and they keeps claiming CHAZ is a group of terrorists because of where they source their “news”. The conservatives don’t want to change their opinion and they never will. 

  • sassyskeleton-av says:

    sounds about white for Faux News

  • sybann-av says:

    I seriously wish the American people would start cutting heads – Fucker Tarlson can go first.

  • danskjavlar-av says:

    C.h.o.p not CHAZ

  • nilus-av says:

    Trying to figure out my favorite partIt may be the fact that its all filmed in slow motion for effectIt may be the fact that apparently “Shirtless men” are now the new scary boogie men for peopleIt could be the black man exercising his second amendment right portrayed as the most evil thing everWho am I kidding, its the guy in the banana suit drinking a soda.  

    • g22-av says:

      I mean honestly this looked liked a Soundgarden video for most of it. Just need some black and white shots or a film-burning effect.

    • squirtloaf-av says:

      “Bogey men”….”boogie men” are an entirely different thing that we actually need MORE of.

  • g22-av says:

    Can we just start calling Tucker Carlson by his full name, Tucker Swanson Carlson? And in case you thought he was just an outlier douchebag, he has a brother names “Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson”

  • skaggspuerko-av says:

    “We’ve told you what Black Lives Matter stands for…”Yeah good thing it’s right there in the name.

  • jooree-av says:

    I hate to tell them, but…that is just how that neighborhood use to be before all the yuppies and tech bros moved in.  

  • blahhhhhhhhh88-av says:

    I know everyone knows it as CHAZ, but they recently changed the name to CHOP: Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.

  • blahhhhhhhhh88-av says:

    I don’t know why this bugs me so much, but Capitol Hill is not even downtown. Downtown is downtown. Capitol Hill is a neighborhood north of downtown. Fox News can’t get anything right.

    • seinnhai-av says:

      Well if they attempted to film downtown they’d have to come face to face with the homeless population and, well, they definitely don’t want to have to wrap their pea-sized brain(s?) around that because it doesn’t fit the “Great America” narrative they think they’ve created.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Let us recall during the last Republican presidential convention a Fox News ‘personality’ ended their speech to the assembled convention crowd with a literal Nazi straight-arm salute. That tells you all you need to know about Fox News.

  • mchapman-av says:

    Various John Oliver nicknames for Tucker:Sentient Boat ShoeHuman Polo MalletOne-Man Homeowners’ Association.

  • fvb-av says:

    Those people are way too close together and some of them aren’t even wearing masks. But I guess Fox News can’t complain about that.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    You joke, but it’s really not funny to me. If what Tucker is saying about the ratings are true, we have a serious fucking problem. I maintain that Fox News’ primetime bullshit is incredibly dangerous (perhaps the most unknowingly harmful outlet in the country), and it is alarming that they hold as much influence as they do- including over Trump and his administration, who often make moves based on what those morons are saying. They are the conduit for hate, the true reason the country remains divided, and no one seems to care.

    • seinnhai-av says:

      It’s true they are a conduit for hate but, as I understand it, a conduit is simply what the hate flows through.  However, that hate was already there.  The fact of that much hate existing for at least 62 million Americans is truly the disturbing part.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      (perhaps the most unknowingly harmful outlet in the country) They know exactly how harmful it is. Their entire business model is based on poisoning minds and souls with fear and hate to keep them tuning into Fox and tuning out everything else, including reality.

  • antononymous-av says:

    Look, when you’re making a French Revolution comparison and you cast yourself as the aristocracy you’ve made some poor decisions with your life. 

  • raptureiscoming-av says:

    Say it with me…MEDIA REFORM!
    (I don’t hear enough calls for this.)

    I’m from Canada and can only speak for my own country, but I know we have laws for when shows call themselves ‘news’ vs sensationalism or editorializing.
    Whoever gets elected after Trump needs to push for media reform, as well as political reform obviously to prevent criminal parties from hijacking government and blatantly disregarding the constitution. A reliable and trustworthy media serves that end.

  • Ruhemaru-av says:

    Total side note: I’m still hoping for a Purge film where a low income community fortifies an abandoned mall/warehouse area for Purge night and deals with the affluent/racist invaders seeking to kill them. Just one that shows actual solidarity from a community for once.
    Of course in typical Purge fashion, the overall safety plan would be put in danger by some petty crap between individuals at least once, only for it to be handled internally.
    Then they can end it with lawmakers putting some oddly specific law into place after political spin that aims at preventing that from happening again. Just to really double down on how corrupt and racist Purge was.

  • mackyart-av says:

    “royalty-free Trent Reznor soundtrack”

  • mr-rubino-av says:

    So is this doing an actual thing, or is this white anarchists grabbing the mic and starting a showy drum circle? Asking because I know the answer.

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